PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

I hope you do join us on the NH grow. Its going to be a Great learning experience for me since I am still new to growing. If I can do a good job on that one I should have a Much easier time training any other strain. I hear it can turn into quite a monster of a plant if not trained almost daily. I hope by then I will have enough stash to carry me through that 16week flower. Also I Really hope it helps your Grandmother
Hey PC does running a NH auto genotype count as part of what you guys will be doing later this summer?
Hey PC does running a NH auto genotype count as part of what you guys will be doing later this summer?
Hay why not. I think I have an Nevilles Haze Auto coming with a seed order I made a bit Ago. That's going to be interesting If I had room I would run it along side the Photoperiod ones
Hay why not. I think I have an Nevilles Haze Auto coming with a seed order I made a bit Ago. That's going to be interesting If I had room I would run it along side the Photoperiod ones
Ya if the timing works, I placed a seedsman order last month on the 16th, was supposed to get here couple days ago but still waiting. 420 sale was pretty nice 30 seeds for 70$. A couple NH auto were the bonus seeds so said why not.
Ya if the timing works, I placed a seedsman order last month on the 16th, was supposed to get here couple days ago but still waiting. 420 sale was pretty nice 30 seeds for 70$. A couple NH auto were the bonus seeds so said why not.
I am not sure now if that was an order that was declined. They were having trouble getting their WeldPay thing worked out so now that I think about it, I am not sure now. Either way join us with your Auto, I would Love to see that one grow.
My last Sweet Tooth seed is soaking I am hoping it cracks by this evening. I also picked up some short squatty 1gallon pots. I wonder if these will do a good job. Your input is welcome
Keep it warm
It is sitting on top of my receiver so its nice and luke warm so I hope it does good. What's the longest I should leave it in the shot glass before putting into a paper towel or can I leave it in the glass till it sprouts and has a little tail ?
Let it soak until it sinks, usually overnight or so
I put it in the shot glass yesterday early evening late afternoon. Just wondering if I need to take it out of the shot glass and put it in a paper towel ? How long is too long in a shot glass before putting in a paper towel
It is sitting on top of my receiver so its nice and luke warm so I hope it does good. What's the longest I should leave it in the shot glass before putting into a paper towel or can I leave it in the glass till it sprouts and has a little tail ?
I let it soak for 12 hours(ish) then tap it down like @DutchinAB said, then let it sit for another 12 hours at the bottom of the shot glass.

a person could probably leave it in the water for 36 or 48 hours even. I’m sure it won’t hurt it, but I always like to keep the 24 hour time frame. The PT should do the rest. :thumb:
Hey @PCaddict . Hope you doing well, in need to buy some of those 10gal plastic pot. The ones i just recently bought are too tall.
Yeah that's one the reasons I like them so well and they are really heavy made Not cheap like most of them. I can show you the saucers if you like they are Really heavy duty, made Great and fits those pots really nicely
Today's pictures. Three are doing fine the last seed hasn't popped yet so the is only clover growing in that pot but I guess it's better than nothing lol....
I took som more pictures of what might just be a seedling starting in the last pot. I sure hope so. What does others this. Is this a seedling or clover ? In the middle of the pot , not the other clover that's in the pot I also got another pic of my lights now the zipper to the tent is messed up Dam it ....
Looks like a marijuana seedling to me. So it's probably clover. :laughtwo:
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