Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA


Oh Boy what a little sun does for me! My plants too! I can almost hear them grow today!
IKLWA is getting body to her! I can almost see how she's working things. She's a fun watch all dainty and now full of good branching! Here comes the sun do da do do, here comes the sun. It's all right.

Cherries DubeLee is making a move to build! She has a Body Builder of a stature! I can see she's not even aiming her arms to the sun much. Just maintaining composure. Her way! She's fun to watch!
Best day to you all!
Really nice Stone and we finally got some sun they will go crazy the next few days. Beautiful grow.

Oh Boy what a little sun does for me! My plants too! I can almost hear them grow today!
IKLWA is getting body to her! I can almost see how she's working things. She's a fun watch all dainty and now full of good branching! Here comes the sun do da do do, here comes the sun. It's all right.

Cherries DubeLee is making a move to build! She has a Body Builder of a stature! I can see she's not even aiming her arms to the sun much. Just maintaining composure. Her way! She's fun to watch!
Best day to you all!
Happy belated 4th of July to the Otter clan. CL🍀. :thumb: :morenutes:
Interesting on the bending should produce some nice bud areas , Happy plants !
She went and grew well!
That ILKWA has some long node spacing so you might want to lower the light a bit to see if that helps! Both are looking so healthy and happy and glad to be soaking up the rays. ☀️
I'll have a talk with Mother.
Really nice Stone and we finally got some sun they will go crazy the next few days. Beautiful grow.
Finally they get what they want! Us too! I was getting moldy!
Happy belated 4th of July to the Otter clan. CL🍀. :thumb: :morenutes:
Much Independence to you too brother!
Bruce almighty lassoed the moon so I'm sure it can be done with the sun just give us a heads up to get some SPF on 🤣
Now we're talkin!
It's time consuming. Go slow!
I did and I needed to in order to absorb all of this information and stare endlessly at your spectacular greenery and green concoctions!

Splendiferous garden as always!! One day I will grow like this!

I don't know if I missed the discussion but have you thought of micro dosing? @Costanza had mentioned it to me a while back when I was having headaches. I even remember our discussion on them, feel terrible you are going through that!

Oh and Happy Happy Father's Day to you and all the 420 dads! Fathers Day fell on my birthday this year, same as the year I was born. I don't mind sharing my day with all of you wonderful fathers! Not one bit!
Happy Belated fellow Gemini! :happy-birthday: :green_heart::hug:
Hey Twinzie :ciao::partyboy:Happy Fathers day and Birthday :happy-birthday:
I did and I needed to in order to absorb all of this information and stare endlessly at your spectacular greenery and green concoctions!

Splendiferous garden as always!! One day I will grow like this!

I don't know if I missed the discussion but have you thought of micro dosing? @Costanza had mentioned it to me a while back when I was having headaches. I even remember our discussion on them, feel terrible you are going through that!

Oh and Happy Happy Father's Day to you and all the 420 dads! Fathers Day fell on my birthday this year, same as the year I was born. I don't mind sharing my day with all of you wonderful fathers! Not one bit!
Goodness it's nice to have you in my garden Krissi!
Micro dosing. I'm open to it and a bit afraid from an experience I had with lsd in my early 20's. That's the good news. The less than good news is my wife is dead set against it. So I'm aware and bashful knowing it may help my headaches but I may lose my mind on the other hand. In her Irish way she reminds me of what I have left to work with eh :). That's pretty much how it is. If I want to try it it'll be ok but no. Thanks for the thought! I'm managing better these days for the most part. :love:
Micro dosing. I'm open to it and a bit afraid from an experience I had with lsd in my early 20's. That's the good news. The less than good news is my wife is dead set against it. So I'm aware and bashful knowing it may help my headaches but I may lose my mind on the other hand. In her Irish way she reminds me of what I have left to work with eh :).
Why, what's the downside? Microdosing is one of the key tenets to medical cannabis. Small amounts more frequently give you more even levels of the cannabinoids in you system.

Why, what's the downside? Microdosing is one of the key tenets to medical cannabis. Small amounts more frequently give you more even levels of the cannabinoids in you system.

I might be wrong but I think that they might be referring to scrooms. CL🍀. :hookah: :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey Twinzie :ciao::partyboy:Happy Fathers day and Birthday :happy-birthday:

Goodness it's nice to have you in my garden Krissi!
Micro dosing. I'm open to it and a bit afraid from an experience I had with lsd in my early 20's. That's the good news. The less than good news is my wife is dead set against it. So I'm aware and bashful knowing it may help my headaches but I may lose my mind on the other hand. In her Irish way she reminds me of what I have left to work with eh :). That's pretty much how it is. If I want to try it it'll be ok but no. Thanks for the thought! I'm managing better these days for the most part. :love:
Thank you my Mass friend!! Pleasure to have been able to drive through!! It's incredible here! Traffic was decent on 95, too! I still have the information on the dosing if you would like me to forward it to you but I am glad that you have found some relief. It is such a micro dose, you don't feel the effects as you normally would...I am not a shroom gal, always want to be normal when I want to be normal and I always hated that come down where you're trying to smoke an ounce of weed and chug a gallon of milk to balance yourself out and come back to reality but you're not quite there yet and shit gets weird. I don't like that, I suggest it to you as ai have found the few times I have done it, to help significantly without making me feel like shrooms make you feel. My cousin gave me a dose and the first thing I said before I took it was I don't want to feel like I'm tripping and she promised me I wouldn't. And I didn't so I was pleased. But anyway, sorry for taking up your thread, I'll be back watching this garden flourish!
Thank you my Mass friend!! Pleasure to have been able to drive through!! It's incredible here! Traffic was decent on 95, too! I still have the information on the dosing if you would like me to forward it to you but I am glad that you have found some relief. It is such a micro dose, you don't feel the effects as you normally would...I am not a shroom gal, always want to be normal when I want to be normal and I always hated that come down where you're trying to smoke an ounce of weed and chug a gallon of milk to balance yourself out and come back to reality but you're not quite there yet and shit gets weird. I don't like that, I suggest it to you as ai have found the few times I have done it, to help significantly without making me feel like shrooms make you feel. My cousin gave me a dose and the first thing I said before I took it was I don't want to feel like I'm tripping and she promised me I wouldn't. And I didn't so I was pleased. But anyway, sorry for taking up your thread, I'll be back watching this garden flourish!
Aww cmon Jersey you would be so funny to see do a nice dose of fungal treats. You might even enjoy the ride. Lmao 🤣 CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl::rofl::cheesygrinsmiley:
Why, what's the downside? Microdosing is one of the key tenets to medical cannabis. Small amounts more frequently give you more even levels of the cannabinoids in you system.

Again, I flipped out of my mind on lsd and I'm scared, and in addition my wife in uncomfortable with it for whatever her reason. Other than that none. I'm just out.
Thank you my Mass friend!! Pleasure to have been able to drive through!! It's incredible here! Traffic was decent on 95, too! I still have the information on the dosing if you would like me to forward it to you but I am glad that you have found some relief. It is such a micro dose, you don't feel the effects as you normally would...I am not a shroom gal, always want to be normal when I want to be normal and I always hated that come down where you're trying to smoke an ounce of weed and chug a gallon of milk to balance yourself out and come back to reality but you're not quite there yet and shit gets weird. I don't like that, I suggest it to you as ai have found the few times I have done it, to help significantly without making me feel like shrooms make you feel. My cousin gave me a dose and the first thing I said before I took it was I don't want to feel like I'm tripping and she promised me I wouldn't. And I didn't so I was pleased. But anyway, sorry for taking up your thread, I'll be back watching this garden flourish!
I appreciate any and all suggestions thank you Krissi :) This one isn't for me today. Who knows about tomorrow.
Why, what's the downside? Microdosing is one of the key tenets to medical cannabis. Small amounts more frequently give you more even levels of the cannabinoids in you system.

I'm on the other fence with doing few heavy sessions a day to keep tolerance down. If I didn't have to use Cannabis medicinally I would stay absent and try to consume as much as possible in one session to get the intense psychedelic effects and personal reflection .

Read about the old hash eaters and you'll think you're reading about people dropping Acid. LSD is a walk in the park compared to Liberty Caps and I would rather go for Cubensis if I were to microdose than LSD since its waaay harder to dose it right.

I'm on the other fence with doing few heavy sessions a day to keep tolerance down. If I didn't have to use Cannabis medicinally I would stay absent and try to consume as much as possible in one session to get the intense psychedelic effects and personal reflection .

Read about the old hash eaters and you'll think you're reading about people dropping Acid. LSD is a walk in the park compared to Liberty Caps and I would rather go for Cubensis if I were to microdose than LSD since its waaay harder to dose it right.

To be clear, I thought we were talking about microdosing cannabis. I don't know much about all the other stuff, and don't intend to learn.
I'm on the other fence with doing few heavy sessions a day to keep tolerance down. If I didn't have to use Cannabis medicinally I would stay absent and try to consume as much as possible in one session to get the intense psychedelic effects and personal reflection .

Read about the old hash eaters and you'll think you're reading about people dropping Acid. LSD is a walk in the park compared to Liberty Caps and I would rather go for Cubensis if I were to microdose than LSD since its waaay harder to dose it right.


Wait until you do Mescaline or San Pedro Uachuma cactus. Makes acid or shrooms feel like a psychedelic hick-up.

One can tap into plant and animal realms that’s going down the line different realms, going up is astral and spiritual realms.

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