Panama Incident outdoors 2024 By Gwhunran

Looking forward to those buds, outdoor grows with all that sunlight grow huge buds

My buddies buds from an outdoor grow look like gigantic pinecones😂😂😂
I'm hoping so. :) This plant is leaning more towards the Panama that was grown indoors. :hmmmm: Those plants had some really big and long colas.:cheesygrinsmiley:

I'll be posting today's pictures soon. Taking full sun pictures today.:bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

The plant seems healthy today and continues to add flower. :) It's looking more like a Panama. :hmmmm: If the bud building spirals up to the next node, that's how my green pheno Panama grew. :hmmmm::) The Headroom Incident was more singular buds except for very top cola.:hmmmm:🤠 Lot's of bug bites but the leaves look nice and green. :hmmmm::)
The weather has been beautiful, mid 70sF/24C, low humidity, with a slight breeze. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24, a little light is still penetrating to the ground under the canopy after the trim up. 🤠

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24

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Panama Incident, 8-22-24. Overflowing the screen on all sides.:cheesygrinsmiley: They may flop, but they shouldn't touch the ground.:hmmmm:🙄:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Buds Buds Buds !!!! Nice looking plants
Thanks The 70's, :) She's still looking healthy for sure.:hmmmm:🤠 In some of the photos, the screened in porch with a deck on top, can be seen in the background. That's my smoking spot,:) can't smoke in the house, I spend a lot of time hitting the bong and gazing out at the Panama Incident.:hmmmm: I wonder how many hours we spend just looking at our plants from sprout to harvest.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Thanks The 70's, :) She's still looking healthy for sure.:hmmmm:🤠 In some of the photos, the screened in porch with a deck on top, can be seen in the background. That's my smoking spot,:) can't smoke in the house, I spend a lot of time hitting the bong and gazing out at the Panama Incident.:hmmmm: I wonder how many hours we spend just looking at our plants from sprout to harvest.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Me a lot, I can relate. I sit at one end of my table working on my art stuff, and the plants sit at the opposite end, growing. I literally sit and watch the grass grow and the paint dry! :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wonder how many hours we spend just looking at our plants from sprout to harvest.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
I don't know about you, but I spend enough time looking at mine to warrant a mental evaluation! 🤪
Me a lot, I can relate. I sit at one end of my table working on my art stuff, and the plants sit at the opposite end, growing. I literally sit and watch the grass grow and the paint dry! :cheesygrinsmiley:

I don't know about you, but I spend enough time looking at mine to warrant a mental evaluation! 🤪
I'm glad I'm not alone, numbers is what makes something normal right. 🤠 Now is it normal how many times a day I go to the screened in porch to smoke.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

Hot temperatures and no rain forecast for the next week. :) Good weather for this girl.:bong:

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Panama Incident, 8-24-24. Looking out from the screened in porch. :)

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Panama Incident, 8-24-24. Another one from the screened in porch.

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Panama Incident, 8-24-24. I noticed the screen bending upwards at the ends. Tied down level again after pics taken.

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Panama Incident, 8-24-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-24-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-24-24. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
What a grower she is, GW!

Is the plant pulling up the ends of the screen?

I see you've got a few runaways trying to escape the fray! :Rasta:
What a grower she is, GW!

Is the plant pulling up the ends of the screen?

I see you've got a few runaways trying to escape the fray! :Rasta:
Yeah she's kinda surprised me with her vigor. :) Not complaining at all, but my outdoor attempts have been less than stellar.:hmmmm:🙄 Yes, the plant was pulling up the ends of the screen, :oops: and it was an easy fix.🤠 I had the fabric pot's handles oriented so the they were pointed towards the long ends of the screen, so I just tied a piece of twine to the screen and the handles and adjusted it level. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'll get a picture next time.

Yeah, just like people,:hmmmm: some are gonna jump out ahead of the pack. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor Grow 2024

Plant is looking good. :) Hot dry weather forecast, but it don't matter cause I water her myself. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Sun's out in full today and the girl is a pretty green. 🤠:bong:

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. View from the deck zoomed in.

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. Also from the deck zoomed in some more.:)

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. View from the east, looking west around noon.

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. View from the south, looking north, about noon.

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. View from the west, looking east, about noon.

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. The sun is fierce today. :cheesygrinsmiley:

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. Some little buds all getting their sun.:)

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Panama Incident, 8-26-24. My method of re-leveling my screen. Twine tied from fabric pot handle to screen and adjusted to level. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
GW, that's a nice sunny spot you have for the beauty!

That was an old-school 3D tour! :Rasta:
GW, that's a nice sunny spot you have for the beauty!

That was an old-school 3D tour! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB, :) I wish I had a couple more hours of direct sun per day, but you make the best of it. 🙄 That's the only spot in the back, that has even this much sun.🙄 If I could plant one in the front it would get plenty of sun,:hmmmm: but probably wouldn't make it to maturity:hmmmm: and I'd probably get some kind of ticket for not keeping it private.:oops:

I wanted to give folks an idea of the way the sun's angle hits the plant. 🤠

I was looking closely at the stalks this morning and I do believe their upward growth is all but over:hmmmm: and the rest of the time will be spent building flower.:hmmmm::) I will try and get a clear picture tomorrow of the tips. No more space between nodes at top. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Panama Incidnet
Outdoor grow 2024

The plant is still looking good and keeping a nice color. :) The flowers continue to slowly build.🤠
Today could be the last 90F/32C high, ambient temp for the year.:hmmmm: We've had summers without the temp. going above 90F.:hmmmm::) We've had weeks of it this year. :oops:

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.

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Panama Incident, 8-28-24.
total awesomeness, gw. :yummy: you're gonna get a phat, sticky sack. like, gunny sack sized.
Thanks Becca! :) They are putting out a little smell now. Just a cannabis funk at this point. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm hoping many smaller main buds will have a better chance when it starts to get cool and wet to avoid the mold and mildew. :hmmmm:🙄
That plant is a fekin beauty GWH
I get more time looking at it, than I do with the indoor grows.
Do I spend more time going to the smoking area to look at the plant,🙄 or do I spend more time smoking in the area, and just get to look at the outdoor plant more.:hmmmm: :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

Plant is doing fine. Nice color. The flowers are growing and so far without obvious blemish. :) It was supposed to rain yesterday and didn't. :hmmmm: It's a good thing for the Panama Incident, but the land around here is dry. :hmmmm:🙄:bong:


Panama Incident, 8-30-24.


Panama Incident, 8-30-24.


Panama Incident, 8-30-24.


Panama Incident, 8-30-24.


Panama Incident, 8-30-24.


Panama Incident, 8-30-24.


Panama Incident, 8-30-24. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

Still going strong. :) Got a little rain Saturday night and dried all day yesterday. Rain doesn't do much for the plant, as it doesn't penetrate the matting.:hmmmm: I water the pile, once or twice a week. Usually just tap water with a little ph down and 5ml/gallon of Calmag+.🤠 I usually water the fabric pot when it's dry. About every other day. And every other day, I hit em with some GH three part nutes as recommended for a gallon H2O in drain to waste, for whatever stage the plant is at.:):cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24.. The pic and next are the same view with different camera settings.

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Panama Incident, 9-2-24 :cheesygrinsmiley: :bong:
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