Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA


Not a cloud was in the sky. For 5 or 6 hours anyway! I'll take it! We had a great start today and it was feeding day with @GeoFlora Nutrients Veg. 3 cups each plant tilled in and watered well. They're coming along well for not much sun! Next week will be better!
Here they are.
First two is Cherries DubeLee getting some branching going on!

Then there's IKLWA with her slender leaves also nicely branching!

Been a rough week with headaches. Maybe getting some ground on them now. Too many migraine meds and too much weed! Thank goodness! The alternative is way more awful! The auto water system for the next grow is all made up and ready to test. I'll run it without soil to see how high it fills the pots and how good they actually shut off. Soon not yet, I want to document it up as it comes up so all can see. Later everyone!
My heart ❤️ goes out to you SO, I had a guy that I worked for that would get them so bad that I would have to drive him home. Any lights or sounds he said would make it worse. CL🍀
Highya SO,

So sorry for the Migraines!! I hope they don't come back anymore!! Seriously messed up for something like that to ruin retirement for awhile! So glad we have sunny days on the horizon. Yesterday was really nice. But it was just one day. Summer is almost here!! Oh, my Cherries Dubilee is so far behind yours. They aren't much bigger than when I put them in the ground, almost a month ago. Maybe making roots, so when the sun does come, they all can take advantage of it! Hope you have a great weekend. Happy Smokin'
Morning StoneOtter! :high-five:

I'm sorry to hear about your migraine issues mate, both my late mother and I suffer from the same problem which in my case is usually brought on by bright light and why I hang out indoors most of the time.

Now a quick ? if I may, I'm about to use the GeoFlora Grow & Bloom line for the first time and was wondering how you apply it to your plants?
I'm growing in a 10 gallon GeoPot and it says to use one cup every two weeks in which my question is do I just use PH balanced water to feed the plants or should I add some type of supplements during the grow season? Just curious how you do things!

I hope you feel better soon and have a great day!:Namaste:
Hi Cola, it's a good and better day! I wish you didn't get them! We're not alone!

My Geoflora use is mostly outdoors where I scratch it into the surface a little unless I see roots, which sometimes I do, then I just drop it on top and water through and re-mulch.
In pots early on I scratch but I don't upset roots after a while and mostly water through. I mulch with bark chunks. So it gets put right on that. When watered it flows down to the soil. My LOS doesn't require me to ph so I don't.

During the grow I'm pretty sure it needs nothing as it contains a pretty full boatload of microbes to do the heavy lifting. I still add a variety of microbes that I have around from time to time. Targeted flowering microbes from Build a Soil or a recipe from "The Rev's" book.

I'll tell you who knows Geoflora inside and out. @Emilya Green . Check out her journal where she uses it to grow some beauties! She mentions the addition of Dynomyco making a great difference in bulking up, so there's that.
My heart ❤️ goes out to you SO, I had a guy that I worked for that would get them so bad that I would have to drive him home. Any lights or sounds he said would make it worse. CL🍀
I've been there Cap'n but now that I'm medded up for them it seldom gets like that. :love:
:snowboating: some sun shine !! Plants look good ! Chiocrakehead fucked my neck up years ago ,, some days you just can't MAKE it crack /pop but keep tring , no more of that My headache lives with me .
Yikes! There more of us than I want!:love:
Highya SO,

So sorry for the Migraines!! I hope they don't come back anymore!! Seriously messed up for something like that to ruin retirement for awhile! So glad we have sunny days on the horizon. Yesterday was really nice. But it was just one day. Summer is almost here!! Oh, my Cherries Dubilee is so far behind yours. They aren't much bigger than when I put them in the ground, almost a month ago. Maybe making roots, so when the sun does come, they all can take advantage of it! Hope you have a great weekend. Happy Smokin'
In a few days we'll have sun enough to kick start your garden Bode! ~4 days in a row will do it! Yes they have been making roots! My guess is you'll be able to hear them grow on Wednesday because they'll be moving so fast! Well maybe Julie will;). Gotta warm the soil a little I think.
UK bro if I plant in the yard it will one day vanish lol it's like magic 🪄
Hehe, yeah it's nice to have the space. I'm on the outer edge of suburbia not quite country living but a nice reminder.
Morning Otter and happy fathers' day to you and the fathers who visit your thread! :love:

So glad you are doing better today.
Thanks for the help Otter and have a great Father's Day mate! :thumb:
Thanks for the help Otter and have a great Father's Day mate! :thumb:
The best to you!
Happy fathers day Stone,

Hope things are better for you brother. Migraines are intense; I use to have them too, now I'm good now since I discovered and completely stopped food with processed sugars in them... basically a complete diet change.

Plants are looking awesome, great Sunday.
I'm happy for you Dan! Good outcome! My trigger, one and the main anyway is neuro. My spine is having a neck issue my nerves don't always like and my occipital zone gets bent out of shape over it. I'll keep the sugar in mind! I think that's generally good practice. Not that I'm good at it. Sometimes I am. Have a great Fathers Day!
The best to you!

I'm happy for you Dan! Good outcome! My trigger, one and the main anyway is neuro. My spine is having a neck issue my nerves don't always like and my occipital zone gets bent out of shape over it. I'll keep the sugar in mind! I think that's generally good practice. Not that I'm good at it. Sometimes I am. Have a great Fathers Day!
Stone I understand everything you are saying and hope you find some relief.

Hi all! I went and turned the water on and was thrilled to see how it operated!
Let me start from the beginning. I'm with well water and it has over 500 ppm minerals. This soil requires much less than that so I make RO water. The feed is from the RO out.
Here we go!
Getting fed RO at ~30 ppm first shutoff outside the tent.
Turned that baby on and that fills to the shutoff inside the tent which I then turned on!
And the system of 4 all filled and stopped as they should! Woofa!
I found that my feed tubes were inserted into the bottoms to different heights by seeing water stopping at different levels between pots. So I put a straight edge on them and eyed then to about the same and voila! All pretty much the same! I can think about how high the water should be.
What do you think?
It stops at about an inch or less now. I have to measure to know for sure, but it didn't come near the exit hole.
Water comes from the middle of the Feeders.
Here's the kind of joints I did that day! Strong hands or what I did. I used a hairdrier to heat the piping up and make it easier to push onto the barbs. Tried a torch but I think that was a tad much. Silicon o-ring grease too, just a little.

Last and maybe so I can sleep tonight, a wet alarm. Just a inexpensive gyzmo that screams when it sits in water. Right in the tent.
We're getting there! Hope you all are having a super day! I am! :hookah:
Hehe, yeah it's nice to have the space. I'm on the outer edge of suburbia not quite country living but a nice reminder.
Sounds beautiful man hopefully I'll be vacating somewhere close by.. the wife always talks about it and she always makes it happen 👌🏽

Awesome bro nice tidy set up, :goodjob: not sure if I missed it but is your whole house run off RO water? Just guessing at the size of them barrels lol.. and will you be watering with straight RO water growing organic?

Hi all! I went and turned the water on and was thrilled to see how it operated!
Let me start from the beginning. I'm with well water and it has over 500 ppm minerals. This soil requires much less than that so I make RO water. The feed is from the RO out.
Here we go!
Getting fed RO at ~30 ppm first shutoff outside the tent.
Turned that baby on and that fills to the shutoff inside the tent which I then turned on!
And the system of 4 all filled and stopped as they should! Woofa!
I found that my feed tubes were inserted into the bottoms to different heights by seeing water stopping at different levels between pots. So I put a straight edge on them and eyed then to about the same and voila! All pretty much the same! I can think about how high the water should be.
What do you think?
It stops at about an inch or less now. I have to measure to know for sure, but it didn't come near the exit hole.
Water comes from the middle of the Feeders.
Here's the kind of joints I did that day! Strong hands or what I did. I used a hairdrier to heat the piping up and make it easier to push onto the barbs. Tried a torch but I think that was a tad much. Silicon o-ring grease too, just a little.

Last and maybe so I can sleep tonight, a wet alarm. Just a inexpensive gyzmo that screams when it sits in water. Right in the tent.
We're getting there! Hope you all are having a super day! I am! :hookah:
Thats a cool system. Sleep tight.
Highya SO,

I've melted tubing before with a torch. Torch will work better with 3/4" or 1 " with nylon fittings. Glad you sound a solution. Awesome setup in there! Will you turn it on to fill, then off; or do you leave it on all the time? Those big pots will grow a huge plant even inside. That will be a sight to see. When are you planting those? Hope you're having a great day. Happy Smokin'
That's a cool idea for automation @StoneOtter! I remember when the first Autopots came out. You can still find different iterations of them everywhere commercially here. Often called "Tomato pots" where I'm at. I love the shape and colour of the buckets, reminds of the old Dutch Buckets back in the day. I also love the JG connectors, so easy and safe to work with, thinking about re-using all the piping I have for Aero to make a proper feed soluion. Cheers bud and all the best of luck!
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