PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

I wonder why the ones with color are not as pottant ? That Panama pack I got says the green phenos are higher in THC then the Red Pheno
You are Welcome Sticky. Yeah I am going to be journaling my Nevilles haze here. Maybe you can start around the same time I do since you will be home for most of the summer. I am planning on first part of August. I may get a little jump start and actually germinate the seed a little before that.
not sure about starting then ill have to see when I get the new lights put up see if it will run cool enough will see!
PC, was it here we were discussing the Neville Haze grow?
Yeah Do you want to join in the fun ? We would love to have you join us. We plan to start first of August. I may get a little jump start a few weeks early to get them through the seedling stage. I am hoping to have another area to grow in my Basement. I have the foam backer board to use on the floor. They are about 4 inches or so thick so that should knock the cold from the concrete floor off the bottom. If I can clean up a spot that's what I plan to do. So I may be able to start them a few weeks early
I’m trying to find out why Cannapots website is down. They have Shantibaba NH in stock.
Is that a good strain Penny ? If it hase Nevilles Haze in it then it should be
Shantibaba created Nevilles Haze, when Arjan bought the company from Shanti he got F1’s as part of the deal.
Dam that would be some good genetics to have in a collection and one that would be on the short list to grow for sure
Yeah Do you want to join in the fun ? We would love to have you join us. We plan to start first of August. I may get a little jump start a few weeks early to get them through the seedling stage. I am hoping to have another area to grow in my Basement. I have the foam backer board to use on the floor. They are about 4 inches or so thick so that should knock the cold from the concrete floor off the bottom. If I can clean up a spot that's what I plan to do. So I may be able to start them a few weeks early
Thinking strongly about it PC, step daughters grandmother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer that has spread, lungs, lymph nodes, bone etc.

I am looking into buying strains to help her if possible and Neville’s Haze was one that popped up along with Super Lemon Haze, Pink Kush and a few others so I my place an order with @George from The Vault and NH is in the list.
Thinking strongly about it PC, step daughters grandmother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer that has spread, lungs, lymph nodes, bone etc.

I am looking into buying strains to help her if possible and Neville’s Haze was one that popped up along with Super Lemon Haze, Pink Kush and a few others so I my place an order with @George from The Vault and NH is in the list.
I hope you do join us on the NH grow. Its going to be a Great learning experience for me since I am still new to growing. If I can do a good job on that one I should have a Much easier time training any other strain. I hear it can turn into quite a monster of a plant if not trained almost daily. I hope by then I will have enough stash to carry me through that 16week flower. Also I Really hope it helps your Grandmother
Thinking strongly about it PC, step daughters grandmother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer that has spread, lungs, lymph nodes, bone etc.

I am looking into buying strains to help her if possible and Neville’s Haze was one that popped up along with Super Lemon Haze, Pink Kush and a few others so I my place an order with @George from The Vault and NH is in the list.
I'm sorry to hear that, Brother! :sorry:

Are you familiar with this thread?: A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

:hmmmm: Hmmmm...You might even be related to Brother To CajunCelt :rip:?
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