OMM's Social Network Grow

I usually drink cranberry juice apple juice or grapefruit juice. I try to water things down by adding a lot of ice, one of my doctors told me that one time since he said I insist on drinking the wrong thing. But I am more like give me options at least or say drink in moderation. I do love vitamin water but they don't sell them by the case or I haven't found a place that does.

I have seen this but have not found it at any store I shop at. Wonders how much that little bottle runs for and how many glasses does it make? You're just so full of information. I was drinking crystal light but all you get is 5 little containers for over 4 bucks, not worth it to me. Not the way I drink..

Recently I purchased a $2.00 Sunbeam Oskar food processor at an estate sale, made in france twenty some years ago, this thing will chop ice to a slurpee in less than 1 minute, I've been adding frozen bananas and strawberries, sometimes a little rum, but it's perfect for cooling down this summer. I've seen these on ebay for about 20.00 up to 70.00. Wouldn't get rid of it for anything, I also used it to chop my mj to roll, the keif was left on the top, scraped it up and added to joint, excellent.:peace:
Hi Queen. Your the first person I have ever met that didn't like water.
Guess we are all different. So far I've only drank two bottles of Ensure. It's doing wonders for me already. I looked much better when I got up this morning. I actually looked healthy! The skin on my arms even looked better. I might even get some things done around here today.

In fact, it's been along time since I was up this early.

I hate to say this to everyone that's in the heat's about 84 and cloudy.....wish I could send it your way. :surf:

IT JUST GOT HERE THIS MORNING, THANK YOU:circle-of-love: 84 here too:cheer:
Hey, OMM, glad that ensure is working for you. I broke my jaw when I was a kid, and they made my drink that stuff...(shudders) I couldn't stand the consistency. Well, anyway, mt family one night ordered pizza while my mouth was wired... I got pissed, then got out the blender, added about a cup of marinara, and walked over to the table and YANKED two slices of pizza out of the box and slammed it in the blender and mashed "frappe". I was trying to be an asshole by making them sorry for me having to drink everything I consumed, but you know what? It was actually better than I thought it'd be... quite tasty, actually. After that I started experimenting with different foods in the blender with their accompanying sauces. It's amazing what actually works! Peanut butter and jelly, pizza, STEAK, if you can believe it! I even did Breast of chicken, a buttered biscuit, and some chicken broth... CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS!

I tried oatmeal... don't try that one; I wouldn't suggest it. But bananas, Half and Half, a store bought sponge cake (the little round ones for strawberry shortcake), and a bit of honey... You know, I still do that one. You should try it. I actually GAINED 20lbs on a liquid diet over six months. Do you know how hard it is is to gain weight for a 14 y.o. that doesn't know how to sit down for 10 minutes?

People cringe at the thought of pureed food, but when that's the only thing you can get down...
High X

The only thing I can think of is I needed nutes big time! Guess taking vitamins is not the same! :circle-of-love:[/QUO

Your Widows look great. We give my mother-in-law twice a day, Sam's club sells their own brand of Ensure, she likes both. There's also Boost/you can make a milk shake out of this, add fruits to blender. My mother in law does not like to eat, fights me all the time, if she doesn't eat much on a certain day, I give her a 3rd bottle. She's a very healthy 89 year old.:circle-of-love:
Drive bye Pop's. Plants looking great. Keepem That a ways. I see everyone dealing with that heat abit different. I've always been and will be a beer drinker probaly till it kills me but when it's real hot I'm another Tea toddler. I love iced cold sun tea. Now the joke I moved to Oregon and we just got our first day over 80 and full sun. Kind of a sun tea drinkers nightmare. Till now I had to make sun tea in the veg tent. Keepem Green

Very creative, this growing stuff can really make you think outside the box. Love tea. Do you think we could make M.J. tea with stems? I think I will try this out and see what happens.:cheer:
QUOTE=Closet Farmer;1541153]Great Parable!! Really Great!! So true! This fall I am voting only for politicians that are for personal freedom. Personal Freedom is what this Country was founded on. Any candidate that realizes this has my vote!
I wish one of the Presidential nomonies realized this.
I have felt this way for years and I know you do too. I never believed the myths before about vapor clouds but with all these people in the US in total denial it makes me wonder!


Love the Rooster joke/ As to voting, politicians promise you everything during election year, but they are only one person working against hundred of thousands of greedy people trying to get everything their own way!! Voting really means less then ever, they will do whatever they decide to do, not what we elected them for. Just MY OPINION.:Namaste:
To Grace and jandre I don't like most fruit. The ones I do like, I can't eat them because they mess with all the pills I take everyday. I love Pineapple and Grapefruit. It's a real bummer.:smokin:

When I was 16 I had to have all my teeth pulled at once. They stitched me up and put my new teeth in on top of the stitched up gums. Ouch! The folks I lived with at the time, lived out in the sticks of Arkansas. Don't think they ever heard of a blender. After about 3 days of sucking soup through a straw, I was starving. Some of my local yokel friends came by and we had some beer. I was starving! We stopped at a general store. Then I saw catchup and had to have some chips too. I drank the catchup and somehow crunched the chips down. I was in heaven. After that night.....I recovered fast and it wasn't long before I could eat again. I never will forget that! It tasted sooooo good!
Hey, OMM, glad that ensure is working for you. I broke my jaw when I was a kid, and they made my drink that stuff...(shudders) I couldn't stand the consistency. Well, anyway, mt family one night ordered pizza while my mouth was wired... I got pissed, then got out the blender, added about a cup of marinara, and walked over to the table and YANKED two slices of pizza out of the box and slammed it in the blender and mashed "frappe". I was trying to be an asshole by making them sorry for me having to drink everything I consumed, but you know what? It was actually better than I thought it'd be... quite tasty, actually. After that I started experimenting with different foods in the blender with their accompanying sauces. It's amazing what actually works! Peanut butter and jelly, pizza, STEAK, if you can believe it! I even did Breast of chicken, a buttered biscuit, and some chicken broth... CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS!

I tried oatmeal... don't try that one; I wouldn't suggest it. But bananas, Half and Half, a store bought sponge cake (the little round ones for strawberry shortcake), and a bit of honey... You know, I still do that one. You should try it. I actually GAINED 20lbs on a liquid diet over six months. Do you know how hard it is is to gain weight for a 14 y.o. that doesn't know how to sit down for 10 minutes?

People cringe at the thought of pureed food, but when that's the only thing you can get down...

Ahhh you young guys. You had blenders. Actually, I envy you that you could do what you did. Believe me, I would have done the same if I could have. See my story below.

Ensure is good now.....I love the taste...they have good flavors too. The consistency has changed too. When I had cancer in the late was terrible!
High X

The only thing I can think of is I needed nutes big time! Guess taking vitamins is not the same! :circle-of-love:[/QUO

Your Widows look great. We give my mother-in-law twice a day, Sam's club sells their own brand of Ensure, she likes both. There's also Boost/you can make a milk shake out of this, add fruits to blender. My mother in law does not like to eat, fights me all the time, if she doesn't eat much on a certain day, I give her a 3rd bottle. She's a very healthy 89 year old.:circle-of-love:

QUOTE=Closet Farmer;1541153]Great Parable!! Really Great!! So true! This fall I am voting only for politicians that are for personal freedom. Personal Freedom is what this Country was founded on. Any candidate that realizes this has my vote!
I wish one of the Presidential nomonies realized this.
I have felt this way for years and I know you do too. I never believed the myths before about vapor clouds but with all these people in the US in total denial it makes me wonder!


Love the Rooster joke/ As to voting, politicians promise you everything during election year, but they are only one person working against hundred of thousands of greedy people trying to get everything their own way!! Voting really means less then ever, they will do whatever they decide to do, not what we elected them for. Just MY OPINION.:Namaste:[/QUOTE]

Thanks about the rooster joke.....just had to post it!

I agree with what you said about the elections too. We need to find and Honest person to run. I had high hopes for this President....but he folded just like you said above. Pressure by the rich.:smokin:
First off hello OMM consider you a real scholar to growing many great reads from you!

Great story/experience I have for this:
I broke my jaw when I was a kid, and they made my drink that stuff...(shudders) I couldn't stand the consistency. Well, anyway, mt family one night ordered pizza while my mouth was wired... I got pissed, then got out the blender, added about a cup of marinara, and walked over to the table and YANKED two slices of pizza out of the box and slammed it in the blender and mashed "frappe". I was trying to be an asshole by making them sorry for me having to drink everything I consumed, but you know what? It was actually better than I thought it'd be... quite tasty, actually. After that I started experimenting with different foods in the blender with their accompanying sauces. It's amazing what actually works! Peanut butter and jelly, pizza, STEAK, if you can believe it! I even did Breast of chicken, a buttered biscuit, and some chicken broth... CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS!

I tried oatmeal... don't try that one; I wouldn't suggest it. But bananas, Half and Half, a store bought sponge cake (the little round ones for strawberry shortcake), and a bit of honey... You know, I still do that one. You should try it. I actually GAINED 20lbs on a liquid diet over six months. Do you know how hard it is is to gain weight for a 14 y.o. that doesn't know how to sit down for 10 minutes?

People cringe at the thought of pureed food, but when that's the only thing you can get down...

When I first started medicating it was when Old Country Buffet was still open. I smoked some bubble hash and smoke a fat blunt between me and my now ex. I was so stoned by the time we got there that I was ready to start munching baaaad:lot-o-toke:. Before I get into my part here I want to mention when we showed up they had a bus of old people eating there also. Your post reminds me of my trip there because of the blenders on a couple of the tables we ended up seated by one and I witnessed this Puree or "Frappe". At first I thought it was a monstrosity but then I thought about it...It all goes to the same place....This interested me and I to begun to try different things and what you say is true it's not bad at all! So anyways I went up they had roast beef the guy was cutting it right off the slab. I ended up going around 5-6 times filling my plate with food by the time i got to the meat i just told him to throw it on top:rofl: He totally knew I was blew out by about the third time comig back. He kindly assured me served me then preceeded to tell me about being a fellow smoker. I held the line up for a good 5 mins talking to him about simply stoner things...awkward situations that seem to always occur to our lifestyle...Karma....our favorite cheech and chong movie...Religion (sometimes touchy but basics and always able argue points) I can't remember being that stoned in a long time...:trance:

i wish you well on your grow OMM I'm Subscribed and if you wouldn't mind please check my journal and follow along Trying a full CFL run with three girls!:Namaste::peace:
Love the Rooster joke/ As to voting, politicians promise you everything during election year, but they are only one person working against hundred of thousands of greedy people trying to get everything their own way!! Voting really means less then ever, they will do whatever they decide to do, not what we elected them for. Just MY OPINION.:Namaste:

Thanks about the rooster joke.....just had to post it!

I agree with what you said about the elections too. We need to find and Honest person to run. I had high hopes for this President....but he folded just like you said above. Pressure by the rich.:smokin:[/QUOTE]

Wait.... that was a joke?
Thanks about the rooster joke.....just had to post it!

I agree with what you said about the elections too. We need to find and Honest person to run. I had high hopes for this President....but he folded just like you said above. Pressure by the rich.:smokin:

Wait.... that was a joke?[/QUOTE]

No, the presidental election is the Joke!!:high-five:
First off hello OMM consider you a real scholar to growing many great reads from you!

Great story/experience I have for this:

When I first started medicating it was when Old Country Buffet was still open. I smoked some bubble hash and smoke a fat blunt between me and my now ex. I was so stoned by the time we got there that I was ready to start munching baaaad:lot-o-toke:. Before I get into my part here I want to mention when we showed up they had a bus of old people eating there also. Your post reminds me of my trip there because of the blenders on a couple of the tables we ended up seated by one and I witnessed this Puree or "Frappe". At first I thought it was a monstrosity but then I thought about it...It all goes to the same place....This interested me and I to begun to try different things and what you say is true it's not bad at all! So anyways I went up they had roast beef the guy was cutting it right off the slab. I ended up going around 5-6 times filling my plate with food by the time i got to the meat i just told him to throw it on top:rofl: He totally knew I was blew out by about the third time comig back. He kindly assured me served me then preceeded to tell me about being a fellow smoker. I held the line up for a good 5 mins talking to him about simply stoner things...awkward situations that seem to always occur to our lifestyle...Karma....our favorite cheech and chong movie...Religion (sometimes touchy but basics and always able argue points) I can't remember being that stoned in a long time...:trance:

i wish you well on your grow OMM I'm Subscribed and if you wouldn't mind please check my journal and follow along Trying a full CFL run with three girls!:Namaste::peace:

Hi K-Frat :welcome:

Loved your stoner story! We've all been there. Thanks for the nice compliments, you've made a new friend.

I took a look at your grow.....made a few comments.....over have nice setup and a good grow going my new Friend. Skunk Diesel sounds great too!
ok i did miss a page or 2 or 3 or meh
so i caught up the plants are looking good cant wait till you post one of the nycd in flower:thumb:
ok i did miss a page or 2 or 3 or meh
so i caught up the plants are looking good cant wait till you post one of the nycd in flower:thumb:

Hey Cronic...good to see ya. :bravo:

Should have a picture up real soon......she' filling out nicely. The new one is crazy beautiful.....I'm sure you read my comments about her. What a strain she is! :Namaste::Namaste:
Hey Cronic...good to see ya. :bravo:

Should have a picture up real soon......she' filling out nicely. The new one is crazy beautiful.....I'm sure you read my comments about her. What a strain she is! :Namaste::Namaste:

glad you like it :thumb:
Wait.... that was a joke?

No, the presidental election is the Joke!!:high-five:[/QUOTE]

The Presidential Election is a joke. It is done by electorate. We have a popular vote (us) and the electoral vote (involved us). Ron Paul has started a revolution. Many of his supporters including myself are getting more involved in politics. I am becoming an electorate. I wish everyone on this site would become one. We need to see how every single candidate from local county sheriff to president on how they stand on MMJ, personal freedom, or whatever else you believe in. And vote accordingly. The Ron Paul revolution is working with the issues and using thier own rules against them.
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