PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

With all this technical talk, I'm wondering if I could get some help here?


I'm trying to install a UK plug onto this fan but it's not working and I don't want to blow my house up.
Any help would be wonderful. Sorry for hijacking the thread
With all this technical talk, I'm wondering if I could get some help here?


I'm trying to install a UK plug onto this fan but it's not working and I don't want to blow my house up.
Any help would be wonderful. Sorry for hijacking the thread
I am not sure on the plug, It looks like you have both hot wires connected but not the ground wires. Not sue if you have tried connecting the ground wires to the plug but if not that may be the issue. But I am not sure on that plug, Ours in the USA are different so I really don't know. There are a few electricians on here that may be more help. And you are Not hijacking my thread. Post what ever you like as long as it doesn't violate forum rules. Maybe someone with more experience can help
I am not sure on the plug, It looks like you have both hot wires connected but not the ground wires. Not sue if you have tried connecting the ground wires to the plug but if not that may be the issue. But I am not sure on that plug, Ours in the USA are different so I really don't know. There are a few electricians on here that may be more help. And you are Not hijacking my thread. Post what ever you like as long as it doesn't violate forum rules. Maybe someone with more experience can help

Thanks, PC.
I'm starting to worry that this can't be run from the mains via a plug. It needs to have 2 live wires. One constant and another switched.
My thinking is that if I can solder and link the connections on the pcb between the live and the switched live I'll be able to run it via one wire and the mains. But I can't find my soldering kit anywhere!!! Aaahhh!!
I figured it out!! I was right, it did need to have both connections live at the same time.
I can't find my soldering kit so I striped two ends off of some of the wire from inside my old fan, and then connected the two live ports. I did what I could to make it neat as possible but it's working!!

Hopefully someone else can find this useful
Hey PC,
Your plants are looking like they’ve got some good roots established. Should be getting much bigger each day now. cant wait to see those girls all grown up!
Hay guys Sorry I haven't been as active lately I have been getting into my game, Mech Warrior On Line. Its addictive which is why I hadn't played since 2017 so I laid off for awhile but my wife said play your game a little, Hun What is a little ? When I get on I cant seem to stop Lol. I am going to try to stay more active on the journals
Hey PC,
Your plants are looking like they’ve got some good roots established. Should be getting much bigger each day now. cant wait to see those girls all grown up!
I will get some pics up tomorrow of the baby girls. I am going to have a staggered start because I had to start another seed. One stalled out on me and died then the other seed I tried didn't break soil because I think my fan dries out the top of the soil so she never made an appearance so I dropped another seed a couple days ago and she is all tucked away covered with about a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of soil. I am hoping I will see her come up in a few more days but that will put the last one about 2 or 3 weeks behind the others. And This time I will keep my fan off so it doesn't dry out the top of the soil and kill the seed before it breaks soil
Hay guys Sorry I haven't been as active lately I have been getting into my game, Mech Warrior On Line. Its addictive which is why I hadn't played since 2017 so I laid off for awhile but my wife said play your game a little, Hun What is a little ? When I get on I cant seem to stop Lol. I am going to try to stay more active on the journals
Hehe, when my wife has enough of me she asks "don't you have a cigar to smoke?" and I run off to the shop.
hey pc whats up buddy hey that soil you have is pretty much water only it has everything thing in it doesn't get much easier than that I would say after 5-6 weeks you could give them some recharge but that's about it you cant go by what I do with the teas and such because my soil doesn't have a lot of nitrogen in it so I feed it to them but you shouldn't have to take a look at @Dankman_420 he uses that soil and he just waters and some recharge your plants look like there growing well keep it up pc there doing good just enjoy how easy it is good luck bud! :)
Hay Sticky You Emilya and Dankman are my go to for this grow. I hope you all can help if I run into problems. Its good to know you have my back :high-five:
Man the wife came home saying it stinks like weed in this house and I had the windows and back door open . She has the nose of a Bloodhound. Keeping her happy is tough when it comes to my Cannabis use/ making oil/butter etc. All I have going is the Magic Butter Machine and I have the rest of the bud sealed tight in my Mason jars so there is no other smell in the house. I cant believe she can smell it that strong in the MBM because it seals tight and I cant smell it at all. Gotta Keep mommy happy or NO body is happy
With all this technical talk, I'm wondering if I could get some help here?


I'm trying to install a UK plug onto this fan but it's not working and I don't want to blow my house up.
Any help would be wonderful. Sorry for hijacking the thread
Do you have plans in place for your family's future? :reading420magazine:
Do you have plans in place for your family's future? :reading420magazine:

If my thinking is correct then there is not much difference in my solution to the actual installation guide. The two live wires would be running from the same mains supply, so there is no increase or decrease in the power supplied to the unit. The wire that I have installed is more or less just there to confirm my thinking. I'll solder a connection on the pcb unless further reading or someone on this forum can tell me I'm daft!
Oh you should hear my mom and my sister go on and on about it. They claim to smell it oozing out of my skin... freaks. :cool:

Mum and sister are the same!
Younger sister wants me to grow in her attic, though!
My dad used to grow back in the 90s and early 00s. I recently found out he had an operation with 3 different houses. Now he claims the best thing he did was stop and refuses to smoke with me.
Each to their own, I guess
Mum and sister are the same!
Younger sister wants me to grow in her attic, though!
My dad used to grow back in the 90s and early 00s. I recently found out he had an operation with 3 different houses. Now he claims the best thing he did was stop and refuses to smoke with me.
Each to their own, I guess
Would he try edibles or Canna Oil caps ?
Is this wife not pro cannabis? I have never met a weed that “stinks”!
Yeah I don't know how she can smell it at times like now. It is in a sealed MBM so it shouldn't have any odder. Man I am really trying to keep the smell down to please her. I wouldn't care if it was so strong the neighbors could smell it, But she hates the smell and she is not Pro Cannabis she thinks all it is for is partying and getting stoned and she doesn't see the good it does
Yeah I don't know how she can smell it at times like now. It is in a sealed MBM so it shouldn't have any odder. Man I am really trying to keep the smell down to please her. I wouldn't care if it was so strong the neighbors could smell it, But she hates the smell and she is not Pro Cannabis she thinks all it is for is partying and getting stoned and she doesn't see the good it does

That’s too bad she is not a fan, kudos to you for turning the medicine into a hobby, that alone is good for your health!
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