Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

If your spoil drains well you will be fine. That sativa will take as much water as you want to give her. 35 degrees c and crazy winds too. She should naturally be sending roots down looking for water pockets. Maybe get a feel. Hammer a wooden stick into the ground. Amd leave it a day and when you lift it out, it's going to show you how deep the moisture is. Like a dipstick.
Then you just pop it back in and carry on living your best life.
Highya SO,

Well, unlike others, I water every day it doesn't rain. I also feed them when I think they need something. I've never had a plant not liking that. They always grow so big and laden. The hardest thing is getting them through the hurricanes! On the net, I think I'd put it up just after the stretch. I'm sure you can work it in towards the stalk okay to support all the branches and keep the plant upright in storms. Just my opinion. But then again, I don't do things like everyone else. I do what makes sense to me. I rean another article about the rest of the summer not being like June! Plants are doing well, now. Should have another glorius harvest!! Happy Smokin'
But then again, I don't do things like everyone else. I do what makes sense to me.
And that is as it should be! :Rasta:
I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced that state of being in deep meditation? I know that I would enjoy hearing about it and who knows it might just change someone else’s life. CL🍀. :thumb: :circle-of-love:
Yeah I’m defs not the person you want.

I tripped looking for meditation and ended up being chased by purple dragons that were shooting cans of corn from their noses.

L o l l I n g !

Hi everyone.
So I had a chance to look at C Dubelee. She's almost 6 feet tall and still hasn't bent a branch to follow the sun! Like a compass rose her branches poke their way out from the main trunk! 90 degrees! I think that has to change but we'll see, maybe not. The yard is our classroom!
Cherries DubeLee
I have to hand it to her! She's growing some good size leaves!
And from the downlow she's nice and clean. Still has the Carhug holding her up!
In a few days or a week I'll remove some inner shoots that will never see light. Not too many on this one.
Best wishes for you all on this fine day!
Normal people: look at your plants
Me: looks at possible IVC insertion sites, and a perfect hand vein to take blood from without even needing a tourniquet.

Mel, you do not feed your inground plants at all. Thats interesting and something I would have never guessed. But wild plants do grow without being feed. So basically, you are growing a wild plant.
Sorry, was out to dinner!
My in ground plants have, for the last few years, been in the garden, which I randomly amend with compost and composted sheep manure. I've been growing weed in that spot, surrounded by Lucifer lilies and delphiniums, for years now. The clay in that spot used to be 10cm below the surface. Now it's down 30+ from the action of the mycorrhizae, and the roots that followed once the mycos loosened it up a bit with their hyphae. Clay is extremely nutritious for plants, but few can access those nutrients due to its structure. Mycos change that, and after repeated years of application I have a really good soil in certain parts of the garden.
But when you did the plant did ok on its own?
Yes. My plants there got to 7 to 9 feet tall, which became too much of a temptation to thieves. Now I try to keep them below the top of the fence.
I also need to select the strains I put there carefully as they shift to flower later than my potted plants, and anything with really dense colas, or that takes too long to mature can be destroyed by mould.
This doesn’t surprise me. Especially if you’re located close to an underground spring or water source. It’s the belief of Dr Elaine Ingham (soil food web proponent) that all soils contain everything plants need to grow if they can get their roots deep/far enough.
Well, the springs around here are likely to have high amounts of sulphur.
Sulphur Springs road comes to mind, lol.
But I do agree that plants like cannabis that can send their taproots really deep, and spread them out surprisingly wide don't need us as much as we might think.
My outdoor plants are not "inground", so it may be different, but I water them only when the soil about 2-3 inches down seems like it's drying out. The leaves almost never droop by that point. I would think every day would risk "over water" issues.
As the water disperses into the soil without the restriction of a pot I don't really think that would happen.
Well, the springs around here are likely to have high amounts of sulphur.
Sulphur Springs road comes to mind, lol.
But I do agree that plants like cannabis that can send their taproots really deep, and spread them out surprisingly wide don't need us as much as we might think.

This very well may be beneficial, especially if it filters through a few a layers. Cannabis loves some sulfur, and a lot of the Humboldt guys swear it was the secret to high quality terpenes and flavors.
Otter, doesn't it all depend on your conditions? On the mountainside I watered my plants daily but we have a dry growing season. I carried up 5 L bottles and they drank those up thirstily. I dug fairly shallow holes because I am weak and unfit and the ground was hard and rocky, but I filled them with good stuff. Some of them got my own mix and others got the Orgasoilux plus leaf and root material from the environment. The would droop when they wanted water and it was hot and dry conditions at the ocean.
Don't doubt yourself. You know this plant. You've got this :thumb:
My outdoor plants are not "inground", so it may be different, but I water them only when the soil about 2-3 inches down seems like it's drying out. The leaves almost never droop by that point. I would think every day would risk "over water" issues.
Thanks Beez! It's interesting that I don't seem to notice any signs of over watering. Maybe I have to give them an off day or two and give them a good look to see just how they look.
If your spoil drains well you will be fine. That sativa will take as much water as you want to give her. 35 degrees c and crazy winds too. She should naturally be sending roots down looking for water pockets. Maybe get a feel. Hammer a wooden stick into the ground. Amd leave it a day and when you lift it out, it's going to show you how deep the moisture is. Like a dipstick.
Then you just pop it back in and carry on living your best life.
There is a good tilth and draining is good so that has to do with it I'm thinking. 35! I wish! We get a few days close to that. We'll get wind in a few weeks, not every day but maybe storm times in the fall. She sounds nice and tough! No bugs like her so far too! That's real nice!
Highya SO,

Well, unlike others, I water every day it doesn't rain. I also feed them when I think they need something. I've never had a plant not liking that. They always grow so big and laden. The hardest thing is getting them through the hurricanes! On the net, I think I'd put it up just after the stretch. I'm sure you can work it in towards the stalk okay to support all the branches and keep the plant upright in storms. Just my opinion. But then again, I don't do things like everyone else. I do what makes sense to me. I rean another article about the rest of the summer not being like June! Plants are doing well, now. Should have another glorius harvest!! Happy Smokin'
Ok good, we both enjoy healthy plants too. I thought you did. I think the good drainage thing is key, and being outdoors. I waited for them to stretch for the net in the past. I may try it a tad early this year so the net doesn't compromise light getting to innerish buds.
Normal people: look at your plants
Me: looks at possible IVC insertion sites, and a perfect hand vein to take blood from without even needing a tourniquet.

I do have some sweet veinage huh? I wasn't even trying! :p Nurses hit first time every time with me Tra! I'm easy!
Otter, doesn't it all depend on your conditions? On the mountainside I watered my plants daily but we have a dry growing season. I carried up 5 L bottles and they drank those up thirstily. I dug fairly shallow holes because I am weak and unfit and the ground was hard and rocky, but I filled them with good stuff. Some of them got my own mix and others got the Orgasoilux plus leaf and root material from the environment. The would droop when they wanted water and it was hot and dry conditions at the ocean.
Don't doubt yourself. You know this plant. You've got this :thumb:
It does for sure Carmen. It's just very interesting how I found myself watering them every day when I wouldn't dream of that indoors. Watering is so personal, I mainly wanted to hear how we all do it outside. I don't plan a change because "if it aint broke don't fix it" . These plants ain't broke!

Good day folks! Another two weeks have past, almost, I'm a day early because we're expecting rain tomorrow and I'm so sweet I don't want to melt. Another organic growing perk. Again the loose schedule.

So this morn they both got 3 cups of @GeoFlora Nutrients Veg scratched into the top half inch and watered well. I hose water until I'm happy. I suspect one to two gallons every time.

I switched over to @GeoFlora Nutrients Flower for my tomatoes today. There's lots of flowers and some tommies starting.

I still have to do some thinning. I'm waiting for more stems to grab.
Here's IKLWA looking fine! She's about 6 feet tall now and no def's so far. She's in dappled sun.
And Cherries DubeLee is getting lots of shoots coming! Still having a hard time seeing pistols again on her though. She looks nice in full sun!
Almost 90f 32c today and humid. I'm out enjoying the breeze with a bowl of stankberry and a cigar with my tea today. I'm an outdoor dog but I like to go in to cool off later in the ac. Woof! Have a great day!
Plants look great Stone!

It's damn hot out today. You'd better take your sweet self back inside! :)
Highya SO,

Gorgeous looking Cherries Dubelee! Good thick stalk and leaves. Love the look of her. ILKWA looks like a dainty sativa. Looks like she's starting the stretch. I still can't remember when it usually happens. I have a couple that looks they're stretching, also. I work in my swim trunks because I sweat so much. I like working outside, even like this. Looks like they're well on their way to producing some nice buddage! Happy Smokin'
Plants look great Stone!

It's damn hot out today. You'd better take your sweet self back inside! :)
I just did! The computer didn't shut down this time anyway.
He’s trying to caramelize that sweet skin of his I bet 😂
Not me these days. A rocker in the shade for me. Mom was French and I inherited skin that browns up easy so I do get arms and below my knees "caramelized" hehe.
Good morning Mr Oh! Oh! Oh!

Do you live on acreage?

Your land looks AWESOME!
Hi Tra, yes we're on 2.5 acres. About 30 miles north of Boston. I love it here! Thanks!
Highya SO,

Gorgeous looking Cherries Dubelee! Good thick stalk and leaves. Love the look of her. ILKWA looks like a dainty sativa. Looks like she's starting the stretch. I still can't remember when it usually happens. I have a couple that looks they're stretching, also. I work in my swim trunks because I sweat so much. I like working outside, even like this. Looks like they're well on their way to producing some nice buddage! Happy Smokin'
You and I were tending our weed in swim trunks today Bode! And a giant brim hat n t shirt. Sun was good today for a while! Heat used to be good for me, still is but less. :)
They are giants Stone.
Hey keith! They made it! Stretch is coming now so maybe a couple more feet on that IKLWA I think. This is fun to watch! @Lerugged what kind of a stretch does she have you think?
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