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For Vapedogg223 and OldMedMan - If and when you've transplanted from a small, say, Air-Cell into a bigger Air-Pot, did you notice any new lateral root growth at harvest?

What I mean is that for the first 145mm of the root system (the height of the Air-Cell) the primary lateral roots are intentionally dessicated and truncated, spawning new root growth and preventing the root-bound business. Then you transplant into a 3L Air-Pot that's 90mm taller so you get new root development down south, but what about the initial portion of the root system? Does it take off again with the increased volume of soil?

Thanks for reading and nice to meet you.

Nice meeting you too HighWaterMark !:thumb:
My own experience is a yes. They take right off....laterally no problem. I've grown so used to them, I only look at the roots maybe 1 of 4 pots now, unless something turned out really bad.

Myself and one other guy started using AirPots on the same day years ago. We were the first and I still use them. Probably always will.

Hey HighWaterMark! Sorry about the late response, I got busy and behind on everybody's journals...of course this one is the hardest to catch up on!

I agree with OMM! The bases of the Air-Pots are elevated and air prune the roots on the bottom the exact same way they do on the sides. I have some pics in my journal somewhere of the bottom of some Air-Cells with plants over 2 ft tall growing in them. There are tons of little root tips growing out of the bottom. When you transplant, those new tips that would emerge out of the small pot just continue to the bottom of the new larger pot until they're air-pruned and then the cycle continues. :thumb:

Here's a thought... The defoliation method that is becoming popular, 22/45days? You could start that on one plant to see how you like it, and you wouldn't have to trim the fans at harvest. Just a thought.

Hello! I've been defoliating for the last two grows. It does help with trimming. Beginning to wish I'd never bought that everyone thinks I can't trim! :party::ganjamon::helpsmilie:
Wow...that took me a while to get caught up!

I'm not sure where to start...the topic went from politicians to trimmers to "wangs"...I guess in reality politicians and "wangs" are the same thing! Just please don't vote fore Bill Gates...he's given a few too many speeches about reducing the world population for my comfort. At least google "Bill Gates eugenics" and "Bill Gates population control" before you do...hell throw "Bill Gates Monsanto" into that mix...he personally lobbied in some states to stop GMO labeling laws from going through. Anyway, I'll shut up on's the one topic that makes my head want to explode! I feel like this country is circling the drain and Ron Paul is out of the picture, so we're pretty much all screwed. :)

I think the only answer left is resistance...WE are already doing it! Resist all these unjust laws and regulations that are coming...refuse to comply. When you see someone interacting with police, whip out your cell phone and start recording video. Some citizens have begun showing up in numbers at DUI checkpoints with video recorders running asking the police why they're violating people's 4th amendment rights, and yelling to people going through the checkpoint, telling them they don't have to content to a search. After a little bit of that the police pack up and go home! Have you noticed more and more military working with police at every major event? Anyone read the Army field manual on internment camps talking about rehabilitation (umm some would call that reeducation)? I have. How about Operation Garden Plot...the government's Civil Disturbance Plan? It talks about "evacuating" all the firearms. We are already living in a police state...whether or not we decend into total tyranny is dependent on whether or not enough people resist. Patriot Act, NDAA, CISPA...and how can I forget operation Fast and Furious where our own government gave weapons to drug cartels in an effort to demonize guns and enact stricter gun laws. Thousands of Mexicans and at least one Border Patrol Agent were killed by the guns provided by the government...yet in spite of being found in contempt of Congress Holder is still Attorney General... WTF?! it goes on and on and on.'s just that I love this country so much that it's breaking my heart to see what's happening around us. And if I hear one more time that it's to protect us from terrorism I'm going to spit! One UK group ran some numbers and discovered bee stings kill more people each year than terrorism!

Anyway...goosfraba Vape...goosfraba...

I've always heard those trimmers are designed to be used right after harvest to do the best job...but I guess whether or not it does a good job is going to depend in your personal taste when it comes to trimming...but spending 8-10 hours doing it can take the fun out of almost anything! (notice I said ALMOST anything :winkyface:)

I need to go vape some more and try to lower my blood pressure now!

I totally agree with everything you said VappDog! Everything except Ron Paul being out of the picture. He has gotten a bill to audit the fed to be voted on by Congress. We need to see what Politicians vote against the bill and make sure they are voted out the next term. Ron Paul is also having a free event in Tampa just ahead of the Republican National Committee on August 26th. There will be celebrities there and a lot of enthusiasm. This is another way to let the establishment know that we want real change and freedom. Check it out. RSVP if you can go asap. Events | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee
Wow...that took me a while to get caught up!

I'm not sure where to start...the topic went from politicians to trimmers to "wangs"...I guess in reality politicians and "wangs" are the same thing! Just please don't vote fore Bill Gates...he's given a few too many speeches about reducing the world population for my comfort. At least google "Bill Gates eugenics" and "Bill Gates population control" before you do...hell throw "Bill Gates Monsanto" into that mix...he personally lobbied in some states to stop GMO labeling laws from going through. Anyway, I'll shut up on's the one topic that makes my head want to explode! I feel like this country is circling the drain and Ron Paul is out of the picture, so we're pretty much all screwed. :)

I think the only answer left is resistance...WE are already doing it! Resist all these unjust laws and regulations that are coming...refuse to comply. When you see someone interacting with police, whip out your cell phone and start recording video. Some citizens have begun showing up in numbers at DUI checkpoints with video recorders running asking the police why they're violating people's 4th amendment rights, and yelling to people going through the checkpoint, telling them they don't have to content to a search. After a little bit of that the police pack up and go home! Have you noticed more and more military working with police at every major event? Anyone read the Army field manual on internment camps talking about rehabilitation (umm some would call that reeducation)? I have. How about Operation Garden Plot...the government's Civil Disturbance Plan? It talks about "evacuating" all the firearms. We are already living in a police state...whether or not we decend into total tyranny is dependent on whether or not enough people resist. Patriot Act, NDAA, CISPA...and how can I forget operation Fast and Furious where our own government gave weapons to drug cartels in an effort to demonize guns and enact stricter gun laws. Thousands of Mexicans and at least one Border Patrol Agent were killed by the guns provided by the government...yet in spite of being found in contempt of Congress Holder is still Attorney General... WTF?! it goes on and on and on.'s just that I love this country so much that it's breaking my heart to see what's happening around us. And if I hear one more time that it's to protect us from terrorism I'm going to spit! One UK group ran some numbers and discovered bee stings kill more people each year than terrorism!

Anyway...goosfraba Vape...goosfraba...

I've always heard those trimmers are designed to be used right after harvest to do the best job...but I guess whether or not it does a good job is going to depend in your personal taste when it comes to trimming...but spending 8-10 hours doing it can take the fun out of almost anything! (notice I said ALMOST anything :winkyface:)

I need to go vape some more and try to lower my blood pressure now!


Vape! Man all I can say is Thank You! You summed up what many of us are thinking. I know that about 7 years ago our military held a secret meeting in Australia. The content was crowd control and how to put down rebellions. They are expecting one I would say. Homeland security is nothing short of being our own Gestapo.
I totally agree with everything you said VappDog! Everything except Ron Paul being out of the picture. He has gotten a bill to audit the fed to be voted on by Congress. We need to see what Politicians vote against the bill and make sure they are voted out the next term. Ron Paul is also having a free event in Tampa just ahead of the Republican National Committee on August 26th. There will be celebrities there and a lot of enthusiasm. This is another way to let the establishment know that we want real change and freedom. Check it out. RSVP if you can go asap. Events | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Thanks CF. Ron Paul man myself. :high-five:

So much for Bill Gates.
I totally agree with everything you said VappDog! Everything except Ron Paul being out of the picture. He has gotten a bill to audit the fed to be voted on by Congress. We need to see what Politicians vote against the bill and make sure they are voted out the next term. Ron Paul is also having a free event in Tampa on August 26th. There will be celbrities there and a lot of enthusiasm. This is another way to let the establishment know that we want real change and freedom. Check it out. RSVP if you can go asap. Events | Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign CommitteeRon Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Committee

Hmm...did I miss something? I was aware of the bill to audit the Fed, but didn't he announce he was standing down on his campaign the same day Rand endorsed Romney? Ron Paul also angered a lot of his supporters when other republicans knocked one of his delegates out of a wheelchair and beat him up...I think it was in Georgia or Mississippi maybe? Then a day or two later he asked his supporters to be "civil" at the convention. I'm sorry but we are fighting for our the face of the continuing dirty tactics to steal the nomination from Ron Paul, the time for civility is over.

I'm done withe the lesser of two evils BS...people forget that if you vote for the lesser of two evils, you're still voting for evil! I was planning on voting for Gary Johnson, but like I said, I though Ron Paul was out of it... I'll be anxious to hear what he has to say at the rally!

Unfortunately I don't think the sheeple in this country will vote these crooks out...All but I think 12 senators voted for the NDAA...we could start with those 88 bastards. Hell for all I know we are voting them out...wasn't it Stalin that said something to the effect of "I don't care who casts a ballot, only who counts them"? Our votes are now tabulated by a spanish company called SCYTL that's owned by George Soros...I wonder how that's going to turn out... :)
Vape! Man all I can say is Thank You! You summed up what many of us are thinking. I know that about 7 years ago our military held a secret meeting in Australia. The content was crowd control and how to put down rebellions. They are expecting one I would say. Homeland security is nothing short of being our own Gestapo.

You are absolutely correct! DHS will be the enforcement arm of the police state. I've been referring to them as "brownshirts"! Law enforcement officers are sworn, they take an oath to uphold the constitution...these criminals they are hiring in DHS...specifically the TSA are not. And that's not hyperbole...they are hiring criminals INCLUDING pedophiles to "pat down" (I say molest) our kids at the airport. They are now expanding to highway checkpoints, and even undercover on busses in Texas.
You are absolutely correct! DHS will be the enforcement arm of the police state. I've been referring to them as "brownshirts"! Law enforcement officers are sworn, they take an oath to uphold the constitution...these criminals they are hiring in DHS...specifically the TSA are not. And that's not hyperbole...they are hiring criminals INCLUDING pedophiles to "pat down" (I say molest) our kids at the airport. They are now expanding to highway checkpoints, and even undercover on busses in Texas.

No wonder we have so many people afraid to walk out the door. I try not to drive too much, stay close to home, don't ask questions to anything I don't want to know the answer to. In other words, I see nothing, I ask nothing, and stay out of my business.
No wonder we have so many people afraid to walk out the door. I try not to drive too much, stay close to home, don't ask questions to anything I don't want to know the answer to. In other words, I see nothing, I ask nothing, and stay out of my business.

What? Sounds like "freedom" to me...

I feel the same way...I went to one store in the mall the other day, and counted 23 police and/or security officers on my trip to and from that store.
Old Med Man is the Growers Friend
He trims his weed by hand.
An Automatic trimmer to his house was sent...
to his paradise in the sand.
All the plants were put in place...
He closed the lid and turned the crank and..
The evil mean machine ate all his dank...
This did not make him a happy man!

How about Operation Garden Plot...the government's Civil Disturbance Plan? It talks about "evacuating" all the firearms.

I am buying more ammo.

I did not read back ... not gonna either :cheesygrinsmiley: It sounds like a trimmer ate your beauties from the poem above, if so I am really sorry to hear that. I have always trimmed by hand. I did not even know they made trimmers till recently! :cheesygrinsmiley:
america where are you now, dont you care about your sons and daughters
dont you know we need you now, together we can fight the monster
What? Sounds like "freedom" to me...

I feel the same way...I went to one store in the mall the other day, and counted 23 police and/or security officers on my trip to and from that store.
Old Med Man is the Growers Friend
He trims his weed by hand.
An Automatic trimmer to his house was sent...
to his paradise in the sand.
All the plants were put in place...
He closed the lid and turned the crank and..
The evil mean machine ate all his dank...
This did not make him a happy man!

There was a man who bought a trimmer

He was a good 420 member

So let's get to the point

This trimmer he would not anoint

He put in a plant and gave it a push

What he got back was a one inch bush

I did not read back ... not gonna either :cheesygrinsmiley: It sounds like a trimmer ate your beauties from the poem above, if so I am really sorry to hear that. I have always trimmed by hand. I did not even know they made trimmers till recently! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Well, let's just say, I didn't like what it did! :rofl:

If you have allot to trim, it would really help, actually.
There was a man who bought a trimmer

He was a good 420 member

So let's get to the point

This trimmer he would not anoint

He put in a plant and gave it a push

What he got back was a one inch bush

Damn Bush Wacker!!

because sissors he used to trim
gave the old man a grin
but with a new machine he bought
made him waste some of his pot
if he grows a hundred pounds
the machine will make its rounds
but if you love your stash
just use your sissors and save some cash
to those that have fingers narled and bent
then the trimmer is money well spent
but for me I will say
the trimmers for another day
because sissors he used to trim
gave the old man a grin
but with a new machine he bought
made him waste some of his pot
if he grows a hundred pounds
the machine will make its rounds
but if you love your stash
just use your sissors and save some cash
to those that have fingers narled and bent
then the trimmer is money well spent
but for me I will say
the trimmers for another day

And to the scene Closet Farmer arrives.
Like a hero, 'cept with no disguise.
I’ll help you buddy, he said with a cheer!
This machine is full of love, it wants to be your dear.
Old Med man said, I will see what it can do.
I won’t promise I’ll like it. I gotta take a poo.
When he came out of the john.
The farmer had his plants in the trimmer. Ready to turn on!
When he was through...
The Med Man did not know what to do.
The Buds that came out of the machine.
Were Beautiful and fit for a Queen.
The Old Med Man thanked the Farmer.
The Weed Farmer said my pleasure.
Now go and smoke your Treasure.
Then he left with his Gator's in the Sky
Yelling, I be back mate! Make sure you stay High!
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