Organics - Round 2 - Fresh Start!

Whats good TOG!!!

Thanks for stopping by, yea with school going on and my computer crashed 2 days ago, but I got it back up and running!!! just today in fact, suprised that I hadn't gotten any messages here in a while!!! but yes sir, I will have some new pix up soon!!!

cus TOG made the effort to see what was up!!!


I just did a feeding when I did these photos, I feel that GDP is a Nitrogen needy plant due to the yellowing of the lower growth... So instead of only doing 15ml of Grow as according to the Feeding Schedule for week 5, I did about 20ml maybe a lil more, but not over 25ml for sure!!! I also added 15ml of Bloom, and 5ml of Micro, 2ml of K-Bud, and 4ml each of Humate Tea & Bio-Juice...

Now here are the ladies!!!



I still don't see any benefit to FIMing?!?!?! it doesn't look like it did anything to it? except slow it down!!!

Well, hope you all enjoy!!!

I think I inadvertently Fimmed one of my Hindu Kush, Lol. It is a tad different but honestly, I prefer topping. I am gonna wait a few weeks to gain a couple inches on my next topping session so I can clone the clippings. I have one clone from a Lemon Skunk Clone that I took for my mother program but that was by force. She started to stretch a bit because of an issue I had with preflowering.( I post something about it in my new journal if you are wondering)

Your afgoo has progressed nicely but so has the GDP. You are gonna have some lovely plants on your hands.:thumb: +reps for your efforts!
Thanks guys, I could not have gotten through this as far as I have come without the help of the great people here at :420: and of course, couldn't get through this without BPN supplying the nutrients for these ladies to grow!!!

For anybody that is just scanning through these journals, please!, make an account and jump on in!!! find out just how great BPN works for your babies!!!

Looking good bro :thumb:

By the sounds you wasnt to impressed with the fimm job you can see what the results were afgoo now has 3 main tops and im sure she will repay you with a nice yeild!

I personaly only use fimm to slow my tops down and give lateral growth a chance to catch up, this makes for alot bushier shrub.
whats good GS!!!

Yea I didn't really see any changes in her growth rate, she didn't even bush out, all her lats stayed close to the stem!!! Even with the Afgoo being topped, GDP is still shorter than the Afgoo!!! I hope she shows me more growth soon!!! especially with the extra shot of Nitrogen that I gave them last night!!!

Oh i see you topped afgoo ... Hmmm i can see on gdp were you fimm'd her missing the ends of her leaves mayb you should of cut more of the bud off. Im not to sure tho maybe its down to strain prefrence i have mainly fimm'd sativa doms and had fairly good results.

I think you should supercrop the GDP watch that bitch bush then!
I think the benefits you gain from topping is the fast that you can clone your tops. More plants= more bud. I usually wait till my plants get to a decent height and I top to clone. I did that with my lemon skunk clones and they have cloned tops which I plan on giving to my friend.

I fimmed one of my Hindu Kush and I I dunno. I guess the branching wasn't for me. It seems that it take a whole lot longer to get to a length I am happy with. I may just be impatient though. :lot-o-toke:
Whassup Astonr?

Coming along nicely my friend. :high-five:

I like topping as another tool to keep the canopy at an even, manageable height. FIM is interesting, but seems to have it's pros and cons. If you can do it well, it seems to be a great way to get bushier growth and limit vertical stretch. I tried it first time my current grow, but gave up on it for a UBT (Uncle Ben's Topping) instead. May try FIM next grow again - we'll see. :)
sorry everybody, please bare with me right now, I am having some technical issues with my computer right now, so I have to use my phone to send messages out now, its giving me a harder time now also, due to the fact that I am in week 8 of school, I have to go to the library just to access my school site.
I can tell you they are still alive, they have not shown sex yet, GDP is having the yellowing problem still, I had to increase the amount of grow per gallon, I have it at 35 ml per gallon, the GDP needs more Nitrogen more than the Afgoo does. The Afgoo is doing good as well, just growing slower than the GDP is!!!
Well now my fingers hurt but it was worth let you all know whats going on. As soon as I can get to a computer I will upload some new photos of them.

Hey Stoner, how does your garden grow?
I am not a big fan of topping, but it has its place as a way to manipulate the plant. In essence you are damaging the plant. It needs to heal then it will spend all of that energy that would go into growing up, on the remaining branches. I have seen and smoked great results. This is a technique that requires a little training and practice to get it right. Keep at it and you will master it quickly, you're a fart smella, um er smart fella.
I believe you can never give your plant too much light during its light cycle.
Unless, you use a light that's brighter than the sun.
The plants look healthy, I am sure they have grown considerably since your last post. Hope all is well, and I am sending positive vibes to your computer. There problem solved. Heh, I wish it was that easy. :peace:
Hey buddy, sorry to hear about the computer. Hope school is going well and the plants are thriving. Take care my friend, and more positive vibes your way... :)
Hey Blue Planet, just discovering your brand and had a few questions. Hope you don't mind?

What would be your recommended lineup for growing organic in coco? will your product have success if used in coco?
My organics have been used in coco with great success. The 2 part andd 3 part can be used in coco as well. In coco, if you want to go organic, I recommend the Farmers Pride 7 pack. It has everything you need in it. The 2 part or 3 part will most likely outperform the organics because they are soluble salts where as the organics are partly soluble and partially insoluble and must be broken down by mirobes in order for the organic substances to get into an inorganic form. Plants only take up inorganic nutrients. They cannot tell if the nutrient came from an organic source or a synthetic production process.
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