I applaud and appreciate your bravery Stone.
Bending and snapping stems isn’t easy from a conventional growers point of view.
I’ve seen your plants, you grow healthy thriving plants, you should expect a 24 hrs relocation of the main you just bent.
Look for a hook like shape that’s the sign of the hormones acting, also to be expected the lower growth to “jump nodes”, the lowers will have a huge gap between nodes that’s the elongated growth pushed by Auxins to meet that Apical main at the same height.
Once you start pushing hormones the plant takes the successive bending and snapping like nothing. I find it hard to stop once I start this training. It helps me project the size to be of the plant. You can make them to have 30 main tops, or 50.
When you get the nasty never bending Apical main, that’s when you pull out the string and tie her down. The ultimate blast for the lower growth, after that they all become main with their own apical dominant gravity to them.
Tie down of the apical main.
effect on a recovered apical main 24 hrs after heavy bending and training.
Apical dominant main blasted on a flowering Auto.
Hope this helps and encourages you to keep doing it.
All the best