Organics - Round 2 - Fresh Start!

Thanks T12
I am starting to have trouble keeping it warm in there now!!! LOL the AC is never on anymore, all I have to do is open the window and it gets the tubs down to 68 - 65 very easily!!! LOL


we are now feeding on week 3 and on the beginning of week 3 I did the transplant into 1 gallon pots, that was on 10/23/2011!!! here is the pix of that day on transplant

Here is the pots filled with my soil mix of supersoil and Perlite 75/25 also has 1 tsp of BPN Root Magic

AFGOO 10/23




GDP 10/23

And after transplant

Now, here is the pix from today!!!

Group Shot 10/27

AFGOO 10/27


GDP 10/27


I forgot to take the pictures of the bottom holes but already, after 4 days, the roots have made it to the bottom of the pot again!!! ALREADY!!! well anyways I think there will be a watering tomorrow, we have to see how the soil is tomorrow!!! now that I know the roots are already at the bottom!!! Then it will be week 4 feeding after this watering!!! The Root Magic stuff really works!!! its showing!!!

Comment, rate, star, +reps, anything if like what BPN is doing here!!!
Looking good astonr, that root magic is great stuff, as well is the rest of the BPN organic line. Are you going to top your plants or do any kind or training?
not so sure just yet, I know I want to give my hand a try at FIMing but even after viewing so many demos on it, I am still confused as to where to cut at?!?!? But I am going to be giving it a try, i'm only lookin to veg for 5 - 6 weeks, see where the height is on the end of week 5, but by their sizes now, I might go the 6...

not so sure just yet, I know I want to give my hand a try at FIMing but even after viewing so many demos on it, I am still confused as to where to cut at?!?!? But I am going to be giving it a try, i'm only lookin to veg for 5 - 6 weeks, see where the height is on the end of week 5, but by their sizes now, I might go the 6...

Basically what you do with Fim technique is instead of cutting off the center stalk and node you kinda just cut the highest node off the stalk slightly missing so there is a bit of lead left. It will cause the node growth without losing some of the height from cutting a few nodes down. I don't see much benefit from doing it honestly. I prefer to top myself


Aside from all that, everything is looking topnotch. :thumb: The BPN products are doing some amazing things for you and I hope I can get the same results. Node structures are your little ones are very tight which is awesome. This is going to be a great grow indeed.:tokin:
plants are looking beautiful!

Thanks man, I was thinking the same thing when I looked in on them!!! I hadn't really took the time to stop in and look at them since the transplant. I have been busy with school again.

Aside from all that, everything is looking topnotch. :thumb: The BPN products are doing some amazing things for you and I hope I can get the same results. Node structures are your little ones are very tight which is awesome. This is going to be a great grow indeed.:tokin:

So what are the benefits of topping??? I dont understand the benefits?? and wouldn't that take away from my cola if I was to top??? I like em fat, i mean FAT you know what I mean. If I top will I get 2 FAT and not 2 just fat colas???

now a question for everybody,
When should I start adding the light to them??? I have 4 bulbs going with a total of 104 watts of lights in there. And when I add the lights should I put in a couple of 2700K or just keep it all at 6500K???

topping does reduce a little bit of the overall size of the bud, it basically splits what would be the main cola into 2, they still get fat, and the combination of both buds will be heavier than just the single, but they will be around 2/3 the size.. I top my plants very early on because then the 2 new main tops get really thick and actually grow as main colas. My current white widows are showing amazing growth, and I might end up with colas that are as fat as single colas. The key is vegging the new tops so they're nice and thick and can move nutes and support a lot of weight, then the buds will be right behind them.

I've topped shortly before going into flower and they don't get as thick for sure
right now I have 5 full set leaves out and 6 is working its way out, so should I top now??? and when I top, does that mean I cut off the whole 6th set off??? or the 5th set off???

You can go all the way down to the second node. I would suggest doing a search on uncle bens topping, then you can make a decision on where you want to top it at.
The way I top is I take the topmost underdeveloped leaves and the node right under that completely off. It works for me and I get some strong tops from it. So it all depends on where you wanna make your cut. As long as you have a few "True leaf" nodes, you will be fine.:thumb:
Hey Astoner

Just did a little research on one of your strains,

With a pure indica heritage, this plant is predisposed to a short bushy stature. Granddaddy branches extensively, making her less than ideal for SOG style grows, but she can be trained to make an awesome super crop garden. When left to her natural tendencies, this strain will make a nice big shrub that reaches about 3 feet indoors or up to 8 feet outdoors. She is a hardy grower with tight internodes and dense dark green to purple leaves.

Have you though about supercropping? this could potentially maximize your yeild dramaticly and its SUPERFUN!

Couldnt find much on afgoo bro mayb she will do well under the squeeze 2? lol

Grow is looking brilliant bro cant wait for them to grow up!

Edit : wasnt sure if you was familiar with the technique so a little link for Supercrop thread
Whats good GS,
Yea I am familiar with super cropping, I am just nervous about having to break the branch, I mean I know it's not "breaking" it, but still... it scares me as a parent!!! Now LST I have no problems with doing!!!

Thanks for the info about my GDP, I knew they were full Indica, they say that it is hard to grow a full strain of genetic, so lets hope that I can do this, so far its looking good!!! About the Afgoo, it's supposedly a "clone only" strain, (whatever) well I got seeds from a sack that I had gotten from one of my local dispensaries that delivers out here, and they had this strain called "Mystery Strain", they named it that because it was a plant that went herm on them, so they cut it, cured it, and sold it at super discount price... Well I bought a quater for 30 bucks and out of that I got a total of 16 seeds from it, After already grown my first plant, and it was April, I wanted to do an outdoor plant with the knowledge that I had gained from here and my very first grow, I called them and told them that I was going to grow the seeds and I wanted to know what strain it was, they told me it was Afgoo, then I got everything together for germinating...and... Afgoo Grow Journal feel free to check it out!!!
After I had started this grow I put them outside, and focused on the end of the flowering of my first grow, White Widow. then in June I harvested the WW and went to paying more attention to the outside babies, which had actually stalled the growth cus of a late cold front that rolled through!!! but they survived it, and came out of it strong!!! after doing some research about Afgoo, I found something more interesting, remembering that they told me that the seeds came from a hermie plant, I found out that hermie seeds are actually feminized seeds!!! and like 2 weeks later, I found pistols!!!
I am actually smoking on the Afgoo that I grew outdoors now, I have been for about a month now!!! I yielded 5 Oz on 2 plants!!! and liking it so much, I went and planted another 1 for the indoor instead of doing 2 GDP seeds!!! which by the way came from the same place, with the same deal going on!!! LOL!!! so they are feminized too!!!

oh and also, nobody answered my question about the lights!!!

When should I start kicking up the lights in there??? right now it is at 4 x 6500 @ 26w


Should I plug in a 2700K or just keep it at 6500K for the veg stage?!?!?
oh and also, nobody answered my question about the lights!!!

When should I start kicking up the lights in there??? right now it is at 4 x 6500 @ 26w


Should I plug in a 2700K or just keep it at 6500K for the veg stage?!?!?

If it were me I would add the lights, as far as mixing them I can't offer any advice on that. I have only used MH or 6500 CFL for veg and HPS for flower.
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