PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Keep that phone charged at all times, PC! :Rasta:
My Dam phone is a Galaxy 7 so its old and the battery just doesn't hold much of a charge anymore so I have to plug it in when I get up and then several times during the day and I don't use it much at all
With the stakes going in at an angle its not going to give me much room to water, Prune Etc. It takes up A LOT of room so I will have to maneuver very cautiously. The Autos are looking good. 2 are already flowering , 1 is still a seedling and the other one just hasn't caught up yet
Today's pictures.
Your Neville's Haze is shaping up to be really nice! :thumb: What plants do you have growing in the flower tent? I see one of them has super yellow leaves - is that genetic or something else?
I really don't know what's going on with it. It has had yellowing leaf's since she was about half way through veg. her sister that is next to her isn't getting yellow like the one has so I am really not sure what's going on with it
I watered the girls in the tent. They looked like they were starting to droop a little . They were watered just before I took the pics so they should perk up now.
My dad came over today and we did some electrical work. We replace 3 15 amp breakers to 20 amp breakers and we added a 20amp line of 12/2 wire for my 8x8 now I have to staple the lose wire to the walls and hang the 20amp receptacle on the concrete wall but we have all the lights etc. in the room hooked to that receptacle I think that should handle that room but I also have to add a trunk line from a peace of the duct then run some flexible hose to it and run it in the new room. It is getting really hot in there
It looks like one of my Autos was a male. I hope I got him in time. It did look like a couple sacs opened up. I am REALLY hoping his love dust didn't get on my NH and PH
Damn, fingers crossed PC
I didn't notice his little sacs till today and a couple looked like they had opened up so its possible the damage is done. Dam I hope not
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