Panama Incident outdoors 2024 By Gwhunran

Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

The plant is looking good. 🤠 The weather forecast for the next week or so, is for a continuation of dry mild days and cool nights. :) Couldn't ask for better weather for flowering plants. :love:

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-6-24. :cheesygrinsmiley: :bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

The plants are still keeping a pretty green color and the flowers are seriously growing now. No problems at the moment. Just keeping them watered and fed a little. :)

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-8-24. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

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For the Rush fans out there. :cheesygrinsmiley: Maple being overshadowed by an oak.🙄 Both are doing a little overshadowing on the Panama Incident in the late afternoon.:oops::bong:
Buds are building nicely!!!
Yes they are. :cheesygrinsmiley: The weather has been dry and is supposed to stay that way for four more days. I've been watering them with the nuted solution more often.:) I'm thinking with the active bud building they may have more need of PK. :hmmmm:🤠

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Panama Incident, 9-9-24

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Panama Incident, 9-9-24 :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Whatever it is they need, it sure looks like you're giving it to them, GW! :Rasta:
Yes they are. :cheesygrinsmiley: The weather has been dry and is supposed to stay that way for four more days. I've been watering them with the nuted solution more often.:) I'm thinking with the active bud building they may have more need of PK. :hmmmm:🤠

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Panama Incident, 9-9-24

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Panama Incident, 9-9-24 :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

Not more than I'm currently giving them. Just watering them with enriched water more often with less straight water feedings. 🙄
Whatever it is they need, it sure looks like you're giving it to them, GW! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB,:) I'm about to go smoke few bowls and look at her.:cheesygrinsmiley: I'm already smoking the MAC and it's dandy smoke. :love: Taste great, wish I could describe it.:hmmmm: Kinda sweet, but weed too. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
She's a behemoth!! Nice and wide!! Look at those hips on her!!! Reminds of the AC/DC song Whole Lotta Rosie. There's a LOT to her boyyyyy!!! Can't wait to see how she ends up. How often are you watering her? Killin it man!! 😎✌️🎶
She's a behemoth!! Nice and wide!! Look at those hips on her!!! Reminds of the AC/DC song Whole Lotta Rosie. There's a LOT to her boyyyyy!!! Can't wait to see how she ends up. How often are you watering her? Killin it man!! 😎✌️🎶
Thanks Scottay! :) She's wide alright. :cheesygrinsmiley: The screen is 4'x 1.5'. I didn't account for the plant growing out past the screen so it's probably 6'x2.5' now. :oops: Not complaining. :) Even if they flop, they won't touch the ground. :)
She's a behemoth!! Nice and wide!! Look at those hips on her!!! Reminds of the AC/DC song Whole Lotta Rosie. There's a LOT to her boyyyyy!!! Can't wait to see how she ends up. How often are you watering her? Killin it man!! 😎✌️🎶
I'm either watering the pile or the pot every day. I've never seen the leaves on this plant droop down.:oops: I've never grown a plant in a pot that wasn't found drooping at times. :hmmmm::bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

The plant is still putting on weight. :) Her smell is getting stronger, still a slightly skunky and I'm starting to see trichs on the tops.:cheesygrinsmiley: She's still healthy showing no signs of trouble.🤠:bong:

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24 :cheesygrinsmiley: :bong:
POTM material buddy soon maybe!! Can't wait to see how big she gets. Budtastic!! 😎✌️
The buds are filling in pretty fast now. :) They are showing trichomes, and the smell is increasing. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm following the weather forecast closely, to get the best pictures before the 15th. The way she's looking it'll be October before she's ready.:hmmmm: So, I may get another opportunity as well in the contest. :hmmmm:🤠 The main fly in the ointment, is the rainy days that are coming. :oops: I can shake the screen a little and it looks like a dog shaking after coming in from a hard rain. But that won't help much if it never stops raining. 🙄
Hope for the best.:love::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

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Panama Incident, 9-10-24
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

Plant still doing fine and building flower.:) The weather forecast is for a few more days of dry weather, but cloudy. 🤠The start of multiple days of rain, pushed to Monday.:cheesygrinsmiley: Maybe it'll change again.:hmmmm::love:

I was surprised by the odor of Panama Incident from the 2nd story deck when I looked this morning. :oops: It's a good thing the neighbors don't mind. :love::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24.

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Panama Incident, 9-12-24. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
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