OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Good Lord! It's almost a sin that one man should have all that fine gonja!:bravo:

So if I have this right, these beauties are in 3.7gal air pots, and your contemplating using 5.4gal for difference in soil comparison.....sounds logical to me, but what I'll be looking forward to is any difference you see in additional time required for the plants to mature in the larger pots, and plant size. Similar to what I'm seeing since I switched from 4 gal pots, to the 7 gal pot I'm using now.

I checked back on the photos of my former grows including Wanda after your observation that the immaturity of the buds on this grow could be a result of the larger pot. In all cases, bud development was much further along, leading me to believe root crowding accelerates bud development, but decreases plant size. This would be okay for outdoor grows like yours, but pose issues for my light canopy. Looks like I'm going to be hard pressed to keep both width, and height under control if I'm going to to see a decent harvest. Her trunk size is already larger at 11 weeks than Wanda's at harvest.

No doubt I'll be switching back to smaller pots after this, but it's all part of the learning process.

Happy Friday bud.....your backyard must smell deeeelightful
Good Lord! It's almost a sin that one man should have all that fine gonja!:bravo:

So if I have this right, these beauties are in 3.7gal air pots, and your contemplating using 5.4gal for difference in soil comparison.....sounds logical to me, but what I'll be looking forward to is any difference you see in additional time required for the plants to mature in the larger pots, and plant size. Similar to what I'm seeing since I switched from 4 gal pots, to the 7 gal pot I'm using now.

I checked back on the photos of my former grows including Wanda after your observation that the immaturity of the buds on this grow could be a result of the larger pot. In all cases, bud development was much further along, leading me to believe root crowding accelerates bud development, but decreases plant size. This would be okay for outdoor grows like yours, but pose issues for my light canopy. Looks like I'm going to be hard pressed to keep both width, and height under control if I'm going to to see a decent harvest. Her trunk size is already larger at 11 weeks than Wanda's at harvest.

No doubt I'll be switching back to smaller pots after this, but it's all part of the learning process.

Happy Friday bud.....your backyard must smell deeeelightful

Happy Friday to you too!OldSkoool :)

Well, here's the logic? of what I want to do:

1. Grow some BIG plants just to see if I can.
2. Use up some soil which I don't think I'll use again.
3. To actually see if one soil out does the other while treating them the same.
4. More Buds!

I think we are right about pot size and growth. In a single grow, the AirPots will never be root bound. They air prunes all roots. To me that means taller plants, we shall see. I might even just let them grow as they will without FIM or Topping. Although I will have think about that. I do like the extra colas. :)

Wanda (this present one) has a bigger stem? You is in trouble! She's gonna be a monster. Do you kinda hide Wanda? If you don't maybe you could figure out some other lighting arrangement. Seems to me that you wanted stealth though. Hmmmmm Memory is going. :hmmmm:

PS I am growing for two people. :) I am a care giver too. :)
spock reporting in:
when you use a larger pot, you give the plant a larger drip line...which is the line where, if it were raining, the water runs off the plant and hits the ground.....which in turn sinks into soil and feeds the roots which would be under the drip line...make sense? so the larger the pot, the farther out the plant will be able to grow in width as well as height...and the larger the drip line would be....and so on and so forth.....usually a plant will grow as large as its root system....so if unlimited growth for the roots, the plant would continue to grow until acted upon by an opposing force, ie, light, or space to stretch, or nutrients....anyway, i tested this and it seems to work, i am able to hold plants back by keeping in smaller containers until ready to go in bud room by feeding the roots what they would be searching for naturally....as long as the roots stay healthy ect. ect. so on and so forth....here i am rambling again, and as usual, probably belaboring a point that most know of...sorry...

the plants look soooo great, love that frosting they have, just gorgeous...my slh is still outside, she may be comming in very shortly, as the nights here are getting close to freezing, but still hot in the daytime....very hot...still killling clones weather...

will have to look to be sure about the panama red, but seems it was thru ace, thru single seed....if not, then will be glad to find wrapper and look, need to anyway, as now im curious...

i used to keep all empty seed bags and now not sure what i did with them...put up somewhere...

memory? its selective i think...everything here looks great, so im off again...hugs to all...L
Hi Mmmmick my friend :)

I use OC+, it has the ingredients of both the others in one bottle. So far it has done everything I have wanted and expected of it. In fact, it's kind of hard to believe what it does and it's guaranteed not to burn your plants. If you want to you can also use other nutes if your careful. I just started using a bit of gravity to help with bud formation and tightness and no sign of trouble. I just replanted 3 of the Fems and added 3 table spoons of it to the top three inches of the soil in each. Be posting a few pictures here in a few minutes, so you can see how they are doing.

Hopefully, I'll be over to see you soon, now that my friend has left. :)

Hi OMM, I should have gotten the terminology straight before posting. OC + is available in Hi Start, Standard and Lo start formulations. I was curious which of those formulations you're using. One of the three might be more suited to growing our favorite plant than the others.
Great update OMM, I still have the Columbian as favorite even though she isn't the biggest of the bunch. They're all looking fine and growing hard.:thumb: Well done.
Hi Lavendar :cheer:

No......ramble all you want to....I usually learn something when you do. :smokin:
Actually your explanation was perfect. Sometimes I know what I mean but don't say it right. The idea is in there somewhere. ;)

You have the craziest weather. Hot days....freezing nights.:hmmmm:

Thanks, I'll look at ACE.

Thanks for the complements.......I'll tell the girls what you said. Well it's dawn, believe I'll check the girls and hit the sack. :peace: and all good things to you and Hubby. :)
Great update OMM, I still have the Columbian as favorite even though she isn't the biggest of the bunch. They're all looking fine and growing hard.:thumb: Well done.

Hi Buddy:)

I will try to find the link for you. There is a discussion of OC+. Here at 420. Munki and the guys have put it up so we can compare notes. I think OC+ is the right one for our plants......it better be! :)

I'm partial to three of the girls. Moby, Columbian and The Church. They just hit the spot with me. Hope they smoke as good as they look. :)

Have a good day my friend :cheer:
Aloha High was hoping you would come by, wanted to get your thoughts on some stuff. :)

Get Your hand out that pie, gangsta! It's hard to resist! :)

My Friend you talked me into OC+ and I am sure glad. Saves a lot of work.
I made the mistake of putting too much perlite in my soil this time. The big five are drinking like crazy! Every two days they go through 15 gallons of water! Me and my 2 Brita Pitchers are barely keeping up. They are in FFOF soil.

The rest of the plants are all in FF Happy frog with no added perlite and don't need watering but every 4th day. Thank goodness.

I would like to get your thoughts on this next part. If you look at my girls, the big 5 are much greener in color. FFOF. All the others are in FF Happy Frog. They are a much more washed out color of green. All of them are growing well, so that's not a problem. Just kinda strange.

What I plan to do when I harvest a few of them is this. Using 2 5.4 gallon AirPots and the same strain, I will use FFOF in one and FF Happy Frog in the other. I will use both with no added perlite. OC+ will be the nutes. That should give me an idea of which soil does the best job. What do you think?

While my friend was here, we went to the Hydro store and picked up 6 bags of FFOF, so I'm ready. Have to work on my water situation some how.

Well, sounds like your soil is working. I had no doubt that it would. :)

The Church is banging on right now. I think the problem with her was me not giving her enough water. Grumble, Grumble, bad OMM!

Thanks for the nice words High, much appreciated ;)

Hope you and the wife are doing well and Peace to you both!

Aloha my good friend.

I think that would be a good experiment...never tried the Happy frog myself, but it is a bat guano blend with added bene's...should do well (according to amendments list). I am gonna look for a good supplement to go with the OC+ to complement it in bloom...hope Mater Magic might be it, but it might be too nitrogen loaded...will see in the coming few plants.

Peace brother, glad all is going so well there!
Yeah I have that link. I've skimmed some of it.

OC+ is the right one for some of us for our plants. Not for me, but everybody has different objectives in mind when they grow. Not saying one is better than the other, thats a personal choice and what one likes isn't wrong just because it's different.
I'm willing to go with smaller plants/yield so I can keep things as close to organic as I can without requiring a compost heap, etc. I'm not looking for big yield as long as I can get a decent smokeable crop, with a good flush. So I stick to Botanicare nutes and natural supplements. Botanicare cost is more but really not steep.(30-50% of what OC+users pay for gets tossed with the soil) I'm still using the original liter bottles of my veg, flower and Cal/mag solutions at a total cost of 75 bucks for 4 crops (they'll last through my next crop probably).

OC+ will grow big beautiful crops, I have never doubted that and your girls are living proof. They all look great.

I am curious if one of the three OC+ formulations is better than the others, but that might be strain dependant. Some strains feed sparingly until later when they become ravenous. Others like a balance throughout life. I think the OC+ can be tuned to a particular strain in some cases by buying the Lo Start for light early feeders, Standard OC+ for strains that like an even feed rate, etc. Your OC+ container should specify which one you have.

I'm partial to them all, but the Columbian has the history.:thumb:
Aloha my good friend.

I think that would be a good experiment...never tried the Happy frog myself, but it is a bat guano blend with added bene's...should do well (according to amendments list). I am gonna look for a good supplement to go with the OC+ to complement it in bloom...hope Mater Magic might be it, but it might be too nitrogen loaded...will see in the coming few plants.

Peace brother, glad all is going so well there!

Aloha High :)

Well, I have added silicone and liquid karma and pro bloom, all from Bonaticare, but not much just to see if it helps and goes well with OC+ and so far no problems. I have only given it to my big 5 that are in FFOF. Have mixed nothing with the Happy Frog so far.

I just can't seem to stop tinkering with them. :)

See you later my Friend and thanks for your opinion. :)
Yeah I have that link. I've skimmed some of it.

OC+ is the right one for some of us for our plants. Not for me, but everybody has different objectives in mind when they grow. Not saying one is better than the other, thats a personal choice and what one likes isn't wrong just because it's different.
I'm willing to go with smaller plants/yield so I can keep things as close to organic as I can without requiring a compost heap, etc. I'm not looking for big yield as long as I can get a decent smokeable crop, with a good flush. So I stick to Botanicare nutes and natural supplements. Botanicare cost is more but really not steep.(30-50% of what OC+users pay for gets tossed with the soil) I'm still using the original liter bottles of my veg, flower and Cal/mag solutions at a total cost of 75 bucks for 4 crops (they'll last through my next crop probably).

OC+ will grow big beautiful crops, I have never doubted that and your girls are living proof. They all look great.

I am curious if one of the three OC+ formulations is better than the others, but that might be strain dependant. Some strains feed sparingly until later when they become ravenous. Others like a balance throughout life. I think the OC+ can be tuned to a particular strain in some cases by buying the Lo Start for light early feeders, Standard OC+ for strains that like an even feed rate, etc. Your OC+ container should specify which one you have.

I'm partial to them all, but the Columbian has the history.:thumb:

Hi Buddy ;)
I agree not all us want or need to grow redwoods. We all grow what's good for us and in what space we have. See what I wrote to MH above, as far as nutes are concerned. Bonaticare is my preferred nute line too!. Hell, I just like tinkering around. Too bad I got into this so late in life, I want to grow them all and I don't think I will have time for that. However I'm giving it a shot! :) Peace my Friend! :peace:
I kinda licked the 'under canopy' space issue by velcro'ing four 1/4 in. foam panels to the sides of the existing canopy sides, gaining an addition 15in. in length. Additionally, I placed 3/4 spacers along the tops of the 1/4in panels, gaining 1 1/2 in overall width for the panel extensions. I still have some leaves brushing against the sides, but gained better middle, and bottom lighting from the longer reflective white panels. The plants in a circular shape with the tops growing vertically, but I'm wondering if I can keep the height under control.

Not too worried about stealth control, other than smell, but then this plant, like Wanda, has a very unique sweet, perfumey scent, not skunky at all. Whew.

I am seeing increased bud growth, and increased trich's, but I'd have to guesstimate at 4 weeks, they look like Wanda's buds at 2 weeks.

Your right about more buds using larger pots, this big bitch is covered in 'em. Now if I can just keep her tied down for the home stretch.

Umm, time to go sweet talk her, and blow some CO2 on her:grinjoint:
Hi Buddy ;)
I agree not all us want or need to grow redwoods. We all grow what's good for us and in what space we have. See what I wrote to MH above, as far as nutes are concerned. Bonaticare is my preferred nute line too!. Hell, I just like tinkering around. Too bad I got into this so late in life, I want to grow them all and I don't think I will have time for that. However I'm giving it a shot! :) Peace my Friend! :peace:

:peace: OMM Hell yeah. Nothing wrong with a little tinkering. Attitude is ready to help you again in your quest to grow them all.:thumb:
They've got Barney's Cheese and BlueCheese back in stock also.
:peace: OMM Hell yeah. Nothing wrong with a little tinkering. Attitude is ready to help you again in your quest to grow them all.:thumb:
They've got Barney's Cheese and BlueCheese back in stock also.

You know what is kinda sad, but I realized something...for me to try all the strains I want to I figure maybe 20 years or so at this rate...3-4 new ones a year. And I have my next years strains here and waiting...I sure envy you guys with larger plant counts.

I sure see how it would be easy to get a few patients signed up under you so you can just grow more strains to try...:)

Hi MH, I've had so many delays I'd be lucky to get 2 grows in per year. Somebody had better soon start cloning replacement organs or I'm gonna miss some strains for sure.

I'm over budget on plant numbers due to an obligation that went long, but cutting back soon. At least we can get to see our favorites grown by some skillful growers even if we can't grow them all ourselves.:thumb:
Excuse me while I wipe the drool from your Journal OMM...

Man your girls look good. I can only aspire to be as good as you are one of these days...

The battle against the Borg is going well. The girls got a drench method soak today. Yesterday they got sprayed. I have more spray, but I don't want to shock the girls. Can you give me some tips on the Azamax/Azatrol??? The directions are really confusing since it came with this teeeny tiny little book, and I am Farsighted... So you can imagine me squinting, and holding this tiny book at arms length trying to read it, you would be laughing on the floor...

WOW OMM, got some great pictures and nice plants. I have access to a mr. nice SSH and or mango haze but from what I have seen of the plants or the SSH is that it gets big. Pretty sure it's just a tall pheno. Yours look amazing, nice size, and very little stretch. The SLH I have finished before looks a lot like the SSH you have in size. All of em are looking great. Gonna be really fat in a few weeks. WOW
yep, ace is the place.....they call it panama...im sure it is mixed with whatever their stock farm is, but the genetics will still be there...the seedling looks great....going to try it your way, and finish filling the cups with soil..if too leggy...in the immediate future...have to see if i have any viable clones in the bucket tomorrow and get them planted....i lost a rooted clone yesterday, first time...usually if they get roots and are planted its good, but not this time...wish i were there or vice versa. would help you with you plans to grow thm all....my goal too...maybe we should join forces...really looking forward to these plants...and yes, our weather is very weird this yr...first time like this...kinda spooky really...the animals are wearing thick fur already...we get alot of deer in the yard by "their" apple tree, so i watch them, usually still really sleek this time of yr..us humans are shorts during the day, and jacket at night....L
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