PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

I just got done Super Cropping the Nevilles Haze and the Panama Haze. They have gotten Much wider the my 10 gallon pots, The two biggest ones are growing So Fast. Maybe the SCing will slow them down a bit that's what I am hoping for. There looks to be a few bud sites coming up on the mains I have tied down. SCing the leaders should allow the bud site growing from the middle to catch up a bit.
Nice, my BH7 is flowering so I have that.
My tent is in flower , 3 plants , wish it was 4 because this grow has to carry me through till Nevilles and Panama finishes and that will be awhile
Today's pictures. The girls in the tent got watered today
The Autos look like they are going to be OK but we will see how they are doing in a week.

One of the NH and one of the PH are growing like wild fire , with how wide they are getting. Everyday I check on them and they have gotten even wider. I may need to build a cage out of the stakes with some running horizontal and some Vertical to spread them out so they can keep growing wider.
Your quad of the Nevilles is captivating PC.
The one Panama is growing just like it but the Nevilles has gotten the biggest so far
I thought of using a tomato cafe on mine.
I was thinking about that and I may use one on the smaller NH , I think one would help out since it is growing sideways so I think it would help that one but the Big NH and Big PH are already Way wider then the cage
I see someone's grow where they built some stakes to make it just keep getting wider. I wish I could remember who it was. Anyway that's what I think I am going to have to do
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