OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Oh my, those are some very tasty looking ladies you have growing in Paradise! Love that closet box idea.

Btw, thanks for your comment on my suggestion to use power strips for mounting lights. Just seemed to be the logical choice for my 'grow box on the cheap', only problem is only having enough space to flower one plant at a time, but it works for me, and like you said, ends the frustration of looking for smoke.

I should have mentioned that the exhaust fan was an el cheapo unit I picked up at a Dollar Store, sawed off part of the stand so it sits flush on top of the box, creating a constant, but gentle flow of air.

Like I mentioned, I'm building a new light box to double the four existing 42W CFL's. Just in time to flower (I hope!) these three, six week old bag seed babies.

Good Luck to us both!

Glad you dodged that tsunami. I have a life long buddy that works at the Sea Park, zero protection. He told me everyone was ready to head for the trails leading up to higher ground in back of the facility. Whew!

Just for giggles, I have more pics of my ghetto box, and the results of the first grow in the members section if you want to take a look.
Glad you dodged that tsunami. I have a life long buddy that works at the Sea Park, zero protection. He told me everyone was ready to head for the trails leading up to higher ground in back of the facility. Whew!

Just for giggles, I have more pics of my ghetto box, and the results of the first grow in the members section if you want to take a look.

Hey man good to see you here.:welcome:
Your friend knows "head for the high ground". We all do:grinjoint:
I will be taking a look for sure. I hope you get the other one done in time.
Somehow I think you will.:grinjoint:
Your plants look very happy.
I think I'm going to change things around in next the few days. Make some changes to the box I'm using now and firing up my other box even tho its smaller than the one I am using. I am all for any change that will help my first yield to be better. I be looking in to see what you're up to.:peace:
[/QUOTE] I have more pics of my ghetto box, and the results of the first grow in the members section if you want to take a look.[/QUOTE]

I haven't found your old grow. Nor the pix of your other box.
I must be in info over load lol
Guess you have to be real specific for this foggy old mind:grinjoint:
Still gathering some assembly hardware for the new foam board box light box, no pics yet, but I'll give you a heads up when I post them. Should be in the next few days, since I don't want to start the flower cycle until I have it ready with all 8 42W CFL's burning. The ghetto box I refer to is the same cardboard computer box I've been using for three years and want to retire. I'll be re cycling the power strips, fan, CFL's, and sockets.

To view photos.

1. Select Photo Gallery from the selections at the top of this page.

2. Scroll down a little and select Members Galleries/B] photo icon on the left side of the page.

3. Select O from the alphabet seen in the middle of the screen.

4. Scroll down and select OldSkoool

Waaa La!

The first pics are of my current three ladies, beyond that are photos of of the box, and first grow results.

Wouldn't think the extra two hours of dark would be a problem.....seeing any white hairs yet?
Still gathering some assembly hardware for the new foam board box light box, no pics yet, but I'll give you a heads up when I post them. Should be in the next few days, since I don't want to start the flower cycle until I have it ready with all 8 42W CFL's burning. The ghetto box I refer to is the same cardboard computer box I've been using for three years and want to retire. I'll be re cycling the power strips, fan, CFL's, and sockets.

To view photos.

1. Select Photo Gallery from the selections at the top of this page.

2. Scroll down a little and select Members Galleries/B] photo icon on the left side of the page.

3. Select O from the alphabet seen in the middle of the screen.

4. Scroll down and select OldSkoool

Waaa La!

The first pics are of my current three ladies, beyond that are photos of of the box, and first grow results.

Wouldn't think the extra two hours of dark would be a problem.....seeing any white hairs yet?

Great stuff. Hope you put some of those up for Plant of the month or Bud of the month. Sweet.:grinjoint:
I did find most of your pics and your box, but now you've taught me how to do it better. Thanks.:thanks:
No white hairs yet. Truthfully they are not looking too good today. I will post some pics tomorrow.
Thanks again. Your sure are inventive:peace:
Hi Folks:ganjamon:
Time for another update and to show you my reorganization of my grow.
Hope it helps in the long run.:surf:

This is my small grow box that I've never used before. Its CFLs and a UFO 90W LED. I know that the UFO is not really used for flowering, but since I have the damn thing I'm going to use it.

The lights are causing the yellow color. This is Rose and Mary the two in one pot.

Here is the one that is two weeks behind the others Vicky.

With UFO on.

Here's Tad showing off.

Tad's jungle with some yellow tips.??

Joanne up close and going crazy.

Joanne and Tad in my old grow box. You can't see it but I've added 21" of hight in this box. Go ahead girls get big and tall. Please:ganjamon:
Next time I put some pics up I'll try to show the grow box as it is now. Where it sits is hard to get a picture of. Whew, I'm tired, but any thing for the girls.
May they pay me back with a better result. :surf: :peace:
Fine looking crop my island friend! Thanks for the compliments on the buds from my first grow. I know that some of the high buck lighting systems are more efficient than CLF's, but I couldn't have been more pleased with the results, and should provide you with some encouragement for your own grow.

Here's a funny for you. Before finding this great site, I veg'd my first plant under a 13W desk lamp for 10 weeks before flowering it in my ghetto box with the four 42W CFL's. Matter of fact I'm using the same desk lamp for the three clones I snipped from the three plants I'm currently growing. It's amazing that even weak floro's can provide enough light for growth.

It's 5am, I'm swilling coffee, I have all the materials necessary for the new box, and getting ready to begin cutting the foam board for assembly.

My babies began their 12/12 cycle yesterday. I hope they like their new home.

I'll check back to see if you've added pics of your changes, and add some of of this endeavor.


p.s. I'm thinking of using a similar set up to grow a white/yellow throat Plumeria.
Thanks OldSkoool:yummy:
Yep, really like these CFLs. Probably me, but the plants seem to love em to.
13W for veg? These things do work and produce and your still using it. Amazing.
I would like to take some clones, but I have no where to put them. Another project. Hmmm.:surf:

I bet you can do well with white/yellow throat Plumeria. So your familiar with the islands. Great. My backyard has three Plumeria trees. The have just stopped blooming for the winter season here. I love em and their great smell.
I really like the wild white ginger around here, but it's getting harder to find growing wild.

Well good luck with getting the new project finished right when you need it.
Aloha :peace:
hmm i dont know a whole lot about LEDs but i thought they WERE supposed to be used for flowering?... sumthin to do with a chemical reaction produced on the buds makes them produce more thc under it?... hmm idk where i got that then haha oopzz

box looks GREAT pops! as do the girls!... the yellow tip burn, did you over feed em?.. they look fine, theyll get over :p haha

interested in seeing your clone box tho! keep us filled in man!
UFO!! freaking awesome, are they one watt leds?
Hi Man good to see you.:welcome:

Here's what the LED is:
We use only the highest quality LED's and chipsets - Each LED outputs 1 Watt! Most importantly, our LED Grow light have the most efficient spectrums in the market - 660nm Red and 460nm Blue are the exact spectrums necessary for the best result of photosynthesis. Your plants will fully absorb the wavelengths for photosynthesis. Our LED Grow lights are the most productive units available today, utilizing every bit of energy and providing optimal results!

So yes,they are the one watt type LEDs. The rest of their speel I'm not sure of. This was the light that I was going to use in my grow, but there's so much bad comments about it, I just didn't trust it. But when I separated the 4 plants I decided to give it a try.

Here's a link to a good post on LEDs by a manufacture making a grow to prove their worth if you haven't seen it yet.

126W Penetrator LED Full Bloom

It's an interesting grow.
hmm i dont know a whole lot about LEDs but i thought they WERE supposed to be used for flowering?... sumthin to do with a chemical reaction produced on the buds makes them produce more thc under it?... hmm idk where i got that then haha oopzz

box looks GREAT pops! as do the girls!... the yellow tip burn, did you over feed em?.. they look fine, theyll get over :p haha

interested in seeing your clone box tho! keep us filled in man!

Hi Odorous:grinjoint:
The reviews on this LED are mixed. They are sposed to be good for veg and flower. But most people say they fall short in flower. Guess we will see for ourselves.:ganjamon:
My love of Plumeria's began back in the early 90's, a fellow I worked with had several varieties, including one large white/yellow throat tree growing in his back yard in Newport Beach. Man, the scent from those flowers as we sat back there smoking a doobie was intoxicating.

A few years back, my old surfing buddy that works at the Sea Park sent me a cutting, but living in Oklahoma wasn't the ideal environment, and I failed miserably.

Happy to report that my new, and improved light canopy is complete. Like most projects it took a bit longer than I thought, finishing up around 3pm yesterday. Now I have to come up with an idea for a carbon scrubber to mount over the exhaust fan.

Too funny, when I switched on the lights, the damn thing glowed like a Chinese lantern through the foam board.

Whatda ya think?




Now that the plants are into flowering (barely) it's going to be interesting to see how they react to the increased light compared to previous results.

Plus I'm going to have to research your LED's, I don't know squat about the technology.


p.s. Never been to the islands, my son has (NAVY), I'm jealous as hell, he even went surfing with my ol bud. Life is unfair:surf:
My love of Plumeria's began back in the early 90's, a fellow I worked with had several varieties, including one large white/yellow throat tree growing in his back yard in Newport Beach. Man, the scent from those flowers as we sat back there smoking a doobie was intoxicating.

A few years back, my old surfing buddy that works at the Sea Park sent me a cutting, but living in Oklahoma wasn't the ideal environment, and I failed miserably.

Happy to report that my new, and improved light canopy is complete. Like most projects it took a bit longer than I thought, finishing up around 3pm yesterday. Now I have to come up with an idea for a carbon scrubber to mount over the exhaust fan.

Too funny, when I switched on the lights, the damn thing glowed like a Chinese lantern through the foam board.

Whatda ya think?




Now that the plants are into flowering (barely) it's going to be interesting to see how they react to the increased light compared to previous results.

Plus I'm going to have to research your LED's, I don't know squat about the technology.


p.s. Never been to the islands, my son has (NAVY), I'm jealous as hell, he even went surfing with my ol bud. Life is unfair:surf:

Plants sure get around don't they:grinjoint:
You'll have more luck this time, you've increased your grow skills since then.
Local girls come around every once and a while and ask if they can have the flowers. I always say yes. They make lei's (Flower Necklaces) out of them and other beautiful head pieces, some times they put them on floats for parades.
Great smelling parades,:grinjoint:

So your son surfed with your ol bud. That's down right rude. Should have been you.:grinjoint:

Man, that new light canopy is great.:woohoo:
Even if it looks like a Chinese Lantern .lol
I think you will see the results immediately. You've double the lumens per sq ft. in there and that will show quickly.
Damn thing is beautiful. A work of art to my eyes. Makes me want to build one just to have it. Maybe I could do a clone box. Hummmm
I'll be looking for that scrubber.
Nice work bro:ganjamon:
great plants and that box is the best,great journal too well done I'm a newb too.well on 3rd grow anyway good job:surf::nicethread:+ Reps

Hey thanks:welcome:
I think I'll feel like a newb for along time. I see by your avatar you haven't been too bad. Congrats. I'll be nosing around in your grows also.
Thanks for the plus reps.:ganjamon:
great plants and that box is the best,great journal too well done I'm a newb too.well on 3rd grow anyway good job:surf::nicethread:+ Reps

Man what a great person you are.:cheer:
I just read your journals. I am dumbfounded. You suffer yourself and still take care of others. Everyone's got troubles but your story is a statement to the human will.
I was pissed about the cops complete lack of understanding and lack of common sense about the whole thing. Don't they have a brain or any compassion? We have to legalize now.
How are you doing? That back you have sounds bad. I think you should use mmj yourself if it helps. Don't be too selfless brother. You need help too.
You have loads of good Karma around you my friend.
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