OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

I see Jgrow having success with the Liberty Haze and Royal Gorilla and think, that’s it, the White Widow can wait until next time. Then I come over here, and see those shots, and have no idea all over again. Can’t I just grow them all?!?
I see Jgrow having success with the Liberty Haze and Royal Gorilla and think, that’s it, the White Widow can wait until next time. Then I come over here, and see those shots, and have no idea all over again. Can’t I just grow them all?!?

You can Dobe, you can!:laughtwo: Wish I would have had some Maui/Hayley seeds this go around that are fresh to send you so you can try growing a giant in your tent,
1-20-18 Update;

Not really much of an update, tomorrow is axe day for the White Widow clone, she has been flushing for the last week and is looking ripe. The big update will come tomorrow evening as it will be time for Hayley's sisters to take the step into adulthood...so expect some pictures of some tall plants, medium plants, small plants, and some fresh frosty buds!:passitleft:

OTM, have you got any other seeds of your ole stash to pop or just Hayley?

I haven't attempted to do the Panama Red or Colombian seeds yet, my plan is to get what is in both rooms finished up and try my luck on the Panama Red. Going to try to make seeds with Colloidal Silver on the other Maui's I sprouted so I can continue to try and find the elusive male.

I would say around April I will be in the seed popping business again.:smokin:
1-20 White Widow Harvest & Flower/Veg Update;

It was a busy day around here, the first thing on the agenda was the 1st generation White Widow clone harvest. It was kind of a bittersweet moment but we got 'er done!

She went from this;


To this in about 2 1/2 hours;





I was a little more picky on what I selected to trim for jarring and put the small stuff in the freezer for bubble Hash or Canabutter use. That main cola is well over an ounce wet, probably closer to two ounces so it will be interesting to see how much it shrinks in 10-12 days of low & slow. (note to self; have extra batteries on hand for your scale) :scratchinghead:

After I cleaned up the pot she was in and recycled the Coco, it was time to introduce the other two Maui Wowie seeds I popped in late August into the flower area. These are some tall gals so it could get interesting in the next few weeks if the really get legs and stretch...I am 6' tall and they are about shoulder high on me!


The one on the left is the sacrificial lamb and will get a daily spraying of Colloidal Silver for the next 14-21 days to give me some pollen to use on one of Hayley's clones that is still in the veg tent for some feminized seeds, the other will grow to harvest. Tomorrow I will take two cuttings from each and put them in the bubble cloner to keep a supply of ladies going for that elusive male that hope to pop in a couple of months.

The veg tent got some rearranging and everything is looking good in there, the larger clone in the back is Hayley's clone that will be used for the seeds, the runt next to her is also one of Hayley's and the other three are 2nd Generation White Widows. I gave one of the Widow clones to a friend that wants to get a green thumb.:laughtwo:


Last but not least, we have Hayley;



She is on the down hill swing, her fans are turning a darker green and not as perky as they once were. She is starting to show some amber...maybe 5-10% so I have the feeling the end of the month will be about right to say good bye to her also.

The 1st generation Purple Kush is curing well, the alfalfa smell is about gone and the sweet fuel smell is starting to get stronger, been burping once a day for about 10 minutes and my RH inside the jars is pretty steady at 62-64%. I will spend a little time next week sorting/grading and getting some fresh batteries for my scale, I should have a final weight from the 3 PK gals next weekend.

:thanks: :slide: :passitleft:
You really need to get some natural males to keep the genetics strong.

That is the plan JM, I have a clone from Hayley that will flower natural and one that will get pollenated for seeds and will be taking a couple clones from each of the others I am flipping to keep the lineage going until I pop a male. The fem seeds are just a great way to play around with something different and learn something at the same time!:laughtwo:
Sure is a massive difference between the genetics of 45 years ago and the genetics of today. You can just see it in the MW's.
That WW clone is pretty impressive. One day you and I are gonna share a couple of White Widow hits.
Sure is a massive difference between the genetics of 45 years ago and the genetics of today. You can just see it in the MW's.
That WW clone is pretty impressive. One day you and I are gonna share a couple of White Widow hits.

And maybe some Maui Wowie! I will have to get my passport in order...years ago all you needed was a copy of your Birth Certificate...times have changed and not for the better.:thedoubletake:

Them Maui's are leggy gals, they start slow but once they get feet under them...watch out!:laughtwo:
Re: OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

Congrats on the ww harvest.. shes absolutely covered in frost!! That maui wowie is really special.. would really like to get some seeds of her some day. Her colors, bud and leaf, are gorgeous man! Love that pic with you and your gals.. damn they are tall lol.....
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