Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

Sounds beautiful man hopefully I'll be vacating somewhere close by.. the wife always talks about it and she always makes it happen 👌🏽

Awesome bro nice tidy set up, :goodjob: not sure if I missed it but is your whole house run off RO water? Just guessing at the size of them barrels lol.. and will you be watering with straight RO water growing organic?
I started collecting rain and storing it in the barrels. That got difficult to maintain and sketchy winter grows came with me combining well with rain to make it through. I decided to make the grow RO and retire collecting rain though rain is better imo. This soil by The Rev requires a low ppm water so yes I'll run it always in my LOS indoor grows.
Thats a cool system. Sleep tight.
Made it through the night! This system rocks! No issues!
Highya SO,

I've melted tubing before with a torch. Torch will work better with 3/4" or 1 " with nylon fittings. Glad you sound a solution. Awesome setup in there! Will you turn it on to fill, then off; or do you leave it on all the time? Those big pots will grow a huge plant even inside. That will be a sight to see. When are you planting those? Hope you're having a great day. Happy Smokin'
That makes sense Bode! These are 1/8 and 3/8 lines so not enough meat to stay right with a torch! I'll have them on all the time. This week I hope top wet seeds! There's even more news in the tent! I'm waiting for @ViparSpectra to tell me to reveal a set of beautiful lights I have hanging. The lights are getting ready for sale now and I expect at the end of June to show everyone! They're the most impressive I've seen yet! I can't wait to start!
Legit gromigo . Bravo.
Going for a thin leafed lady of yours this week for the 3 x 3 solo SIP grow!
Well done on the irrigation. I think it's an amazing accomplishment. The screaming gizmo is a good idea!
New things make me uncomfortable especially when water and my home are involved! A little insurance helps. My daughter and her man live behind a wall down there! We can't have wet! Thank you!
That's a cool idea for automation @StoneOtter! I remember when the first Autopots came out. You can still find different iterations of them everywhere commercially here. Often called "Tomato pots" where I'm at. I love the shape and colour of the buckets, reminds of the old Dutch Buckets back in the day. I also love the JG connectors, so easy and safe to work with, thinking about re-using all the piping I have for Aero to make a proper feed soluion. Cheers bud and all the best of luck!
Thanks man, I bet tomatoes grow like crazy in these 🤔. Earthbox had automation so I really wanted to try it! I was beyond happy when they gave them to me for this coming grow! These pots spin nicely for any lst or maintenance along the grow too!
These pots spin nicely for any lst or maintenance along the grow too!
Wait, the pots spin? Like on a turn table? That's pretty cool. I'd like to see the bottoms of those before you fill with soil if it's not too late. Or maybe after take down if it is.

I do that for pots in my flower chamber and must say it makes working on them  much easier.

I remember @Carcass built that feature into his Dual Mop Bucket SIP for use in his Cardboard Box of Glory.
Wait, the pots spin? Like on a turn table? That's pretty cool. I'd like to see the bottoms of those before you fill with soil if it's not too late. Or maybe after take down if it is.

I do that for pots in my flower chamber and must say it makes working on them  much easier.

I remember @Carcass built that feature into his Dual Mop Bucket SIP for use in his Cardboard Box of Glory.
Yeah, once they go into the big pots I don't remove then from the tent. With these pots kept in a saucer, plastic on plastic just spins like it's been lubed! I have one on the side I can show you when I get a chance.
Very Nice setup and precautions in place ,, Well done SO :passitleft:
Thanks Smokes! I'm raring to go!
what a great system, you got some awesome ideas Stone.
I think it'll work Dan. Can't see why not! I'm just implementing things I see, mostly around here. Thanks man! C'mon end of June!
Congrats on the auto water build Otter! Is that first pic a close up of this one?


If so I'm not getting all the extra tubing (the cut off yellow, the blue disappearing off the bottom right, the yellow coming out of the top ? of the left barrel). Are there two barrels feeding these lines? Can you detail the water flow for me as I would think the feed would come from the bottom of the barrel and run down rather than up.

My tired old brain is confused!
Congrats on the auto water build Otter! Is that first pic a close up of this one?


If so I'm not getting all the extra tubing (the cut off yellow, the blue disappearing off the bottom right, the yellow coming out of the top ? of the left barrel). Are there two barrels feeding these lines? Can you detail the water flow for me as I would think the feed would come from the bottom of the barrel and run down rather than up.

My tired old brain is confused!
It is. This will help. The barrels are not being used to feed the the Earthpots. I'm taking the feed that feeds one barrel(yellow) and splitting it directly from the RO source. It also splits to a hand filling device (the yellow open ended) and to the tent(blue). The other yellow is feed to the barrel's float shutoff in the barrel. I have eliminated the barrels from this grow altogether.
This is all first time assembly so things could be done neater and better. In and around things make it hard to visualize what's happening. The barrels are about 3 feet from the tent.
I use the hand filler for filling my humidifiers and for any low ppm water I need to work with. :)The barrel with ro in it I use for filling gallon jugs to hand water from the sill cock down low. It fills much faster than the yellow line. Ro is slow.
It's so slow. We had a largish one to water our organic farm. It was fairly close to the sea so the water was a bit brackish. Had to scrap it because it took soooooooooo long to fill a barrel. Haha.
Looks pretty neat to me Mr Otter.
I've been thinking of how to build a jumbo sip in our new place for summer growing.
I mean like a raised bed on a sip kinda vibe. Outdoors.
I'll have to wait until we move so I can see how the sun hits the garden. Some big trees around. So, I'm losing the deck but gaining good old fashioned in the ground trees. L
Sun's out. Whoop.
Oh wait it's gone.
Have a goodie.
It's so slow. We had a largish one to water our organic farm. It was fairly close to the sea so the water was a bit brackish. Had to scrap it because it took soooooooooo long to fill a barrel. Haha.
Looks pretty neat to me Mr Otter.
I've been thinking of how to build a jumbo sip in our new place for summer growing.
I mean like a raised bed on a sip kinda vibe. Outdoors.
I'll have to wait until we move so I can see how the sun hits the garden. Some big trees around. So, I'm losing the deck but gaining good old fashioned in the ground trees. L
Sun's out. Whoop.
Oh wait it's gone.
Have a goodie.
You're going to love in ground! @Bode made a substantial outdoor sip! The raised bed idea sounds interesting!
Oh so slow goes RO! The RO unit has a 5 gallon pressurized rez that's ready to rock at any time and even that's slow. I think it'll be fine for these 4 Earthpots though. At a point they will need water at the speed of growth which will be about a gallon a day each I think or so.
It is. This will help. The barrels are not being used to feed the the Earthpots. I'm taking the feed that feeds one barrel(yellow) and splitting it directly from the RO source. It also splits to a hand filling device (the yellow open ended) and to the tent(blue). The other yellow is feed to the barrel's float shutoff in the barrel. I have eliminated the barrels from this grow altogether.
This is all first time assembly so things could be done neater and better. In and around things make it hard to visualize what's happening. The barrels are about 3 feet from the tent.
I use the hand filler for filling my humidifiers and for any low ppm water I need to work with. :)The barrel with ro in it I use for filling gallon jugs to hand water from the sill cock down low. It fills much faster than the yellow line. Ro is slow.
Thanks Otter! So the RO line is pressurized and runs like this?


That makes sense now, even on 5 hours sleep! :thanks:
Thanks Otter! So the RO line is pressurized and runs like this?


That makes sense now, even on 5 hours sleep! :thanks:
You're the best Shed! I could get better at making a presentation! 5 hours huh? Your sons friend a musician perhaps?
Yes it always has house pressure and the little 5 gallon tank/rez it has must drop that a little.. I don't know what pressure it is. My house pressure is lowish because of the well. 60 lb's maybe, could be less. The EarthBox'x first fitting is a pressure reducer. I'm getting the journal up in a bit and I'll get into the whole setup in detail there. Auto watering is a complex problem to solve. I'm impressed with what I see. I don't completely understand the science yet but I will. I think it's very simple if you know the secret sauce. I'm not reverse engineering them, I just enjoy a good design!
5 hours huh? Your sons friend a musician perhaps?
LOL no, I just had trouble getting back to sleep at 5am. :)
Auto watering is a complex problem to solve.
@Derbybud did a tutorial on an auto water system but his was pump-fed:
LOL no, I just had trouble getting back to sleep at 5am. :)

@Derbybud did a tutorial on an auto water system but his was pump-fed:
Derbs did a great job on that!
OOFA, lousy pic sorry! 3 each reg and 1 of @Leruggeds LC-18
Going to be a gaggle to get sexed, 12.
New journal coming soon, not today I've been hittin the Daab and it's too late. :p
I squished 8 grams of Cherries DubeLee today and got a gram of rosen.

Life is good! Have a nice day!
OOFA, lousy pic sorry! 3 each reg and 1 of @Leruggeds LC-18
Going to be a gaggle to get sexed, 12.
New journal coming soon, not today I've been hittin the Daab and it's too late. :p
I squished 8 grams of Cherries DubeLee today and got a gram of rosen.

Life is good! Have a nice day!
What do you do just smoke that?
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