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I am more thirsty than usual which means I go to the bathroom much more. Been drinking a lot more kool aid though the doctor wants me to drink water. I just don't like water, it has to be really ice cold for me to drink it. Plus it has no taste whatsoever. I tried drinking Vitamin Water but was told that isn't good either. So the compromise is adding water to my drinking routine in between the kool aid. Sorry for the rambling....

I can relate so much to Queens not liking regular water. I too have the same problem. My wife gets on me all the time about not drinking enough water. What works for me is I mix real fruit juice with water. 30 to 40% juice and the rest water. A non alcoholic mixed drink. I think fruit juice is too strong now because I prefer it diluted. Not sure if this is ok with your doctor and diabetes. It works for me. We are supposed to drink at least 7 glasses a day. There is now way I can drink that much plain water in a day unless I forced myself. If you don't like vita water this might not work for you. Just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one that does not like plain water.
"Old Butch.".....a lesson to take to heart.

Old Butch

John was in the fertilized egg business. He had several hundred young layers (hens), called 'pullets,' and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.

He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.

This took a lot of time, so he bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters.

Each bell had a distinctly different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing.

Now, he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.

John's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen, but this morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all!

When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover.

To John's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring.

He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.

John was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the Saint Lawrence County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the "No Bell Piece Prize," but they also awarded him the "Pulletsurprise" as well.

Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the unsuspecting populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention.

Vote carefully this fall, the bells are not always audible.

Great Parable!! Really Great!! So true! This fall I am voting only for politicians that are for personal freedom. Personal Freedom is what this Country was founded on. Any candidate that realizes this has my vote!
I wish one of the Presidential nomonies realized this.
I have felt this way for years and I know you do too. I never believed the myths before about vapor clouds but with all these people in the US in total denial it makes me wonder!

another home run OMM, butch was one slick bird and so are those do nothings in D.C. the bad part about this fall is none of them can ring my bell, every last one of them have Nancy Reagan syndrome(just say no) both sides and the worst part is the folks that are in the middle stand a snowballs chance in hell of ever being elected end the way good morning OMM:circle-of-love:
Great Parable!! Really Great!! So true! This fall I am voting only for politicians that are for personal freedom. Personal Freedom is what this Country was founded on. Any candidate that realizes this has my vote!
I wish one of the Presidential nomonies realized this.
I have felt this way for years and I know you do too. I never believed the myths before about vapor clouds but with all these people in the US in total denial it makes me wonder!


I guess my feelings are just plain old disappointment at the state of our country. Apathy is rampart in our world.

Wake Up People! We can change it back to a true government for the people by the people...before it is totally too late.
another home run OMM, butch was one slick bird and so are those do nothings in D.C. the bad part about this fall is none of them can ring my bell, every last one of them have Nancy Reagan syndrome(just say no) both sides and the worst part is the folks that are in the middle stand a snowballs chance in hell of ever being elected end the way good morning OMM:circle-of-love:

That's the truth fish cake......not one worthy of our vote!

G' Morning to you too!
dont get me rong I have voted in every election since I came of age to do so. pat pulsen still owes me a six pack:) one day soon there will be a spark in the movement of the people for the can ansewer this question for me if you want. just who is the person that you think is the one to bring us all together? america where are you now together we can kill the monster:high-five:
I guess my feelings are just plain old disappointment at the state of our country. Apathy is rampart in our world.

Wake Up People! We can change it back to a true government for the people by the people...before it is totally too late.
We are all in the same thinking boat. The darker candidate and the white as sheet candidate both come from the same Mama!! Ron Paul is still making waves!!! That makes big Mama angry!! And Mama always says......It is not nice to fool with Big Mama!!

dont get me rong I have voted in every election since I came of age to do so. pat pulsen still owes me a six pack:) one day soon there will be a spark in the movement of the people for the can ansewer this question for me if you want. just who is the person that you think is the one to bring us all together? america where are you now together we can kill the monster:high-five:

Bill Gates.....He doesn't need the money and He does good all over the world.
yes he would be a stellar choice! but he is also way to smart to get wrapped up in the political machine thats seems to gobble the morals of even the best intentioned soul. the other thing is neither of any of those other yahoos need the money. they just want back scratchers
Bill Gates.....He doesn't need the money and He does good all over the world.
yes he would be a stellar choice! but he is also way to smart to get wrapped up in the political machine thats seems to gobble the morals of even the best intentioned soul. the other thing is neither of any of those other yahoos need the money. they just want back scratchers

Someone would probably shoot him anyway.
I can relate so much to Queens not liking regular water. I too have the same problem. My wife gets on me all the time about not drinking enough water. What works for me is I mix real fruit juice with water. 30 to 40% juice and the rest water. A non alcoholic mixed drink. I think fruit juice is too strong now because I prefer it diluted. Not sure if this is ok with your doctor and diabetes. It works for me. We are supposed to drink at least 7 glasses a day. There is now way I can drink that much plain water in a day unless I forced myself. If you don't like vita water this might not work for you. Just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one that does not like plain water.

There's also a product that you can get called "MiO". It comes in a little squirt bottle, and you put it in water. MiO is sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose, a calorie-free, artificial sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sugar. So you can get by with diabetes using this product as well.
There's also a product that you can get called "MiO". It comes in a little squirt bottle, and you put it in water. MiO is sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose, a calorie-free, artificial sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sugar. So you can get by with diabetes using this product as well.

Your an amazing person jandre.......your mind just sucks up information and files it away for when it's needed.

Your an amazing person jandre.......your mind just sucks up information and files it away for when it's needed.

I'm a purveyor of ubiquitous information... in search of Skittles.

When they kept me from participating alone in single-person trivia by allowing teams to gang up against me, I formed a team on Trivia Night of some of the best trivia-minded people at this karaoke bar I used to go to... That was our team name.

So glad you're feeling better, we all need nutes eh? You have to remember to take care of yourself and your girls. btw, they look wonderful. Love the Butch accurate, hate the butch's of politics tho, too bad there are so many.

Politics...what I don't get is why we only have converage of two people, R*mny and Ob*ma, I don't want either of them...I like R Paul, all about the constitution. Bring our boys home and secure these borders. Smaller gov and less regs...I want gov out of my business. I didn't used to vote...I hated all politicians, bunch of backstabbin, say anything to get elected and do whatever it takes to stay in office lazy a**es, a few years back my husband pointed out "you can't b*tch, if you don't vote" now, every election cycle, I make myself crazy trying to follow/decide on a worthy candidate and they are all so useless. And the "lobbyists" and "speculators" need to go. All the money that is donated to "campaigns" should be pooled then distributed equally among all worthy runners, equal coverage, equal opportunity, that would be that was a rant, :sorry: OMM
HI OMM!!!!
Been working way too much & only visiting on a drive by basis so wanted to actually stop in & say HI!!! On a road trip & using the passenger time to get caught up on my faves. Keep up the good work & Ill hopefully see you soon
I can relate so much to Queens not liking regular water. I too have the same problem. My wife gets on me all the time about not drinking enough water. What works for me is I mix real fruit juice with water. 30 to 40% juice and the rest water. A non alcoholic mixed drink. I think fruit juice is too strong now because I prefer it diluted. Not sure if this is ok with your doctor and diabetes. It works for me. We are supposed to drink at least 7 glasses a day. There is now way I can drink that much plain water in a day unless I forced myself. If you don't like vita water this might not work for you. Just wanted to let you know that you are not the only one that does not like plain water.:high-five::circle-of-love:

I usually drink cranberry juice apple juice or grapefruit juice. I try to water things down by adding a lot of ice, one of my doctors told me that one time since he said I insist on drinking the wrong thing. But I am more like give me options at least or say drink in moderation. I do love vitamin water but they don't sell them by the case or I haven't found a place that does.

There's also a product that you can get called "MiO". It comes in a little squirt bottle, and you put it in water. MiO is sweetened with acesulfame potassium and sucralose, a calorie-free, artificial sweetener that is 600 times sweeter than sugar. So you can get by with diabetes using this product as well.

I have seen this but have not found it at any store I shop at. Wonders how much that little bottle runs for and how many glasses does it make? You're just so full of information. I was drinking crystal light but all you get is 5 little containers for over 4 bucks, not worth it to me. Not the way I drink..
I usually drink cranberry juice apple juice or grapefruit juice. I try to water things down by adding a lot of ice, one of my doctors told me that one time since he said I insist on drinking the wrong thing. But I am more like give me options at least or say drink in moderation. I do love vitamin water but they don't sell them by the case or I haven't found a place that does.

I have seen this but have not found it at any store I shop at. Wonders how much that little bottle runs for and how many glasses does it make? You're just so full of information. I was drinking crystal light but all you get is 5 little containers for over 4 bucks, not worth it to me. Not the way I drink..

Makes up to 24 8 fl oz. drinks. Available in the drink mix aisle of grocers and convenience stores nationwide.

For more info, search Kraft Foods for MiO. Or put your goggles on MiO

Hehe, it's kinda funny. Mio means "mine" in Spanish and Italian. So when I make a drink with MiO, I make it mine.....

So glad you're feeling better, we all need nutes eh? You have to remember to take care of yourself and your girls. btw, they look wonderful. Love the Butch accurate, hate the butch's of politics tho, too bad there are so many.

Politics...what I don't get is why we only have converage of two people, R*mny and Ob*ma, I don't want either of them...I like R Paul, all about the constitution. Bring our boys home and secure these borders. Smaller gov and less regs...I want gov out of my business. I didn't used to vote...I hated all politicians, bunch of backstabbin, say anything to get elected and do whatever it takes to stay in office lazy a**es, a few years back my husband pointed out "you can't b*tch, if you don't vote" now, every election cycle, I make myself crazy trying to follow/decide on a worthy candidate and they are all so useless. And the "lobbyists" and "speculators" need to go. All the money that is donated to "campaigns" should be pooled then distributed equally among all worthy runners, equal coverage, equal opportunity, that would be that was a rant, :sorry: OMM

Hi sqwheels, Yep we all need nutes. I think your right...I get carried away and forget my self. Guess I still haven't realized I'm not young any more. Thanks about the girls...they even look good to me!
Glad you liked th Butch story. Sure fits.
I hear you about voting...I vote every election, but I don't find any of them worth voting for. Like you said the press usually has two people they talk about. It's like they are choosing for us. How can anyone be honest if they have paid lobbyists? Paid lackeys. Your idea for pooled money for equal coverage is a good one. At least we would know who is running. Your "rant" was a good one. Do so anytime!
HI OMM!!!!
Been working way too much & only visiting on a drive by basis so wanted to actually stop in & say HI!!! On a road trip & using the passenger time to get caught up on my faves. Keep up the good work & Ill hopefully see you soon

Hi MsMe! Was wondering where you were. Have a good road looking for you when you get back. Try to have a bit of fun while your traveling. :cheesygrinsmiley:
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