PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Not sure if it was my journal or someone else journal I was on but I was talking about not getting the smells and flavor of Cannabis. I don't smell it but when I vape it I get the flavors and taste different taste from different strains. So that way I taste what others describe but Only when I vape it
I should have explained that better in my last post. I have the RG Recharge but I haven't recived the Vulx yet so that is what I am still waiting on. @Emilya When should I start using the Recharge. Dank says he only uses water and once in a Great while he gives compost tea so I am hoping all I will need is the Recharge but let me know if I need to get anything else. I don't want to need it and not have it on hand.
You should be able to use recharge at about the same rate you would a normal compost tea. If you are in LOS, the living soil doesnt need to be recharged as often, but in smaller containers (3-5 gal) and not sustainable living soil, or a TLO grow as I do, you need to replenish the microbes every 10 days or so. They say the same thing on the instructions for Recharge, so I give it on every other watering, or about every 6-7 days. I don't think you can give it too often and at times in my last grow I was giving it with every watering, but I don't think it is necessary to do so.
I just added some Sunflower Lecithin to my Oil I made with some Super Critical Bud CBD so I can make a few caps from the oil. I used two ounces of Bud to two cups of Grape Seed Oil. I like that you can use Grape seed oil on your skin and it soaks in to give relief in sore or aching joints/spots . The Breeder claims 23% THC and 21% CBD but I am sure it is Much lower then that but it should still be somewhat high or at least I hope so.
Hi, PC. What does adding lecithin do when making oil? I use coconut myself.
And, looking at this chart, instead of magnesium, if you are coming in with such a high pH, it might be Ca instead that is being locked out. The key here is getting back in the proper range and THEN seeing if the deficiency persists.
Well for shi*ts and grins I perused my pdf copy of Ed rosinhalls (not sure of spelling) grow bible and suprisingly he doesn’t mention the proper ph for hydro, but does for soil. Also looked through a couple other pdf docs I have found online and they don’t mention it either. Well anyways I’m sure you guys have been growing for longer than I. I adjusted the ph this afternoon to 5.9 give or take. Hopefully she responds, if not I’ll change out the res. Thanks for the help. :thumb::thanks:
hi mate . been trying to pm you but wont let me do it so have to post nerddom here mate.
Hi mate. R.e squad
It is in game comms with local/TEAM /ALL chat options as you play. really useful to talk to non squad members near you as you pass them ect. The comms alone is amazing. there are discord channels running in game too and I have it but it confused the fucknout of me so I use in game .lol.
It is Battlefield with realism and you jave to team play to succeed. It is a war that can rage for hours on end with so much to do in whichever roll you choose to play as. eachbsquad has limited roles and kit layouts and Squad leaders can from building stakes that any squad members have to build as you set up for defence ect... You use your shovel to help build new spawn points etc.. throughout the battles. There are so many vehicles that have real roles too. You can get supply duty if you want to d it where you take all the team to a destination then go back to the base and restock with ammo and building supplies to keep the front and team supplied and fit. Sounds mad but it is oddly enjoyable running as a supply. Heehee. The main battles are excellent too. real ballistics and way more realistic to play than Bf and I love my Bf games. I have not touched anything else for nearly 3weeks now. lol It is very addictive and once you get the hang of being a role , you can venture into a squad leader role. damn hard work and so.much responsibility for the movement, following commands from commanders and building forward/defences. I cannot sell this game enough. It has shed loads of players and has been developing for over 2 years to this point t now. more updates and new game engine is next phase of additions. All supported by steam too. Take a look at the game vids but dont be put off by the difficulty of bei g a new player. It is a brilliant , lifelike game that has you nervous for real unlike in other games. Dying too easily from daft run and guns ect.. give you long spawn waits for thinking its COD. lol. rhe more team players and sticking together in action , spawn very quickly if killed though. Enemies DO NOT have any tags above their heads and the ranges you can engage from are so realistically done. Teammates do have a tag over their heads BUT it takes a second to come up to encourage you to think before any wild shots . Such a clever and simple idea but makes a massive difference to the realism and enjoyment. Team killing is soooooo easy and get tha fully all players know how hard it can be mid firefight to get it right. Medics revive first and then use other kit to actually heal so they get a lot of respect in the battles and fairly well protected by the squad due to their capabilities to keep the whole squad going if it gets gory and deadly. . Would love to get on it with you mate. there are a lot of us playing I there and a lot of international players too. a brilliant game . Just thought a nerd out was necessary. heehee. Hope your ready for the break out soon. We are not stating dow n much longer now the jokes up. see you in the revolution brother. I am taking Boris with a shank. lpl
So is the name of the game Squad ? I will buy it if I don't already have it. What's your user name I would Love to join in , in a game like that. I have been really enjoying Mech Warrior On line. You have to work with your Lance and team to kill the other team so I Love games like that...
I just checked my steam account and I already have that game, Let me know when you will be on I would Love to find you and Play some Squad. In game coms works GREAT for me then I don't have to mess with setting another Voice app up. If I could PM you I would give you my steam user Name because its my real name and I don't want that out on the Inner Webs but my user name will be the same as here, PCaddict so you can find me that way, When I install the game I will make that my username on the game. I will download it now. This is going to be cool
Just swinging in to see if there has been any activity on my journal. I hope everyone has a Great evening. The last seed never broke soil. The soil dried out on top when the seed is so I don't think she will make an appearance so I am going to drop another Sweet Tooth seed
So I just dropped my Last Sweet Tooth seed. and I remoistened the pot so it shouldn't be too dry. I am going to leave the fan off this time
Don’t count out the last seed.
Yeah I may just have to run three plants this time around if it doesn't germinate and break soil. The others were Amnesia fast but I don't think I have enough time for the AF to finish so I will have time to do the Nevilles Haze grow first of August so I dropped another Sweet Tooth. It was my last ST seed I am hoping to not have trouble with this one if so I just have to run the three. Or find a fast finishing auto that someone might have. I wouldn't have time to order one and receive it in time for it to be done by August.
Took me a while, but finally got here. I should be able to get caught up soon!
Hay Mr Krip Great to have you along. Jump in anytime:welcome:
Yeah I may just have to run three plants this time around if it doesn't germinate and break soil. The others were Amnesia fast but I don't think I have enough time for the AF to finish so I will have time to do the Nevilles Haze grow first of August so I dropped another Sweet Tooth. It was my last ST seed I am hoping to not have trouble with this one if so I just have to run the three. Or find a fast finishing auto that someone might have. I wouldn't have time to order one and receive it in time for it to be done by August.
hey pc are you running the NH here on your journal? I just got a reply e mail about the extra long wire its all taken care of thanks for saying something I would have forgot then have to wait for that thanks for help bud! :)
hey pc are you running the NH here on your journal? I just got a reply e mail about the extra long wire its all taken care of thanks for saying something I would have forgot then have to wait for that thanks for help bud! :)
You are Welcome Sticky. Yeah I am going to be journaling my Nevilles haze here. Maybe you can start around the same time I do since you will be home for most of the summer. I am planning on first part of August. I may get a little jump start and actually germinate the seed a little before that.
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