Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

Highya Guys,

I know our ladies have been stretching for at least a week now. So, one more week (possible two) then pistils should be showing. Veg time is over.I have several that all look the same (sex signs) so I'm assuming they're all females, until proven otherwise. If they show pistils by first of August, 8-10 weeks will go into October. That's the plan anyways. Happy Smokin'
Damn they are big and look healthy. :thumb:
Lovely ladies you got growing there Stone!:battingeyelashes: How much veg. time do you have left before flowering begins in your neck of the woods?
Hi Cola, thanks! I'm not sure. Soon though. Pistils are starting to appear on some tips. They have to finish by end of Septemberish. Last year they went mid October with good weather.
Beautiful bro they've taken off!! 😯 Enjoying the show 👌🏽 :popcorn:
Thanks Greenvein!
Winning hard. Bravo.
You are! :woohoo: She's at the top of the bamboo pole today!
Highya Guys,

I know our ladies have been stretching for at least a week now. So, one more week (possible two) then pistils should be showing. Veg time is over.I have several that all look the same (sex signs) so I'm assuming they're all females, until proven otherwise. If they show pistils by first of August, 8-10 weeks will go into October. That's the plan anyways. Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! There you go @Cola Monster . Bode and I are kind of neighbors. He's been at outdoor gardening much longer than I. I didn't know how to answer that question without flipping the light ;).

Good day all! I want to give a shout out to @GeoFlora Nutrients ! My cannabis, as you see behind the 2 tomato plants in the foreground, is thriving on Geoflora! So are my tomatoes! They just started getting Geoflora for Flowering last feed and this week I expect ripe fruit to start! Those 2 plants are 12 feet long and 5 feet wide and 4 feet tall! Both cherries.
Geoflora for the win!
Highya SO,

Great mass of tomato vines! You and yours will have fun picking them off the vine for immediate consumption! Very nice. Your cannabis ladies look pretty big. They're still stretching? Mine are. I tried to keep them shorter this year, but they have other plans. No stepladder yet! I'm still trying to control my tomato vines, with all this growth! Can't hurt to hope! Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

Great mass of tomato vines! You and yours will have fun picking them off the vine for immediate consumption! Very nice. Your cannabis ladies look pretty big. They're still stretching? Mine are. I tried to keep them shorter this year, but they have other plans. No stepladder yet! I'm still trying to control my tomato vines, with all this growth! Can't hurt to hope! Happy Smokin'
Good morning Bode! What a storm we had last night! They don't look like that today! They have the "just been blasted" look but no casualties! I'll feel better when I get the net around them! Next week I think. We're in for a great sunny week!

Good day everyone! More than one sun day in a row here! We're in for a week of it! First this year and they love it!
IKLWA is doing well. She was asking for calcium so I top dressed with some EWC (earth worm castings) They contain that and a bunch of microbial happiness! Lerugged do you have this happen with these plants?
She has a few lower leaves like this.
And is otherwise happy and healthy.

Now the beefy Cherries DubeLee. She hasn't asked for anything in particular yet.

Sun's up and in the trees so not shining on them yet. It was early in these pics.
Have a great day please!
She looks incredible Mr Otter. I must say I don't notice any calcuim issues as my soil is like a quarter worm castings as well as a top dress half way through. Wouldn't worry too much. She looks tops to me
Thanks Lerugged! I may have been a day late feeding or something too who knows. She does look happy to me too! I can't wait to see her with flowers!
spotted leaf fever , she will bee ok in a few days . Happy days my friend :green_heart: 🍻
Cheers Smokes! Happy days! 🍻
:woohoo: Sun for a whole week.
A whole week! We won't know what to do with it!
They will!
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