PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Would he try edibles or Canna Oil caps ?

Nothing containing thc whatsoever. Its getting stoned he has a problem with. His reasoning is it made him not want to do anything and he was sick or chasing dealers for weed.
I find his views pretty hypocritical, especially when he comments on my consumption of cannabis.
But I became a big boy a long time ago haha, so they just have to live with my views and decisions until legalisation vindicates me
Nothing containing thc whatsoever. Its getting stoned he has a problem with. His reasoning is it made him not want to do anything and he was sick or chasing dealers for weed.
I find his views pretty hypocritical, especially when he comments on my consumption of cannabis.
But I became a big boy a long time ago haha, so they just have to live with my views and decisions until legalisation vindicates me
I think my wife will change her view of Cannabis in the future when it is legal , Well change her view a little maybe not much but a little. She complains when we walk by someone in a store that smells like weed, She says they smell like they were playing with a dead skunk and she can smell them from a ways from them, Way before I can smell it. She has the nose of a bloodhound :(
Most women do, compared to guys that is.
I have noticed that, Must be something to it. People talk about getting different smells from weed, It all smells the same to me, Taste too. It all just taste like weed. Some taste better then others, Less harsh etc. but to get Blueberry taste and smell, or any other taste and smell other then weed. I really wish I could smell and taste the different smells and taste others describe
G'mornin all :passitleft: If you follow advice from these folks, I'm sure your little one will be fine, Green. I hope that, wherever you live, legal cannabis will soon come. I don't actually take it for granted that rec. and med. cannabis are legal here and have been for a while but I think I'm getting close and that's not good. It could all go away with if the feds get involved I'm lucky my wife likes cannabis too. I'm really liking the tastes I'm getting
since I've been using my flower vape. I believe they tend to correspond with the terpene profile of the strain. Here's hoping that you all and your loved ones are happy and healthy. Stay safe and stay stoned.
too early for calcium... i am thinking magnesium too
I added some cal-mag, and increased the ph to 6.25 or so last night but it seemed to get worse over night. I thought that ph is about where it’s best for bringing those nutes in. Anyone have a link or pic of the ph > nutes absorption scale, ie which ph is best for what nutes are needed? Figured if needed I’ll swap my res and give her some fresh stuff with higher amounts of cal-mag.
I added some cal-mag, and increased the ph to 6.25 or so last night but it seemed to get worse over night. I thought that ph is about where it’s best for bringing those nutes in. Anyone have a link or pic of the ph > nutes absorption scale, ie which ph is best for what nutes are needed? Figured if needed I’ll swap my res and give her some fresh stuff with higher amounts of cal-mag.
you are overthinking this... get your pH back down in the hydro range. Try the other end, 5.5-5.8 for best mobility.
The one it always has been, 5.5-6.1, until these upstarts like GWE started trying to get more viewers because of their controversial views. There is so much bad and stolen information on the GWE site, it amazes me that they have any following at all. I don't have any explanation as to why this bad information would be promoted by Royal Queen Seeds, but again, I would not consider them to be grow experts in all mediums.

Here is an old chart that has circulated around the internet for the last 10 years or so, just in case you don't believe me:
ph ranges.gif
I just added some Sunflower Lecithin to my Oil I made with some Super Critical Bud CBD so I can make a few caps from the oil. I used two ounces of Bud to two cups of Grape Seed Oil. I like that you can use Grape seed oil on your skin and it soaks in to give relief in sore or aching joints/spots . The Breeder claims 23% THC and 21% CBD but I am sure it is Much lower then that but it should still be somewhat high or at least I hope so.
The one it always has been, 5.5-6.1, until these upstarts like GWE started trying to get more viewers because of their controversial views. There is so much bad and stolen information on the GWE site, it amazes me that they have any following at all. I don't have any explanation as to why this bad information would be promoted by Royal Queen Seeds, but again, I would not consider them to be grow experts in all mediums.

Here is an old chart that has circulated around the internet for the last 10 years or so, just in case you don't believe me:
ph ranges.gif
And, looking at this chart, instead of magnesium, if you are coming in with such a high pH, it might be Ca instead that is being locked out. The key here is getting back in the proper range and THEN seeing if the deficiency persists.
And, looking at this chart, instead of magnesium, if you are coming in with such a high pH, it might be Ca instead that is being locked out. The key here is getting back in the proper range and THEN seeing if the deficiency persists.
I am glad you have some hydro knowledge so you can help out. I wish I had the expertise to read plants like that. Maybe one day. Thanks So Much for your help Emilya. I am hoping you can help if I run into issues with my LOS grow. I got the Real Growers Recharge and I ordered Vulx but I didn't realize how much I would need so I am going to add it to the other soil to fill my 4 10gallon pots before I transplant so it will have to work with the extra 36 gallons it will take to fill the pots. I have then in 1 gallon pots now so I will need another 36 gallons to finish filling my 10gallon pots, That is if it comes by then. I ordered it a few weeks ago so I don't know where it is. I haven't got a tracking number yet so I hope it gets here soon. You, Sticky and Dankman are my go to peps on this grow.
I should have explained that better in my last post. I have the RG Recharge but I haven't recived the Vulx yet so that is what I am still waiting on. @Emilya When should I start using the Recharge. Dank says he only uses water and once in a Great while he gives compost tea so I am hoping all I will need is the Recharge but let me know if I need to get anything else. I don't want to need it and not have it on hand.
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