OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

I've gone AWOL for a while but your ladies are looking outstanding my friend.

I was just skimming through I have missed so much in the past month, I'm trying to catch up.

Things are looking on the up and up for for my custody case, I aired out all of their dirty laundry and all my clothes have been washed all ready, so they didn't have a thing on me..:grinjoint:

Awesome Grow OMM!!!!
:peace: OMM Hell yeah. Nothing wrong with a little tinkering. Attitude is ready to help you again in your quest to grow them all.:thumb:
They've got Barney's Cheese and BlueCheese back in stock also.

Hi My Friend Yep I visited Attitude, you knew I would.:):)
This time it was to get seeds that my client wants.......well, they are some I haven't tried yet. :grinjoint::grinjoint: C U Soon;)
I kinda licked the 'under canopy' space issue by velcro'ing four 1/4 in. foam panels to the sides of the existing canopy sides, gaining an addition 15in. in length. Additionally, I placed 3/4 spacers along the tops of the 1/4in panels, gaining 1 1/2 in overall width for the panel extensions. I still have some leaves brushing against the sides, but gained better middle, and bottom lighting from the longer reflective white panels. The plants in a circular shape with the tops growing vertically, but I'm wondering if I can keep the height under control.

Not too worried about stealth control, other than smell, but then this plant, like Wanda, has a very unique sweet, perfumey scent, not skunky at all. Whew.

I am seeing increased bud growth, and increased trich's, but I'd have to guesstimate at 4 weeks, they look like Wanda's buds at 2 weeks.

Your right about more buds using larger pots, this big bitch is covered in 'em. Now if I can just keep her tied down for the home stretch.

Umm, time to go sweet talk her, and blow some CO2 on her:grinjoint:

Hi Buddy:)

So you did a few mods for a bit more space......that's good....your going to need it! :) But on the other hand Wanda lasted you along time, this girl may set you up for much longer. Good to see you my friend.:)
You know what is kinda sad, but I realized something...for me to try all the strains I want to I figure maybe 20 years or so at this rate...3-4 new ones a year. And I have my next years strains here and waiting...I sure envy you guys with larger plant counts.

I sure see how it would be easy to get a few patients signed up under you so you can just grow more strains to try...:)


Aloha High :cheer:

It is sad my friend. I think about you and your space all the time. Actually growing a larger crop does have some logistics problems that I haven't said much about until now.. Later on this morning I am going to talk about that very thing.

Hope your doing well in the Zen Garden:cheer:
Hi buddy trying to catch up as usual. Just went through your last pics that ya posted and I'me speechless! ....................:adore::allgood:

Hi my friend Woodsman:cheer:
Believe me I understand about catching up!! Got some to do myself!
We'll make it some how. :):)
Excuse me while I wipe the drool from your Journal OMM...

Man your girls look good. I can only aspire to be as good as you are one of these days...

The battle against the Borg is going well. The girls got a drench method soak today. Yesterday they got sprayed. I have more spray, but I don't want to shock the girls. Can you give me some tips on the Azamax/Azatrol??? The directions are really confusing since it came with this teeeny tiny little book, and I am Farsighted... So you can imagine me squinting, and holding this tiny book at arms length trying to read it, you would be laughing on the floor...


Girl you will be out doing me one of these days! :cheer:

Good work killing the Borg! Awe full critters.:smokin::smokin:

Asamax I use only with watering. 1 ml per gallon of water. It said to only apply every other watering. Tried that and it didn't work to well. The started giving it to them with every watering and it helped then.
For foilar spraying.....1 table spoon per gallon.
That is really small print! :smokin: Magnifying Glass! :)
WOW OMM, got some great pictures and nice plants. I have access to a mr. nice SSH and or mango haze but from what I have seen of the plants or the SSH is that it gets big. Pretty sure it's just a tall pheno. Yours look amazing, nice size, and very little stretch. The SLH I have finished before looks a lot like the SSH you have in size. All of em are looking great. Gonna be really fat in a few weeks. WOW

Hi Frosty;)

Thanks for the good words my friend. I think Mr Nice is a totally different SLH genetic mix than greenhouse's version. Like you said...Tall. Mine have a amber trich every once in a while, so she is getting close. Hope she is a fatty! :grinjoint:
O' my F'ing Gosh! You have got to be jumping up and down with little braided pig tails yelling "YES!" :popcorn: I know I'd be.:420:

Hey Sisco!!!! :cheer: Yep, doing little gigs sometimes, but when I have them curring I will feel allot better! Know what I mean? :grinjoint::grinjoint:
yep, ace is the place.....they call it panama...im sure it is mixed with whatever their stock farm is, but the genetics will still be there...the seedling looks great....going to try it your way, and finish filling the cups with soil..if too leggy...in the immediate future...have to see if i have any viable clones in the bucket tomorrow and get them planted....i lost a rooted clone yesterday, first time...usually if they get roots and are planted its good, but not this time...wish i were there or vice versa. would help you with you plans to grow thm all....my goal too...maybe we should join forces...really looking forward to these plants...and yes, our weather is very weird this yr...first time like this...kinda spooky really...the animals are wearing thick fur already...we get alot of deer in the yard by "their" apple tree, so i watch them, usually still really sleek this time of yr..us humans are shorts during the day, and jacket at night....L

Hi Lavendar :cheer:
Well, gonna have to wait a bit on the Panama. The person I grow for wants me to grow some diesel and a few others and of course I will.
If you do fill the cup my way, one thing I notice is they develop some big stems. Kind of a bonus. :) That's weird losing a potted clone with roots. Strange times.
If one of us hits the lottery we will get together and grow them all !:bravo:

That's cool about the the deer and the apple tree. Went into town today and walked by a guy that had a Parrot on each shoulder. I love it here! Hugs and a hand shake to Hubby! :)
I've gone AWOL for a while but your ladies are looking outstanding my friend.

I was just skimming through I have missed so much in the past month, I'm trying to catch up.

Things are looking on the up and up for for my custody case, I aired out all of their dirty laundry and all my clothes have been washed all ready, so they didn't have a thing on me..:grinjoint:

Awesome Grow OMM!!!!

Wonderful News L-1 :cheer:

Good for you! Glad to see you back!
Hi All :)

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't posted in about 3 days. I have found that growing more plants than usual has had a price on me. So as is my practice with problems .....I slept almost two full days and nights. So today I solved my water problems and took care of many things that I been postponing.
I realized while my friend was here that I have not had time to do the things I love in Hawaii.
The second thing I thought about was my health. I am not getting any younger, but in truth growing makes me feel better if I don't try to do everything at once. There is only one big time eater that I can control and that's my time on 420. I am going try to control my time on 420 better. I will no longer visit zillions of journals everyday as is my usual thing to do. So you may see me doing more drive byes and quick stops. I am sorry about this, but it is best for me. Hope you all understand.
Well as long as I can pop in from time to time and post questions from time to time. So understand

I can always PM you my info ( if that isn't against the rules since there is a spot on my profile to add my AOL, MSN, YAHOO, ids, even has a spot for a website, but I digress....

On Another Note, I'll be joining the Super Lemon Haze collective thread if it's ok with ya... I picked one up today! :)

Peace be with you my friend,

Day 51 of Bloom for Columbian Gold, Moby Dick. Super Lemon Haze. Super Silver Haze and The Church. All other plants are in day 22 of bloom.

A front Family Shot :)

A side Family shot :)

Violator Kush.....this girl is only 30 days old :)

Columbian Gold :)

Colombian Gold :)

The Church :)

The Church :)

Part two coming up!
O my good friend, this is amazingly great news to those of us who care for you! Rest your weary bones and do not worry about a thing. I'm 74 years younger than you :Rasta: and as you know I have great difficulty myself keeping up to date with everyone. You're the first one to tell me not to worry about it and to relax. Now it's your turn to rest up. We're all here for ya!

What a beautiful garden you have and such a great looking family.
Day 51 of Bloom Continued

Super Silver Haze :)

Super Lemon Haze :)

Super Lemon Haze :)

The two Skunk#1's :)

Moby Dick :)

Moby Dick..wonder what's going on in there? :)

2 of the Fems.....What luck, all 4 are Female! :)

The Other 2 Fems :)

Knock on wood.....every thing looks good!

End of Update
Well as long as I can pop in from time to time and post questions from time to time. So understand

I can always PM you my info ( if that isn't against the rules since there is a spot on my profile to add my AOL, MSN, YAHOO, ids, even has a spot for a website, but I digress....

On Another Note, I'll be joining the Super Lemon Haze collective thread if it's ok with ya... I picked one up today! :)

Peace be with you my friend,


Galadriel My Lady you are always welcome here! Questions are always welcome here! :cheer:

I hope you checked that SLH for all critters! :) Be glad to have you! She's a wild one as you can see. :):):)
Just a quick drive by to salivate and :cheer: and :bravo: and hey brother, you have to do what you need to for you to stay healthy. You just slow down where you need to...cuz WOW, you have a BIG job out in that yard going on...I think your babies absolutely approve of everything you are doing!

Aloha my good friend, :peace: and health be yours.
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