PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

I ordered my lights from @Budget LED yesterday and it will be delivered tomorrow. I got the email from UPS saying it will arrive tomorrow. So I ordered that light Monday and I will have it Wednesday. Cant beat that for quick shipping, Oh and the shipping is free. Its hard to beat Budget LED especially for the price.
I can’t say enough good things about their veg spec, the plants under it have just exploded in growth. I think I’ll be using the HPS in the flower room through winter, and then upgrade to their full spec in the spring.
I have some Blue Dream seeds I will pop some time in the future. I have like 15 of those seeds. I know your Blue Dream got Really big so you have experience growing those Big Sativa leaning hybrids. These things grow like crazy. Every morning I go to Look at them and I swear they have grown inches every day. These 4 are going to probably fill up most of my 8x8 room. I am glad I got the room done in time because there is NO way these 4 would fit in my 5x5 tent
I think you’re thinking of my Blue Mystic. I grew 2. 1 was normal, not particularly tall which I believe is what’s expected from that strain. Then I had 1 that went nuts. Pretty tall and 12.5oz. Entered that in POTM. You’ve seen it before. I have a buddy that grew a couple Blue Dreams outside. Now I don’t know how tall they got but he needed a latter.
I can’t say enough good things about their veg spec, the plants under it have just exploded in growth. I think I’ll be using the HPS in the flower room through winter, and then upgrade to their full spec in the spring.
That sounds like a Great plan Dutchin. I am Loving my lights and I am excited about getting two more of their full spec boards when I can come up with the $$$ That would give me three rows of lights, Then the whole room would be full of light and it wont matter where I set the pots. I will try to place them directly under the light but if they are off center of the light it wont make a bid difference because that room will be full of light
Today's pictures. These are in my 5x5
I will have pictures of the big girls in the basement coming up
Man I am aggravated I bought a box of I Hooks to hang my lights with and the box is still almost full so I don't want to buy more but I cant find them anywhere
All the plants are looking great, PC! Can't wait to see the NH do its thing. :popcorn:
Looking super PC!
Thanks Penny , They are growing SO fast
You can definitely see a difference daily.
Hay Fudo nice to see ya. Yeah I am seeing lots of new growth and they are spreading out SO wide. It really is kinda scary how fast they grow. If we ever get the chance to grow my own out side I would LOVE to run NH and PH. The growth is unreal
If we ever get the chance to grow my own out side I would LOVE to run NH and PH. The growth is unreal
Would you need a greenhouse with those? Check out what I did to my room when you get a chance.
I got my other light hung and working , Now I have two full rows of lights. When they pay off I will invest in 2 more 330watt Series 3 full spec lights for a third row. That will fill my 8x8 room with lights
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