Outdoors IKLWA And Cherries Dubelee In MA

Looks like they're in nice, sunny spots Stone. Looking forward! :Rasta:
Hah! Too bad there won't be sun for a week! Oh well, maybe root building is better this way?
Hey Stone Iklwa and Cherries DubeLee look great in the ground. They will grow big and healthy. Have a great weekend and stay safe.
I like your altitude Keith! I'm in!
That's what I'm talking about.
I think she will be a beast. Wrist thick trunk is what I get in a barrel. Expect more when she is straight in the ground.
Give her water as much as she wants and food and sun and the rest she will do. Glad to hear you are going to let them grow natural. Get you ladder serviced buddy.
I like me a beast Lerugged!
My first. I should say our first. I had a lot of help with her. Pineapple Chunk. 9 feet.

Thanks Greenvein!
right on, right on, right on :cool:


Ladies in the ground, hereā€™s for a great season Stone :woohoo:
Thanks Dan!
Highya SO,

Love the presentation. Great pics explaining your process. What did you use for the "flowering" spikes? Hopefully, they won't get too tall. I haven't grown an indica like that, so I'm watching very closely. Your plant already looks bigger than mine. Maybe whe'll kick in to overdrive!! Can't hurt to hope! Great job. Happy Smokin'
Thanks! 1 part each feather meal, bone meal, kelp meal, and bat guano @5-10-2. My other one grew short and my BIL's 3 all clones grew short. This one appears to be stretching some. Maybe different genes.
You think theyā€™ll need spikes? Judging by the weeds and grass you have growing itā€™s a decently healthy soil in that area, maybe a little dry and slightly compacted. Once those roots run deep though she should tap into some real healthy stuff.

Regardless, she wonā€™t use it all so youā€™ll have a more fertile area there next year with nutrients and organic matter specifically suited to cannabis growth between the roots and nutes
No not really but why not I asked myself and I thought, let them go big if they choose. The soil here isn't that good actually. It took me hours to dig each hole for all the stones, then there's the clay about 18 inches down. I excavated and filled with FF Ocean Forest. This is the 3rd run in it. I just keep amending with Geoflora and spikes and turning the roots in. So yes every year it'll get better. 3.5 cu ft holes.
Off to a great start ! Looks Good
I'm an outdoor dog!
Highya SO,

Yesterday was beautiful!! Rain today, and forcast as long as the forcast is (Thursday, next week), with high temps in the 50's and lows in the 40s! We need the heat back! I felt bad for you when you mentioned colonscopy. They need to research that to find a better method of detection. Looks like a 20 gallon hole dug for the transplant, so they should soar with your touch! Happy Smokin'
Same pattern here Bode. The sun's coming back! We actually really needed this rain! I mowed a couple of days ago and what a dust cloud I made! No good!
Next gen may get a better way. No surprises, all basically good! Couple non scary polyps, good to go.
Awesome! Happy outdoor season!
WooHoo! Made it! :thanks:
Happy planting day...now they can really get growing! šŸŖœ is right.
Hey Shed! I hope to need a ladder, but will probably not use one. They'll have to not rot!
great start otter ,nice to hear your growing them up , like the others said get that ladder ready šŸ¤£:peace:
Hey Uncle, thanks! Hoping for BIG UNS! :)
No not really but why not I asked myself and I thought, let them go big if they choose. The soil here isn't that good actually. It took me hours to dig each hole for all the stones, then there's the clay about 18 inches down. I excavated and filled with FF Ocean Forest. This is the 3rd run in it. I just keep amending with Geoflora and spikes and turning the roots in. So yes every year it'll get better. 3.5 cu ft holes.

What was the earth used for prior? Is it a subdivision?

Do you know what kind of clay? Some clays have a good CEC so digging into it may actually help improve plant growth. If you keep repeating what youā€™re doing, maybe tossing some extra teas and composting before winter as well, youā€™ll eventually stack up a wonderfully fertile yard. Push as much organic matter back into the earth as possible in those spots as well.

I highly recommend you look into some cover cropping as well so you can really build up your soil biology. Let myco of multiple forms loose into the soil and youā€™ll have the healthiest yard around in a few years.

Are you overwhelmed by any specific weed types in your yard or have a noticeable amount? Thatā€™s nature telling you what your soils needs are. I.e. my In laws were having dandelions reoccurring in greater numbers every year. I had them toss down some calcium like fish bone meal and Dolomite lime, also mulch their leaves in fall (they have lots of leaves, anything brown wouldā€™ve worked) but leave them, and the dandelions quickly faded away.
What was the earth used for prior? Is it a subdivision?
Good question! We're close to Rt95 and our property, the whole area, was used as a place to drop blastings from putting the road through in the 60's. It's misery to dig in! Decent fill at best.
Do you know what kind of clay?
No. Gray and impossible to dig. It's like cement! Might be good CEC.
Push as much organic matter back into the earth as possible in those spots as well.
That's the plan.
I highly recommend you look into some cover cropping
I have clover. What else? I'll want to top dress every two weeks so I need some surface to be free.
Are you overwhelmed by any specific weed types in your yard or have a noticeable amount?
Clover, moss, and what nature leaves.
Good question! We're close to Rt95 and our property, the whole area, was used as a place to drop blastings from putting the road through in the 60's. It's misery to dig in! Decent fill at best.

Oof yeah then trying to pile up organic matter will definitely be your best route unless youā€™re willing to go heavy and deep with excavation lol.

I have clover. What else? I'll want to top dress every two weeks so I need some surface to be free.

Thereā€™s companion plants, then thereā€™s cover crops. Companion plants usually grow alongside or with cannabis. Stuff like marigolds and mustard are decent for companion reasons. They help prevent pests and give cover to beneficial predators. Grasses can be effective too but they also can give root space competition so thereā€™s a balance.

Cover crops are meant for when you pull the cannabis out. That way your soil doesnā€™t sit bare all winter, you can prevent erosion, build biomass, and fix some nitrogen while youā€™re at it.

Oats and cereal grains are good for soil erosion, building biomass, and breaking up compaction. Legumes like clover and peas fix nitrogen. Your clover in the yard is likely signaling you need more nitrogen in your soil.

Basically instead of letting your yard sit fallow or bare youā€™re always rotating something in it that helps the next plant while also building up healthy fertile soil.
Good question! We're close to Rt95 and our property, the whole area, was used as a place to drop blastings from putting the road through in the 60's. It's misery to dig in! Decent fill at best.

No. Gray and impossible to dig. It's like cement! Might be good CEC.

That's the plan.

I have clover. What else? I'll want to top dress every two weeks so I need some surface to be free.

Clover, moss, and what nature leaves.
Howā€™s about some nice Southern Kudzu? Itā€™ll take over any space it can. Lmao šŸ˜‚ CLšŸ€
Highya SO,

Gypsum will soften the soil! I used it in a hard spot up here, and worked like a charm! I put it on top, then let sit for a week or so. Hope you aren't waterlogged yet, lol. May need pontoons for the cannabis ladies. Happy Smokin'
Could always plant some marigolds . Just saying
Good bug deterrent. :thumb:
I have 2 left. Maybe on the edge. I'll have to see. Thanks you guys!
Oof yeah then trying to pile up organic matter will definitely be your best route unless youā€™re willing to go heavy and deep with excavation lol.

Thereā€™s companion plants, then thereā€™s cover crops. Companion plants usually grow alongside or with cannabis. Stuff like marigolds and mustard are decent for companion reasons. They help prevent pests and give cover to beneficial predators. Grasses can be effective too but they also can give root space competition so thereā€™s a balance.

Cover crops are meant for when you pull the cannabis out. That way your soil doesnā€™t sit bare all winter, you can prevent erosion, build biomass, and fix some nitrogen while youā€™re at it.

Oats and cereal grains are good for soil erosion, building biomass, and breaking up compaction. Legumes like clover and peas fix nitrogen. Your clover in the yard is likely signaling you need more nitrogen in your soil.

Basically instead of letting your yard sit fallow or bare youā€™re always rotating something in it that helps the next plant while also building up healthy fertile soil.
I have to make my picks of garden spots and improve them like you say. I liked turning the clover in this year for its goodness. That + last years decaying roots is a good boost.
Howā€™s about some nice Southern Kudzu? Itā€™ll take over any space it can. Lmao šŸ˜‚ CLšŸ€
Brother we have more vines every year since it's getting warmer! They're strangling lots of my trees right now! Not yet Kudzuesk like taking down buildings with its own weight but it's coming!
Highya SO,

Gypsum will soften the soil! I used it in a hard spot up here, and worked like a charm! I put it on top, then let sit for a week or so. Hope you aren't waterlogged yet, lol. May need pontoons for the cannabis ladies. Happy Smokin'
I'll remember that Bode. One day the garden may expand and general all over improvement.

Another rainy day today too! We're pretty moist :) . The weed is loving having been hardened off in bright strong sun then planted in time for all the shade and light rain! I can see from above that they have good root building going on below! I'll get some pics when it dries out a little. It's cool too! Brrrr!
I have 2 left. Maybe on the edge. I'll have to see. Thanks you guys!

I have to make my picks of garden spots and improve them like you say. I liked turning the clover in this year for its goodness. That + last years decaying roots is a good boost.

Brother we have more vines every year since it's getting warmer! They're strangling lots of my trees right now! Not yet Kudzuesk like taking down buildings with its own weight but it's coming!

I'll remember that Bode. One day the garden may expand and general all over improvement.

Another rainy day today too! We're pretty moist :) . The weed is loving having been hardened off in bright strong sun then planted in time for all the shade and light rain! I can see from above that they have good root building going on below! I'll get some pics when it dries out a little. It's cool too! Brrrr!
Sorry SO I didnā€™t know it existed that far North.That stuff is horrible Iā€™ve seen it take over entire buildings. CLšŸ€
Sorry SO I didnā€™t know it existed that far North.That stuff is horrible Iā€™ve seen it take over entire buildings. CLšŸ€
Yep. brings em right down over time given the chance. I'm not sure what vines we have here now. I suspect i they come from expired planters tossed into the wooded areas around the yard.
have to make my picks of garden spots and improve them like you say. I liked turning the clover in this year for its goodness. That + last years decaying roots is a good boost

Donā€™t forget to add your browns in fall.. mulched leaves work well, even cardboard. Just remember, Your land is speaking to you at all times. Itā€™s communicating its desires, needs, strengths, etc. All land can be rehabilitated, revitalized, etc. you just gotta listen. Heck even those stones in your dirt will be useful providing minerals long term.

I jumped out of helicopters and fast roped into afghan villages. I find it twice as exciting as that to connect with the land and figure out what it wants from you lol. Itā€™s soothing and healing and touches something ancient in us.
Sorry SO I didnā€™t know it existed that far North.That stuff is horrible Iā€™ve seen it take over entire buildings. CLšŸ€
Yep. brings em right down over time given the chance. I'm not sure what vines we have here now. I suspect i they come from expired planters tossed into the wooded areas around the yard.
Donā€™t forget to add your browns in fall.. mulched leaves work well, even cardboard. Just remember, Your land is speaking to you at all times. Itā€™s communicating its desires, needs, strengths, etc. All land can be rehabilitated, revitalized, etc. you just gotta listen. Heck even those stones in your dirt will be useful providing minerals long term.

I jumped out of helicopters and fast roped into afghan villages. I find it twice as exciting as that to connect with the land and figure out what it wants from you lol. Itā€™s soothing and healing and touches something ancient in us.
It truly does Kef! It's the magic majesty of life telling us the story! I could improve my messaging.

Good damp day all! It's moist again out so in is where it's at! Today the EarthPot Autowater rigs got a little closer to reality with me cutting the RO feed line and splitting off to the tent. I like working with this stuff! It cuts with sharp pruning shears and the joints I've made up haven't leaked a bit. They're pretty reasonable $ too. So here we go!
Split into the barrel, the hand filler, and now a line to the tent!
And it arrives here.
I'm waiting for an RO to garden hose adapter to arrive. Then I'll pipe the rest of the EarthPot auto watering System up.
PS The lighting over these pots is being kept at bay for the time being. In a few weeks I'll show them to you! They're the most evenly spread out and best suited for power for a 4 x 4 tent I've seen out there! I'm super excited to have this technology in my yent! I'll be telling you everything about them soon!
Have a great day!
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