OTM's DIY Bubble Cloning & Sprouting 40 Year Old Seeds & Current RDWC Harvest

So I was telling you the other day that my bubble cloner didn't seem to be doing much. I went to take it down today and I pull 3 out of 4 clones and they've all got great root systems started!! Two BB's and another run of the mill 818 Headband. Super stoked about the BB clones!!!

I noticed the same on my last batch, seemed to take longer this time, the only thing different from the first run was the temps in the tent were 5-7 degrees cooler, and they were taken right after the flip so no re-veg time...maybe that had something to do with it.:goodjob:
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a Big Cola to All!

OTM, Where oh Where are you?

Merry Christmas OTM! Hope all is well! Check back in when you can.

Merry Christmas OTM, hope you and family have a great one.

How's it going old timer?

Hope everyone had a great Christmas, I was out of town the week before and when I got back it was busy time playing catch up...I did find some time to make a batch of Canna Butter and some Chocolate chip cookies for stocking stuffers...


Wish I could send everyone a couple...they turned out super and 1/2 of that cookie will screw you up for a good six hours! Its a very energized high, takes 1/2 hr to start and kicks in full in about 1 1/2 hrs.:yummy:

I will be doing some updates in the next couple days, the Kush clones started the flush 5 days ago and will get harvested this weekend. The Widow clone and Hayley are doing great, 2-3 more weeks for the Widow and probably another month for Hayley.:thanks:
OTM, the Maui Wowie is looking amazing! Awesome job! I'll catch up on the progress as soon as I can, it looks like I'm back just in time for the best part! Congrats!

Hope everything is going well on your end Dobe, bet your missing the green thumb thing...hopefully you will be able to start the new year out with a shiny new license!
OTM check out the video I made and posted on how to make medical chocolate bars HERE. Near the bottom of the page. Talk about getting you wasted unbelievable!

Happy New Year

That was a great video MOG, I like the part about "licking you fingers"!:thumb:

I used Beornn's butter making method Wet trim & blanching cannabutter method

I found a good soft cookie recipe that called for 1 cup of butter and made a batch, the nice thing about this butter making method is the blanching removes most all of the plant taste and the cookie recipe has enough chocolate & sugar to hide what remains so there is no aftertaste...very hard to tell the difference between cookies made with just butter.:yummy:

A cookie a day helps keep OTM at bay!:rofl::passitleft:
They are good LedGuy, I will post up Grandma's recipe this evening, its been 5 days since I made the batch and they are still soft & chewy, I don't much care for cookies that turn out like mini bricks the next day!:laughtwo:

The problem with cookies that good is you may eat too much :trance:
Hope everything is going well on your end Dobe, bet your missing the green thumb thing...hopefully you will be able to start the new year out with a shiny new license!

I got it, and I'm back in business! Check out my journal when you have the chance - I think you'll enjoy at least one of my strain selections! :cheer:
12-29 Hayley & Sisters Update;

Wishing everyone here a great 2018 with nothing but success in whatever your adventure is!

Harvest will start this weekend for the Kush clones, as they get chopped I will get a final picture of each much like these that follow.

Hayley is doing great, still growing a bit and the colas are starting to fatten up some, she is a little over 5' tall with a good sized leader cola and plenty of smaller cola's on the lower branches, other than tying her limbs up to the main, I did no training to her. I would say she has about 3 more weeks to go.





One thing I did notice is her trunk is still green and smooth looking all the way down to the coco as compared to the Widow & Kush clones which have a grey scaly looking trunk...I will have pictures tomorrow comparing them.

Harvest cant come soon enough, the Maui sisters in the veg tent are as tall as Hayley and they are still in the small plastic gallon starter pots, it will be interesting to see how root bound they are when they go into the pots used by the Kush clones.


I am shooting for the 6 foot mark with the Maui sisters, they have the height going for them already, I am just hoping they fill out and develop like Hayley did.

As promised here is Grandma's Cookie recipe, she made mostly Butterscotch cookies but it works equally well with Chocolate Chips or any other chip. The cookies are soft and chewy and they stay that way quite awhile. She would probably spin in her grave if she knew how I made them.:thedoubletake:

1 Cup softened Canna Butter (Soft butter not melted)
1/2 Cup White Sugar
1 1/2 Cups Brown Sugar
2 Eggs room temperature
3 Cups flour (All purpose)
1 Cup Semisweet Chocolate chips
1 Cup Milk Chocolate chips
1 Tablespoon boiling water
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda ( make sure it is baking soda not baking powder)
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract
1/2 Teaspoon Salt

In a large mixing bowl whip the Canna butter, add the White & Brown sugar and mix until smooth. Stir in one egg at a time, stir in the Vanilla, microwave a cup of water until boiling and take out 1 Tablespoon to mix with the Teaspoon of baking soda, it should foam up slightly when mixed, add that and the salt to the mixture and stir in. Add the Chocolate chips and flour and mix till well blended. Put the bowl in the fridge for 2 hours to cool. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F and start forming walnut size balls of dough, place on greased pan about 2 1/4" apart, flatten slightly and bake for about 15 minutes or until the edges of the cookie starts to get golden brown. Remove from oven and (IMPORTANT) let sit on the pan for 5-6 minutes before placing on a cooling rack. The batch I made yielded (27) 3 1/2" diameter cookies, all it takes is 1/2 a cookie for a 6 hr trip and a whole cookie will take care of the entire day.

I used 1 oz of larf and popcorn buds to 1 pound of unsalted butter as a ratio for my budder, ended up with 1 3/4 cups after it was done. 100% happy with the results!


1-1-18 Purple Kush Clone Harvest;

Hope everyone had fun ringing in the new year, this old fart took it easy because I knew I had a big day ahead!:laugh:

All 3 Purple Kush clones are now in the fridge for low & slow drying, it was a full day starting around 7:30 am and finishing up a couple hours ago.

All 3 plants were very similar is size and shape, I did no training other than pinching fans and tying up some of the outer branches to the main stem. They ranged from 47-50" tall, I did backbuilding on two out of the three back in flower week four and they just finished the ninth week yesterday.
I did see some hints of Purple on a couple of them, it was mostly on the main cola and the main off shoots, one that was backbuilt and the one that wasn't. With this cold streak we had the last couple weeks my flower room would get down to 54 degrees with lights off so that probably help them a bit.

Here is a group shot with some pictures of the main cola's.





The yield seems to be better than the last run, I didn't do any wet weight because I was overwhelmed with the trimming...many hours sitting on my ass doing nothing but snipping leaves...:surrender:

Here are a few of the bigger cola's after they got trimmed, the cola's that are more flat on top are the ones that got snipped...


In my last Hayley update I noted the difference I observed with the main trunk on Hayley and the others, the first picture is Hayley's trunk and the second is one of the Kush clones...not sure if the Grey verses Green looking stock means anything, it was just something I noticed when comparing the differences in all three genetics.



Maybe its a sign of maturity and Hayley has a longer way to go than I though or maybe its just the genetics...it would be interesting to hear from some of you that are near harvest on how your trunk's look.

I will be doing some up-potting tomorrow with the Maui sisters and bubble clones now that I have pots available and will try to get you updated in the next day or two!

Thats a healthy day of trimming OTM, but I guess long hours of trimming means lots of buds in the jars. Congratulations on the harvest. I just popped one Purple Kush a week ago that will make its way into the rdwc in another week or so.
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