Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

I applaud and appreciate your bravery Stone.

Bending and snapping stems isnā€™t easy from a conventional growers point of view.

Iā€™ve seen your plants, you grow healthy thriving plants, you should expect a 24 hrs relocation of the main you just bent.
Look for a hook like shape thatā€™s the sign of the hormones acting, also to be expected the lower growth to ā€œjump nodesā€, the lowers will have a huge gap between nodes thatā€™s the elongated growth pushed by Auxins to meet that Apical main at the same height.

Once you start pushing hormones the plant takes the successive bending and snapping like nothing. I find it hard to stop once I start this training. It helps me project the size to be of the plant. You can make them to have 30 main tops, or 50.

When you get the nasty never bending Apical main, thatā€™s when you pull out the string and tie her down. The ultimate blast for the lower growth, after that they all become main with their own apical dominant gravity to them.

Tie down of the apical main.

Hook šŸŖ effect on a recovered apical main 24 hrs after heavy bending and training.

Apical dominant main blasted on a flowering Auto.

Hope this helps and encourages you to keep doing it.

All the best

I prefer to try and gain a CarCanopy, but when all else fails I go the crack.

My Biscotti Mintz has knuckles like an arthritic granny. Biggest, bulkiest, ugliest knuckles Iā€™ve grown yet. I also add plant bangles/weights on their bent arms to keep them down. Iā€™ll get some pics if you like.

I can not seem to train a seed. Mine grow too tall.
I prefer to try and gain a CarCanopy, but when all else fails I go the crack.

My Biscotti Mintz has knuckles like an arthritic granny. Biggest, bulkiest, ugliest knuckles Iā€™ve grown yet. I also add plant bangles/weights on their bent arms to keep them down. Iā€™ll get some pics if you like.

I can not seem to train a seed. Mine grow too tall.

Please share the pics;


my current knuckles.
There are countless possibilities under the sunshine. :thumb:
Highya SO,

Lovely looking Cherries Dubelee! The side branching is really coming along! Mine is getting there now that the weather has warmed up, but no where's near to yours! But it has the fat leaves, though! Have a great Sunday, you and MRs. O, and a great 4th!! Happy Smokin'
I think my area is a week ahead of you Bode. The warm is a thing! It's coming to you now! Best to you and Julie tomorrow! Will you bbq something? We'll be grilling some chicken thighs if it stops raining. That and smokin the weed!
You plants are magnificent Otter šŸ˜
Thanks Carmen, they're coming along in spite of things it seems this year!
As usual my keen sense of where in time I am is unveiled :hookah: . You'd think I'd fix that by now but no.
Please share the pics;


my current knuckles.
There are countless possibilities under the sunshine. :thumb:
Yes! I'll take it! But in a tent there's nothing like a @ViparSpectra LED light!
Current grow on my signature. Drop it like itā€™s hot.

Oh I see it now.

Itā€™s where it says Current Grow in big letters aye?!


Still laying in bed sipping coffee. My first job of the day is to show you my knuckles! Lol

A funny tho. I fucking hate them! But if I donā€™t snap the arms my seed starters, they would be 5 foot tall! There was a poster called Ganjagranddaddy and he lived for a good knuckle. Iā€™m spewing he didnā€™t get to see mine.
Ok question to the Americans.

Why do you always put the month then the date, unless itā€™s the 4th of July. Like shouldnā€™t it be July 4th?
Hi Tra! Because we were taught that way. I otherwise don't know. It's different for sure when I look at international dates. Month-day-year we learn and until we look out of the country there is no other. It's as queer looking at yours as it is mine. I get dizzy.
Highya SO,

Sounds like you are having a great 4th! We went to my cousin's cottage to celebrate. Was a family gathering with a little rain, but a very nice reunion. Some I hadn't seen since high school!! My Cherries Dubelee is growing a lot! Stalk fattened up, side branches growing a lot, just about 4' tall, and fans are fat and happy. Even with the weather. I guess the temp is a bigger factor (since the warm up, everything is taking off). I'd be surprised if we had 4 days with more than 6 hrs of sun. Anyways, how's your ladies doing? Must be getting huge. Hope so. Happy Smokin'
Highya SO,

Sounds like you are having a great 4th! We went to my cousin's cottage to celebrate. Was a family gathering with a little rain, but a very nice reunion. Some I hadn't seen since high school!! My Cherries Dubelee is growing a lot! Stalk fattened up, side branches growing a lot, just about 4' tall, and fans are fat and happy. Even with the weather. I guess the temp is a bigger factor (since the warm up, everything is taking off). I'd be surprised if we had 4 days with more than 6 hrs of sun. Anyways, how's your ladies doing? Must be getting huge. Hope so. Happy Smokin'
That's fun! I love a party! If family is involved even better! Those long time reunions are cool!

My girls have seen about the same amount of sun and they're the same size as yours I think. It's dry today and I'll get out for a pic or two and do some maintenance. Cool and drizzly, same theme. Just warm enough for no heat in the house.
Looks like we're both heading into 3 sunny days! Watch them this week! šŸ§ šŸ’„
Happy 4th of July Stone!
Thanks! Happy belated Mel!
šŸŽ† even though it's probably all over where you are!
Thanks Shed! Happy belated 4th of July! Local fireworks all got cancelled and it was strangely quiet. Boston fog lifted and I hear they blew theirs off. I'll watch them later today with En Vogue as the Main act if you don't count the US military band and the Boston Pops. En Vogue rocked I saw!

Oh Boy what a little sun does for me! My plants too! I can almost hear them grow today!
IKLWA is getting body to her! I can almost see how she's working things. She's a fun watch all dainty and now full of good branching! Here comes the sun do da do do, here comes the sun. It's all right.

Cherries DubeLee is making a move to build! She has a Body Builder of a stature! I can see she's not even aiming her arms to the sun much. Just maintaining composure. Her way! She's fun to watch!
Best day to you all!
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