OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

OMM, you have some great looking plants there! Really like the lineup your running. MD, S#1, SLH, Church, and such I have grown except the Church which is still in seed form.
SLH is one great plant. I finished one back in march can't wait to have it again. I have a question for ya, when did you get your SLH? Before or after the second cup?
A lil late but I'm following. Very nice grow!!

Hey Frosty Thanks for the good words. I'll be growing more of MD, Church, and SLH. They all seem to have really good genes. I'm sure I bought my SLH after the second cup. If your interested there is SLH grow under my sig. It's totally all about SLH.

Thanks for tagging along with us. :clap::clap:
Aloha ..brother grower ..looking really good ....very noticeable difference in your skills since last grow :goodjob: Love the family portrait...plants look very happy :passitleft:

Hey Brother Tunes ;)
Well,thanks. I'm like you, I have learned a little more with each grow!

How's the house hunting going? :wood:
Yup, same here, breakup of my second marriage, my ex and his family were calling social services every week telling them I was either neglecting or abusing my kids... He was more bitter than I was I guess. But he brought it on himself.

Celeborn is my 3rd and last hubby. If it doesn't work out, I'm dating women from now on... ;) :rofl::rofl::rofl:

:cheer::yahoo::cheer: I'll pass on the Bromance!
Thanks OMM, I have a plant that is before the second cup. I got some seeds last summer and germed one but it died shortly after it sprouted. I saved the rest, and took a chance on a clone last year not knowing if it really was SLH but there was some good karma in the air and it turned out to be a really good one. It really doesn't stretch much at all. That's what got me asking cause I read yours didn't stretch too much like some have experienced.

You really have some nice plants and pictures of em. I have been following the SLH community grows which I was stoked to see you started. Some nice stuff there. It is one of my fav's for sure. Such a super lemony haze taste. I took the one I had finished at 50 days 10%C, 80%Cloudy, 10%A, which is earlier then others by weeks almost a month. I ran AN nutes in hydro back then but didn't run anything crazy nute wise to speed things up. I am running one in soil now totally organic with my own crazy tea mix, and the plants love it. So I'll have to see how it does this time around. I'll have to post some pics when she gives me her consent as she is still young.
hi OMM ive been kindda reminising on our past grows.....mmmicks too.........we have all come so far from are previous grows......i just think a pat on the back for all of us is in order lol.....this street stuff im buying now ...sux...cant wait to be producing bud again.......you got some lovley bud there mate.......keep up the good work.....be lucky weedtastic :goodjob:
Hey OMM,

got a reply back from the airpots people and they are sending some bottoms to me right away! honest mistake...;)
Thanks OMM, I have a plant that is before the second cup. I got some seeds last summer and germed one but it died shortly after it sprouted. I saved the rest, and took a chance on a clone last year not knowing if it really was SLH but there was some good karma in the air and it turned out to be a really good one. It really doesn't stretch much at all. That's what got me asking cause I read yours didn't stretch too much like some have experienced.

You really have some nice plants and pictures of em. I have been following the SLH community grows which I was stoked to see you started. Some nice stuff there. It is one of my fav's for sure. Such a super lemony haze taste. I took the one I had finished at 50 days 10%C, 80%Cloudy, 10%A, which is earlier then others by weeks almost a month. I ran AN nutes in hydro back then but didn't run anything crazy nute wise to speed things up. I am running one in soil now totally organic with my own crazy tea mix, and the plants love it. So I'll have to see how it does this time around. I'll have to post some pics when she gives me her consent as she is still young.

Hi FrostyBuds Hummmm? The seeds too old or are you don't trust them? For sure 2 of us had a hard time getting one to sprout. Wonder if any one else has had that problem? Makes you wonder doesn't it? Maybe we got a bad batch or something. I know it's one of the top selling strains right now.

OK, you're in soil too and organic. It will be interesting to see how yours does.
I really expected a stretch like you said, but it didn't really happen.
When your girl out grows her embarrassment, would love to see her. :smokin:
hi OMM ive been kindda reminising on our past grows.....mmmicks too.........we have all come so far from are previous grows......i just think a pat on the back for all of us is in order lol.....this street stuff im buying now ...sux...cant wait to be producing bud again.......you got some lovley bud there mate.......keep up the good work.....be lucky weedtastic :goodjob:

Hello weedtastic :):) Yep, got to include our friend Mmmmick, he's been with us and we all have vastly improved. I agree, pat us on the back for doing better each time. Hope it becomes a habit! :bravo: Oh! Man, street stuff, going back to that must hurt. Your own buds are so much better. :blunt:
That's for the good words. You be lucky weedtastic :clap::clap::clap:
Hey OMM,

got a reply back from the airpots people and they are sending some bottoms to me right away! honest mistake...;)

Alright munen Good news! You'll be able to start soon. :bravo:

After the extra wait.....bet you have it all planed out by now. Go to it my friend!:allgood:
The slh I sprouted dampened off and died so it was some of my fault but I had 5 or 6 others not slh make it in the same conditions. I am saving the other seeds for future use. I just had the chance to buy an unknown slh clone last year so I took the chance instead of taking the chance on the seed not making it. The one flowering right now is 3 weeks in and just started forming buds so there is not much to look at. I'll get some pics in the next few days and throw it up on the collective grow.

I think it is Pit or Butcher that grew some slh and had some stretch if I remember and read correctly. I really can't believe how little it stretches as it comes from two plants that grow fairly tall esp SSH and the lemon skunk.
gee omm,
parties, p'ing, and pot.....a trifecta, and to think...I MISSED IT...and poi....the plants look stunning, hanging a picture of your girls in the bud room to remind them to grow well, or i'll do the red queen number on them....

finally got the cc thing ok, all good, it just took forever, now to catchup all the other stuff, was doing it after i got home, after i tried to take the receptionists head off, the hubby ordered bed rest...yeah, it waas time, now will have to send flowers and say sorrys....was not good...have a horrid temper, and somedays well, the dragon wins...that was tues....

an example was the druggist at rez is russian which is fine, but my doc had written specific orders, and druggist decides to change them, illegal? so i took each and every one out of the bag, and said where is the ??? and he says "you dont need it", hit my switch immediately...i asked if he was a dr., he says yes, in russia, so i casually tell him to go back to russia where he can know it all, but while hes here, hes is a pharmacist and to fill the f''ng rx the way it was written.....he went ballistic, which to me is a challenge, and it went from there....baaaadddd day..for him....i won..especially after the security guards were called....i just smiled in the swath of destruction as i walked away....i'll never be able to trust him again....he'll be out to get me, saw it in his eyes....oh well.....i ramble....soooo, since i cant trust him, i'll have to work on getting him laid off.....NEXT...

anyway thats my week in a nut shell....

have alot to put in my journal, will start working on it tonight to bring it up to date, and those babies look absolutely great...hugs, and try to hang in with the friend...i have one in very similar straits, shes dealing with parkinsons...and also very neg....hard to get her to smile..BUT...they need us....L (does it tire you out as much as it does me? its like i have had a total mind drain sometimes....)
Hi Mmmmick :):) The Church is starting to get a few amber trichs now, so she will probably be the first to be chopped. I'm gonna leave her out as long as possible. I have to say the Columbia and the Moby are two of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. It's not my camera, they really are that green!
The 2 Skunks and the VK are all growing like crazy. Those 3 are planted in FF Happy Frog. Their colors are a much lighter green. The rest are in FFOF and they are greener. All are getting OC+ for nutes. Must be something in FFOF that adds to color. Really starting to like the OC+.

Thanks for the nice words Buddy. :thumb:
They may cooperate and space themselves to your benefit. All looking green and happy

Could be something to that. I noticed that OC+ is available in three release formulations, early start, balanced and late finish or something of that sort.Do you know which one you're using? Maybe I 'm thinking of The OC not the OC +.
The slh I sprouted dampened off and died so it was some of my fault but I had 5 or 6 others not slh make it in the same conditions. I am saving the other seeds for future use. I just had the chance to buy an unknown slh clone last year so I took the chance instead of taking the chance on the seed not making it. The one flowering right now is 3 weeks in and just started forming buds so there is not much to look at. I'll get some pics in the next few days and throw it up on the collective grow.

I think it is Pit or Butcher that grew some slh and had some stretch if I remember and read correctly. I really can't believe how little it stretches as it comes from two plants that grow fairly tall esp SSH and the lemon skunk.

Hi FB I tried to answer last night, but things were loading very slowly and I just shut down. Be looking forward to the picture of your sprout.

I'm growing a SSH right now and she's a short fat fanny. I grew a lemon skunk last grow and she was about the same size as the SLH right now. What stretch? :grinjoint: Maybe I FIM and Top them too much. :cheer:
gee omm,
parties, p'ing, and pot.....a trifecta, and to think...I MISSED IT...and poi....the plants look stunning, hanging a picture of your girls in the bud room to remind them to grow well, or i'll do the red queen number on them....

finally got the cc thing ok, all good, it just took forever, now to catchup all the other stuff, was doing it after i got home, after i tried to take the receptionists head off, the hubby ordered bed rest...yeah, it waas time, now will have to send flowers and say sorrys....was not good...have a horrid temper, and somedays well, the dragon wins...that was tues....

an example was the druggist at rez is russian which is fine, but my doc had written specific orders, and druggist decides to change them, illegal? so i took each and every one out of the bag, and said where is the ??? and he says "you dont need it", hit my switch immediately...i asked if he was a dr., he says yes, in russia, so i casually tell him to go back to russia where he can know it all, but while hes here, hes is a pharmacist and to fill the f''ng rx the way it was written.....he went ballistic, which to me is a challenge, and it went from there....baaaadddd day..for him....i won..especially after the security guards were called....i just smiled in the swath of destruction as i walked away....i'll never be able to trust him again....he'll be out to get me, saw it in his eyes....oh well.....i ramble....soooo, since i cant trust him, i'll have to work on getting him laid off.....NEXT...

anyway thats my week in a nut shell....

have alot to put in my journal, will start working on it tonight to bring it up to date, and those babies look absolutely great...hugs, and try to hang in with the friend...i have one in very similar straits, shes dealing with parkinsons...and also very neg....hard to get her to smile..BUT...they need us....L (does it tire you out as much as it does me? its like i have had a total mind drain sometimes....)

Hi Lavendar:cheer:

Yea ya missed it all. The P'ing was the high light.:)
I told the girls they were being used as examples by you. Now they're demanding more sun and nutes. Just can't keep em happy. Spoiled little brats!:)

Your Dragon got a work out this week! :)
Glad the CC problem has been solved. Would loved to have been a fly on the wall when you and the druggist were throwing fire at each other . Dragons always win. Throwing a little fire around aways helps.:grinjoint::yikes::yikes:

My friend did drain me a bit. I did OK with it. Jo just wanted him to leave, was bothering her to no end. The last two days I would meet him some where and we would go to a movie or something. I know this sounds terrible, but when he left, Jo and I high five'd.

On a brighter note, another old friend from CO finally moved to Costa Rico to his farm down there. Took him 10 years to get there but he made it. :cheer:

Best wishes for you to get caught up on everything. :)
They may cooperate and space themselves to your benefit. All looking green and happy

Could be something to that. I noticed that OC+ is available in three release formulations, early start, balanced and late finish or something of that sort.Do you know which one you're using? Maybe I 'm thinking of The OC not the OC +.

Hi Mmmmick my friend :)

I use OC+, it has the ingredients of both the others in one bottle. So far it has done everything I have wanted and expected of it. In fact, it's kind of hard to believe what it does and it's guaranteed not to burn your plants. If you want to you can also use other nutes if your careful. I just started using a bit of gravity to help with bud formation and tightness and no sign of trouble. I just replanted 3 of the Fems and added 3 table spoons of it to the top three inches of the soil in each. Be posting a few pictures here in a few minutes, so you can see how they are doing.

Hopefully, I'll be over to see you soon, now that my friend has left. :)
Day 47 of Bloom

The Family Portrait :grinjoint:


The Church :grinjoint:

The Church :grinjoint:

Columbian Gold :grinjoint:

Columbian Gold :grinjoint:

Columbian Gold :grinjoint:

Fem :grinjoint:

Fem :grinjoint:

Part two of Bloom coming up!
Aloha OG OMM with OC+ in the house...:tokin: Ok, I sure like my early sample of Super Lemon Haze brother...(will be my last gangsta attempt, I hope...:))

But on a more serious note, hey...that OC+ sure is looking pretty impressive in your girls brother...almost like a perfect fit for outdoors is my thoughts...rain can't wash it out...just refreshes it...the two source (alkaline and acidic) nitrogen seems to do amazing things with ph also...things that make you go ummm...:hmmmm:.

I put my SLH mother girl into the mild organic boosted soil I made and into bloom last night, am gonna see how Mater Magic performs (with a minor OC+ dose added)...will occasionally water with molasses water and my cal-mag mix a few times but the idea is a minim of care to minimize harm I do from over care, while providing a stable nutrient rich environment...wish me luck brother. 24hrs and she isn't dead yet so mix is not way to hot...will wait til a bit of the other nutes release before I jump for joy. :roorrip:

Sure looks like that Church has said I forgive you and loves life OMM, great job on her recovery!!! :bravo::bravo::bravo:.

I am very happy for your grow brother...looks like a really, really nice harvest coming your way and a yard full of beautiful plants to share your time with. Win/Win

:tokin: Peace from my little garden to you and Jo.
Aloha OG OMM with OC+ in the house...:tokin: Ok, I sure like my early sample of Super Lemon Haze brother...(will be my last gangsta attempt, I hope...:))

But on a more serious note, hey...that OC+ sure is looking pretty impressive in your girls brother...almost like a perfect fit for outdoors is my thoughts...rain can't wash it out...just refreshes it...the two source (alkaline and acidic) nitrogen seems to do amazing things with ph also...things that make you go ummm...:hmmmm:.

I put my SLH mother girl into the mild organic boosted soil I made and into bloom last night, am gonna see how Mater Magic performs (with a minor OC+ dose added)...will occasionally water with molasses water and my cal-mag mix a few times but the idea is a minim of care to minimize harm I do from over care, while providing a stable nutrient rich environment...wish me luck brother. 24hrs and she isn't dead yet so mix is not way to hot...will wait til a bit of the other nutes release before I jump for joy. :roorrip:

Sure looks like that Church has said I forgive you and loves life OMM, great job on her recovery!!! :bravo::bravo::bravo:.

I am very happy for your grow brother...looks like a really, really nice harvest coming your way and a yard full of beautiful plants to share your time with. Win/Win

:tokin: Peace from my little garden to you and Jo.

Aloha High was hoping you would come by, wanted to get your thoughts on some stuff. :)

Get Your hand out that pie, gangsta! It's hard to resist! :)

My Friend you talked me into OC+ and I am sure glad. Saves a lot of work.
I made the mistake of putting too much perlite in my soil this time. The big five are drinking like crazy! Every two days they go through 15 gallons of water! Me and my 2 Brita Pitchers are barely keeping up. They are in FFOF soil.

The rest of the plants are all in FF Happy frog with no added perlite and don't need watering but every 4th day. Thank goodness.

I would like to get your thoughts on this next part. If you look at my girls, the big 5 are much greener in color. FFOF. All the others are in FF Happy Frog. They are a much more washed out color of green. All of them are growing well, so that's not a problem. Just kinda strange.

What I plan to do when I harvest a few of them is this. Using 2 5.4 gallon AirPots and the same strain, I will use FFOF in one and FF Happy Frog in the other. I will use both with no added perlite. OC+ will be the nutes. That should give me an idea of which soil does the best job. What do you think?

While my friend was here, we went to the Hydro store and picked up 6 bags of FFOF, so I'm ready. Have to work on my water situation some how.

Well, sounds like your soil is working. I had no doubt that it would. :)

The Church is banging on right now. I think the problem with her was me not giving her enough water. Grumble, Grumble, bad OMM!

Thanks for the nice words High, much appreciated ;)

Hope you and the wife are doing well and Peace to you both!
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