OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Leonids or Persiids sp? On a clear night out here, you can see the outline of the Milky Way. It's way cool. Not a lot of light pollution where I live. I sit out on the porch a lot and look to the skies frequently.

Enjoy the show!

I think Persiids but not really sure. We are socked in so no watching tonight. Bummer! :smokin:

Ho! I bet you can see beautiful skies most of the time. Hawaii is pretty much a good place to see the skies. The observatory on the big island was built there because it is a very clear atmosphere. Bet they're having a ball to night.

When you can see on a clear night, there are millions of stars to see. Can't tell me we are the only ones that are looking at it. Got to be intelligence out there some where! :geek:
yep, low fog here also....hot today, cold tonight....fog....was going to watch also...nope...

yeah, i have factor 5 Leiden, opposite of hemophilia, set off by allergy to metal, was always there but it got jolted into action....have one clot from instep of right foot, to 4 inches in abdomen, 96%occluded, will be on warfarin the rest of my life...trying to dissolve it instead of it breaking loose, like a time bomb...mine (inr levels)just went out of whack again this mo...usually once a yr...stress really screws mine up, also asthma, stress related....take care...gee, thats our plan also....travel..with lots of breaks....L

your plants look really great omm...had to cut the blueberry down, only clearxed for one wk, with water flush for 7 days, was fine yesterday, today was full of male flowers...the ones that went thru the hot spell, its hot again, are not doing well....alot of clones giving up also...just too warm, got a few good seeds, but didnt want the whole plant to seed, so cut her down...or seed the rest of room....worse yet...sure was pretty....but not to be...will try another this winter...
hi mate sorry in trying to catch up can you tell me a little history of church plant leading up to her losing leaves......sorry if you have already covered this...i just don t have time on my hands at the moment.....everything else looks great.......good job mate........be lucky weedtastic
hi mate sorry in trying to catch up can you tell me a little history of church plant leading up to her losing leaves......sorry if you have already covered this...i just don t have time on my hands at the moment.....everything else looks great.......good job mate........be lucky weedtastic

Not a problem my friend. Your busy as hell right now!

I replanted the Church into my regular air pots using FFOF soil. The nutes it are supposed last about three weeks. In week three I gave all my plants some Osmocote +. It's a new time release nutrient that many folks are trying. The next day the Church's leaves started turning yellow and dropping off. None of the other plants had a problem, so I don't think the OC+ caused it. I flushed her good and the leaves are still dying.
Today, I gave her some cal-mag hoping to stop her from losing more leaves. She is a big girl and I would hate to lose her.
My friend, I am open for suggestions! Thanks!:grinjoint:
yep, low fog here also....hot today, cold tonight....fog....was going to watch also...nope...

yeah, i have factor 5 Leiden, opposite of hemophilia, set off by allergy to metal, was always there but it got jolted into action....have one clot from instep of right foot, to 4 inches in abdomen, 96%occluded, will be on warfarin the rest of my life...trying to dissolve it instead of it breaking loose, like a time bomb...mine (inr levels)just went out of whack again this mo...usually once a yr...stress really screws mine up, also asthma, stress related....take care...gee, thats our plan also....travel..with lots of breaks....L

your plants look really great omm...had to cut the blueberry down, only clearxed for one wk, with water flush for 7 days, was fine yesterday, today was full of male flowers...the ones that went thru the hot spell, its hot again, are not doing well....alot of clones giving up also...just too warm, got a few good seeds, but didnt want the whole plant to seed, so cut her down...or seed the rest of room....worse yet...sure was pretty....but not to be...will try another this winter...

Hi Lavendar You ladies are giving me an education. I, like, everybody else, haven't even heard about things like your describing. An allergy to metal? Blood clots that remain in you bodies. Stress, I know. I still think my cancer was caused by the job I had at the time. A grow your size causes you lots of stress. I know your probably doing it for your future and the call of that open road and a motor home.
I must live in a hole. The ex husbands being abusive has me wondering just how many there are out there. Jo literally had to escape hers. Screwed her up forever. There is some justice tho, her ex was going to build a basement for his house in Washington and the idiot dug under the house and it fell on him.:bravo:

There's that thing again. The prettiest plant is always a male! Sorry for the blueberry loss. That would have added to your stress if his pollen was spread. Disaster.

You girls are brave people, sure glad I met both of you. :cheer:
Hi Lavendar You ladies are giving me an education. I, like, everybody else, haven't even heard about things like your describing. An allergy to metal? Blood clots that remain in you bodies. Stress, I know. I still think my cancer was caused by the job I had at the time. A grow your size causes you lots of stress. I know your probably doing it for your future and the call of that open road and a motor home.
I must live in a hole. The ex husbands being abusive has me wondering just how many there are out there. Jo literally had to escape hers. Screwed her up forever. There is some justice tho, her ex was going to build a basement for his house in Washington and the idiot dug under the house and it fell on him.:bravo:

There's that thing again. The prettiest plant is always a male! Sorry for the blueberry loss. That would have added to your stress if his pollen was spread. Disaster.

You girls are brave people, sure glad I met both of you. :cheer:

my hubby is great, my gr. daughters was something different....thats great, a whole house fell on him....kinda like the evil witch in wizard of oz....just the feet sticking out with striped socks....i can see that and find it a most desirable end for him.....actually, thats really cute...lol...

statistically, there are more middle class and professional white collar wives who are abused....doctors, lawyers, dentists,,and police ect....its only been lately it wasnt seen as only a "poor or blue collar" situation....i used to council ladies in calif. thats why its soooo hard to see g.d. go thru it....ive done all i can do for her, so its her call now, but i do think she'll go back...time will tell...
that is/was my stressor this time....i get thru it fine, and then go to pieces...was that way as a nurse also....adrenalin is deadly on the body...

my garden is my sanctuary....it does cause some stress, but a learning kind, like how could i have been that stupid? i should have seen that...i know better than that...all duhh moments....its one of two places i run to when totally whacked out...the other is to sleep....i have slept thru some of my greatest crisis's.....without aid either....just zonk out...great escape...dark cold room and warm covers....

refused to marry for yrs, due to the dregs of a bad one....i did contribute tho, i could not keep my mouth shut....kinda like the movie, "war of the roses", i knew it was comming, so head on it...get it over with....

hubby is an anchor, he sees me getting stressed out, and he will tell me we are going home, or do something to get me back to our safe house..he watches my eyes and body language....its a rule that we tell no one where we live....too many stessors in the world when you dont have a hidey hole....besides that, we have the garden to protect...thats the truth too....

i really love our plastic lawn chair, koi pond and garden with a 35ft travel trailer in the middle home....its really small, but heaven....it works for us and that is all that counts...a hobbit hole....:bong:
Not a problem my friend. Your busy as hell right now!

I replanted the Church into my regular air pots using FFOF soil. The nutes it are supposed last about three weeks. In week three I gave all my plants some Osmocote +. It's a new time release nutrient that many folks are trying. The next day the Church's leaves started turning yellow and dropping off. None of the other plants had a problem, so I don't think the OC+ caused it. I flushed her good and the leaves are still dying.
Today, I gave her some cal-mag hoping to stop her from losing more leaves. She is a big girl and I would hate to lose her.
My friend, I am open for suggestions! Thanks!:grinjoint:
hi mate i swear by epsom salts for paleing and yellowing leaves i give all my plants a shot in veg and one in flower.......1 heaped desert spoon per 8 litres of water.....never add it to your feed give plants only water with the epsoms as ive read can cause nute lockout when mixed with nutes........funny how its just 1 girl thou.......althou just cud lack mag.....a little hicup in the genes perhaps.....hope this helps.............ops i forgot to mention if you do use the epsom salts i use and old cup place the salts in it and add about 3 quarters of a cup of boiling water to dissolve the salts then add it to my water bucket......be lucky weedtastic
Greetings from the hot and humid midwest OMM!

Could you please tell me how you apply azamax? How much you dilute it and how much you give each plant as a drench, and how often? I'm trying something new - try and get the info before I do it :)

my hubby is great, my gr. daughters was something different....thats great, a whole house fell on him....kinda like the evil witch in wizard of oz....just the feet sticking out with striped socks....i can see that and find it a most desirable end for him.....actually, thats really cute...lol...

statistically, there are more middle class and professional white collar wives who are abused....doctors, lawyers, dentists,,and police ect....its only been lately it wasnt seen as only a "poor or blue collar" situation....i used to council ladies in calif. thats why its soooo hard to see g.d. go thru it....ive done all i can do for her, so its her call now, but i do think she'll go back...time will tell...
that is/was my stressor this time....i get thru it fine, and then go to pieces...was that way as a nurse also....adrenalin is deadly on the body...

my garden is my sanctuary....it does cause some stress, but a learning kind, like how could i have been that stupid? i should have seen that...i know better than that...all duhh moments....its one of two places i run to when totally whacked out...the other is to sleep....i have slept thru some of my greatest crisis's.....without aid either....just zonk out...great escape...dark cold room and warm covers....

refused to marry for yrs, due to the dregs of a bad one....i did contribute tho, i could not keep my mouth shut....kinda like the movie, "war of the roses", i knew it was comming, so head on it...get it over with....

hubby is an anchor, he sees me getting stressed out, and he will tell me we are going home, or do something to get me back to our safe house..he watches my eyes and body language....its a rule that we tell no one where we live....too many stessors in the world when you dont have a hidey hole....besides that, we have the garden to protect...thats the truth too....

i really love our plastic lawn chair, koi pond and garden with a 35ft travel trailer in the middle home....its really small, but heaven....it works for us and that is all that counts...a hobbit hole....:bong:

I know Hubby takes care of you. I am glad you found each other.:)

When Jo's son called with the news about her ex, I had to leave the room. I went into my bedroom and just laughed my ass off. Her son has told me, I should have been his father. Which really makes me proud, he is a good man. The son is.

Not a good trait for nurse. :)

Well, good to hear I'm not alone. When I stress I hit the sack too. Almost like "wake me when it's over". I always feel better when I do that. My sick Church plant put me in bed last week! :)

Lavendar I can see you doing that! Lets get this over! Did you know most of us marry the same kind of person over and over again? I sure have! Good for you, breaking the rule. I kinda do what hubby does for you to Jo....she's never has realized it thou. She never will. Too much hate and regret in there.
We planted her a rose bush in one of my AirPots today. She gave it some nutes. Actually a nice day.

I can easily see your place and I know it is a haven for you, as it should be.
Home is home, no matter what. Believe me every day I look around and just love it here. I know I'm lucky. :bravo:
hi mate i swear by epsom salts for paleing and yellowing leaves i give all my plants a shot in veg and one in flower.......1 heaped desert spoon per 8 litres of water.....never add it to your feed give plants only water with the epsoms as ive read can cause nute lockout when mixed with nutes........funny how its just 1 girl thou.......althou just cud lack mag.....a little hicup in the genes perhaps.....hope this helps.............ops i forgot to mention if you do use the epsom salts i use and old cup place the salts in it and add about 3 quarters of a cup of boiling water to dissolve the salts then add it to my water bucket......be lucky weedtastic

Well, right on Weed Yes indeed I have epsom salts. I will wait and see if the cal-mag works, if not I will follow your directions to the letter. Thanks mate!

By golly you are weedtastic! :cheer:
hi mate i swear by epsom salts for paleing and yellowing leaves i give all my plants a shot in veg and one in flower.......1 heaped desert spoon per 8 litres of water.....never add it to your feed give plants only water with the epsoms as ive read can cause nute lockout when mixed with nutes........funny how its just 1 girl thou.......althou just cud lack mag.....a little hicup in the genes perhaps.....hope this helps.............ops i forgot to mention if you do use the epsom salts i use and old cup place the salts in it and add about 3 quarters of a cup of boiling water to dissolve the salts then add it to my water bucket......be lucky weedtastic

i go by this too.. I had some yellowing and spotting in veg, and after giving them a dose of Epsom they turned greener than ever. I'm about to hit them again with a final dose of salt to guide them the rest of the way through flowering. It's great stuff
yep, i understand....seeing that plant ill, especially when you do all you can for them...ugh...bad juju...

the bluberry kinda gave me no choice, it was like its last defient act...poor hubby is all worried, i just came in and said kill it....those are male flowers, and there are way to many, so kill it....no anger, but i do have two other clones of it....otherwise it would have upset me a little more...just glad we could salvage some on it, the rest went to hash....will have to try one of those seeds before i give any away....this one was wierd so dont want to pass that on....at all....thats the only little stress i have is about how worthless the seeds will be.

alot of er nurses are that way....you are great, no matter how long the crisis is, but afterwards, there is some kind of stress relief that has to be there...it finishes up the left over adrenaline.....and crying gets rid of it fast, comes out in the tears....also sex, vomiting, and then you have the drinking faction, and also hard drugs....alot got hung up there...too bad....i just cried alot...esp. if a bad night, and got very very stoned....i did quit tho...got to where i didnt like people....sometimes at all....time to go....

i really dont know what to think about church tho...my solution waas repot, alot of times anything i tried made it seem worse, so i just repotted....hope she gets well.....sometimes the status quo, is just that....i have no set rules about feeding, and probably feed alot less than most...but that is me...about to embark on a new method tho....advanced nutz....this should be interesting....still working with heat damaged plants so may wait until i get to some new ones....who knows....still in the thinking stage...a.n. sent me that free set, about 200 dollars worth for going to school....a bonus....so it seems a shame to not at least try them....watch these puppys burn...heard alot of good about them, but still scary for me....well later, L
Nice looking plants bro, they're really taking off.. Did you top the one twice? It looks like 4 tops are forming. I'm giving topping a try this next round so I hope to see some monster colas like you're developing.

Hi TheCriMsonK20 :)

Got the epsom salts ready my friend. The cal-mag did help some, but she'll get her salt soon. Thanks.:thanks:

Man, I top and then I top some more. Last grow taught me that lesson well. That's no joke, I top them and then top the tops. Looks real strange when they are babies, but when they grow tops go everywhere.

The Moby Dick has 4 tops. The Columbian Gold has 5 tops. The others only have two each. I missed on those. :smokin: Dang it!
I have some babies I'm topping now. I got to let em grow just a bit, then top them again. I think the real proper term is FIM. When I miss on a FIM, then I top it. :yummy:
yep, i understand....seeing that plant ill, especially when you do all you can for them...ugh...bad juju...

the bluberry kinda gave me no choice, it was like its last defient act...poor hubby is all worried, i just came in and said kill it....those are male flowers, and there are way to many, so kill it....no anger, but i do have two other clones of it....otherwise it would have upset me a little more...just glad we could salvage some on it, the rest went to hash....will have to try one of those seeds before i give any away....this one was wierd so dont want to pass that on....at all....thats the only little stress i have is about how worthless the seeds will be.

alot of er nurses are that way....you are great, no matter how long the crisis is, but afterwards, there is some kind of stress relief that has to be there...it finishes up the left over adrenaline.....and crying gets rid of it fast, comes out in the tears....also sex, vomiting, and then you have the drinking faction, and also hard drugs....alot got hung up there...too bad....i just cried alot...esp. if a bad night, and got very very stoned....i did quit tho...got to where i didnt like people....sometimes at all....time to go....

i really dont know what to think about church tho...my solution waas repot, alot of times anything i tried made it seem worse, so i just repotted....hope she gets well.....sometimes the status quo, is just that....i have no set rules about feeding, and probably feed alot less than most...but that is me...about to embark on a new method tho....advanced nutz....this should be interesting....still working with heat damaged plants so may wait until i get to some new ones....who knows....still in the thinking stage...a.n. sent me that free set, about 200 dollars worth for going to school....a bonus....so it seems a shame to not at least try them....watch these puppys burn...heard alot of good about them, but still scary for me....well later, L

Hi Lavendar Thank goodness she is looking better today. She's the largest plant I have. Norcaliwood talked me into trying her so I wanted to grow her right. :surf: Wasn't going to repot her....she's only been in that pot for a little over 3 weeks,:ganjamon:

I agree.....try the those seeds first! Might be devil weed and produce more of the same. Yuk!

The only person in the hospital last time I was in, was a Nurse that got me high. Best medicine I got the whole time I was there.
I had a partnership with a preacher in a computer company a few years back. He was a really fine guy. He would walk in sometimes, sniff the air, and say "Praise the Lord". He didn't smoke, but didn't mind if I did. I started to notice that he was down and depressed allot. I thought it over then realized what it was. All day long he did family/individual counsellings. All day long he heard nothing but trouble and bad things. Like your Gr. D. So once a week we sit down and I would council him. :yahoo:
Guess what I'm saying is there should be something like that Nurses and other care givers. Some relief.

Advanced nutz? Watch out could be some stress hiding in them. :morenutes:
Seriously I wish you well on that adventure .
More heat coming your way I hear. When it rains it pours. Baten down the hatches and turn on the fans. Been a rough summer on allot on folks. Take care Lavendar :ganjamon:
I beleive in aliens as much as I beleive that the sun. I also looked for the osmocote plus last night at HD but found only Osmocote is there a big difference? I'll google it in a minute.

You keep cranking out those air-pot beauty's :popcorn:

Hey Sisco My Buddy :yahoo:
Damn near missed your post. There is some difference between the two, the + has a bit more in it. You know by now since you googled it. I barely found it myself. It was not in the same place on the shelf in HD. If there is a self timed release nutes that won't burn my girls, I'm all for it! :thumb:
Greetings from the hot and humid midwest OMM!

Could you please tell me how you apply azamax? How much you dilute it and how much you give each plant as a drench, and how often? I'm trying something new - try and get the info before I do it :)


Hey Blue :ganjamon:
I only put 1 ml in a gallon of water and feed it to em every two weeks or so. I haven't sprayed them with it. I was checking today and I did find a small hole in some leaves, but the bug was gone. It's really more of a repellent than a killer.
Works well in my eyes. Hope that helped! :thumb:
Hi OMM, I have an inherent distrust of time release nutes but maybe Osmocote is a different animal altogether. I'll keep my concerns to myself because of my limited grow experience and just hope that you can sort the Church out in her current grow conditions. She wants to be huge.
^^^ damn edit button goes away too fast.

I wanted to add to the above that my concerns are for the most part, based in what I want from my plants, which isn't necessarily what another grower might pursue.:peace:
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