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All you guys talking about heat... 102 today, 106 by Tuesday, and no end in sight.

Where I am at it is 90 degress with 60% humidity! Not so bad but just hate the humidity!
Your not rambling, I like to drink a light ice tea, every day I boil water about 2 quarts, I add just one lipton tea bag, and add splenda, which I got free with coupons, plus money back, I picked up over 50 boxes, (rambling) anyway just wanted you to know it's a cheap way to get your fluids, I drink it all day, it got me weaned from diet colas/my husband has diabetes also, luckily he doesn't need insulin, just meds, he's got a whole spectrum of health problems, lots of pain in both knees, back and neck. Hope you feel alright in this heat. Hey, I started watching how I use electricity, I wash clothes one day and the next day dry in two loads, I do this when the lights are off and I also turn off the A/C. You should see the meter slow down alot/Stay cool/:thumb:

I use to be a very devoted Pepsi drinker, think I got that from my mama because we both would wake up to a glass of pepsi and a ciggy. I weaned myself away from Pepsi and started drinking lipton green tea, thinking I was doing good because it wasn't soda, NOT! Doctor told me that drinking teas dehydrates you, ugh. So then I stopped the tea and was drinking cranberry juice, though it is good for flushing kidneys, not good because of the sugar!!! Talked to my doctor about it again yesterday and she says the only good thing to drink is water. I told her I can't do it, water tastes nasty or no taste at all. I can only drink it if it is ice ice cold but I will try to incorporate it into my drinking habits, that's the best I can do.

water is life! =]
i used to drink all kinds of soda, energy drinks, you name it... now its just water. nothing like a tall glass of cold water on a hot day. cold beer comes close... lol

Yeah but I prefer my water in a shower or bath tub. I don't swim or go on boats, ok!!! lol..Never liked energy drinks, felt like I was on speed and makes me jittery as all hell.. Beer, on rare very rare occassion, prefer a margarita to beer. But I don't drink that often at all, maybe twice a year if that.

Hi My Queen! Actually you're everyone's Queen!

You were right...not Simmilac! Ensure! Got 3 cases seems to give me energy too.

That's a shame you don't like water. I love it! However it sounds like you get it too, just with flavor added. That's not just explain things. Lovies!

Baby formula just don't sound too good. I don't think babies have taste glands developed, I don't know how they drink that stuff. I use to take ensure and boy did it plump me up, I had to stop. My brother is now drinking it since he is on dialysis and lost a lot of weight. I think he may be a buck 0 five soak and wet. I didn't know dialysis does that to you. I use to love drinking the strawberry ensure but now I am kinda interested in glucerna, suppose to be a shake for diabetics. Has anyone tried it?
Where I am at it is 90 degress with 60% humidity! Not so bad but just hate the humidity!

Heheh! I used to live in north-east Texas. There was actually a day that was 95* with... and get this... 104% humidity. I dunno how that's possible, but all the news stations were freaking out about it. Was in Tornado Season, too, so that may be part of it.
Well, it is suppose to be 98 today with heat index of 104. If I lived somewhere where it was to be 104, not sure what I would do. Buy a kiddie pool and fill it with water and ice cubes. Last night it was so hot here, went to try to take a cool bath and there was no hot water for at least 2 hours!!!! Guess everyone was trying to stay cool. Then all of a sudden around midnight, the heat kicks on for no apparent reason and made the temp go up even more. Talk about miserable sleeping conditions!!!
yeah boss I lived in houston for a couple years and it sucked. so I left there and ended up in southeren miss and that sucked more. moved a 1000 mile north and right now it aint no better:peace:
Heheh! I used to live in north-east Texas. There was actually a day that was 95* with... and get this... 104% humidity. I dunno how that's possible, but all the news stations were freaking out about it. Was in Tornado Season, too, so that may be part of it.
You have a community boiler? And no Central A/C? Get a frikkin window unit... 14,000BTU ought to do it, I think.

Love the AC. It is so F ing hot outside!!
how the hell did we survive when I was groing up I just rolled with punches. man I worked for an asphalt co. worked on oil rigs(on shore) spent 3 years on a carnival in the deep south and was a carpenter for 24 years. now if the sun looks at me funny I fall in the fetal position on the ground and pray for it to leave me alone LOL
Love the AC. It is so F ing hot outside!!

Sounds like great stuff. Can't wait to try it!! Hopefully I will get confused on PE in a few months! Got one in flower now!


Hey CF. That's great. We should be finishing at the same time then. No kidding PE is crazy good. :Rasta:
I use to be a very devoted Pepsi drinker, think I got that from my mama because we both would wake up to a glass of pepsi and a ciggy. I weaned myself away from Pepsi and started drinking lipton green tea, thinking I was doing good because it wasn't soda, NOT! Doctor told me that drinking teas dehydrates you, ugh. So then I stopped the tea and was drinking cranberry juice, though it is good for flushing kidneys, not good because of the sugar!!! Talked to my doctor about it again yesterday and she says the only good thing to drink is water. I told her I can't do it, water tastes nasty or no taste at all. I can only drink it if it is ice ice cold but I will try to incorporate it into my drinking habits, that's the best I can do.

Yeah but I prefer my water in a shower or bath tub. I don't swim or go on boats, ok!!! lol..Never liked energy drinks, felt like I was on speed and makes me jittery as all hell.. Beer, on rare very rare occassion, prefer a margarita to beer. But I don't drink that often at all, maybe twice a year if that.

Baby formula just don't sound too good. I don't think babies have taste glands developed, I don't know how they drink that stuff. I use to take ensure and boy did it plump me up, I had to stop. My brother is now drinking it since he is on dialysis and lost a lot of weight. I think he may be a buck 0 five soak and wet. I didn't know dialysis does that to you. I use to love drinking the strawberry ensure but now I am kinda interested in glucerna, suppose to be a shake for diabetics. Has anyone tried it?

Hi Queen. Your the first person I have ever met that didn't like water.
Guess we are all different. So far I've only drank two bottles of Ensure. It's doing wonders for me already. I looked much better when I got up this morning. I actually looked healthy! The skin on my arms even looked better. I might even get some things done around here today.

In fact, it's been along time since I was up this early.

I hate to say this to everyone that's in the heat's about 84 and cloudy.....wish I could send it your way. :surf:
Well, it is suppose to be 98 today with heat index of 104. If I lived somewhere where it was to be 104, not sure what I would do. Buy a kiddie pool and fill it with water and ice cubes. Last night it was so hot here, went to try to take a cool bath and there was no hot water for at least 2 hours!!!! Guess everyone was trying to stay cool. Then all of a sudden around midnight, the heat kicks on for no apparent reason and made the temp go up even more. Talk about miserable sleeping conditions!!!

Hi Queen........this wont help you any......but.......the year I spent in Thailand....the runway temp was an average of 107 degrees all year long. They had a holiday each year where people threw water on each other all day. Fun as could be. :surf:
yeah boss I lived in houston for a couple years and it sucked. so I left there and ended up in southeren miss and that sucked more. moved a 1000 mile north and right now it aint no better:peace:

Ya just can't win eh?:rofl:
how the hell did we survive when I was groing up I just rolled with punches. man I worked for an asphalt co. worked on oil rigs(on shore) spent 3 years on a carnival in the deep south and was a carpenter for 24 years. now if the sun looks at me funny I fall in the fetal position on the ground and pray for it to leave me alone LOL

after thinking about it hot cold somewere inbetween, Iwill take everyday that comes. even the ones that I think I dont like
Ya just can't win eh?:rofl:
A lazy Man's Picture Update!

The inside NYCD and The outside White Widow are in day 48 of Bloom

The White Widow



An Indoor Group Shot Far in the back you can see the 2 new PEs. Very small, but growing.


The Medi-Bombs












The inside NYCD is in dark..that's why no picture.

Great to hear that the Ensure is helping so much, OMM! :thumb:

High X

The only thing I can think of is I needed nutes big time! Guess taking vitamins is not the same! :circle-of-love:
Drive bye Pop's. Plants looking great. Keepem That a ways. I see everyone dealing with that heat abit different. I've always been and will be a beer drinker probaly till it kills me but when it's real hot I'm another Tea toddler. I love iced cold sun tea. Now the joke I moved to Oregon and we just got our first day over 80 and full sun. Kind of a sun tea drinkers nightmare. Till now I had to make sun tea in the veg tent. Keepem Green
"Old Butch.".....a lesson to take to heart.

Old Butch

John was in the fertilized egg business. He had several hundred young layers (hens), called 'pullets,' and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.

He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.

This took a lot of time, so he bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters.

Each bell had a distinctly different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing.

Now, he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.

John's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen, but this morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all!

When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover.

To John's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring.

He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.

John was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the Saint Lawrence County Fair and he became an overnight sensation among the judges.

The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the "No Bell Piece Prize," but they also awarded him the "Pulletsurprise" as well.

Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the unsuspecting populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention.

Vote carefully this fall, the bells are not always audible.

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