OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Aloha OMM,

you ladies are looking beautiful! your journals have inspired me to get some airpots too! in fact I just got them today... and I have a question I was hoping you might be able to answer. I ordered the 10L airpots the 3 pack and when the box came there were no bottoms in the box is this right?

I was looking at the airpot website and it seems like there should a bottom for each pot... I email the company but I thought I might just drop in here and ask you... since you da man!

anyways good job with your current grow they really look great! :thumb:

Hi munen :welcome: To my grow and 420 :cheer:

Your absolutely right! You should have 3 bottoms. Call or write them. They will send them to you, I'm sure. What a let down for you.:smokin:
Got your pots and can't use them. Hope you get them fast. Let me know what happens if you don't mind. :)
OMM, can I come to the luau too? Just got my Fiskars snips today and need the practice. Don't worry, I promise not to be an Edward Scissorhands :)

Sure you can! :) In fact that group would give you enough pointers you would be an expert at triming! Full of food too! :cheer:
Hi Mmmmick :) No problem, that's why VK is on the front row. ;) To get attention. :grinjoint: It worked! Ever feel like things are going too well? Looks like all four of the fems are female. Gonna wait a little more to be certain.

When things are going well I always start looking harder, lol. Congrats on the fems, hope they come through for you.

Y2K Clones sound good. A bit of variety always helps. Your beyond perp my friend. Remember the heat did get you and that hurt. The girls you have are just a great color of green and are starting to fill right in really well.

The Y2K is available locally and it's a pretty decent smoke when finished well.
The heat did get to my clones and probably slowed the girls down overall. A little over the top for my area this year but we all have to work with what we've got. These girls have had a better chance than any of my previous grows so I'm happy with them. Work on improvements for next round.:thumb:

That's great news that you may get orders from Attitude. I'm looking to see what kind of special they have for September.
I kinda hope Attitude gets over the autoflower freebies soon. I have no interest in any strain that reduces potency for the sake of convenience(no flames from other readers, please, If you like autos thats great, personal choice and all that)

We both know luck plays a big part in our success, however some of it is experience gained with each grow. Sounds like you have been making notes on what you've learned this time. The next one, with all your improvements should be the best yet. My problem is reading my own notes! :cheer:

There's no substitute for time in the garden. I've definitely got a few changes to make. Most of them were things I wanted to do this round but couldn't make happen for various reasons. It's all good, there's always next round.
Aloha my good friend. :passitleft: Ere' brother.....:tokin:

Been keeping up with your grow and those girls of yours sure are getting pretty...is kinda cool knowing how much longer they have to go huh? They should give you some big beautiful buds of sticky wonder!

Hope you have been at :peacetwo: and making some good warm memories with your friend in his "time". Sending you good vibes OMM...:Rasta:
There's no substitute for time in the garden. I've definitely got a few changes to make. Most of them were things I wanted to do this round but couldn't make happen for various reasons. It's all good, there's always next round.

Your right Mmmmick about time in the garden, nothing like it. I spent the whole day outside. For the first time this grow all girls needed water at the same time. I used all the water that I had filtered through my Brita filters. Sure glad I have two of them! :yummy:
So I spent the day filtering more. 30 gallons worth. Glep! Now I'm thinking of getting something like you have.

Attitude has not put up September's freebies yet. I hope they are better this time. Guess they are waiting for the 1st of the month.

Well, you next grow isn't too far off, so you can make the changes soon. :)
Aloha my good friend. :passitleft: Ere' brother.....:tokin:

Been keeping up with your grow and those girls of yours sure are getting pretty...is kinda cool knowing how much longer they have to go huh? They should give you some big beautiful buds of sticky wonder!

Hope you have been at :peacetwo: and making some good warm memories with your friend in his "time". Sending you good vibes OMM...:Rasta:

Aloha High

Yea, been missing your visits. I always look forward to your comments. :):)
Yep, last grow the surprised me a bit. Not this time....I'm ready!.

Been working on my friend's attitude. He is mister negative. Not about his situation, that he doesn't worry about. It's every thing else. Jo has noticed too and said everything he talks about is negative. Thinking back to all the emails he sends me, I didn't really realize it but every time I received one from him I usually waited a few days before I opened it. Now I realized why. They are always negative. Poor man.

Had to go over today and apologize to my neighbors. Yesterday when he got here, he walked out in my front yard and just took a pee. The neighbors were coming down the stairs carrying their newborn and saw him and the young Marine told him off.

It's been 8 years since I saw him last and those 8 years must have been bad for him to change like this. I guess living in Afghanistan for year did him in. I love the man, so I am trying to cheer him up. Life changes people. In all truth he shouldn't have made this trip. He told me after a day or two with his friends on the Big Island and Maui they just kind of ignored him. Crap! He deserves better than that. :smokin:

Sorry to dump this on you, but I needed to talk with some one about it. Anyway, he's getting nothing but positive from me. :thumb:

:peacetwo: Brother!
YOur a good man O and your friend is lucky that he has you. Sad how life can be to some of us, but you did your best to cheer him up I'm sure.

OK! Woodsman I think your trying to pull one here! They didn't sell exercise bikes back then, except to gyms. So it's sounding a little fishy and what about the stash you were peddling over here. What happened to that?
Sorry, the Columbia bud has already been spoken for, maybe next grow. She asked first.....the nurse! I just can't say no to her! :)

Now to a more serious subject and (diabolical plan)
OMM's on to me! I must think of something fast!
Sisco! Do you still have that sexy nurses outfit? The one we took off that cutie in Vegas at the 'Dancing Lady', I'd like to borrow it for the day. I'll head over to OMM's place with it on. He'll never notice my mustache and beard and hairy legs. I'll wait till he's smoked up a bit (a lot). You know just like you did the other day when he made you sit on his lap and listen to old stories. While I'm distracting him with my 'smile' you sneak around the back and see if you can spot that Columbian Senorita. If anything moves, whack it! Unless it's Jo of course, then run for your life as fast as your flip flops let you. If I see ya running away with a raging woman holding an axe after you, I'll know the mission has failed and we'll have to go to plan B. That's the one with the elephant and the giraffe (don't ask as it's top secret). Now remember Sisco that the Marine base is right next door (they have a newborn, but that's just a ruse). You'll have to go in quietly and unseen (close your eyes).

If we do hit the jackpot, we'll get to the beach and then we're home free! :surf: :surf:
Your right Mmmmick about time in the garden, nothing like it. I spent the whole day outside. For the first time this grow all girls needed water at the same time. I used all the water that I had filtered through my Brita filters. Sure glad I have two of them! :yummy:
So I spent the day filtering more. 30 gallons worth. Glep! Now I'm thinking of getting something like you have.

Attitude has not put up September's freebies yet. I hope they are better this time. Guess they are waiting for the 1st of the month.

Well, you next grow isn't too far off, so you can make the changes soon. :)

Wow, thats a lot of filtering in Brita's. That countertop RO system that I linked a while back looked pretty easy to hookup. Might be worth investigating further. It could probably be adapted to a garden hose setup. Don't forget that RO only produces 10% filtered water and 90% waste. Of course the waste can be drained to some sort of storage for use in your other gardening. But if you are on a water meter it's still gotta be paid for.

Attitude should be getting the new deal out soon, but I'll wait until I get my last order sorted out.

Yeah, I have a few changes in mind, mainly timing issues. They'll sort themselves out eventually.

Hope you're having a great day, OMM:peacetwo:
hi my friend.........im laughing here in the uk.......my you have learnt soo much....and are growing soo well........the teacher becomes the pupil.........ha ha great stuff happing over here..be lucky weedtastic ops edit.........we all have timing issues......and we will never sort em out coz we,re all stonners lol.........only kiddin haha
Aloha High

Yea, been missing your visits. I always look forward to your comments. :):)
Yep, last grow the surprised me a bit. Not this time....I'm ready!.

Been working on my friend's attitude. He is mister negative. Not about his situation, that he doesn't worry about. It's every thing else. Jo has noticed too and said everything he talks about is negative. Thinking back to all the emails he sends me, I didn't really realize it but every time I received one from him I usually waited a few days before I opened it. Now I realized why. They are always negative. Poor man.

Had to go over today and apologize to my neighbors. Yesterday when he got here, he walked out in my front yard and just took a pee. The neighbors were coming down the stairs carrying their newborn and saw him and the young Marine told him off.

It's been 8 years since I saw him last and those 8 years must have been bad for him to change like this. I guess living in Afghanistan for year did him in. I love the man, so I am trying to cheer him up. Life changes people. In all truth he shouldn't have made this trip. He told me after a day or two with his friends on the Big Island and Maui they just kind of ignored him. Crap! He deserves better than that. :smokin:

Sorry to dump this on you, but I needed to talk with some one about it. Anyway, he's getting nothing but positive from me. :thumb:

:peacetwo: Brother!
I feel you my man, I had to cut my brothers stay with me short because he put my friends down all the time, just was a non-caring guy all of his young life. Giving someone a hand in their time of need is a thing we do naturally without much of a second thought most times, but then you wake up and your girlfriends ring is gone and all your favorite bend over senoritas flix too. That is where I draw the line. If he is sour because the aliens in the sky are transmitting radio frequency's to our leaders in Gov. and making them do stupid shit, than I'm with him. :tokin:
Your a good man O and your friend is lucky that he has you. Sad how life can be to some of us, but you did your best to cheer him up I'm sure.

Now to a more serious subject and (diabolical plan)
OMM's on to me! I must think of something fast!
Sisco! Do you still have that sexy nurses outfit? The one we took off that cutie in Vegas at the 'Dancing Lady', I'd like to borrow it for the day.

Of course I do, it's gotta go to the cleaners first...it has that spot on it still. But you can pick it up at Ming's Wings and Dry Cleaning/Salon. Should be ready by 4:20 tomorrow.

I'll head over to OMM's place with it on. He'll never notice my mustache and beard and hairy legs. I'll wait till he's smoked up a bit (a lot). You know just like you did the other day when he made you sit on his lap and listen to old stories.
Yes, he was rambling out some weird stuff about "Magic beans and Attitude's next free Be's better be good, Sisco you know you would look so cute if you shaved off your eyebrows..."

I've tattooed them back on since then.

While I'm distracting him with my 'smile' you sneak around the back and see if you can spot that Columbian Senorita. If anything moves, whack it! Unless it's Jo of course, then run for your life as fast as your flip flops let you. If I see ya running away with a raging woman holding an Axe after you, I'll know the mission has failed and we'll have to go to plan B.
Don't forget to put your teeth in or he'll want a gumby! Don't wear any deodorant that day, he loves skunky smells so that will keep him focused on your pearly whites.

On my way out with the CG I ran into a nice gentleman that told me he hated the Hawaiian moon cause it was too big. So I had to stop and look for a minute, when all the sudden Jo comes out with that Axe! I felt like I was seeing my last moments before my eyes... when all of the sudden my new found Friend turns and starts pissing and distracted her enough for me to close my eyes and disappear but not before getting hit with some golden friendly fire.

Aloha High

Yea, been missing your visits. I always look forward to your comments. :):)
Yep, last grow the surprised me a bit. Not this time....I'm ready!.

Been working on my friend's attitude. He is mister negative. Not about his situation, that he doesn't worry about. It's every thing else. Jo has noticed too and said everything he talks about is negative. Thinking back to all the emails he sends me, I didn't really realize it but every time I received one from him I usually waited a few days before I opened it. Now I realized why. They are always negative. Poor man.

Had to go over today and apologize to my neighbors. Yesterday when he got here, he walked out in my front yard and just took a pee. The neighbors were coming down the stairs carrying their newborn and saw him and the young Marine told him off.

It's been 8 years since I saw him last and those 8 years must have been bad for him to change like this. I guess living in Afghanistan for year did him in. I love the man, so I am trying to cheer him up. Life changes people. In all truth he shouldn't have made this trip. He told me after a day or two with his friends on the Big Island and Maui they just kind of ignored him. Crap! He deserves better than that. :smokin:

Sorry to dump this on you, but I needed to talk with some one about it. Anyway, he's getting nothing but positive from me. :thumb:

:peacetwo: Brother!

Wow you sure know how to throw some parties OMM :slide:. I just dropped by for some smoke and to curl up in a lounge chair and watch the fun with a joint in one hand and a frosty margarita in the other, and some luau pork in the other hand...wait, that can't be my hand...WHO IS HIDING UNDER THE LOUNGER?, hope you know exactly how dangerous that is, POI and me don't get along...:smokin:

:passitleft:Ere' to whoever it is down there. :oops::sorry:

And hey OMM, I am sure your friend is in good hands with you. Hope you can cheer him up and get some of that negative out of him before he goes home. All I know is the power of smiles is amazing, and the power of tears is truly cathartic...just has to be the right time and the right person to share them with. And a good friend is the perfect person.

:peacetwo: to you OMM and much Aloha.
Oh I was a very negative person after my divorce from an alcoholic abusing moron...

Then I realized it's in the past. You can't change the past, you can only change your future. Also Karma really works. I know from experience. You just got to get past all the bitterness, hate, and anger. It takes some time, but if you have a positive influence, you can work through it... Thank god for my kids. They made me laugh and smile every day. Even my dogs get me histerically laughing over their antics. You need to find the Joys in life, not the anguish, anger, and sorrow. Ghandi Said it best.

You need to BE the change you want to see - Ghandi
I feel you my man, I had to cut my brothers stay with me short because he put my friends down all the time, just was a non-caring guy all of his young life. Giving someone a hand in their time of need is a thing we do naturally without much of a second thought most times, but then you wake up and your girlfriends ring is gone and all your favorite bend over senoritas flix too. That is where I draw the line. If he is sour because the aliens in the sky are transmitting radio frequency's to our leaders in Gov. and making them do stupid shit, than I'm with him. :tokin:
Your a good man O and your friend is lucky that he has you. Sad how life can be to some of us, but you did your best to cheer him up I'm sure.

Of course I do, it's gotta go to the cleaners first...it has that spot on it still. But you can pick it up at Ming's Wings and Dry Cleaning/Salon. Should be ready by 4:20 tomorrow.

Yes, he was rambling out some weird stuff about "Magic beans and Attitude's next free Be's better be good, Sisco you know you would look so cute if you shaved off your eyebrows..."

I've tattooed them back on since then.

Don't forget to put your teeth in or he'll want a gumby! Don't wear any deodorant that day, he loves skunky smells so that will keep him focused on your pearly whites.

On my way out with the CG I ran into a nice gentleman that told me he hated the Hawaiian moon cause it was too big. So I had to stop and look for a minute, when all the sudden Jo comes out with that Axe! I felt like I was seeing my last moments before my eyes... when all of the sudden my new found Friend turns and starts pissing and distracted her enough for me to close my eyes and disappear but not before getting hit with some golden friendly fire.


OH no! Do ya mean the the Columbian Gold got twinkled on? So now we've got Columbian Yellow. The pissing guy must have been working for OMM (undercover). Glad that Jo has lost a step or two or we would have had two Sisco Kids! We'll act like nothing happened and everything should be cool just wash that twinkle off of you and try to look very innocent :Rasta:....................................................................... Meanwhile back at the ranch :popcorn:....... OMM who is still looking for his teeth will think it was his sexy big budded nurse that tried to scam him and not me, the Woodsman (in drag :hippy: )plus he would never suspect it was you the infamous and now semi delirious Sisco Kid :Rasta:.....Looks like we'll slide on this one, better luck next time when we try plan C (Naked Female Cannibals Gone Wild - also available at your local adult video store).

Tell me though brother, after you dried it out and smoked it (the Columbian Yellow) how did it taste? :Rasta:
Like a Heineken?....:Rasta:


Sisco may be at the Center for Disease Control under intense study by highly trained and professional investigators. They're studying the effect of Urine Cured Bud (UCB) and have had mixed results with rats. Sisco is the first human to ingest UCB's in the US so experts in the field have been brought in from Amsterdam (where it is common :lot-o-toke:). That may explain the Heineken.
Wow you sure know how to throw some parties OMM :slide:. I just dropped by for some smoke and to curl up in a lounge chair and watch the fun with a joint in one hand and a frosty margarita in the other, and some luau pork in the other hand...wait, that can't be my hand...WHO IS HIDING UNDER THE LOUNGER?, hope you know exactly how dangerous that is, POI and me don't get along...:smokin:

:passitleft:Ere' to whoever it is down there. :oops::sorry:

And hey OMM, I am sure your friend is in good hands with you. Hope you can cheer him up and get some of that negative out of him before he goes home. All I know is the power of smiles is amazing, and the power of tears is truly cathartic...just has to be the right time and the right person to share them with. And a good friend is the perfect person.

:peacetwo: to you OMM and much Aloha.

I'm Sorry High! I told Woodsman not to lay there, he about scared my Nurse to death. :yikes::yikes::yikes: I find that man in the strangest places! :thedoubletake:
I stay away from Poi myself. Not edible to me! The pork would be Kailua pig. The best! :cheer:

My friend was OK today. Just needed to keep him in Kandy Kush land. :blunt:
You know I love him, because I have been eating out with him. Man loves to eat. You know my take on restaurants! Patoo! Tomorrow we're off to the movies so it should cheer him up. He loves movies! :thumb:

Aloha My Friend :surf:
Day 43 of Bloom

Family Portrait :popcorn:

Moby Dick :popcorn:

Moby Dick :popcorn:

Two of the Fems :popcorn:

Two more of the Fems :popcorn:

Columbian Gold :popcorn:

Columbia Gold :popcorn:

Columbian Gold :popcorn:

The Church :popcorn:

Part two coming up!
Day 43 of bloom

Skunk#1 :popcorn:

Skunk#1 - 1 :popcorn:

Super Lemon Haze :popcorn:

Super Lemon Haze:popcorn:

Super Lemon Haze :popcorn:

Super Lemon Haze :popcorn:

Super Silver Haze :popcorn:

Super Silver Haze :popcorn:

Violator Kush :popcorn:

Hope you enjoyed the update! :popcorn:

End of update
My mouth is watering! Outstanding OMM!!!!

You've come a long way since that first grow ol buddy:thumb:

Absolutely beautiful examples of the craft you've obviously mastered.

Wish I could report the same, but alas, I'm a bit dumbfounded, I'm seeing very slow bud, and trich development with the buds on the plant I'm growing from Wanda's seeds after 3 weeks of flower. The 2nd female being finished by my bud seems to have the same trich covered buds as Wanda at this stage, although the plant structure is more sparse, with fewer leaves and stems. Looks a bit like your Moby Dick.

Go figure. Think I'll post a question regarding 2nd generation variations to see if there is hope.

Take care bud.

My mouth is watering! Outstanding OMM!!!!

You've come a long way since that first grow ol buddy:thumb:

Absolutely beautiful examples of the craft you've obviously mastered.

Wish I could report the same, but alas, I'm a bit dumbfounded, I'm seeing very slow bud, and trich development with the buds on the plant I'm growing from Wanda's seeds after 3 weeks of flower. The 2nd female being finished by my bud seems to have the same trich covered buds as Wanda at this stage, although the plant structure is more sparse, with fewer leaves and stems. Looks a bit like your Moby Dick.

Go figure. Think I'll post a question regarding 2nd generation variations to see if there is hope.

Take care bud.


Hi Buddy! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Ya even I can learn! Just had to hang around for while, it just evolved. More less couldn't help it. :reading420magazine:

Did you LST her? Seems like I remember you bending Wanda all around.
Also did you top her or FIM her! Thats what I did to Moby.

There might already be a thread about it in "How To Grow". Same soil and nutes? Anything different? Just looking for possibilities. :popcorn:

Hope you find an answer. You take care too! :peace:
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