OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Looking great OMM! I haven't seen/smoked Columbian Gold in probably 35 years and I can still remember that smell... it was probably my favorite ever. I hope yours comes out just as well.

And great news about those seeds! You deserved that good karma just for the help and encouragement that you've given me, and there are many others like me that feel the same I'm sure!

Hey Blue Thanks for the visit! Yeah! Me too on the Columbian Gold. It was my favorite too. If she turns out like the original. I have 2 more to plant!
I think most of us loved the original along with all the good memories that went with her. :bong:

Those seeds were just a trip. I couldn't believe my eyes!. I have grown the Blackjack before and even though I screwed her up, she was still good smoke.
Maybe I have paid all the bad Karma off after all these years. :tokin:
Part 2 of the 17th day of Bloom!

One more Columbian Gold, I couldn't resist showing her off even more :)

This is a very beautiful beautiful shot of Moby Dick. :)

More Moby Dick. :)

The Stunning Super Lemon Haze :)

Super Lemon Haze is starting to take off! :)

And one more of Super Lemon Haze :)

The Super Silver Haze :)

More of the Super Silver Haze :)

Notice the nute burns on her leaf tips. I haven't given any nutes to em yet, so FFOF is too strong for her. Going to have to be careful with this girl!

That's it! They all look good and I hope you enjoyed the update :peace: Be with you all!

Hi All

Just thought I better say something about my grow. As you know I am a MMJ grower and have a limit of six big plants that I can grow.
Here I am growing all sorts of babies and getting ready to replant them into larger pots. Well, I now grow for a patient and I am a provider. Now I can grow 12 Big ones at a time. I doubt that I will ever have 12 growing at once, but one never knows.:yahoo:

So I'm still legal and pretty happy about my new status. :yahoo:

I zoned out there for a minute, damn fine looking MMJ you got there. I was wondering how you were gonna get rid of it all...well you could have made a really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, big Hooter. I just read Woodsman post @ his journal...Hey did you get our postcard yet? :cool:
On a more serious note (it will only take a second)
The Col Gold we all knew and loved (at least for me) all had seeds, right? This stuff will be much better.

Now for more important stuff! Sisco, did ya hear? Wood is going to visit OMM with his lady! While we're waiting on the delivery of the jet packs from the Nigerian Prince who lives in exile in Lower Swabobia (or was it Timbuktu?).. Those two are most likely taking a plane over. I know, I know, planes just aren't what they used to be when all the Stewardesses were hot and wore mini skirts and high heels, now your grandmother might be working or worse yet, mine! Oh well, what do ya think? Should we chance it. Maybe we should wait till we're invited first. Gee I hope they go first class (where they got seats), I hate sitting in the baggage area with all the foo foo dogs and the children. Do they have smoke detectors down in the baggage compartment? If not we could get a case of papers and roll one!
Hi Sisco I couldn't find enough paper to roll one that big! :yummy:
What postcard? :slide:
I forgot we sent it by bottle, give it another few days.

On a more serious note (it will only take a second)
The Col Gold we all knew and loved (at least for me) all had seeds, right? This stuff will be much better.

Now for more important stuff! Sisco, did ya hear? Wood is going to visit OMM with his lady!
You mean to tell me you have OMM's lady with you and your taking her back? That's very nice of you Wood..:tokin:
While we're waiting on the delivery of the jet packs from the Nigerian Prince who lives in exile in Lower Swabobia (or was it Timbuktu?).. Those two are most likely taking a plane over.
Yeah, I'll be catching the flight just after that one.
I know, I know, planes just aren't what they used to be when all the Stewardesses were hot and wore mini skirts and high heels, now your grandmother might be working or worse yet, mine!
Aaahh yes, the good old days...passengers smoking and drinking up a storm and joining that exclusive "mile High" club.
Oh well, what do ya think? Should we chance it. Maybe we should wait till we're invited first. Gee I hope they go first class (where they got seats), I hate sitting in the baggage area with all the foo foo dogs and the children. Do they have smoke detectors down in the baggage compartment? If not we could get a case of papers and roll one!
Take the plunge! No, no plunge. :goodluck: on getting an invite...it's pretty hard to get UNCLE OMM's permission to sit on the plastic covered furniture. Watch out for the flying knives...My ex-aunt Jo still see's apples on Uncles head from back in the "Circus ole" days.
I forgot we sent it by bottle, give it another few days.

Take the plunge! No, no plunge. :goodluck: on getting an invite...it's pretty hard to get UNCLE OMM's permission to sit on the plastic covered furniture. Watch out for the flying knives...My ex-aunt Jo still see's apples on Uncles head from back in the "Circus ole" days.

I didn't know that OMM is your uncle! Awesome. Of course we all love plastic covered furniture, the way it sticks to the back of your legs on those hot sticky dog days of summer. Are the price tags still on the chairs. Flying knives and Aunt Jo, Plastic furniture, I can't wait to get there! If there's no invite, we could dress up and go as baggage.
They are all looking mighty lovely there OMM. The tropical climate out there sure does grow some beauties.

Hello there My Freind:grinjoint: Thanks, yep, really lucky to be here and outdoors too. Most of the times it's perfect!

Thanks for dropping by! :yummy:
This to Woodsman and Sisco my good buddies:thumb:

First...Thank You for the Post Card from Vegas! Boys! If you ever turn on me, now I have you. You Who Mrs Woodsman and Mrs Sisco I have something you need to see......... Not that I would ever do that to you boys, but ya never know what may come up. It wouldn't have been so bad, except you tattooed your names on those poor young girls Butts.!!!!:thanks:

Maybe you could come out with Norcaliwood and Janet. If they agree to foot your bill, if not the luggage disguise should work. By the way Woodsman, the stews are all men on that flight. No grannies.:smokin:

Even though I'm Sisco's Uncle, Aunt Jo still has her knife throwing and is still good as it was yesterday. Still trying to get out of her pinning all the neighborhood children to fences and trees. Sure shuts em up though. :smokin:

What's wrong with our plastic furniture? Never wears out and doesn't show any knife holes, as of yet. :):) We can let you camp out in the front yard.
I don't think you would like the backyard, I have bunch of stinky plants growing back there and they might bother you.:smokin:

Well, it should be fun having the four of you visiting at the same time :surf:
Have a good trip! :thumb:
Day 22 of Bloom

Here's the standard group shot :surf:

The beautiful Columbian Gold :surf:

Colubian Gold loves to show off :surf:

The Columbia Gold keeps hogging the camera :surf:

Here is the much mistreated Church :surf:

Even missing 40 of her leaves because of my over feeding her, The Church is still standing tall. :surf:

She is reaching for the sky as if praying not to be nuked again the Church :surf:

Part 2 of Bloom coming up!
Day 22 of Bloom....Part 2

The amazing Moby Dick :surf:

More Moby Dick :surf:

Moby Dick looking beautiful :surf:

I can just imagine those colas filling up on Moby Dick :surf:

Here is the Super Silver Haze showing off! :surf:

More Of the Beautiful Super Silver Haze :surf:

One of the Stars of the grow Miss Super Lemon Haze :surf:

One more of that Super Lemon Haze girl. :surf:

Well, there you have them at day 22 of bloom. Hope you have enjoyed my girls! :surf:
WOW OMM! And howzit! Looks like i stopped by just in time for your awesome introductions for the lovely ladies. Plants are looking awesome buddie:thumb: as usual. Hope all is well with you and im back in on the journal. Alright take care till next time!!
WOW OMM! And howzit! Looks like i stopped by just in time for your awesome introductions for the lovely ladies. Plants are looking awesome buddie:thumb: as usual. Hope all is well with you and im back in on the journal. Alright take care till next time!!

Thanks, my Friend :grinjoint:

Hey, I see a couple spots back there I can hang a hammock on...right in between the Colombian and the Moby. The cargo area is a good idea..but I got our friend from the "Freedom Fighters" in Pakiranistan to ship me in his shipping container along with some of his colleges. :hookah: they say they do it all the time... lol

Those FIM tops are gonna be drop dead gorgeous. Loving the whole day to day updates... It's like I'm really there. Great growing my man.
Looking great OMM, it's always nice to see them flowering up.
The Church already has a load of new leaves. Very nice.
Just beautiful! I love coming into your J and seeing all those beautiful pics of your girls...
Just dropping by to say :bravo:, they all look great brother...bet they will have gigantic buds, especially that Moby...but I think your SLH still has plans for you!

:peace: from my little garden...Aloha OMM.
Whoa! Sweet plants! Interesting names for sure...Church? Gotta love it. I'm up late, taking a break from the bone carvings, and wanted to check out your progress, and say hello. Certainly looks different from your first grow ol buddy. You've done well grasshopper. Very well. Congrat's on a fine looking crop. I hope those in need of your labors appreciate the work you've put into them.

Wanda's seeds I thought would be sterile produced two fine ladies, both in completed their first week of 12/12 today after 7 weeks of veg, pistols just beginning to show on both. One is a duplicate of Wanda, with the same dense growth, the second less leafy, more delicate branches. Should be interesting to see what develops in the next 8 weeks. Both share that same funky perfume smell Wanda had...chips off the ol bitch. Have a friend that will finish off flowering Wandas duplicate (he made a duplicate light box like my own) I'll finish the skinny lady. Naturally we're hoping for more seeds:yahoo:

Hope your doing well ol friend


p.s. Wanda's buds should just last me till this harvest.
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