OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

LST'd just like Michael Broadwick tied Godzilla to the Brooklyn Bridge my friend.

No, I didn't top her, but I didn't top Wanda either. The plant looks great, lush, green, sturdy trunk and stems, it's just these (lots) small hair covered flowers...but about half the size of Wanda's buds w/o the abundance of trich's.

Same soil, same nutes, same light canopy, same cured water...but I did plant her in a 7 gal pot, as opposed to Wanda's 4 gal pot.

I've been using four of the eight 42W for three grows, and four for the last two grows. I know CFL's lose lumens over time, and now wondering if this is the cause.

Hope she's not just hemp.....but I'll smoke her anyway:popcorn:
Great update OMM. The columbian is trying to make buds as fat as Moby, the Church is reaching for the sky.SLH quietly loading up. They all look so damn good.

VK is going nuts, almost doubling in size every update.

Awesome job OMM.:thumb:
Just as I was getting ready to run some errands, I came across these hilarious posts about who was hiding under the lounger and UCB.s and stuff like that followed by OMM's porn shots. So WTF, decided to do some Hindu Kush and stretch out on the patio, and see if some sympathetic thing would come share a Newcastle (no Heineken for me after the UCB reference) on this absolutely gorgeous Colorado day. Much reps to you all for the redirection. :Rasta:
Hey OMM, Ho-ho-ho-ho~! It's snowing in Hawaii, just don't eat the yellow snow. Great looking bunch!

Woodsman, I was released from the lab on good behavior! They gave me triple doses of shigella so I could finish off my budz-wizzerz. Going to a Red Cross to donate blood now, then I'm off to HD to get me some 2x4's and duct tape to keep this tumor growing out my @ss from scraping the blacktop as I ride my bycicle to work.

Ugh, I think I'm going crazy...:smokin:
LST'd just like Michael Broadwick tied Godzilla to the Brooklyn Bridge my friend.

No, I didn't top her, but I didn't top Wanda either. The plant looks great, lush, green, sturdy trunk and stems, it's just these (lots) small hair covered flowers...but about half the size of Wanda's buds w/o the abundance of trich's.

Same soil, same nutes, same light canopy, same cured water...but I did plant her in a 7 gal pot, as opposed to Wanda's 4 gal pot.

I've been using four of the eight 42W for three grows, and four for the last two grows. I know CFL's lose lumens over time, and now wondering if this is the cause.

Hope she's not just hemp.....but I'll smoke her anyway:popcorn:

Hi Buddy.........I think we just found the problem. It's going to take a longer for her to fill that pot. She's making more roots and hasn't caught up yet. Give her little time,,,,,,,I bet she will be a sweetheart in no time :thumb:
Hey OMM, Ho-ho-ho-ho~! It's snowing in Hawaii, just don't eat the yellow snow. Great looking bunch!

Woodsman, I was released from the lab on good behavior! They gave me triple doses of shigella so I could finish off my budz-wizzerz. Going to a Red Cross to donate blood now, then I'm off to HD to get me some 2x4's and duct tape to keep this tumor growing out my @ss from scraping the blacktop as I ride my bycicle to work.

Ugh, I think I'm going crazy...:smokin:

2x4's and duct tape? I feel for ya man, you've been twinkled on and chased by a raging woman with an axe, then captured by the CDC for having UCB's. Now you've got a growth growing out of your a**!@ What did you use the 2x4's and duct tape for? Stilts?

OMM glad you can spend time with your old buddy, it's most likely good for both of you to be doing something. Those pics of your 'family members' are outstanding! Won't be much longer on some of them.
I brought my girls in to see your girls and they told me that they want to grow up and be just like them! ;)

In all seriousness. I would be absolutely thrilled if I got 1/4 of the results you have.

Mahalo My Friend!
Just as I was getting ready to run some errands, I came across these hilarious posts about who was hiding under the lounger and UCB.s and stuff like that followed by OMM's porn shots. So WTF, decided to do some Hindu Kush and stretch out on the patio, and see if some sympathetic thing would come share a Newcastle (no Heineken for me after the UCB reference) on this absolutely gorgeous Colorado day. Much reps to you all for the redirection. :Rasta:

Hi Buudy :) I keep telling Woodsman not to do that stuff, but you know him. :thedoubletake::thedoubletake: Scared hell out of MH and my Nurse! Glad you liked the bud porn. You should smell those girls. :blunt:

Sounds like you have the right idea. Kick back and embrace that Hindu Kush and your beautiful day in CO. :thumb:
Sisco may be at the Center for Disease Control under intense study by highly trained and professional investigators. They're studying the effect of Urine Cured Bud (UCB) and have had mixed results with rats. Sisco is the first human to ingest UCB's in the US so experts in the field have been brought in from Amsterdam (where it is common :lot-o-toke:). That may explain the Heineken.

Poor Sisco :smokin: He means well, but he just does things a bit different from the rest of us. The UCB Center will take good care of him since he is the one and only customer. He does like the attention I'm sure. Now he'll in the history books for being the very first UCB patient. :clap::rofl::clap:
Great update OMM. The columbian is trying to make buds as fat as Moby, the Church is reaching for the sky.SLH quietly loading up. They all look so damn good.

VK is going nuts, almost doubling in size every update.

Awesome job OMM.:thumb:

Hi Mmmmick :):) The Church is starting to get a few amber trichs now, so she will probably be the first to be chopped. I'm gonna leave her out as long as possible. I have to say the Columbia and the Moby are two of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. It's not my camera, they really are that green!

The 2 Skunks and the VK are all growing like crazy. Those 3 are planted in FF Happy Frog. Their colors are a much lighter green. The rest are in FFOF and they are greener. All are getting OC+ for nutes. Must be something in FFOF that adds to color. Really starting to like the OC+.

Thanks for the nice words Buddy. :thumb:
2x4's and duct tape? I feel for ya man, you've been twinkled on and chased by a raging woman with an axe, then captured by the CDC for having UCB's. Now you've got a growth growing out of your a**!@ What did you use the 2x4's and duct tape for? Stilts?

OMM glad you can spend time with your old buddy, it's most likely good for both of you to be doing something. Those pics of your 'family members' are outstanding! Won't be much longer on some of them.

Hi Woodsman Glad to see you out and about! I'm leaving poor Sisco in your hands. He seems to pay attention more when you talk to him. :smokin:

Yea me and my Buddy are hitting the theater again tomorrow. I can also sneak in a trip to get more Happy Frog. :yummy:

We will probably eat out again. It's not much fun for me, but the man loves to eat and he likes the best when he can find it. First day he told me no medical talk, so I haven't said a thing. He starts more tests the day after he gets home. His doctors are not giving him any encouragement about his chances. Say 4% that he makes it through surgery.

He did a double take when he saw me. Last time he saw me I weighed 190. now I am 135. He's worried about my health now. :):)
I brought my girls in to see your girls and they told me that they want to grow up and be just like them! ;)

In all seriousness. I would be absolutely thrilled if I got 1/4 of the results you have.

Mahalo My Friend!

Hi Girl! I'll answer your other post first! Been there, as for as just totally pissed at everyone and very depressed. Was the break up of my second marriage. Long story. However I will tell you how I got to feel better about it.

I really thought about offing myself for the first time in my life, so since I was still in the military I went to the mental heath clinic. They gave me a test and it said I wanted to kill myself. Duh! They assigned a young 2nd Lieutenant to me, who I could have been his father. I thought to myself "Oh Great!". I saw him a few times and he told me if I ever needed to talk at any time day or night to just give him a call.
I did call him one night, I had been over to see Rose my ex and it didn't go well for me. So over he came and walked in and said "What you need is a big hug" and put his arms around me. Then he started to feel up my butt!
In that moment of my deepest need I remembered life is nothing but a practical joke and started laughing my ass off! He started begging me not to tell the military. I was laughing so much, I told him not to worry. He had helped me more than he would ever know! After he left I was still laughing and I knew I was OK! No kidding! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If your girls want to be like mine, more power to them! They can do it under your careful care! :thumb:
Hi Buddy.........I think we just found the problem. It's going to take a longer for her to fill that pot. She's making more roots and hasn't caught up yet. Give her little time,,,,,,,I bet she will be a sweetheart in no time

Ummmmm, excellent observation OMM, does make a lot of sense considering Wanda was root bound city when I extracted her lifeless remains from her cramped quarters, hence the larger pot. Only the steady march of time will reveal her true colors.....get it? colors......hope springs eternal.

I did fashion a memorial of sorts from Wanda's dehydrated trunk that currently decorates my new stash box......:tokin: Speaking of trunks, the current lady already has a larger trunk than Wanda's......I just hope I can contain the big bitch!

Live well my friend

Hi Buddy.........I think we just found the problem. It's going to take a longer for her to fill that pot. She's making more roots and hasn't caught up yet. Give her little time,,,,,,,I bet she will be a sweetheart in no time

Ummmmm, excellent observation OMM, does make a lot of sense considering Wanda was root bound city when I extracted her lifeless remains from her cramped quarters, hence the larger pot. Only the steady march of time will reveal her true colors.....get it? colors......hope springs eternal.

I did fashion a memorial of sorts from Wanda's dehydrated trunk that currently decorates my new stash box......:tokin: Speaking of trunks, the current lady already has a larger trunk than Wanda's......I just hope I can contain the big bitch!

Live well my friend


Hey Buddy That is beautiful work on that trunk. Wanda will be here a while longer. From one plant so much has come from her.

See, be careful what you wish for, she maybe a monster! We hope :blunt:
OMM, you have some great looking plants there! Really like the lineup your running. MD, S#1, SLH, Church, and such I have grown except the Church which is still in seed form.
SLH is one great plant. I finished one back in march can't wait to have it again. I have a question for ya, when did you get your SLH? Before or after the second cup?
A lil late but I'm following. Very nice grow!!
Hi Girl! I'll answer your other post first! Been there, as for as just totally pissed at everyone and very depressed. Was the break up of my second marriage. Long story. However I will tell you how I got to feel better about it.

I really thought about offing myself for the first time in my life, so since I was still in the military I went to the mental heath clinic. They gave me a test and it said I wanted to kill myself. Duh! They assigned a young 2nd Lieutenant to me, who I could have been his father. I thought to myself "Oh Great!". I saw him a few times and he told me if I ever needed to talk at any time day or night to just give him a call.
I did call him one night, I had been over to see Rose my ex and it didn't go well for me. So over he came and walked in and said "What you need is a big hug" and put his arms around me. Then he started to feel up my butt!
In that moment of my deepest need I remembered life is nothing but a practical joke and started laughing my ass off! He started begging me not to tell the military. I was laughing so much, I told him not to worry. He had helped me more than he would ever know! After he left I was still laughing and I knew I was OK! No kidding! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If your girls want to be like mine, more power to them! They can do it under your careful care! :thumb:

Yup, same here, breakup of my second marriage, my ex and his family were calling social services every week telling them I was either neglecting or abusing my kids... He was more bitter than I was I guess. But he brought it on himself.

Celeborn is my 3rd and last hubby. If it doesn't work out, I'm dating women from now on... ;) :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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