OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Aloha OldMedMan! I was thinkin' about ya and am sure glad the tsunami missed ya!

Your plants look gorgeous! If they needed something it sure didn't show to me cuz they look beautiful! :goodjob: I don't know about you, but I sit and just stare at mine A LOT - EVERY CHANCE I GET!!! I'm within a week of going to flower, how about you? Maybe you started 12/12 already and I missed it? Sure do want to see what yer indicas do!!! I'm still watchin' yer show! :popcorn:

Hey Granny:welcome:
I'm glad the tsunami missed us too! I feel so bad for those that did get hit.
I heard that one is headed to Japan now. Hope it doesn't hit that gentle country.
I stare at mine too. I talk to mine a lot too. I tell them how beautiful they are.
:surf: I don't sing to them. Don't want to kill em.lol
Yep, this my 2nd week in flowering and they are about 19" tall. As you have seen I did separate them into two grow boxes to give them more room.
It's sit and wait time now. Nice place to be.:ganjamon:
You take care Granny and I'm rooting for you too.:peace:
Thought I'd check back to see if you had an update on your girls, still looking as good as yesterday we all hope? Your buds are going to be so fine.

After reading what you've had to deal with during the past week, I was a bit paranoid giving my ladies their first weak solution blooming nutes (Green Light Super Bloom) this morning. Smells becoming an issue, I best be getting on with a DYI scrubber.

Been meaning to ask......how are you doing since your paint can encounter? Made my side ache just reading about it.

Better I hope!

Hey OldSkoool:welcome:
This is one time being paranoid is good thing. Makes us really pay attention to our girls. It isn't over yet for me. The two in the small box has no yellowing any more and look healthy. But the other box it showing some yellowing on the bottom leaves again. It's so strange. I will probably flush those those two and start again with them.
I'm starting to think it's something about the big box that's hurting them, but what? They are still growing like crazy. 19 inches now. Go figure.

Good luck with your DIY Scrubber. The way you build things, I don't think you'll have any problems with that.:grinjoint:

The ribs still hurt, but not too bad except when I lift something I shouldn't.
Thanks for asking.:thanks:
Got to fix my ex's computer today it blew a gasket yesterday:smokin:
Take care my friend.
Hey OldMedMan! Those girls are getting huge!!! Keep it up, can't wait for some bud porn!!! What happened to Vicky? I didn't see her in the last set of pics. I hope she's ok...lol
Hey OldMedMan! Those girls are getting huge!!! Keep it up, can't wait for some bud porn!!! What happened to Vicky? I didn't see her in the last set of pics. I hope she's ok...lol

Hi Man:welcome:
She's here and kicking. Go back a few pages and you'll see her. I divided the girls into two grow boxes. 2 girls in each box. The largest are what you saw. They are now at 19" and still growing.:ganjamon:

Vicky is in the grow box with the LED in it. You might have seen her and didn't recognize her. She has caught up and is out growing Rose and Mary. :ganjamon:

Happy happy
Glad you stopped by :peace:
girls are looking good Oldmed, Howz the leafcurl? did it turn out fine?

Hey Butcher:welcome:
Leaf curl is pretty much gone. Now I'm fighting yellowing leaves around the bottom of the two largest plants, but I think I know what to do about it. Had allot of help the last fews days and and some good suggestions. Had to fix the ex's computer to day it had a flat tire or two. Back on the road now.
I've been looking at your place too, looks like your busy as hell as usual. that' swhy life is fun.
Peace Bro
There's a good piece on yellow leaves in the Veg section. I was having the same problem your seeing with two of three plants during the veg cycle. According to RaceFan, yellowing at the bottom is a sign of nute deficiency, and yellow leaves starting at the top of the plant is a sign of too much heat.

He was spot on in my case, the two plants were planted in a different nute free soil mix (Fafrad african violet) than the one plant w/o yellow bottom leaves (Schultz african violet). I assumed they were both the same. That's what I get for assuming. Once I added veg nutes to the two plants, the yellowing cleared up.

Now that the plants are more mature, like your own, I'm seeing, and removing occasional bottom leaves that have turned yellow, but I think it's normal since I've seen this in my other grows.

Flushing sounds like a good way to start, but if your only seeing a few yellow leaves, and the rest of the plant looks healthy, you may not have a problem.

One thing I learned from my dad. When I water, I flush the plant until the water draining out is as clear as what I'm pouring in. If I'm adding nutes, I water first, and then add the nute mix.

Don't know if any of this helps, but I thought I'd pass it along.

Good to hear your doing better, man that had to have hurt.

Having my own issues here. Now that my three ladies (two for sure!) are in flower, I'm running out of room fast. Going to be tough deciding which one to keep.
Whoa! Hold the presses, just had another thought. You mentioned that your girls are in 6" pots, as are my ladies. Have you checked for signs of root bound issues.......roots showing at the drain holes? I know I'm seeing a few roots showing in my girls drain holes, why I'm in a rush to make a selection so I can transplant it into 5 gal pot.

Be a lot easier if someone could come up with a talking strain so they could tell us what the f@*k they need.
Whoa! Hold the presses, just had another thought. You mentioned that your girls are in 6" pots, as are my ladies. Have you checked for signs of root bound issues.......roots showing at the drain holes? I know I'm seeing a few roots showing in my girls drain holes, why I'm in a rush to make a selection so I can transplant it into 5 gal pot.

Be a lot easier if someone could come up with a talking strain so they could tell us what the f@*k they need.

Yeah! I love that. I also see roots coming out of my 2.5 gallon but thats where they will be finishing. I see other journals here with 1' girls in solo cups and they say that its no prob. *SHRUG* Do you plan on re-poting?
Good question sisco. My thoughts were based on other non MJ plants I've grown, other than spider plants. So I did a search on 'Root Bound' to check if there were other posts on the subject.

According to Ms. Fox in response for help from another member who stated his plant(s) were root bound:

'Just to let you know, being root bound will delay flowering, because of the stress it causes the plants. This is likely your problem. What kind of soil are you using?'

Not to say it isn't harmful, but Ms.Fox has been a life saver for me, and a very knowledgeable staff contributor.

Actually I was hoping I wouldn't have to transplant after reading your statement. Drat the luck.
Hey oldtimer, what you think of the led's? Is that the plants that leaves are yellowing on? I always wanted to try them, I feel if nasa uses them well has to be something about them rite? I'm waiting to see how yours turn out before I invest in some. Looks good tho.
Whoa! Hold the presses, just had another thought. You mentioned that your girls are in 6" pots, as are my ladies. Have you checked for signs of root bound issues.......roots showing at the drain holes? I know I'm seeing a few roots showing in my girls drain holes, why I'm in a rush to make a selection so I can transplant it into 5 gal pot.

Be a lot easier if someone could come up with a talking strain so they could tell us what the f@*k they need.

I want one of those talking plants:grinjoint:

Actually all my plants except one are in 8" pots. I changed my mind at the last minute. They are as big as could get in my boxes. Vicky the one that germ-ed two weeks late I put in a 6" pot. Which I am regretting now, she is growing like crazy. I will probably replant her, but she is in flowering and I don't know what that would do to her.

Every time I water them I look for roots, so far haven't seen any. I did fill my pots all the way to the top, so that gave them a bit more room.
Guess that's why we have first time grows to learn what not to do next time.lol:peace:
Hey oldtimer, what you think of the led's? Is that the plants that leaves are yellowing on? I always wanted to try them, I feel if nasa uses them well has to be something about them rite? I'm waiting to see how yours turn out before I invest in some. Looks good tho.

Hi Wood,
Actually the yellowing is on the plants NOT under the LED UFO! The yellowing is only in my big grow box. I feed all of them the same. I am starting to think that there is something about the box is wrong. Location in my room or something. Still looking for a solution, although in my travels around the journals of other grows, I have seen yellowing leaves in many of them and the growers don't worry about it at all. WTF.

There is a good grow and discussion on LEDs Here:
126W Penetrator LED Full Bloom

I think the really good LEDs are there, but they cost a fortune compared to mine. Like you said if NASA can use them they must have some merit.
Thanks for taking at look at my grow. :peace:
You shouldn't have a problem transplanting into a larger pot, but I would keep the soil medium the same as the soil the plants growing in now to reduce possible shock. I've transplanted several times while in flower, as have others I've seen on this site will no ill effects. Matter of fact on my first grow, I transplanted into a different medium during early flowering, resulting in the bud pics you commented on. Just make sure the roots are completely surrounded in soil with no open pockets, gently pack damp soil around them, placing the root ball at a depth that allows the stem to rest at the same height in the pot as it was before transplanting to avoid stem rot.

Man, I wish I had the magic formula for the yellowing issue.....maybe a few pics would help in the hopes that someone here might spot something we've all over looked?

Never has so much love, effort, money, and time been spent trying to grow a weed:ganjamon:
You shouldn't have a problem transplanting into a larger pot, but I would keep the soil medium the same as the soil the plants growing in now to reduce possible shock. I've transplanted several times while in flower, as have others I've seen on this site will no ill effects. Matter of fact on my first grow, I transplanted into a different medium during early flowering, resulting in the bud pics you commented on. Just make sure the roots are completely surrounded in soil with no open pockets, gently pack damp soil around them, placing the root ball at a depth that allows the stem to rest at the same height in the pot as it was before transplanting to avoid stem rot.

Man, I wish I had the magic formula for the yellowing issue.....maybe a few pics would help in the hopes that someone here might spot something we've all over looked?

Never has so much love, effort, money, and time been spent trying to grow a weed:ganjamon:

Thanks OldSkoool for all your help. I will be re potting then.
Yep I plan on using the same FF soil. As you said it's a bad thing to do. OH also thanks for the tip on keeping the root ball at the same depth.
Will do.:grinjoint:

Yeah those yellowing leaves are a problem. I did read in veg section too and other places. I'm really tripped out about the two boxes growing differently too. Same nutes, water, and all. I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow.:peace:
Hi All:grinjoint:
Take a look at these seeds.

They float around my backyard all the time. Too bad mj seeds don't do this.
None of us would have to grow they would be everywhere. The world covered over with mj.
I haven't found the plant that they come from yet. Could be anywhere where.
Peace all:ganjamon:
Hi All:grinjoint:
Take a look at these seeds.

They float around my backyard all the time. Too bad mj seeds don't do this.
None of us would have to grow they would be everywhere. The world covered over with mj.
I haven't found the plant that they come from yet. Could be anywhere where.
Peace all:ganjamon:

Thats cool, I read on one of my CHANGE.ORG blogs of a grower planing on releasing seeds via bio digradable sacks by balloons. That really got me thinking. HMMM what if many persons in diff. states or countrys did that.:ciao:
I wanted one of those "talking" mj plants that tells me what's wrong with it... Now I want one of those worlds with mj seeds and plants everywhere but I don't think I want them all talking!

If yer worried, transplants don't have to be hard on the plant and I bet yer gal will reward you quickly for giving her more root room. If the plant is fairly dry, they can usually be gently removed from their current pot with all roots/soil intact... and they usually show their appreciation within a day or two (or UNappreciation if the transplant was rough!). Be prepared when you transplant so you don't expose the roots to the light for too long. Water thouroughly after getting her in her new pot, give a light spray shower, and sit her in a shady area with a light breeze for at least a few hours while she drys her leaves. I try to do mine in the evening so they have an overnight of cooler temps to recoup before being hit by the light/heat.

I love it that you now have 2 areas growing! Looks like you are doing a wonderful job and will have your rewards sooner than me!! I had some setbacks, but all is good now and I am preparing to go to 12/12 this weekend with the first ones ready. I am SOOO looking forward to it! Until then, I'll just have to watch how yer ladies blossom!! :goodjob:
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