Panama Incident outdoors 2024 By Gwhunran

Panama Incident
Outdoor grow 2024

It stopped raining sometime during the night and the plant had a chance to dry out today.🙄🤠 It was still mostly overcast and is supposed to rain again tonight. :oops: She's still doing okay, the stigmas are mostly brown and the buds are fattening up.:):bong:


Panama Incident, 9-25-24.


Panama Incident, 9-25-24.


Panama Incident, 9-25-24.


Panama Incident, 9-25-24.


Panama Incident, 9-25-24.


Panama Incident, 9-25-24. :cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Oh yes, I’ve been through the PM and bud rot issues before, fortunately only a couple times due to travel and lack of care. Since I’ve been able to avoid with citric acid and fans, even outdoors :)
Get a box fan or two out there and get a good breeze going through them!
Oh yes, I’ve been through the PM and bud rot issues before, fortunately only a couple times due to travel and lack of care. Since I’ve been able to avoid with citric acid and fans, even outdoors :)
I've had pretty good luck with the indoor grows and now there's fans, exhaust fans, AC, and dehumidifier. :) So, as long as the electricity stays on, it's not too hard to prevent pm or budrot.:) I'll be at natures mercy outdoors, and will harvest if I start seeing rot.:hmmmm::cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Get a box fan or two out there and get a good breeze going through them!
The way it's been raining, I'd probably get electrocuted. :hmmmm: I'll hit em with the leaf blower when there's a break long enough in the rain. 🤔:)
It rained all night. 🙄 Having a couple of hours of no rain this morning, before it starts again. 🙄 I found a few spots to tie up some more of the stalks.🤠 The flowers are getting fat, if they can make it a couple more weeks, there will be some really nice flower here.🤔:love: I did my usual, off the upper deck peek at the plant this morning 1st thing, as it was raining. I could smell her during a light rain.🙄:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:

I found two small localized spots of what I think is rot,:oops: and if not it's dead plant matter.🤔 Removed the offending area and continued inspecting. Found another caterpillar. 🙄
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