OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Hey, I see a couple spots back there I can hang a hammock on...right in between the Colombian and the Moby. The cargo area is a good idea..but I got our friend from the "Freedom Fighters" in Pakiranistan to ship me in his shipping container along with some of his colleges. :hookah: they say they do it all the time... lol

Those FIM tops are gonna be drop dead gorgeous. Loving the whole day to day updates... It's like I'm really there. Great growing my man.

Hey Sisco :ganjamon: By the time you get here, those girls will hold you up easily. Freedom Fighters in a container? :ganjamon:
Keep trying! You'll make it someday! :yahoo:
Looking great OMM, it's always nice to see them flowering up.
The Church already has a load of new leaves. Very nice.

Hi Mmmmick :ganjamon:

Thanks Buddy, they are starting to put on a little weight now. Budding up nicely.
Another few days and three more will be re potted to larger pots and put into flowering. I need more Brita containers now. Keeping enough good water on hand has doubled. Kind of problem you don't mind. :yummy:

That Church had me worried for a while, but the flush brought her back to health. Thank for the visit! :yahoo:
Nice yard !! I love your landscape designer Maryjane who ?

Hi My Friend :ganjamon:
That's Maryjane Pot, that did the landscaping! Got to admire her work! :yummy:
I hear you got the light and are in business again! Nice to be growing isn't it? :peace:
Just beautiful! I love coming into your J and seeing all those beautiful pics of your girls...

Thanks, Young Lady :thanks:

I'm still following your new venture. Don't know diddle about DWC and bubbles, but I am learning by watching you! :yahoo:
I'm still doing soil mamas. I don't think I'll ever stray from soil. I just need to up my yield so I can make edibles for my hubby. He was born 12 weeks premature in 1967. So He has premie lungs. He can't handle the smoke so much, and vapes are so expensive!!
this journal is the perfect end to a great day, beautiful plants and even better company....i read and lmao most of the time....you all are just terrific...i do great visuals of the words and it is wonderful....

what!!! you nuked your plants? i read up to the "houston we have a problem" and then i think i got lost on another one of mine....but tell me where to read so i can catch up....

they look great....like they lost alot of "baby fat" leaves, but are really healthy looking....did you resoil? how did you flush with the oc? in the soil? that confuses me...but im ezily confused....well, sometimes, i think?

it all looks great to me....take care and talk to ya soon....what? no one mentioned hubby and i are comming too, but we are bringing a tent to stay on the beach? or so we think? i personally like plastic furniture, as anyone who has seen our trailer can attest to....its ez to clean, and you're right knife holes dont show, later, L:lot-o-toke:hey, i need this many to calm down...
Ok JP I can pitch my tent right next to lady skunk. Looks great as usual. Your thumb has turned bright green and gettin greener. A+++ my friend..

Hi My Friend :ganjamon:
That's Maryjane Pot, that did the landscaping! Got to admire her work! :yummy:
I hear you got the light and are in business again! Nice to be growing isn't it? :peace:

Nice to watch those little seeds grow into nice bushy plants , than flower for 2 months ! and end up with a few ozs of fine home cured bud ...you can't buy that quality at any disp !! I've got 2 clones under that new 288 watt LED I sure wish I'd have bought the last one they had 2 would be perfect in a 4x4 tent .Maybe pick another up some day , sure jealous of that wide open yard you got there !! Have my hammock under one of them trees !!:peace:
Just dropping by to say :bravo:, they all look great brother...bet they will have gigantic buds, especially that Moby...but I think your SLH still has plans for you!

:peace: from my little garden...Aloha OMM.

Hey High :yahoo:
Good to see you buddy. Thanks for the compliments! :thanks:
Moby is doing really well. She should pack on some big buds soon, I hope.
SLH, I hope your right...keep waiting for her to take off. She's playing coy with me. :yummy:

Aloha my friend from my little island. :peace:
I'm still doing soil mamas. I don't think I'll ever stray from soil. I just need to up my yield so I can make edibles for my hubby. He was born 12 weeks premature in 1967. So He has premie lungs. He can't handle the smoke so much, and vapes are so expensive!!

OK! Still got a finger in soil:bravo: That I can relate too! Wow!12 weeks premature! Rare that! My oldest was 6 weeks premature and is dyslexic, if I spelled it correctly. :ganjamon:
That must be hell for him. That would really be cool if you can do edibles for him. Here's hoping you do get a much better yield this time. Some how, I think you will! :thumb:
this journal is the perfect end to a great day, beautiful plants and even better company....i read and lmao most of the time....you all are just terrific...i do great visuals of the words and it is wonderful....

what!!! you nuked your plants? i read up to the "houston we have a problem" and then i think i got lost on another one of mine....but tell me where to read so i can catch up....

they look great....like they lost alot of "baby fat" leaves, but are really healthy looking....did you resoil? how did you flush with the oc? in the soil? that confuses me...but im ezily confused....well, sometimes, i think?

it all looks great to me....take care and talk to ya soon....what? no one mentioned hubby and i are comming too, but we are bringing a tent to stay on the beach? or so we think? i personally like plastic furniture, as anyone who has seen our trailer can attest to....its ez to clean, and you're right knife holes dont show, later, L:lot-o-toke:hey, i need this many to calm down...

What a nice thing to say Lavendar :bravo: I do visuals when I write them too. :ganjamon: Maybe they translate that way!! I hope so. :ganjamon: Stoners reading Stoners! :) I am one of the few that will tell you "I love my Journal too!". Like you said it's the people that visit my journal who makes it good. A fine lot they are, every one! :ganjamon:

No use to read back. I should have waited a bit longer before I added the OC+. FFOF feeds well for the first three weeks, but then needs supplements. The OC+ knocked my Church for a loop. She lost about 40 leaves because of it. I flushed her with 14 gallons of pH water and she seems fine now. As Mountain High pointed out, once I flushed her the OC+ just filled in her needs and she is doing well now. Kinda like a back fill. I'm becoming a believer in OC+. In other words, I flushed with OC+ already in the pot and it just took over and brought her back to health. :thumb:

So you and Hubby are coming too! Great, you still can pitch a tent on the beach for free. I hate to say it, but camping out for me is the local Holiday Inn! :yahoo: Did quite enough camping out in the Army. Thank You! :grinjoint:

Love plastic furniture too. Just don't touch it when it's on fire! :yahoo:

You need :lot-o-toke: that many to calm down. Shhhhh I do too!:tokin:
I would like to nominate "columbia gold" for the plant of the month.Super OMM:bravo:


HH that's great idea. :ganjamon: I've never had a plant I thought that was worthy of a prize. Columbian Gold may be my first. I kinda lean a bit towards the Moby too! Thanks HH :yahoo:
Whoa! Sweet plants! Interesting names for sure...Church? Gotta love it. I'm up late, taking a break from the bone carvings, and wanted to check out your progress, and say hello. Certainly looks different from your first grow ol buddy. You've done well grasshopper. Very well. Congrat's on a fine looking crop. I hope those in need of your labors appreciate the work you've put into them.

Wanda's seeds I thought would be sterile produced two fine ladies, both in completed their first week of 12/12 today after 7 weeks of veg, pistols just beginning to show on both. One is a duplicate of Wanda, with the same dense growth, the second less leafy, more delicate branches. Should be interesting to see what develops in the next 8 weeks. Both share that same funky perfume smell Wanda had...chips off the ol bitch. Have a friend that will finish off flowering Wandas duplicate (he made a duplicate light box like my own) I'll finish the skinny lady. Naturally we're hoping for more seeds:yahoo:

Hope your doing well ol friend


p.s. Wanda's buds should just last me till this harvest.

Hey OldSkoool! Good to see you Buddy.:thumb:
I beg your pardon, she is "The Church!". No kidding, that's the full name. :yummy: Praise God! for The Church! Can I have an Amen? :amen:

No complaints from my one customer. He's an old stoner, so he would know!

Wanda the super girl:ganjamon: That is just great that she gave you seeds and she is continuing her line. Damnedest plant I ever saw. Maybe a clone or two to keep her going! Your grow box is still one of the best designs for a small grow that I've seen. :thumb:

I wouldn't mind if you posted a picture or two of her here. :blunt:
Timing your harvest sounds perfect.

Hope your feeling better! Odd that we both have a pain in the butt!

Glad to see you old friend! :yahoo:
Ok JP I can pitch my tent right next to lady skunk. Looks great as usual. Your thumb has turned bright green and gettin greener. A+++ my friend..


Hey JJ :welcome: How about between two skunks? I have two that are just starting! :yahoo:

Don't be modest my friend.....you helped make my thumbs green!

As a friend of ours tells us.....stay down Brother! :thumb:
Nice to watch those little seeds grow into nice bushy plants , than flower for 2 months ! and end up with a few ozs of fine home cured bud ...you can't buy that quality at any disp !! I've got 2 clones under that new 288 watt LED I sure wish I'd have bought the last one they had 2 would be perfect in a 4x4 tent .Maybe pick another up some day , sure jealous of that wide open yard you got there !! Have my hammock under one of them trees !!:peace:

You know it my Friend Watching those seeds turn into some great meds.
Is just perfect! :ganjamon:

Hell, you want two of them, well I would too. Those are really nice lights. Your clones are gonna have a very happy life under em. :ganjamon: That's one of those times when you snap you fingers and realize two would have been perfect. There's always the future to add in that second one. :morenutes:

May you have a great....high yield....grow! :thumb:
This to Woodsman and Sisco my good buddies:thumb:

First...Thank You for the Post Card from Vegas! Boys! If you ever turn on me, now I have you. You Who Mrs Woodsman and Mrs Sisco I have something you need to see......... Not that I would ever do that to you boys, but ya never know what may come up. It wouldn't have been so bad, except you tattooed your names on those poor young girls Butts.!!!!:thanks:

Maybe you could come out with Norcaliwood and Janet. If they agree to foot your bill, if not the luggage disguise should work. By the way Woodsman, the stews are all men on that flight. No grannies.:smokin:

Even though I'm Sisco's Uncle, Aunt Jo still has her knife throwing and is still good as it was yesterday. Still trying to get out of her pinning all the neighborhood children to fences and trees. Sure shuts em up though. :smokin:

What's wrong with our plastic furniture? Never wears out and doesn't show any knife holes, as of yet. :):) We can let you camp out in the front yard.
I don't think you would like the backyard, I have bunch of stinky plants growing back there and they might bother you.:smokin:

Well, it should be fun having the four of you visiting at the same time :surf:
Have a good trip! :thumb:

I dont think you could go in the luggage anymore! Diddnt you hear?
They lowered the cost of the plane ticket by the cost of a checked bag. but raised a checked bag fee to the price of a ticket. Then they charge for the carry on the old checked bag price times pie :lot-o-toke:

Arnt the fees just getting silly now....
Seriously lol. I just ship my stuff fedex now cheaper and I know it actually going to be there. also they dont go through my stuff like the airlines are want to do lol. I dont end up with one bag full of toothpaste and the other full of the wifes Moroccan hair oil anymore.

Oh and if you real careful you can ship your meds... shhhhhh dont tell anyone!
Sisco and Stealthy1 Stop this stuff! Your making my head hurt! I only go to airports to pick up people and let them off.
I haven't flown in 18 years! You guys figure it out and I'll meet you at the airport!. Remember it's a chance to get leid too! :yahoo:
Haven't ventured on a flying Greyhound in over 10 years myself......not like the old days when flying was fun, you could toke up in the bathrooms, and possibly get lucky without having to strip before you got on the frigging alloy sausage. Personally, I miss it like a dose of the clap, if I had to fly now I slice my wrists.

Just went through your Lemon journal....my, we are busy. Going to have to call you Doc Weed from now on. Awesome work:bravo:

Thanks for the invite to show off Wanda's off spring, in truth I did want to show you how different the two plants have developed from the same host seeds. Plant genetics are above my pay grade, but we'll have to see if there's a difference in how they smoke.

I changed my mind, opting to keep the Wanda look alike. This will be my buddies first real grow, knowing what the yield be I decided to keep her, and let my pardner finish X the Unknown.....just in case he screws up. Bird in the hand ya know. But you can be sure I'll be keeping in close touch.

Wanda's look alike is on the left, showing the same lush green development, tight bud growth, and thin curved leaf pattern. X the Unknown on the left sports 'spikier' bud and stem growth, and flatter straight leaves. Both plants have that same Wanda stink.


Wanda look alike main bud on the bottom....same ol pistol packin tight nugs like momma.


X the Unknown main bud.......think we should call her Spike.


Hey, thanks again for letting me show 'em off! Hope (if my wife ever gets off this computer) I can check bback on the grow more often.

Aloha old friend.
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