OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Day 35 of Bloom Continued

Here's the Columbian Gold






To be continued

I've never heard of pot tasting like bat poop...has this guy ever tasted it before? You would want to flush the nutes out cause THAT can cause a sort of harsh taste.

Passive-Hydro you can grow with less of a taste depending on strain. But soil gives it a more earthy taste. I'll know for sure as I am growing in straight perlite and using FF nutes.

So that's my 2 cents worth on that...:smokin: just woke up and having a cup o' joe and a small one hitter bowl.

Oh, on germinating... I had good luck after keeping the seeds in the fridge for a month and then putting them in coffee cup with luke warm water and covered with saucer, just left them for 24-32 hrs. on-top of the cable box.

Good luck!

Hey Sisco!

I was wondering about that, because I plan on growing the clones in the FFOF soil, and taking clones for my DWC. Wouldn't the hydroponics wash (for lack of a better word) out all of the soil nutes (taste etc) anyway?

I may end up having bad seeds, or my ph was way off in the rockwool, or whatever. I am getting some root riot or rapid rooter cubes and see how that goes for my seeds. I'll save the rockwool for when I can figure it out. LOL

I have my seeds in the cabinet above the fridge, they've been there for a while. The shells are rock hard. So I wonder if they are bad, or not enough water is getting to them? I dunno. Never had this problem before. I planted seeds of all kinds and they have always come up. As a matter of fact I have some green bean seeds and I am going to toss them in the pot just to see if the soil I have is bad. If they come up, then I can determine if the seeds I have are bad. But I have an once sized bag of them. One of them is bound to be good.

Sorry for the hijack OMM! Wanted to reply to Sisco.
Hi Girl;)
I pant for breath now...no way I could survive there!:yikes:

Warning Rant Coming!
Your dispensary guy doesn't know what he's talking about! FFOF is one of the most used potting soils in the world. I don't know how many of us on 420 grow with it, but plenty! If there were a problem like that, we on 420 would know it! I love the plants I have grown with it and there is no aftertaste. Grrrrrr! Not everyone growing pot is good at it, even though they do produce buds. If you want to make sure flush the hell out of your plants before harvest! Grrrrr!

Now, I feel better! :)

I read this about 2 hours ago and waited to reply, so I would calm down, :smokin:

While I was thinking about all this, I did realize one thing, you should be growing strains that naturally grow in high altitudes. You'll have do some research on what strains to get, but there are some.
I would think growing a sea level strain in a high altitude would be a stress to begin with. Maybe some more folks can helps us out with what strains to get.

Yea I was thinking about the high alt strains. I am thinking Afgani would work. Mountainous region and all. So I think the AK would work here. Hell that could be the reason why one of my girls last grow went hermi. The stress of less oxygen, atmosphere etc. I wonder if anyone here would know of the strains to look for because of how high I am (not medicated, bit geographically LOL).

I go to my dispensary I go to because of a lack of options, and the meds I get from him are really good. Tasty, potent. So he does have some skills, but maybe goes by a different mantra. They have books there by someone with the last name of Green (I think) Cannibis Growers Bible I think is the title. They told me they swear by it. They don't like Jorge Cervantes at all, and they have some issues with Rosenthal. So they do know some, but how much I don't know.

Anyway, farmers all across this nation use manure for fertilizing, and the food I eat doesn't taste like bullshit. So I am going to call it as a word of mouth rumor that he may have heard. Thanks for your input on this, I really value it!
Amazing work my friend! The SLH looks wicked! It almost looks like she should have thorns too! She just has a violent look or something to her!


Hey OB ;)

Now that's funny.....and your right! :cheer:
Fine lookin family you've got there OMM. Moby's really starting to show some muscle. She's gonna be pretty impressive.:thumb:
Sometimes I get a little shiver up my back when I see your updates. Is that sick in some way?

VK is doing great. They're all looking verrry happy.

Nice frosty tops. Awesome job OMM.:cheer:
Fine lookin family you've got there OMM. Moby's really starting to show some muscle. She's gonna be pretty impressive.:thumb:
Sometimes I get a little shiver up my back when I see your updates. Is that sick in some way?

VK is doing great. They're all looking verrry happy.

Nice frosty tops. Awesome job OMM.:cheer:

Thanks Buddy :) One of these days I might get in the picture too, for a real family portrait. :grinjoint:

While 420 was upgrading last night, I looked up any info I could find on the Moby. I should have let her veg more. She is capable of producing 1500 grams. Looking at her makes be believe it! :blunt:

I think it's normal...I shiver to sometimes when looking at them all. :cheer:

The VK is kind of amazing too. The seed bank said that you could put her straight in bloom once planted. I let her get 3" before bloom. She looks good for 9 days in bloom. She might even finish before the others. :):):):)
Wow that family portrait is Awesome I love your Garden! Your plants look just beautiful and you growing skills show in it:slide:!Keep up the good work OMM.. Ill be checking back soon.. I cant wait to get a smoke report from you on the SLH .....:goodluck::)
Thanks Buddy :) One of these days I might get in the picture too, for a real family portrait. :grinjoint:
I would advise against that but your neighbors are probably a lot different than mine. Better to stay low key in these parts.

While 420 was upgrading last night, I looked up any info I could find on the Moby. I should have let her veg more. She is capable of producing 1500 grams. Looking at her makes be believe it! :blunt:
Put some wheels under your next Moby so you can wheel the beast around. It sounds like it would be worth the trouble.
I think it's normal...I shiver to sometimes when looking at them all. :cheer:

The VK is kind of amazing too. The seed bank said that you could put her straight in bloom once planted. I let her get 3" before bloom. She looks good for 9 days in bloom. She might even finish before the others. :):):):)

Speedy girl, potent too from what I hear and read.

I'm away for a few days and now it takes me hours to catch up! I'm blaming you if the wife gives me a hard time because I've spent so long glued to the laptop monitor! OH the shame you should feel for having such an entertaining journal. In fact when I finally arrive there (I'm still trying to get the exercise bike off it's base) not only will I have to smoke large portions of your Skunk #1, but now after seeing the whole clan, I'll be forced (yes forced) to smoke a some of everything you got! OH the shame of it all!

I had to read so much that I forgot what it was I was going to say!

This is why I got those additives from my provider, so I could grow a fully organic grow. As far as beneficial's, there is an additive we put in with 5 kinds of beneficial bacteria and maybe 15 types of fungus along with other quality organic ferts that is the starter for this soil. It is called....have to go look it up....It is Fox Farms, Peace of Mind, Fruit and Flower. That is a mouthful.

For liquid nutes, my hempy girls get them occasionally still as a supplement (and my SLH as runoff)...just not relying on them for my basic nute needs anymore.

:peacetwo: Hope I covered all the questions...am not stoned yet so am a little dense...:cool:

If Mountain uses this stuff I know I'm on the right path!
Mountain mentioned the FF Peace of Mind (Fruit and Flower) Organics. That was the stuff I bought at our local place back awhile ago. In fact because of all the shame I feel OMM, I'm going to post two pics on YOUR thread. (Thanks)


Hopefully you've got image zoom or something similar or ya won't be able to read all the little print.


I'll be adding some to the top few inches of the soil the next water and then once more in a month. I started using it when I re-potted my ladies and being organic it won't burn.

Thanks for letting me post the pics ( I received your permission telepathically during my last bowl of NL#5).

Hi Girl;)
I pant for breath now...no way I could survive there!:yikes:

Warning Rant Coming!
Your dispensary guy doesn't know what he's talking about! FFOF is one of the most used potting soils in the world. I don't know how many of us on 420 grow with it, but plenty! If there were a problem like that, we on 420 would know it! I love the plants I have grown with it and there is no aftertaste. Grrrrrr! Not everyone growing pot is good at it, even though they do produce buds. If you want to make sure flush the hell out of your plants before harvest! Grrrrr!

Now, I feel better! :)

I read this about 2 hours ago and waited to reply, so I would calm down, :smokin:

While I was thinking about all this, I did realize one thing, you should be growing strains that naturally grow in high altitudes. You'll have do some research on what strains to get, but there are some.
I would think growing a sea level strain in a high altitude would be a stress to begin with. Maybe some more folks can helps us out with what strains to get.

Relax take some deep breaths and then exhale slowly (do this with fresh air not through a bowl)

I'm sure you weren't the only one that lost a step when you heard what the guy said about our beloved Fox Farm Ocean Forest (I think FF should send us all a years supply for our dedication and support) Bat sh*t, I thought the taste was from the cheap toothpaste my wife buys at the Dollar Store.

Galadriel I was also going to suggest Afghani, Mazar or any of the Kushes.

Wow that family portrait is Awesome I love your Garden! Your plants look just beautiful and you growing skills show in it:slide:!Keep up the good work OMM.. Ill be checking back soon.. I cant wait to get a smoke report from you on the SLH .....:goodluck::)

Hello My Friend :) Thanks! ;)
I can't wait either. :grinjoint: Maybe in a mouth or so, well see how she smokes! :hookah:
Mo-by! Mo-by! Mo-by! :) Just harvested a Church, White Russian, and getting ready for another White Ice. As always brother, you are rockin the grow. Peace.

Hey GMT I hear you "Mo-by Mo-by"
That girl is amazing! She is a beautiful green. :)

My Church keeps getting yellow leaves for some reason, but as you can see, it hasn't stopped her from growing. :smokin:

I have to look into your strains again.....you have a knack of choosing good ones. :)

Thanks for the kind works! :cheer:
Speedy girl, potent too from what I hear and read.

Hi Buddy :)

The neighbors are pretty cool, but I better not press my luck. :grinjoint:

Your right on the Moby! I just ordered a AirPot from hell for her. Well, a big AirPot 5.4 gallons. That should give her some room! :grinjoint: A tree? We'll see! ;)

I'm away for a few days and now it takes me hours to catch up! I'm blaming you if the wife gives me a hard time because I've spent so long glued to the laptop monitor! OH the shame you should feel for having such an entertaining journal. In fact when I finally arrive there (I'm still trying to get the exercise bike off it's base) not only will I have to smoke large portions of your Skunk #1, but now after seeing the whole clan, I'll be forced (yes forced) to smoke a some of everything you got! OH the shame of it all!

I had to read so much that I forgot what it was I was going to say!

Thanks for letting me post the pics ( I received your permission telepathically during my last bowl of NL#5).

Relax take some deep breaths and then exhale slowly (do this with fresh air not through a bowl)

I'm sure you weren't the only one that lost a step when you heard what the guy said about our beloved Fox Farm Ocean Forest (I think FF should send us all a years supply for our dedication and support) Bat sh*t, I thought the taste was from the cheap toothpaste my wife buys at the Dollar Store.

Galadriel I was also going to suggest Afghani, Mazar or any of the Kushes.

Hi Woodsman :)

Why am I the one that gets Janet upset! I'm not even there?

Good luck on taking the wheel off the exercise bike! . Jo got one about 15 years ago, used it maybe a month and it's been tripping me for years. Right in the way. :smokin:

Buddy, if you do ever get here, you can smoke whatever you want, just put the money in the can by the front door. :) Or the one at the back door! :)

Those pictures look good! That Piece of Mind looks good too. If Mountain High says it's good, then you know its good! :cheer:
Might try some in the future.:) Good luck with it....it seems loaded with good stuff. :smokin:

Telepathically robbed, what's next? :grinjoint:

I agree FF should send us all their stuff for defending them. We would be great advertisers for their products. :yahoo:

I'm calm now, but that guy did get the old blood pumping for a bit. I hate it when people are in a positions to influence people when they don't know what they are talking about.:smokin::smokin:

Those were good suggestions for Galadriel to grow. :popcorn:

Take care my friend!
GaladrielDreams HI girl, I didn't answer your last post because we covered that whole subject again your Journal. :hookah:

However, I sure glad you answered Sisco! Not many people do! Just Kidding Sisco! :tokin::tokin:
Hum? wha? where? OH... I'm sorry, I'll be better uncle, I promise. :grinjoint:
Hey Sisco!

I was wondering about that, because I plan on growing the clones in the FFOF soil, and taking clones for my DWC. Wouldn't the hydroponics wash (for lack of a better word) out all of the soil nutes (taste etc) anyway?
If you use Hydro for clones then there is no way of telling, since you are putting them in soil... I guess if you had a batch grown in soil and a batch grown in DWC then you could have a taste of each. ??? tastes like poop or water? lol Hydro would wash away soil taste IMO if you take clones from a soil "mom" and put them in to Hydro.

I'll have to put my money where my mouth is and do a side by side grow. Hempy/soil and see what the difference really is...

I may end up having bad seeds, or my ph was way off in the rockwool, or whatever. I am getting some root riot or rapid rooter cubes and see how that goes for my seeds. I'll save the rockwool for when I can figure it out. LOL

I don't know shinola from rockwool, never used it before... that's a mystery to me.

I have my seeds in the cabinet above the fridge, they've been there for a while. The shells are rock hard. So I wonder if they are bad, or not enough water is getting to them? I dunno. Never had this problem before. I planted seeds of all kinds and they have always come up. As a matter of fact I have some green bean seeds and I am going to toss them in the pot just to see if the soil I have is bad. If they come up, then I can determine if the seeds I have are bad. But I have an once sized bag of them. One of them is bound to be good.

Sounds like bad seeds to me too, I had a whole order of seeds that didn't produce, it may have been they were too old or not stored in a cool dry place. I also grow my veg. and herbs from seed. My kids eat the sugar snaps right off the vine...they put the seeds in the soil themselves. No germination in cups, just poke a hole, cover, water. Weeds seem to need more love and attention. ;)

Sorry about not replying sooner, I've been getting things together for the start of school year, and my part time gig starts when my wife gets home. I'll be in to check out your journal. Take care and TTYL
thanks Sisco. I went to my hydro store. I think you'll be pleased with my purchases. I also picked up my clones today. I have pics in my Journal if you want to take a look.

I'm going to wait on the Fox Farm Soil Nutes till my clones have alternating nodes and then I transplant into larger pots. I bought some of those today. Now on to your grow sir. Sorry for the interruption! But I am glad you guys helped me not make a huge mistake!! :thanks::passitleft:
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