OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Sorry to hear your feeling down friend, do hope your feeling better tomorrow!

Two inches?! Damn! setting sun hit the nail on the head. Scratch worrying about re potting or growth issues. Your leaf issue might not look attractive, but unless they keel over like limp noodles, I would think your in the clear.

When did you begin the 12/12 cycle? I'm being lazy, I looked back on your journal, but couldn't find find it on a quick scan. Bet both our grows suffered from being root bound, slowing growth. Looks like Ms.Fox knows her shit.

Good news, 6/22's not trashed, a friend has adopted her.

Two outa three ain't bad.....Meatloaf.

Get out and enjoy some sunshine for me, been cloudy and cold here in the middle of the country. Think I'd give up my plant for an hours stroll on the beach right now.
Sorry to hear your feeling down friend, do hope your feeling better tomorrow!

Two inches?! Damn! setting sun hit the nail on the head. Scratch worrying about re potting or growth issues. Your leaf issue might not look attractive, but unless they keel over like limp noodles, I would think your in the clear.

When did you begin the 12/12 cycle? I'm being lazy, I looked back on your journal, but couldn't find find it on a quick scan. Bet both our grows suffered from being root bound, slowing growth. Looks like Ms.Fox knows her shit.

Good news, 6/22's not trashed, a friend has adopted her.

Two outa three ain't bad.....Meatloaf.

Get out and enjoy some sunshine for me, been cloudy and cold here in the middle of the country. Think I'd give up my plant for an hours stroll on the beach right now.

Yep. Amazing plants.

I've been in flower for 12 days. Should see some hairs soon.

6/22 free to a good home. Great. After all they are our girls.:grinjoint:

Loved the reference to Meatloaf.

I don't think you would want to stroll on the beach today my friend.
This is paradise most of the time, but it has it's down times too. For a week we have had no trade winds and the days are in the 90s and humidity is about 88. That we can handle, however it creates the perfect time for Vog.
Vog is what we don't need. Vog is volcanic ash that comes from the Big Island. Without wind I don't know how it manages to get here. About 2 pm the sky stared darking and within minutes it was like twilight . Dark as it could be. Every time I go out in it I start coughing. It's all over our news.

Just relax and smoke a bit and dream of the beach. It's the best I can say.:smokin:

Ummm, VOG back heh?

Dante's Inferno meets Land of the Eternal Pig Roast.

My bud Ron explained that ugly phenomena to me sometime back, during another time Pele was throwing fits for days on end.

Smoke induced visions instantly popped though my long abused brain cells of Willard, and Zelda, fresh off the plane from Omaha, who after saving, and scrimping for years for that dream trip to Hula Land, share their first, tiny umbrella accented Mai Tai, wearing matching gas masks.

I'll bet the folks down at the Camber of Commerce are so pissed they could eat the bark off a coconut. Pele's certainly a fickle bitch.

Batten down the hatches, turn up the air, and and give inspirational talks to your girls until the air clears my friend.

No hair's? Threaten them with a trip outside to meet the wrath of Pele unless the little tarts start putting out.

Have a great Saturday, I'll just be dreaming about being 17 again with sand between my toes.
Ummm, VOG back heh?

Dante's Inferno meets Land of the Eternal Pig Roast.

My bud Ron explained that ugly phenomena to me sometime back, during another time Pele was throwing fits for days on end.

Smoke induced visions instantly popped though my long abused brain cells of Willard, and Zelda, fresh off the plane from Omaha, who after saving, and scrimping for years for that dream trip to Hula Land, share their first, tiny umbrella accented Mai Tai, wearing matching gas masks.

I'll bet the folks down at the Camber of Commerce are so pissed they could eat the bark off a coconut. Pele's certainly a fickle bitch.

Batten down the hatches, turn up the air, and and give inspirational talks to your girls until the air clears my friend.

No hair's? Threaten them with a trip outside to meet the wrath of Pele unless the little tarts start putting out.

Have a great Saturday, I'll just be dreaming about being 17 again with sand between my toes.

AHa thou hast been here before. Yep, Pele's mad again. Ingrate!
Dante's Inferno meets Land of the Eternal Pig Roast. Now That is funny.:grinjoint:
Your word picture of Willard and Zelda couldn't have been better. Lmao again.

Well, things have changed a lot here since I've been here. 22 years. It almost seems that they are trying to run people away instead of attracting them. No more 3 wheel taxis allowed. No more street vender's. No more playing music for money on the street. No mimes.
We had a super ferry that's gone now, they couldn't decide on who got what. Incredible boat man. They also tried to charge the big Cruise ships the same taxes for room rates just like they do for hotel rooms while they were in port.. The ships left for good. The Hotels here are at all time low for occupancy. The Japanese have stopped coming here. The won't let them smoke any more and they smoke allot. They also charge a fee now to get married on the beach. Money grubbing Bastards. Sorry I have strong opinions about my home.
At least the best things are still free. The water and the beaches. So far.

Sorry about the rant. It hits close to home with me. I'm a grumpy old fart at times. :peace:
Guess I better make an ad on about my rant. Sorry folks. I live on Oahu and my comments were about Waikiki and how it's changed. Waikiki was wonderful when I first got here and now it's not IMHO. They are going to replace the beaches in Waikiki. Right now the sea level is about 50 feet from some of the hotels. They are going to move 500,000 tons of sand to make the beaches like they used to be.

The other islands are still the place to go for a taste of the real Hawaii. The Big Island is still one of the best places in IMHO. Hilo is a great place to go, that's where of the hippies moved to back in the 70s. But don't expect it to be touristy. They roll up the sidewalks around 8 pm.

I still laugh when I think of this. Couple a years ago the Feds offered to give them a million bucks to help them fight the war on mj.They replied no thanks, we don't need any help! :grinjoint: :peace:
Guess I better make an ad on about my rant. Sorry folks. I live on Oahu and my comments were about Waikiki and how it's changed. Waikiki was wonderful when I first got here and now it's not IMHO. They are going to replace the beaches in Waikiki. Right now the sea level is about 50 feet from some of the hotels. They are going to move 500,000 tons of sand to make the beaches like they used to be.

The other islands are still the place to go for a taste of the real Hawaii. The Big Island is still one of the best places in IMHO. Hilo is a great place to go, that's where of the hippies moved to back in the 70s. But don't expect it to be touristy. They roll up the sidewalks around 8 pm.

I still laugh when I think of this. Couple a years ago the Feds offered to give them a million bucks to help them fight the war on mj.They replied no thanks, we don't need any help! :grinjoint: :peace:

I hate to 'jack your journal, but I'm Kamaaina, born in Queens, grew up in Kahala....my older brother was in Barry Obama's class at Punahou.

I haven't been back since 1986....because of the stuff you're saying above. We thought the beaches were disappearing back then, but 50 feet? It used to be about 200 yards from the Moana to the beach. What now, just dead coral?

When I was a kid, there was a section of Waikiki called "the jungle," which was were all the hippies lived. It was like jungle too, and they grew all sorts of stuff, including baby rosewood, which they would trip on. Then the 3 wheeled taxis showed up....and most of those guys were selling pakalolo while they drove. Then it all started changing when Hemeter started developing Waikiki....and it sounds like it's only gotten worse.

I google earthed my old house.....it's gone, huge mansion put up in its place.

The Hawaii I miss is only a memory, perhaps someday I'll check out the big Island. Even Maui has changed too much for me.

Anyways, great grow and keep 'er goin!
I hate to 'jack your journal, but I'm Kamaaina, born in Queens, grew up in Kahala....my older brother was in Barry Obama's class at Punahou.

I haven't been back since 1986....because of the stuff you're saying above. We thought the beaches were disappearing back then, but 50 feet? It used to be about 200 yards from the Moana to the beach. What now, just dead coral?

When I was a kid, there was a section of Waikiki called "the jungle," which was were all the hippies lived. It was like jungle too, and they grew all sorts of stuff, including baby rosewood, which they would trip on. Then the 3 wheeled taxis showed up....and most of those guys were selling pakalolo while they drove. Then it all started changing when Hemeter started developing Waikiki....and it sounds like it's only gotten worse.

I google earthed my old house.....it's gone, huge mansion put up in its place.

The Hawaii I miss is only a memory, perhaps someday I'll check out the big Island. Even Maui has changed too much for me.

Anyways, great grow and keep 'er goin!

Hi DocBud. I don't think your jacking my journal. I brought up the subject. :grinjoint:
The Moana and the Royal Hawaiian are still there in all their old glory. Fact is they are the one's that have the water so close. The jungle is gone. It's all over built high rise Hotels now. Shame.
Yea Kahala is nothing but mansions and shopping centers now. They tried to get Sandy Beach and all the beautiful Kites they fly there, but the public voted it down. Thank Heaven.

My grows doing good now I raised the lights again today.:surf:
Hi DocBud. I don't think your jacking my journal. I brought up the subject. :grinjoint:
The Moana and the Royal Hawaiian are still there in all their old glory. Fact is they are the one's that have the water so close. The jungle is gone. It's all over built high rise Hotels now. Shame.
Yea Kahala is nothing but mansions and shopping centers now. They tried to get Sandy Beach and all the beautiful Kites they fly there, but the public voted it down. Thank Heaven.

My grows doing good now I raised the lights again today.:surf:

Ah....Sandy's. Da kine bodysurf wave! Also, Pipelittles....

When I was a keiki we would go to Makapuu.

Don't tell me they've built hotels out there!

I remember watching the homes go up in the new city called Hawaii kai. It was all country until the mid seventies. I also remember when Ala Moana center was built.......mmmmmm....we go grind at Patti's brah!

And as a kid, I could get almost anywhere with a dime and the two free transfers on Da Bus!

kay den! Nice grow, BTW!
Ah....Sandy's. Da kine bodysurf wave! Also, Pipelittles....

When I was a keiki we would go to Makapuu.

Don't tell me they've built hotels out there!

I remember watching the homes go up in the new city called Hawaii kai. It was all country until the mid seventies. I also remember when Ala Moana center was built.......mmmmmm....we go grind at Patti's brah!

And as a kid, I could get almost anywhere with a dime and the two free transfers on Da Bus!

kay den! Nice grow, BTW!

I got my initiation on Sandy beach. I was boogie boarding. When I looked down on a 12' curl and saw nothing but sand. Gulp! Fins one way, board the other way, and my head in the sand. I learned that day if the locals were not in the water I shouldn't be either.:surf:

Makapuu is still the best boogie board beach on the island and it's still the same. Hawaii kai is a sprawling city and big. They didn't think before they built and in heavy rains boulders and houses come sliding down. WTF!
It's hard to even get to Ala Moana now, it's monstrous now.

Last time I rode Da Bus it was $2.00, but you can still transfer.
Body wont let me do all that stuff now. Any way thanks for talkin story with me Bra.:peace:
Ahhhh the fond memories I have growing up there! I miss Hawaii so much! I haven't been in about 14 years. I used to love playing on the sand at Makapuu lol.. never did I get in that water past my knees, I was always afraid of getting swept away. But SeaLife Park right there was always fun for me. I was younger and I took it all for granted, now I wish I could be there. I grew up a block from Waikiki. On Nohonani and Kaheo...

Do you any of you remember the bar that was on Waikiki that was connected to the Hotel swimming pool and if you were inside the bar you could see everyone behind the bar through a window while they were in the pool. I want to say it was named "Davey Jones Locker" but I could be wrong. Or How bout Dukes Lane?? I love Hilo Hatties!! The chocolates only! lol.. My favorite was for sure going to Hanama Bay, and we always payed respect at Pearl Harbor. Oh and Halloween was always the best time of year for me there! It was always so much fun..

WoW! Thanks for refreshing my memories! thats awesome!

Glad I (we) could remind you of it all. You were wise keiki's do get swept away. I know exactly where you grew up. That must have been fun with all the things going on around there. Your right Davey Jones Locker is it and it's still there last time I looked. Duke's lane is still there too.
Sorry, but Hilo Hatties has gone bankrupt. It was the terrible clothes, not the chocolate.:grinjoint:
Hanama Bay was and is one of my favorite places too. I would always end up burned to hell because I always stayed too long. Did you ever walk around the shore and go to the Toilet Bowl? I got flushed there many times.:ganjamon:
Sorry to say Halloween has changed due to some bad people. Not one person came to the door this year. Boo.
Maybe we should start a new tread "I miss Hawaii". Lol. :peace:
Let's face it folks, the islands were destined for a Plumeria scented version of Mall of America ever since the Calvinist missionaries first hit the beaches.

The culprits plowing under paradise are the same folks that stare back at us from mirror images when we brush our teeth in the mornings. Maybe we weren't operating the controls of the D-10 Cat, but we sure as hell didn't lie down in front of it to stop it's progress.

Given the fact that we have a history of turning natural, pristine lands into parking lots, the obscene treatment of Hawaii is just following the natural progression of thoughtless greed.

Had Hawaii been admitted statehood in the 19th century, we probably would have placed the original inhabitants on reservations.

Good to her all is well with your girls.
Well said OldSkoool:surf:
And you are right if we had been here earlier. It would be just like what we've done to the Indians. Great people aren't we?

Will get up some pictures of the ladies today. I thought a saw some hair this morning. :cheer:
Glad I (we) could remind you of it all. You were wise keiki's do get swept away. I know exactly where you grew up. That must have been fun with all the things going on around there. Your right Davey Jones Locker is it and it's still there last time I looked. Duke's lane is still there too.
Sorry, but Hilo Hatties has gone bankrupt. It was the terrible clothes, not the chocolate.:grinjoint:
Hanama Bay was and is one of my favorite places too. I would always end up burned to hell because I always stayed too long. Did you ever walk around the shore and go to the Toilet Bowl? I got flushed there many times.:ganjamon:
Sorry to say Halloween has changed due to some bad people. Not one person came to the door this year. Boo.
Maybe we should start a new tread "I miss Hawaii". Lol. :peace:

Hanauma bay.....back in the day, the coral was a vibrant green everywhere. When I was last there, you had to go out in deep water to find the living stuff....which is normal. Reefs change and grow.

But the toilet bowl! I tell my kids about that....I've been flushed many times too, and I still have the timing right...could do it again right now, as long as the vana aren't too thick.

However, did you ever go through the crack? About 20 yards away from the toilet bowl are cracks in the rock, and you can hear water moving around in there.....there was usually some seaweed flopping around and with a swell, water would come up through the cracks.

Well, you can slip into one of these cracks and disappear. It takes you under the ledge right there, and you can then swim out into the little bay.

When we were about 11 years old, we'd wait for tourists to walk by and stage a little crisis; my brother and I would take turns shoving the other person into the crack......the tourists would FREAK out. And we'd swim a good distance underwater so they wouldn't see us get out safe and sound.

Good fun.
Hanauma bay.....back in the day, the coral was a vibrant green everywhere. When I was last there, you had to go out in deep water to find the living stuff....which is normal. Reefs change and grow.

But the toilet bowl! I tell my kids about that....I've been flushed many times too, and I still have the timing right...could do it again right now, as long as the vana aren't too thick.

However, did you ever go through the crack? About 20 yards away from the toilet bowl are cracks in the rock, and you can hear water moving around in there.....there was usually some seaweed flopping around and with a swell, water would come up through the cracks.

Well, you can slip into one of these cracks and disappear. It takes you under the ledge right there, and you can then swim out into the little bay.

When we were about 11 years old, we'd wait for tourists to walk by and stage a little crisis; my brother and I would take turns shoving the other person into the crack......the tourists would FREAK out. And we'd swim a good distance underwater so they wouldn't see us get out safe and sound.

Good fun.

Hey Doc:yummy:
Yep, my favorite place on the island. Back when I was healthier and could do it with no trouble. Unfortunately it's been a long time since I've been there.
I would swim out past the coral into deep water and watch the big Manta Rays swim past. They were so beautiful as were all the schools of all colors of fish. Sigh!
I took some visiting friends there a couple of years ago and it had changed allot. Three big parking lots. Tour buses everywhere. Guards to tell you where to park. There's a fee for parking. A shuttle bus to take you down to the the beach. You can't feed the fish at all. No more green peas for the fish. Kind of took the charm away. Progress?
I don't know if I went through the cracks, but sometimes I ended up way out in the sea. Maybe I did. All kids should have the experience of the fun you and your brother had. Rascals :grinjoint: One of the fun parts for me and my sons,
was to just sit by the side of the bowl and watch the tourist rush up and bust their butts. There were signs that said slippery, but they didn't believe it. :cheer:

Well I guess I better get back to the business at hand, talking about my grow. I hopefully I haven't lost some people on the way. If you've never been here it's hard to relate.:hmmmm:
Hey Doc:yummy:
Yep, my favorite place on the island. Back when I was healthier and could do it with no trouble. Unfortunately it's been a long time since I've been there.
I would swim out past the coral into deep water and watch the big Manta Rays swim past. They were so beautiful as were all the schools of all colors of fish. Sigh!
I took some visiting friends there a couple of years ago and it had changed allot. Three big parking lots. Tour buses everywhere. Guards to tell you where to park. There's a fee for parking. A shuttle bus to take you down to the the beach. You can't feed the fish at all. No more green peas for the fish. Kind of took the charm away. Progress?
I don't know if I went through the cracks, but sometimes I ended up way out in the sea. Maybe I did. All kids should have the experience of the fun you and your brother had. Rascals :grinjoint: One of the fun parts for me and my sons,
was to just sit by the side of the bowl and watch the tourist rush up and bust their butts. There were signs that said slippery, but they didn't believe it. :cheer:

Well I guess I better get back to the business at hand, talking about my grow. I hopefully I haven't lost some people on the way. If you've never been here it's hard to relate.:hmmmm:

It's all part of it, brah. Growers are unique people with unique pasts, not to mention presents.

Interesting, friendly people do this....'cuz it's natural, helpful, and fun.
Hi Folks:cheer:
It's time for some updated pics so you can see my girls and how they're doing. I haven't watered them since the replanting, but I will later today.
I'm just going to give them RO water and nothing else. I still think there's some nutes in there that they haven't used yet. They are still reaching for the sky, at least Joanne and Tad are.

Rose, Mary, and vicky

Rose and Mary

Vicky growing pretty well

Tad is just growing daily.

Joanne growing fast but with burns and yellowing.

Some of the problems with Joanne.

Tried to get a full shot of Joanne and Tad, but its hard to do where the grow box is sitting. Both of them are 22" tall now. Hope they stop soon, I'll running out of space. Still no white hairs. It might be a while yet because of all they've been through. Some how i think I need to get more lights in the box with Rose, Mary, and Vicky. As you can see the UFO is not doing a good job in flowering. I may take the UFO out and add more CFLs when I can afford a few more.
Comments, questions always wanted and welcomed.
Hey there OMM, how did the roots look under her dirty little bottom? Yeah, I don't know what she looked like 5 days ago but if you flushed her there is still more nute lock or burn then flush it again and try super thrive, I hear it brings em back... talk to a KUNG-Fu grower... HELP < : {
Hey there OMM, how did the roots look under her dirty little bottom? Yeah, I don't know what she looked like 5 days ago but if you flushed her there is still more nute lock or burn then flush it again and try super thrive, I hear it brings em back... talk to a KUNG-Fu grower... HELP < : {

Hey thanks sisco,
Roots hard as a cement block. Will try what you said. Have to go find some super thrive. thanks :grinjoint:
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