Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

I’ll be following along, my buddy just started an outdoor grow to👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
Sweet! Outdoors has different challenges and can be lots of fun too!
tidy set up otter :peace:
Thanks Uncle! I hope to keep it that way.
Looking good stone! Not a fan of cliffhangers 😩 what's that vipar booklet for then 🧐 will have a zoom at anything reflective now 🤣
Hehe, that's me baiting the line a little Greenvein :green_heart:. I had to swear to secrecy to get to do this so you know. What I can say is what I mentioned before. That what I see in the light print is so far the closest to ideal I've seen. Ever! The level of engineering is very impressive to my eye! I can't wait to share with everybody!
Wow. Autowatering a SIP! :popcorn:
Yep! That was one of the main reasons I wanted to go with EarthBox! I have my days and I know many of us do too and also have challenges far stronger than mine at present. This could be a big thing for me and a lot of us at some time of our lives I think. I can't wait to get em fired up! Yeah, so that and the fact these Eboxes grow like crazy! :laugh:
Haha! How did I do that? I am truly not getting more tech savvy at any rate at all! :p
Nice setup Stone!
Is the RO water potable? Do you have a back flow device or check valve to prevent microbiology from going back into the system?
High Grateful! These self waterers sit in the feed tube. They have an air pressure sensing tube dropping down into the liquid from on top. As the liquid raises and lowers it turns the water flow on or off with that pressure. The water is added from the very top of the sensor/delivery head on top and drips down. There's no actual unbroken contact made with the rez and feed, so no need. It's a pretty cool design.
High Grateful! These self waterers sit in the feed tube. They have an air pressure sensing tube dropping down into the liquid from on top. As the liquid raises and lowers it turns the water flow on or off with that pressure. The water is added from the very top of the sensor/delivery head on top and drips down. There's no actual unbroken contact made with the rez and feed, so no need. It's a pretty cool design.
Stone you are an engineer.
Highya SO,

Going hi-tech! Gotta love it. I do everything by hand, but it's my experience for things to break down, so I'd rather keep it simple. Glad to see you save yourself some work, plus to look supercool!! The rain is still here, but intermittent, so it's tolerable. My ladies seriously need the sun! Otherwise, the cold weather hasn't bothered anything (like peppers, tomatoes, basil, cannabis, etc). So there's that. The center of that low pressure is way up in the Bay of Fundy, and we're still getting blasted. Who can figure? Happy Smokin'
Kind of like the nozzle at the gas station that shuts of the gas before you overfill your tank, I suppose.
I'm hoping Azi!
Stone you are an engineer.
I worked with them all my career. I'm a guy with a wrench and a good attitude! Thanks for the kind words Keith!
Highya SO,

Going hi-tech! Gotta love it. I do everything by hand, but it's my experience for things to break down, so I'd rather keep it simple. Glad to see you save yourself some work, plus to look supercool!! The rain is still here, but intermittent, so it's tolerable. My ladies seriously need the sun! Otherwise, the cold weather hasn't bothered anything (like peppers, tomatoes, basil, cannabis, etc). So there's that. The center of that low pressure is way up in the Bay of Fundy, and we're still getting blasted. Who can figure? Happy Smokin'
Hey Bode, I kind of did this run. Let's see how it goes. Ooof the outdoors is so gray and wet here too. I'm shivering on the deck today having my smoke. It'll change soon!
Outdoor is also amazing, very impressed with that big tree, makes Summer become interesting. :yahoo:
Man That's just freeking crazy ,, you got it going on brother ! 🤓
Hi Smokes, We'll see! I bought the wrong adapter and I'm waiting for the right one to come. It's always something!
You are killing it Stone.

All I do is watch.
:popcorn: :popcorn:
Hey Dan, I appreciate your eyes! There will be questions along the way! :p
Outdoor is also amazing, very impressed with that big tree, makes Summer become interesting. :yahoo:
Hi Valerie, I like a tree to get me outdoors in summer! We only have a few months of good growing season so it's nice to be outside! It's going to be a fun year inside and out this year!

High all! Great day to work outside, nice and not raining! They didn't need much but I gave them a couple of solo cups of compost each tilled in a tad and watered well. This is the first water since I planted! Been so wet. Here they are today.
IKLWA is getting pretty thin leaves!

And Cherries DubeLee hasn't gotten by her awkward stage and shown us much. Both have healthy new growth coming.

And the Cherries male.
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk

High all! Great day to work outside, nice and not raining! They didn't need much but I gave them a couple of solo cups of compost each tilled in a tad and watered well. This is the first water since I planted! Been so wet. Here they are today.
IKLWA is getting pretty thin leaves!

And Cherries DubeLee hasn't gotten by her awkward stage and shown us much. Both have healthy new growth coming.

And the Cherries male.
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
Stone you have great looking plants any of them are worthy of Photo of the month or Plant of the month.
Highya SO,

Great job!! Your ladies are way ahead of mine! Can't get any sun up here!! Seems we're behind at least two weeks behind from a different year.I'll take advantage of a dry hot summer, if we have one, like predicted. Looking good down there!! Happy Smokin'
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