PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Dam it Man. I went to close the zipper to my Mars tent and the zipper is stuck. I can get it back past the spot it got hung up and I cant close it. That's going to be a problem once they flower and start smelling. I may have to get a new tent now Dam it. This Mars tent isn't that old and the zipper has been giving me problems for a couple months or so now.
Dam it Man. I went to close the zipper to my Mars tent and the zipper is stuck. I can get it back past the spot it got hung up and I cant close it. That's going to be a problem once they flower and start smelling. I may have to get a new tent now Dam it. This Mars tent isn't that old and the zipper has been giving me problems for a couple months or so now.
I think you should contact mars and tell them about it your rite you haven't had that tent long its defective tell them you want a new one because now you cant use that one they will likely compensate you some at least.
I did have one thing go my way. I thought I seen a little seedling amongst the clover in my last 1gallon pot. I have had a couple people confirm it is a seedling so That's a good thing. Maybe my luck will turn around for the rest of the day.
Baby steps today, PCaddict. Let's just see how things go for the next few hours! :laughtwo:
My Panama breeders pack came in from ACE
Cool, when are you going to start popping beans?
I was thinking I want to hold onto them for a bit and try to maybe reverse a branch on each and get some more seeds but I am not sure. What would you do with them.? Or anyone else. Would you find a good male to cross with them ? What would you cross them with ? Etc. I am looking for suggestions. I have my next two runs lined out so it would be a grow after that. I am hoping to learn a lot more about breeding and reversing before I pop any of these.
I thought I already posted this but I was supposed to get 5 seeds of each of the three Phenos. A Panama Red, a Panama redish/pinkish pheno and the Green Pheno so it was supposed to be 15 seeds. They sent 7 of each seed so I got 21 seeds for $150. I forgot to long in when I bought them so I didn't get the freebies but it was a nice surprise to get the extra seeds
They are Fems I should have said that
Ok what I would do is veg them and take cuttings from each BEFORE you flip them. When you harvest keep each plant separated and tagged through the drying and curing period. Once you try each female you can pick your favorites. Then you’ll have tagged clones that you can grow out to make S1’s.
I always liked Ace as a company.
I have heard good things about them. I have some other seeds from them as well. A Malawi x Panama some Killer A5 Haze and these oh yeah some Panama Haze that I plan to run next along with the Big Nevilles Haze grow after this one. I would Love to get some of their other gear. They have some Really nice strains
Ok what I would do is veg them and take cuttings from each BEFORE you flip them. When you harvest keep each plant separated and tagged through the drying and curing period. Once you try each female you can pick your favorites. Then you’ll have tagged clones that you can grow out to make S1’s.
That sounds like a Great idea Penny. To make S1s do I just reverse it with Colloidal Silver or STS ? I will need to do some reading on how to reverse them. My buddy will get lots of clones from me as well so he will have some running to.
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