OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

great looking girls....

got to work today again in nursery, so willl ck in later, try to get another pic of the "lemon drop"....later, L

ps...was thinking, we need a gathering, for all of us who can to get together, by boat, plane, car, bus, train, and thumb....it would be fun...could have a giant swap meet....soooo, any one else for it?
great looking girls....

got to work today again in nursery, so willl ck in later, try to get another pic of the "lemon drop"....later, L

ps...was thinking, we need a gathering, for all of us who can to get together, by boat, plane, car, bus, train, and thumb....it would be fun...could have a giant swap meet....soooo, any one else for it?

I'm in, but it needs to be in a MMJ friendly state! We might run into 'supply' issues if people fly in, and if we drive, we need to make sure we bring enough to supply our needs but not go over any state limits. Or am I overthinking this?
I'd be down for a gathering. Either Denver or Cali works for me... just name the time and place and my friends can supply the entertainment. We can have our own cannabis cup for those who are willing to cross the lines with a small amount of their bounty.
great looking girls....

got to work today again in nursery, so willl ck in later, try to get another pic of the "lemon drop"....later, L

ps...was thinking, we need a gathering, for all of us who can to get together, by boat, plane, car, bus, train, and thumb....it would be fun...could have a giant swap meet....soooo, any one else for it?

Hi Lavendar No problem, if you have kids in the nursery, they come first! :)

A get together sounds good to me. You guys should have a blast and could do a lot of trading. I hope it comes together for you! :grinjoint:
I'm in, but it needs to be in a MMJ friendly state! We might run into 'supply' issues if people fly in, and if we drive, we need to make sure we bring enough to supply our needs but not go over any state limits. Or am I overthinking this?

Good questions. You would sure have to plan it carefully. You have some research to do. :grinjoint:
Colorado had a few MMJ expos, one in the springs, and one in Denver. I think they had some sort of sit in in Boulder.

I know Michigan has the Hash Bash every year in Ann Arbor. I also think I read something recently about some sort of MMH convention in San Diego??? But I may be a bit blazed about the SD, CA stuff. But I know they are out there...

Either that, or we all go all in to the cannibis cup ;) but we can't bring our own there...
Colorado had a few MMJ expos, one in the springs, and one in Denver. I think they had some sort of sit in in Boulder.

I know Michigan has the Hash Bash every year in Ann Arbor. I also think I read something recently about some sort of MMH convention in San Diego??? But I may be a bit blazed about the SD, CA stuff. But I know they are out there...

Either that, or we all go all in to the cannibis cup ;) but we can't bring our own there...

OK! This where I am an outsider. I haven't set foot on the mainland for 21 years.
What I know about legal MMJ on the mainland has come from talking to you guys here on 420. Wonder if we could rent a boat to party on? :grinjoint:
OK! This where I am an outsider. I haven't set foot on the mainland for 21 years.
What I know about legal MMJ on the mainland has come from talking to you guys here on 420. Wonder if we could rent a boat to party on? :grinjoint:

Well here I am the outsider, I haven't been west of Las Vegas EVER. I've seen the entire east coast from Key West to Up in Quebec Canada, and even on the other side of the St Lawrence in Sept Illes. At the mouth of the St Lawrence to the Atlantic Ocean.

Earthquakes scare the bejezzes out of me. It's weird that that is the only natural disaster you can't hide from. That's my only hesitation for going to Cali, but I'd brave it if I had reinforcements! :passitleft: both of the burning kind, and of the friendship kind. I'd also like to come to Hawaii one of these days before I die, try some :surf: and maybe boogie boarding. Then go into a helicopter, which ranges up there with earthquakes and go on aerial tours of the islands... Hahhh isn't it nice to dream!
Well here I am the outsider, I haven't been west of Las Vegas EVER. I've seen the entire east coast from Key West to Up in Quebec Canada, and even on the other side of the St Lawrence in Sept Illes. At the mouth of the St Lawrence to the Atlantic Ocean.

Earthquakes scare the bejezzes out of me. It's weird that that is the only natural disaster you can't hide from. That's my only hesitation for going to Cali, but I'd brave it if I had reinforcements! :passitleft: both of the burning kind, and of the friendship kind. I'd also like to come to Hawaii one of these days before I die, try some :surf: and maybe boogie boarding. Then go into a helicopter, which ranges up there with earthquakes and go on aerial tours of the islands... Hahhh isn't it nice to dream!

Hi Girl If you ever do get out this way. Don't! and I mean don't take the Helicopter ride! At least 3 or 4 go down every year. I live here and would not take one. Since I've been here, we had one earthquake worth talking about. Wasn't like a Cali earthquake (been through a few of those) it was not so earth shaking, it was very loud! Sounded like a freight train. :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:
Hi Girl If you ever do get out this way. Don't! and I mean don't take the Helicopter ride! At least 3 or 4 go down every year. I live here and would not take one. Since I've been here, we had one earthquake worth talking about. Wasn't like a Cali earthquake (been through a few of those) it was not so earth shaking, it was very loud! Sounded like a freight train. :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

So what do you suggest for island hopping and sight seeing. I have a way of planning Road Warrior Tourist Vacations because I have to get out of the car and walk around for 15-20 mins so I don't get a clot. I am proof that you can get a clot while on blood thinners. I have have 5 in my legs and 3 in my lungs... don't think I am going to get any more chances than that...

We had an earthquake here and with all this granite around us, it was like someone striking a pitchfork and the mountains resonated... It was weird. I kept saying " What is that noise?" found out it was an earthquake LOL

I'd just freak if I was in a building I think, and my will to see the Pacific is too strong... I'll do it one of these days, and soon!
I'm in, but it needs to be in a MMJ friendly state! We might run into 'supply' issues if people fly in, and if we drive, we need to make sure we bring enough to supply our needs but not go over any state limits. Or am I overthinking this?

nope, i totally agree...has to be thought out...and done right, or it wouldnt work....i think col. is more central than others...but oreg. may be a better place...havent thought that far yet...but it is a good idea me thinks....L
So what do you suggest for island hopping and sight seeing. I have a way of planning Road Warrior Tourist Vacations because I have to get out of the car and walk around for 15-20 mins so I don't get a clot. I am proof that you can get a clot while on blood thinners. I have have 5 in my legs and 3 in my lungs... don't think I am going to get any more chances than that...

We had an earthquake here and with all this granite around us, it was like someone striking a pitchfork and the mountains resonated... It was weird. I kept saying " What is that noise?" found out it was an earthquake LOL

I'd just freak if I was in a building I think, and my will to see the Pacific is too strong... I'll do it one of these days, and soon!

That's good earthquake :) You can hear it, but not feel it.:grinjoint:

By the time you get over here, we'll probably have the Super Ferry back in action. You just drive on and drive off of it on the next island and it goes to every island. You can also have a meal on it while going to the next island.
Really nice, rent just one car and drive it on the ferry and pick an island to go to and drive off. Or all of them.
Damn, girl, you have clots taking blood thinner? Not good. I take blood thinners too! Bad circulation in my legs.
This starting to sound like my first cancer ward. No matter how bad you thought that you had it, you always met someone who had it worse! :smokin:
You really wanna freak out the strongest earthquake recorded was in Mo. The Mississippi River ran backward. I was there 3 years ago when there was another weak one. Made me think I was back in Cali. Fault is called the New Madrid Fault. Just there isn't that many struchures there back then so wasn't alot of damages.
You really wanna freak out the strongest earthquake recorded was in Mo. The Mississippi River ran backward. I was there 3 years ago when there was another weak one. Made me think I was back in Cali. Fault is called the New Madrid Fault. Just there isn't that many struchures there back then so wasn't alot of damages.

OH! Man Wood The Mississippi ran backwards? Now that's an earthquake!
Lived in Arkansas on off for 20 years...never felt one. Glad I missed them!:):)
Day 25 of Bloom

A mini update :)

Here's group shot of them all :)

This is view down the backside, with Moby Dick, Columbian Gold, SSH, and The Church from the side :)

Another side shot of the poor Church losing more leaves and the SSH :)

The beautiful Super Lemon Haze :)

Here is one of the Fems, She is now named Froggy. Ever seen a girl like this one? Doesn't look like her sisters.

That's my little update, hope you like them :cheer:
That's good earthquake :) You can hear it, but not feel it.:grinjoint:

By the time you get over here, we'll probably have the Super Ferry back in action. You just drive on and drive off of it on the next island and it goes to every island. You can also have a meal on it while going to the next island.
Really nice, rent just one car and drive it on the ferry and pick an island to go to and drive off. Or all of them.
Damn, girl, you have clots taking blood thinner? Not good. I take blood thinners too! Bad circulation in my legs.
This starting to sound like my first cancer ward. No matter how bad you thought that you had it, you always met someone who had it worse! :smokin:

Yup, I've had 4 of them all while taking blood thinners. The clotting condition is a genetic mutation in my blood. I can't process Folic Acid like others, for instance you would only need to take 800 micrograms daily. I have to take 4.6 MG daily. So I need to take the low weight molecular heparin injections 2 times a day, and the folic acid supplements once daily, but its a HUGE horse pill. I will not ever go back on Coumadin. That stuff is pure evil. I would rather give myself an injection than have to subject myself to that drug and the monitoring protocols... The Lovenox is based on body weight, and has a precise dosage. So no upping the coumadin one week and then being too thin the next and having to back down again... I was always too thick or too thin... Since I've been on the Lovenox, no clots... The only parts that sucks, is it burns going in and I don't even get a buzz from it :laughtwo:

Living at High altitude and my iron loading disorder don't help, but I'll stay here as long as I can and when I can't I'm getting a motorhome and traveling all over... :)

Sorry for the ramble. My medical issues are kinda long hard to describe succinctly.
Yup, I've had 4 of them all while taking blood thinners. The clotting condition is a genetic mutation in my blood. I can't process Folic Acid like others, for instance you would only need to take 800 micrograms daily. I have to take 4.6 MG daily. So I need to take the low weight molecular heparin injections 2 times a day, and the folic acid supplements once daily, but its a HUGE horse pill. I will not ever go back on Coumadin. That stuff is pure evil. I would rather give myself an injection than have to subject myself to that drug and the monitoring protocols... The Lovenox is based on body weight, and has a precise dosage. So no upping the coumadin one week and then being too thin the next and having to back down again... I was always too thick or too thin... Since I've been on the Lovenox, no clots... The only parts that sucks, is it burns going in and I don't even get a buzz from it :laughtwo:

Living at High altitude and my iron loading disorder don't help, but I'll stay here as long as I can and when I can't I'm getting a motorhome and traveling all over... :)

Sorry for the ramble. My medical issues are kinda long hard to describe succinctly.

Ramble all you want to young Lady :cheer:

I think your lucky to be alive at all. Besides taking 20 pills a day and wearing a colostomy bag and having no taste buds, I 'm doing pretty good. :)

I guess you already know that living in a high altitude place is a major cause of Cancer. Sounds like that's a minor worry to you. Glad they kind of have you set up to survive. That must be hell, waiting for the next clot. :smokin:

My ex wife Jo, yes we still live together......long story. My ex wife Jo in her previous marriage traveled in a motor home for 5 years with her 1st Husband.
They had two kids, a dog, a cat, a rabbit and a horse in a trailer. She said it was like a wagon train. He was a cop and kept getting fired because he was mean cop, so they moved allot. She said she liked it and they met many folks just like them on the road. If she could she would do it again. She liked the life traveling.

Well, got to go, we are supposed to have a meteor shower a bit after 9 pm.
We had one 4 years ago and it was fantastic. Mother Nature at her best.
The meteors have glowing tails of orange fire and you would swear that they were just passing over the trees. They make a low rumbling sound and a kind of varoom sound. If you ever have a chance to see one, don't miss it. It's been rainy and cloudy to day, hope it clears up. Should be about eighty an hour, so maybe we'll get to see some. :bravo:
Leonids or Persiids sp? On a clear night out here, you can see the outline of the Milky Way. It's way cool. Not a lot of light pollution where I live. I sit out on the porch a lot and look to the skies frequently.

Enjoy the show!
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