OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains


I'm away for a few days and now it takes me hours to catch up! I'm blaming you if the wife gives me a hard time because I've spent so long glued to the laptop monitor! OH the shame you should feel for having such an entertaining journal. In fact when I finally arrive there (I'm still trying to get the exercise bike off it's base) not only will I have to smoke large portions of your Skunk #1, but now after seeing the whole clan, I'll be forced (yes forced) to smoke a some of everything you got! OH the shame of it all!

I had to read so much that I forgot what it was I was going to say!

If Mountain uses this stuff I know I'm on the right path!
Mountain mentioned the FF Peace of Mind (Fruit and Flower) Organics. That was the stuff I bought at our local place back awhile ago. In fact because of all the shame I feel OMM, I'm going to post two pics on YOUR thread. (Thanks)


Hopefully you've got image zoom or something similar or ya won't be able to read all the little print.


I'll be adding some to the top few inches of the soil the next water and then once more in a month. I started using it when I re-potted my ladies and being organic it won't burn.

Thanks for letting me post the pics ( I received your permission telepathically during my last bowl of NL#5).

Relax take some deep breaths and then exhale slowly (do this with fresh air not through a bowl)

I'm sure you weren't the only one that lost a step when you heard what the guy said about our beloved Fox Farm Ocean Forest (I think FF should send us all a years supply for our dedication and support) Bat sh*t, I thought the taste was from the cheap toothpaste my wife buys at the Dollar Store.

Galadriel I was also going to suggest Afghani, Mazar or any of the Kushes.


any nepalese, kush, afgani, short season plants with sativa minds....was surprised to find out kush is a sativa...but a short season one that has adapted...i thought it was an indica....pakistani is good for altitude...L
Hi Woodsman :)

Why am I the one that gets (edited: your wife) upset! I'm not even there?

Take care my friend!

Brother it's because your thread is so entertaining and addictive that she blames you. I'm trying to get her to blame you for all the unfinished chores I've put off for so long!:Rasta:
Brother it's because your thread is so entertaining and addictive that she blames you. I'm trying to get her to blame you for all the unfinished chores I've put off for so long!:Rasta:

OK! Flattery always works with me. :grinjoint::grinjoint:
Besides I don't finish chores either, ask Jo!:tokin:
Day 35 of Bloom Continued

The Super Lemon Haze



The Super Silver Haze.....one very sticky girl



Violator Kush


To be contued

Got some major bud grown there Mr Oldmedman yeah love it to! one of my auto flower plants is just about to be harvested a matter of days now the high temps are slowing them down a bit though! and with 2 others right behind that one things are looking up Ya know.

I'll be posting a few pictures tomorrow on the Tardis Regenerated journal, man those plants of your's are looking fine my bro, I am working hard to pay my way over there to smoke some of that but don't hold your breath ha ha! really would if I could, I had my PC take a hugh dump on me and had to buy a new computer! so I got a IMAC 21.5 lcd screen man I love it so much better than hp or the others! or it seems that way to me, should have got one long time ago.

Anyhow the grow looks great! I'll send my dive camera housing to you so you can send some ha ha hah ha! just joking! so may the universe be kind to you and your harvest be bountiful.
Got some major bud grown there Mr Oldmedman yeah love it to! one of my auto flower plants is just about to be harvested a matter of days now the high temps are slowing them down a bit though! and with 2 others right behind that one things are looking up Ya know.

I'll be posting a few pictures tomorrow on the Tardis Regenerated journal, man those plants of your's are looking fine my bro, I am working hard to pay my way over there to smoke some of that but don't hold your breath ha ha! really would if I could, I had my PC take a hugh dump on me and had to buy a new computer! so I got a IMAC 21.5 lcd screen man I love it so much better than hp or the others! or it seems that way to me, should have got one long time ago.

Anyhow the grow looks great! I'll send my dive camera housing to you so you can send some ha ha hah ha! just joking! so may the universe be kind to you and your harvest be bountiful.

Hay Doctor Great on your harvest and more to come! :cheer:
Harvest always puts me in a good mood too. Good on You!

That new computer is jut what the Doctor ordered. ;)

I'll check out you pictures for sure!

Glad to see you Happy! :)
:wood: Knock Knock....Guess whose here? :ganjamon: It is just me....but see I am having a bad hair day....:Rasta:See.

On the way there I got lost in the jungle...then realized I was already here...the jungle is HERE, or the JUNGLE COMETH! :tokin:

If you can't tell I am appropriately medicated.....:roorrip::roorrip::roorrip:

I am not sure what is up with The Church...maybe she is just a heavy feeder and eats her leaves to grow bud. Might want to supplement some bloom nutes and calcium and magnesium, she might have a bigger appetite than the prills can leech into the soil...I don't know. Hope she settles down and just gets plain BIG AND BEAUTIFUL.

Just came by to share some good vibes and a smile or two (hopefully).

Aloha my good friend and much Peace to you.

(Wrote this last night but couldn't post it the site was down, but left it up on my computer, have enough I delete or can't post for one reason or another. :smokin:)
:wood: Knock Knock....Guess whose here? :ganjamon: It is just me....but see I am having a bad hair day....:Rasta:See.

On the way there I got lost in the jungle...then realized I was already here...the jungle is HERE, or the JUNGLE COMETH! :tokin:

If you can't tell I am appropriately medicated.....:roorrip::roorrip::roorrip:

I am not sure what is up with The Church...maybe she is just a heavy feeder and eats her leaves to grow bud. Might want to supplement some bloom nutes and calcium and magnesium, she might have a bigger appetite than the prills can leech into the soil...I don't know. Hope she settles down and just gets plain BIG AND BEAUTIFUL.

Just came by to share some good vibes and a smile or two (hopefully).

Aloha my good friend and much Peace to you.

(Wrote this last night but couldn't post it the site was down, but left it up on my computer, have enough I delete or can't post for one reason or another. :smokin:)

Come in by all means:cheer:

That hair doesn't look too bad,,,,,,,,you could look like this :slide: no hair at all! :)
Glad that your properly medicated....I am too:loopy:

High, I don't know about The Church either! Last watering three days ago I did give her some cal-mag. Next day even more yellow leaves.:hmmmm:
Today she only had 5 yellow leaves. She's still growing and seems healthy, so she might be doing this the rest of the way. Time will tell. :straightface:

I think 420 upgraded the system...it seems a bit faster now or I'm getting slower.:whoa::whoa:

I'll try to get some pix later today. I my be MIA some of the next week ,an old friend is here for a week. He's saying his good byes to all his friends, he has terminal cancer and is reaching for closer. Another rock and roll hippie, I will surely miss. well phooey anyway:smokin:

Thanks for the good vibes.....you sent them at the right time

Aloha my good friend :)
Ha-Ha (about the hair) but saying adiós is a great privilege that many don't get. My grandpa passed away saying adiós to his brothers and family in Mexico. We had our "see you late r's" and a year later he passed. SHOOT I do believe I'm rambling...

The buds look like they'll need cranes and pillars to hold them up soon. :slide:
Hay Doctor Great on your harvest and more to come! :cheer:
Harvest always puts me in a good mood too. Good on You!

That new computer is jut what the Doctor ordered. ;)

I'll check out you pictures for sure!

Glad to see you Happy! :)

Ha ha! yeah I love the new MAC but not what it cost :confused:, I am really trying to go out and take pictures but it's a 107* degrees outside right now, everyone out here feels it needs to be in the 100"s to call it summer, I say 79* is just fine by me, I'll have them up soon though.

The Doc:smokin:
OMM, The worst thing about getting older is seeing friends and family pass on, I'm used to seeing my friends pass out ...never thought I'd be seeing so many pass on !! Like my ol man used to say "Golden Years MY Ass"....boy was he right .:peace::surf:
How are you feeling my friend? When I "fall down and go boom", and I do that a lot with weak ankles, and brittle bones, I find that ice and heat and some:tokin: usually do the trick. I can't take anything OTC, except bufferin, and even that makes my tummy upset so I have to take a Pepsid, and you see where this is going... LOL So Ice and Heat. Ice it for the first few days, then heat. Rest when you can.

I have had a great turn of events. Normally this would be bad, but I found 2 seeds so far in my Dispensary Prime priced White Widow! I just popped those girls in some FFOF soil and perlite, and watered them up. I'm hoping these girls will come up with better soil!

Wishing you healing vibes from the Rockies. Mahalo!
Ha-Ha (about the hair) but saying adiós is a great privilege that many don't get. My grandpa passed away saying adiós to his brothers and family in Mexico. We had our "see you late r's" and a year later he passed. SHOOT I do believe I'm rambling...

The buds look like they'll need cranes and pillars to hold them up soon. :slide:

Hi Sisco Yea my buddy lived out here for years. He and I ran a few deals long ago. One funny guy. He's a political writer and has been published in many national newspapers. He fights the good fight for justice and is against big business owning America.

Gonna miss him....email has kept us in touch for years. Will be good to see him, he'll be here later tonight. Lot of "Talk Story" tonight. :cheer:
Ha ha! yeah I love the new MAC but not what it cost :confused:, I am really trying to go out and take pictures but it's a 107* degrees outside right now, everyone out here feels it needs to be in the 100"s to call it summer, I say 79* is just fine by me, I'll have them up soon though.

The Doc:smokin:

I'm with you Doc! :) Later for the heat....79 would be perfect! Sounds like instant sun tan where you are at in Funtucky. ;)
OMM, The worst thing about getting older is seeing friends and family pass on, I'm used to seeing my friends pass out ...never thought I'd be seeing so many pass on !! Like my ol man used to say "Golden Years MY Ass"....boy was he right .:peace::surf:

Hi My Friend Comes with the territory. Never though I would be the one that lived longer than most. I don't think any of them left are older than me, Gulp! :smokin: Think there's a message in there for me somewhere. :grinjoint:

Golden years! Right!:smokin:

Actually no complains from me....I'm having the time of my life growing and being on 420! :):):):):):cheer:
How are you feeling my friend? When I "fall down and go boom", and I do that a lot with weak ankles, and brittle bones, I find that ice and heat and some:tokin: usually do the trick. I can't take anything OTC, except bufferin, and even that makes my tummy upset so I have to take a Pepsid, and you see where this is going... LOL So Ice and Heat. Ice it for the first few days, then heat. Rest when you can.

I have had a great turn of events. Normally this would be bad, but I found 2 seeds so far in my Dispensary Prime priced White Widow! I just popped those girls in some FFOF soil and perlite, and watered them up. I'm hoping these girls will come up with better soil!

Wishing you healing vibes from the Rockies. Mahalo!

Hi Girl Think you meant to post this in Woodsman's Journal....I'm not hurt (at the moment anyway). Good to see you anyway! :)
Hi Girl Think you meant to post this in Woodsman's Journal....I'm not hurt (at the moment anyway). Good to see you anyway! :)

Ok I'm blazed, got writers cramp from filling out all the paperwork from youngest first day of high school. At the same time, I have youngest telling me that the coach wants him to play varsity football, sight unseen from any practice, and I have to get him a physical by 8 am tomorrow... Youngest has one hell of an arm so he may be QB or a lineman cause of his size at 6' 8" size...

Sorry bout that, trying to multitask too much I guess

I gotta go mix up the thrive alive stuff now too... oy math ...
Day 39 of Bloom

The Four Fems....3 looking good :)


Moby Dick :)

Moby Dick Bud :)

The two Skunk #1s :)

Super Lemon Haze :)

Super Silver Haze :)

Super Silver Haze :)

Super Silver Haze Bud :)

Hope you like them :cheer:

End of update
Ok I'm blazed, got writers cramp from filling out all the paperwork from youngest first day of high school. At the same time, I have youngest telling me that the coach wants him to play varsity football, sight unseen from any practice, and I have to get him a physical by 8 am tomorrow... Youngest has one hell of an arm so he may be QB or a lineman cause of his size at 6' 8" size...

Sorry bout that, trying to multitask too much I guess

I gotta go mix up the thrive alive stuff now too... oy math ...

No problem my friend :cheer: Have been known for doing the same thing.

Good luck on getting the physical fast. That coach must be jumping up and down! :cheer: Be by to see you soon. :smokin:
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