OldMedMans's 3rd Grow AirPots and 6 Strains

Good luck, OMM. I can understand your frustration. It's marginally cumbersome to post pics at the best of times.

A good smoke session will help

It's my address thats the issue, not Attitude.

Love the leaves on Moby.

Oh! Man I forgot! Do you think it would be the same if the package came from the US? Just wondering.

Yeah, the Moby is just beautiful. 4 big colas forming. I think in the end she might be the star. I opted for the Skunk#1 since it needed only 3 weeks veg and would finish fast. Same with VK...3 weeks veg. I may drift over to some indica next, speaking of potency. I like sit down and shut up stuff! :ganjamon:
OMM, Nice ! That Columbian Gold looks awesum!! (how do you spell that ?) I remember growing a couple of plants that were (?) from a bag of columbian years ago !! best smoke ever !! Where did you get those seeds , if I may ask ? Must be nice growing outdoors in such a beautiful place !! Tell me that as you water your garden you can see the Ocean !! I'll really be jealous !! Love those air pots too!! Have a great wkend OMM...
OMM, Nice ! That Columbian Gold looks awesum!! (how do you spell that ?) I remember growing a couple of plants that were (?) from a bag of columbian years ago !! best smoke ever !! Where did you get those seeds , if I may ask ? Must be nice growing outdoors in such a beautiful place !! Tell me that as you water your garden you can see the Ocean !! I'll really be jealous !! Love those air pots too!! Have a great wkend OMM...

Hey Buddy Awesome :yahoo:
That is what these are supposed to be. The real thing. I got them from Attitude, most seed banks have them. They are from the Worlds of Seeds.
Ol hippy I agree, best smoke ever. :thumb:

Man, I love it here. You kidding? Can't see the ocean, but can hear it. Less than a half mile from the beach. Took me years to get here and I am not about to leave. :hippy::hippy:

You have a good wkend too!:surf:
Hey that's great! So do you top them as soon as they start growing the third node?

Hey Sisco I usually wait for the 5th set of leaves to make sure they are healthy. Then I FIM them. Wait about 4 days and do it again, 5 days and again, and any where I see an opportunity. My Columbian even surprised me with 5 colas......don't know where the fifth came from. For me it is easier than LST.
Don't want no sinking little ones anyway! Can't tell I've been :hookah: Can You?:yahoo:
OMM, Thanks for the update on seed info ! I'm about 8 miles from ocean here (CA) can't see it either but I know it's there !! I ride my bike out and back to get a little exercise,it's been cool as hell here this summer thank god, don't need heat with an indoor grow !! Too many neighbors for an outdoor one ..hope to by another house some day and I'll make sure it has an outside area with no view from anyone !! Thanks for the update take care !:peace:
Edited because I didn't like how the post sounded...sorry brother, meant no harm, we each have our styles of growing.
Anyway :welldone:Girls are looking good brother...Super Lemon Haze looks to still be in stretch...she should get taller, if not she should be very pretty bud logs.

Aloha OMM, out and about for a bit before going to cook a bit....cucumber day...soup and sandwiches. :peace:.
OMM, Thanks for the update on seed info ! I'm about 8 miles from ocean here (CA) can't see it either but I know it's there !! I ride my bike out and back to get a little exercise,it's been cool as hell here this summer thank god, don't need heat with an indoor grow !! Too many neighbors for an outdoor one ..hope to by another house some day and I'll make sure it has an outside area with no view from anyone !! Thanks for the update take care !:peace:

Hi Again Buddy :ganjamon: You must be in the SF/Bay area. Always knew that SF was going to be cool. Had to give up my bike ridding, to much pain. It still gets me though, bump my head every time I get out of my car. Hangs right there in the way.:ganjamon: No place else for it.
You take care too!:peace:
Edited because I didn't like how the post sounded...sorry brother, meant no harm, we each have our styles of growing.
Anyway :welldone:Girls are looking good brother...Super Lemon Haze looks to still be in stretch...she should get taller, if not she should be very pretty bud logs.

Aloha OMM, out and about for a bit before going to cook a bit....cucumber day...soup and sandwiches. :peace:.

Aloha High :ganjamon:

I read back a bit and found my comment about LST. That's the only thing that I can think of that might have gotten you a bit upset. Your right about that we all have our way of growing. As you can tell I like long colas and fairly big plants. Miss J's big plant with hundreds of but sites is a good example of what LST will do. That thing would take up all my grow space. Sure would be fun to trim her. :yummy:
I would kill my back doing that. That's another point...I do what is easiest for me and what has worked for me before. Guess, I am set in my ways, not good for a grower. :smokin: Guess I do try the easy stuff first.
Any way, I apologize if I upset you, that was not my intent I count you as one of my best friends on 420. :thumb:
Aloha High :ganjamon:

I read back a bit and found my comment about LST. That's the only thing that I can think of that might have gotten you a bit upset. Your right about that we all have our way of growing. As you can tell I like long colas and fairly big plants. Miss J's big plant with hundreds of but sites is a good example of what LST will do. That thing would take up all my grow space. Sure would be fun to trim her. :yummy:
I would kill my back doing that. That's another point...I do what is easiest for me and what has worked for me before. Guess, I am set in my ways, not good for a grower. :smokin: Guess I do try the easy stuff first.
Any way, I apologize if I upset you, that was not my intent I count you as one of my best friends on 420. :thumb:

Aloha my good friend...much like with the VOG, it is best when all that bad air just blows away into the night breeze. I know you didn't mean to upset me brother, was just me. :goof:

:peace: OMM from my little garden.
Aloha my good friend...much like with the VOG, it is best when all that bad air just blows away into the night breeze. I know you didn't mean to upset me brother, was just me. :goof:

:peace: OMM from my little garden.

Aloha My friend High :ganjamon:

Now, that was a classy thing to say Brother Like the vog in the breeze being blown away. :thanks:

The bad Karma I caused was paid back quickly. Now I can't post pictures again!
Funny how that works! :thedoubletake::thedoubletake:

Hope all is well in your Zen Garden :peace:
Hey OMM, where's the bud porn from all your beauties? Great looking plants, but we scream for some x rated trich pic's.

Cool? Cool? I'd kill for anything less than 80. Today makes the first day in weeks that the temp won't hit 100+, with humidity heat indexes around 110+...been absolutely miserable, but thanks to a/c, my babies think it's never been over 78.

Thanks again for the kind words regarding my foam board thingamagig.

Only draw back is having to stand when I water, or adjust the LST's....going to have to work on a suspended lazy boy:hmmmm:
Hey OMM, where's the bud porn from all your beauties? Great looking plants, but we scream for some x rated trich pic's.

Cool? Cool? I'd kill for anything less than 80. Today makes the first day in weeks that the temp won't hit 100+, with humidity heat indexes around 110+...been absolutely miserable, but thanks to a/c, my babies think it's never been over 78.

Thanks again for the kind words regarding my foam board thingamagig.

Only draw back is having to stand when I water, or adjust the LST's....going to have to work on a suspended lazy boy:hmmmm:

Hey OldSkoool No Bud porn! You know that's not good for you. Remember the dreams you used to have after looking at em. Wife thought you were crazy by things you were saying in your sleep! :yahoo:

Actually, I have some bud porn, but having trouble posting. 420 is working away on solving it. Should have some up soon I hope. Another week or two and there will be lots of good porn shots.:thumb:

If anybody can make a suspended lazy boy, it's you! your so lazy, I mean motivated! :angel:
Howdy OMM it's been too long again since I went a visiting! Just read back a few (4!!) pages. So this may sound old!

First though I got to say that I love your garden and your terrific looking plants (and nice looking back yard!)
Make sure to let us know how the Epsom salts work for ya, if it stops the yellowing or browning.

Yeah, I had to pay 50 bucks to get one bag to and from...I should have just taken all of my one weeks clothes and wore them on the plane!

Seriously lol. I just ship my stuff fedex now cheaper and I know it actually going to be there. also they dont go through my stuff like the airlines are want to do lol. I dont end up with one bag full of toothpaste and the other full of the wifes Moroccan hair oil anymore.

Oh and if you real careful you can ship your meds... shhhhhh dont tell anyone!

Sisco and Stealthy1 Stop this stuff! Your making my head hurt! I only go to airports to pick up people and let them off.
I haven't flown in 18 years! You guys figure it out and I'll meet you at the airport!. Remember it's a chance to get leid too! :yahoo:

It's cheaper to not take luggage and just buy clothes when I get were I'm going, Good Will and the Army Surplus are great places to shop under those conditions. :Rasta:
I do bring disinfectant along (3 oz bottle of course) in my pocket.
I wonder why my wife never takes vacations with me? Maybe I should put deodorant in the other pocket.

my hubby is great, my gr. daughters was something different....thats great, a whole house fell on him....kinda like the evil witch in wizard of oz....just the feet sticking out with striped socks....i can see that and find it a most desirable end for him.....actually, thats really cute...lol...

statistically, there are more middle class and professional white collar wives who are abused....doctors, lawyers, dentists,,and police ect....its only been lately it wasnt seen as only a "poor or blue collar" situation....i used to council ladies in calif. thats why its soooo hard to see g.d. go thru it....ive done all i can do for her, so its her call now, but i do think she'll go back...time will tell...
that is/was my stressor this time....i get thru it fine, and then go to pieces...was that way as a nurse also....adrenalin is deadly on the body...

my garden is my sanctuary....it does cause some stress, but a learning kind, like how could i have been that stupid? i should have seen that...i know better than that...all duhh moments....its one of two places i run to when totally whacked out...the other is to sleep....i have slept thru some of my greatest crisis's.....without aid either....just zonk out...great escape...dark cold room and warm covers....

refused to marry for yrs, due to the dregs of a bad one....i did contribute tho, i could not keep my mouth shut....kinda like the movie, "war of the roses", i knew it was comming, so head on it...get it over with....

hubby is an anchor, he sees me getting stressed out, and he will tell me we are going home, or do something to get me back to our safe house..he watches my eyes and body language....its a rule that we tell no one where we live....too many stessors in the world when you dont have a hidey hole....besides that, we have the garden to protect...thats the truth too....

i really love our plastic lawn chair, koi pond and garden with a 35ft travel trailer in the middle home....its really small, but heaven....it works for us and that is all that counts...a hobbit hole....:bong:

Working in an ER environment for several years I've seen many abuse cases. Most involved alcohol and not only with the guy! Very sad!

Hi Again Buddy :ganjamon: You must be in the SF/Bay area. Always knew that SF was going to be cool. Had to give up my bike ridding, to much pain. It still gets me though, bump my head every time I get out of my car. Hangs right there in the way.:ganjamon: No place else for it.
You take care too!:peace:

When I first moved out there I stayed at a friends apt. in the Sunshine district very close (couple of blocks) to the park. I thought Cal sucked! It was cold and foggy and damp (in the summer). Shortly after I moved down the Peninsula and finally found the California I was 'dreamin' of! Palm trees sun and warmth. That is until the fog rolled in late in the afternoon! Then is was fine as that time of day would start to get too warm! Fog was natural A/C.
Wow I don't drop in for afew days and here ya got 3-4 new pages to your trip. Love that Lumbo look. And the fine leaves from the haze. GL Pop's
Hiya OMM. Sorry to be absent lately. RL work has been all consuming, but I have managed to sneak in some time in the garden. Last I saw yours it was looking stellar. Can't wait to see new pics.

high omm?
thought i'ld drop by and spread a little fairy grow dust here....those plants are looking primo as usual...really growing great....

how is the vog doing?

read a post about the azamax, so here goes spock...
it does kill, but it takes a while, the eggs are able to hatch which is why you keep spraying also, it is a deterrant....it tastes foul, the neem oil to them, BUT..it kills by letting them reach their shell stage, and keeps that from developing...if that doesnt develope...they cant breed and just die out...i think the shell is call the exoskeleton...anyway, that is how it kills and it works great, but slowly, so we hit them in the soil for the taste, on their bodies with the spray, and they die....hope they dont get immune...

the heat has me wore down...hope all is well in your world, the plants look just super tho....hugs, L:tokin:
Hi Woodsman Thanks for the visit! :grinjoint:

Neither cal-mag or Epsom salts stopped the yellowing on the Church, she is just as bad as ever. There is too much or too less of something going on in here She is growing so? :smokin: The soil she is in is only 4 weeks old. FFOF.

See you got caught up with all the gossip, thats good! :slide:

Parts of cali are great, but like any where else it has a few bad places too.
LA comes to mind along with Death Valley. :tokin:

See you soon! :thumb:
Wow I don't drop in for afew days and here ya got 3-4 new pages to your trip. Love that Lumbo look. And the fine leaves from the haze. GL Pop's

Howdy Wood :yummy: Thanks for coming by. Not sure what you mean
by the Lumbo look. If you like it, that's fine by me. :Rasta: The haze leaves are beautiful to me too! Hi Miss J! :)
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