Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA


Haha! Hi all! I'm on the deck having a smoke and checking on the ladies in that order. So my love and I shared a cone of Bruce Banner and I put the filter end in a hole in my rolling tray for later. Got up and ogled the two growing outside, and when I approached my area I noticed my buddy, a Carolina Wren, scoot off from my place. The bird absconded with my half a dube! Picked it off the tray and flew away! DOH! Oh well I have more. Good to know who I'm dealing with!
:rofl: I thought it was funny I dropped half of my blunt in a cup of water last night, zoning out. This is the bees knees though!
Highya SO,

Love your ladies! I have one very skinny (dainty) and wispy. No problem with airflow. Love that look. You know the buds will come! We've had a real nice stretch of weather. Everything up here looks really good! Happy Smokin'
:rofl: I thought it was funny I dropped half of my blunt in a cup of water last night, zoning out. This is the bees knees though!
Just imagine me all Elmer Fudd, looking for that tiny bird. Smaller than a sparrow! Nature is fun! I'm listening to a pileated woodpecker hammer drill giant holes in trees today.
You know the buds will come!
OK then! Hehe, Faith, I have faith! I should know better by now but I get an insecure feeling sometimes about new things like this one. A skosh. I just have to watch and see.

Yep, we had two and a half real nice days, today and tomorrow are meh with rain times and clouds, but then more good sunny ones!
That dragonfly pics makes me miss @Amy Gardner. Great shot and the structure on the IKLWA is so different from most plants...cool!
I miss her almost every day out there especially when I'm close and down looking up through a plant. I wonder and wish good wishes for her then.

The IKLWA is starting to put branches out on lower limbs. I think it'll trend up. Bud dreaming time! Yeah she's thin as a pin now. Happy I think. She's a little lighter than C DubeLee but I'm just noting that now.

Hi everyone.
So I had a chance to look at C Dubelee. She's almost 6 feet tall and still hasn't bent a branch to follow the sun! Like a compass rose her branches poke their way out from the main trunk! 90 degrees! I think that has to change but we'll see, maybe not. The yard is our classroom!
Cherries DubeLee
I have to hand it to her! She's growing some good size leaves!
And from the downlow she's nice and clean. Still has the Carhug holding her up!
In a few days or a week I'll remove some inner shoots that will never see light. Not too many on this one.
Best wishes for you all on this fine day!
Highya SO,

Cute puns! Hand, carhug. Well, anyways, she's a thick looking stem, and fat leaves! Mine is looking similar. So pretty to look at! Have your's shown sex, yet? I keep looking and think I do, but not enough to tell for sure! Yeah, the weather will be better than June. Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

Cute puns! Hand, carhug. Well, anyways, she's a thick looking stem, and fat leaves! Mine is looking similar. So pretty to look at! Have your's shown sex, yet? I keep looking and think I do, but not enough to tell for sure! Yeah, the weather will be better than June. Happy Smokin'
This one showed female right at the 30 day time after 10 days of 12/12. It may have stopped for a while I think. I'll check tomorrow again. I know there's female looking pods in the right places. I haven't been able to see a hair lately.
Highya SO,

I'm listening to a pileated woodpecker
That's where Woody Woodpecker got his name from. I've seen them a few times!! They're huge! Very surprising.
I know there's female looking pods in the right places. I haven't been able to see a hair lately.
That's what I'm seeing too. Still waiting for the full monty!! I need to write down when they show, so I'll remember another year. I also think they'll be in flower mode in a couple weeks. I've had to top some side branches to stop the stretch. I'm stil eye to eye with them. Trying to keep away from the stepladder this year! Happy Smokin'
In nature, there is no need to consider space or light.
Highya SO,

That's where Woody Woodpecker got his name from. I've seen them a few times!! They're huge! Very surprising.

That's what I'm seeing too. Still waiting for the full monty!! I need to write down when they show, so I'll remember another year. I also think they'll be in flower mode in a couple weeks. I've had to top some side branches to stop the stretch. I'm stil eye to eye with them. Trying to keep away from the stepladder this year! Happy Smokin'
I see some bunching up near the tips so it'd coming! Oh! The IKLWA does have pistols in the tips starting! Do you call that flowering or pre flowering?
Be careful of those damn ladders. I will not use one alone without someone with me.
Good advise! My ground is not level so ixnay the adderlay for me too! Just to get the stakes in to support the cage I build to hold the monstrous heavy buds on their bowing fragrant branches. ;)
In nature, there is no need to consider space or light.
:love:. Since our Mother "Nature" takes control from us, you're 420% right! Learning and enjoying her nature so I can play along with her is my goal.
Highya SO,

I would call a female as soon as the little hair is visible. To me, that's solid proof. Love to see those girls so big, their buds ar all but falling over, except for you network. Happy Smokin'
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Hello everyone :ciao: I'm super excited for this summer's grow! This year brings a special and historical plant from Leruggeds' Granddads' time. What a story, especially to a time impaired person such as myself! The following is the history as I found it in @weenmeoff 's journal. Thanks Ween :love:!
I have these 4 and will be trying them all at different times! The Cherries DubeLee is one of mine made from a Black Skull Wedding Cake I got from @Dope-Seeds and a Chunky Cherry Thai from KOS.

"From the breeder

The lines were collected by my Grandfather who was a General in the South African Defense Force. He collected wherever in Africa he went for whatever reason.

Over the years he open-pollinated each batch of what he had collected from a specific area. The next year he did another batch, keeping each strain separate to avoid any contamination of genetics.

He did this until just before he passed away.

One day as a teen I was looking for a place to hide my cigarettes from my parents and while pushing the box into the pocket of his old WW2 rain jacket that he had left to me I found a fat pack of envelopes kept together with a rubber band. There was a letter addressed to me explaining the contents of the envelopes and how I should proceed to keep each strain separate.

About a week later I planted the first 20 seeds and got them to flower (thanks to our Malawian gardener). I then bashed the males over the females and collected the resulting seeds.

Then began the next batch.

Over the last 25 years or so I have been keeping the genetics pure. I try not to work the strains too much as I want to preserve the genetic expressions that occasionally pop up. When I do find an absolute winner of a specimen, I'll try to stabilize the favorable traits through backcrossing or selection over a few generations.

I do not use any line that has Hermie traits and have managed to keep that gene as much as possible out of any future lines. As they are landraces, they are like F1000s (lol , pick a number).

I really stress plants out by leaving them in 100km/h winds, not watering until completely limp, chopping, strapping, and cracking as much as possible along with light timing changes. They are strong as fuck. Very resistant to mold too.

The LC- 18 is a cross of two winning plants (Wild lady and Miss Sticky), She will flower late in the season outdoors. Grows long arm branches that fill out with flowers almost all the way to the bottom. Indoors, it’s about your lights I guess. Looking at about 9 to 10 weeks to ripen outdoors but indoors you could take a week off. Buds are fairly tight for sativa and are very resinous. Expect pine, sandalwood, and earth (almost always earth in the African Landraces). The high is crystal clear and both energetic and euphoric and lasts a few hours. Important to note there is no stone here at all. none. High? Yes, very. None of the strains get you stoned, only high.)

Wild lady comes from the Kosi bay area right on the border with Mozambique. It happens to be my favorite place on the planet (google is your friend here) Later flowering with looser nodes than the LC-18. She gets big and grows aggressively when given what she needs. Super hardy and very branchy. You will have to strap her down indoors or you will run out of space. She will double in size at a minimum outdoors in stretch. Denser than average sativa buds sticky with resin and reeking of pine. She takes about 10 weeks outdoors. About the same indoors from my experience. This plant is so wild, you might get one that has the crab clawiest preflower you have ever seen. Don't freak out and give it a couple of days/weeks and eventually two long thick pistils will come out. not so much a crab claw but like a calyx that has two pointy parts.

Iklwa comes from the foot of the Drakensberg mountain range and was likely the same genetics that Shaka Zulu and the Zulu tribe would have consumed/smoked before battle and for ceremonies. The name I have given this strain is the name of the short spear that Shaka introduced. Like the spear, this strain is sharp and what I call Insta-high. The euphoria comes on by the time you have a second hit, or, as you exhale your first. This is a pheno that comes from Miss Sticky. 9 to 10 weeks to flower. Spicy, woody, and earthy are the scents you will likely get. Occasionally floral.

The RDVD is very similar to the Iklwa and comes from the opposite side of the Drakensberg mountains near the Free State province. This plant grows buds that are a bit denser than Iklwa and takes the same to finish. Expect a bit more floral scent here. Super clear high that’s almost instant. Can be a little fast for new smokers who are prone to anxiety or paranoia."

A special thank you to @Lerugged for taking this seriously and continuing the work! I hope to do the same here in my own small way, weed willing, to my unobtrusive extent. Wish me luck.

IKLWA came out of her seed shell in the paper towel and I kind of freaked a little at planting yesterday. Today she came up! Grow on little one!

Under my favorite multi purpose light the @ViparSpectra XS1500 Pro now set at 25% sending 245 PPFD of nurturing PAR!

That's it for today. Waiting for action from the Cherries Dubelee group. Soon!
Hello there @StoneOtter

Wow! How fortunate you are to have a grandfather like that. This is so amazing. I love that you're continuing the tradition of your GrandPa. It says so many good things about you and your green thumb. I'm a huge outdoor fan, so I'll have fun catching up on all that you've posted here.

Thank you so much... :smokin:
Wait until you do Mescaline or San Pedro Uachuma cactus. Makes acid or shrooms feel like a psychedelic hick-up.

One can tap into plant and animal realms that’s going down the line different realms, going up is astral and spiritual realms.

What I’m wanting is DMT, I did mesc back in the day and every kind of blotter, window pane. I even had Bufo but never had any DMT. I would like to get to the other side of the universe but without leaving home. CL🍀
People always think 🤔 it’s not a healthy thing to open up your mind once in awhile but I happen to disagree. Just my buck two fifty. CL🍀
Disagree about what? It sounds like you think I promote people microdosing psychedelics? If thats the case you misinterperet what I actually wrote? Microdosing Cannabis is a little laughable since the medicinal effects mostly comes with tolerance? All psychedelics should be considered of highest importance because of their medicinal properties and super highten introspection, novelty and imagination and they're deemed for all the wrong reasons in our culture and society.
What I’m wanting is DMT, I did mesc back in the day and every kind of blotter, window pane. I even had Bufo but never had any DMT. I would like to get to the other side of the universe but without leaving home. CL🍀
If you're doing DMT I'll advice you to vape the crude yellow extract. We took big bong hits with changa back in the day. With the crude extract you'll get some of the harmalines and other active components and the experience feels more brighter and more exploratory in effects if that makes any sense? Ayahuasca is a little bit to intense and long lasting to take the first time and non supervised.
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