OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

OMM, you still have DocBud's slice and dice option to consider if Joanne doesn't respond to a flush, and super thrive treatment.

I'm no botanist, but personally, I think your ladies look terrific.

When I exchanged 8/19 for 8/22 during last Friday's re potting fiasco, I cut both of the root bound masses, placing 8/22 right back in the 6" pot she'd originally been in. She was picked up yesterday for her new home still looking healthy, despite not being directly under the lights (only receiving indirect light sitting on the floor next to the light canopy since Friday), being in cramped quarters once again, and having her roots sliced. Like you said. Amazing plants.

I wouldn't worry too much about the hairs as long as your not seeing any 'balls' forming. Like the pro's say, all strains are different. 8/22 still wasn't showing any hairs as of yesterday, while 8/19 is throwing them now. Both are from different bag seed strains with obvious leaf differences, and growing characteristics. We must practice patients grasshopper:smokin:

Your height issue might be more serious. Any way of modifying your cab? If not, you may be able to very gently tie the tops to bend down in small increments, training them to grow in a spiral shape. Just a thought weaving through my smoke filled brain, but wouldn't it look cool? Ah la Edward Sissorhands. If we haven't harvested by Christmas, I think we should hang lights, and ornaments on 'em.

Sorry that I rained on your 'remember when' comments. Having grown up in SoCal during the late 40's, early 50's I kinda go Mr. Hyde on the subject of urban progress.

Hope the VOG's disappeared.
OMM, you still have DocBud's slice and dice option to consider if Joanne doesn't respond to a flush, and super thrive treatment.

I'm no botanist, but personally, I think your ladies look terrific.

When I exchanged 8/19 for 8/22 during last Friday's re potting fiasco, I cut both of the root bound masses, placing 8/22 right back in the 6" pot she'd originally been in. She was picked up yesterday for her new home still looking healthy, despite not being directly under the lights (only receiving indirect light sitting on the floor next to the light canopy since Friday), being in cramped quarters once again, and having her roots sliced. Like you said. Amazing plants.

I wouldn't worry too much about the hairs as long as your not seeing any 'balls' forming. Like the pro's say, all strains are different. 8/22 still wasn't showing any hairs as of yesterday, while 8/19 is throwing them now. Both are from different bag seed strains with obvious leaf differences, and growing characteristics. We must practice patients grasshopper:smokin:

Your height issue might be more serious. Any way of modifying your cab? If not, you may be able to very gently tie the tops to bend down in small increments, training them to grow in a spiral shape. Just a thought weaving through my smoke filled brain, but wouldn't it look cool? Ah la Edward Sissorhands. If we haven't harvested by Christmas, I think we should hang lights, and ornaments on 'em.

Sorry that I rained on your 'remember when' comments. Having grown up in SoCal during the late 40's, early 50's I kinda go Mr. Hyde on the subject of urban progress.

Hope the VOG's disappeared.

Hi OldSkoool:yummy:
You know you might be right. I actually am happy with the way the girls are going too. They have looked much worse:smokin:
Like we both have said (and for good reason) these plants are amazing.

Last week I did modify the grow box and gained 21" of hight. So I do have a bit more room. If they grow another foot they will be ok. More than that. Trouble.
Yeah, I'm not bothered about no hairs yet. They should show sooner or later.
They better be girls. They are fem'd seeds. Just a little worry that they might go hermie.
Lights on em for Xmas is a great idea. LEDs.

No worries I thought your comments were right on.:grinjoint:
I feel the same way. what's that song? "Tore down our house and put up a parking lot"?
It must be the closeness of our ages, but I find we sure think a like.:grinjoint:
Peace Brother. :peace:
Wow! DocBud it can't be that easy.:ganjamon: I will be careful and try one before I do the others. I thank you very much.:thanks::peace:

((((((((((HUGE GRANNY HUGS TO OMM!))))))))))

I know this is late, but the above from DocBud is exactly what we did in a plant nursery I worked in long ago. Sliced right down the outside of the roots on all sides, then repotted. This was done to make the roots take off outward into the new soil. Worked like a charm.

Also important was letting the plants be in a shady area (rather than the heat pounding down on them) after we transplanted. Lot's less wilting and faster recoveries.

Looks like ya got it!!! The plants look wonderful!!!! You are sure makin' the most of the area you have - yer gonna fill it up with awesome buds!!! YES!!! GO GROW!!! I'm pretty happy to finally have changed to flowering too! We'll both be happy before Christmas!!! :slide::slide:
Good to hear you, and my buddy can breath again!

I trust your ladies are doing just fine. No worries mate, just follow grannies advice when, and if you re pot Joanne. The extra 21" is a good thing. MJ's literally explode with new growth during flower cycle, as I'm sure your seeing now......two inches in one day, that's incredible. All of them look like they'll have heavy, robust buds. Is the reddish color on Rose, Mary, and Vicky due to the LED? Just curious.

So far I don't see any ill effects on 8/19 since re potting her....whew. Happy to report she's putting up little hairy nuggies all over willowy frame. Took some pics (love the macro feature) of the 4 day old baby buds, uploaded a few if you wanna take a look.

I'll check tomorrow to see how your grow goes.
((((((((((HUGE GRANNY HUGS TO OMM!))))))))))

I know this is late, but the above from DocBud is exactly what we did in a plant nursery I worked in long ago. Sliced right down the outside of the roots on all sides, then repotted. This was done to make the roots take off outward into the new soil. Worked like a charm.

Also important was letting the plants be in a shady area (rather than the heat pounding down on them) after we transplanted. Lot's less wilting and faster recoveries.

Looks like ya got it!!! The plants look wonderful!!!! You are sure makin' the most of the area you have - yer gonna fill it up with awesome buds!!! YES!!! GO GROW!!! I'm pretty happy to finally have changed to flowering too! We'll both be happy before Christmas!!! :slide::slide:

Hi Granny:ganjamon:
Thanks for the good words and confirming what Doc said. I still don't know if I'll re-pot Joanne or not. She and Tad are both up to 24" now.:yummy:
I do worry about bud rot when I get to the end. The humidity is aways high in my main grow box. I worry about everything.lol I should push push push --sit down-- pant pant pant and move it, but I've had enough of that for a while.:smokin:
I'm lookin for both of us to have a very merry Christmas.:ganjamon:
Good to hear you, and my buddy can breath again!

I trust your ladies are doing just fine. No worries mate, just follow grannies advice when, and if you re pot Joanne. The extra 21" is a good thing. MJ's literally explode with new growth during flower cycle, as I'm sure your seeing now......two inches in one day, that's incredible. All of them look like they'll have heavy, robust buds. Is the reddish color on Rose, Mary, and Vicky due to the LED? Just curious.

So far I don't see any ill effects on 8/19 since re potting her....whew. Happy to report she's putting up little hairy nuggies all over willowy frame. Took some pics (love the macro feature) of the 4 day old baby buds, uploaded a few if you wanna take a look.

I'll check tomorrow to see how your grow goes.

Hi Friend,
They are up to 24" now.:ganjamon:
Yea the red is from the LED. I too have a macro feature and love it too. We old guys need it.:surf: I'll be lookin in for sure. Breathing much better too with no Vog.
Talk to you soon. :peace:
Just heard from my bud, guess the VOG is back. Has to suck.

Just saw the pic's you submitted of Hula Land. Shot of the Arizona Memorial with the Mo in the background made me think of my uncle. He'd served on both ships, the Arizona from '36 till '40, and the Mo after the Indy was sunk. He'd gotten off the Indy in Guam with Admiral Spruance after they delivered the bomb on Tinian, not more than a day before she was torpedoed. I don't think he ever got over the loss, and feelings of survivors guilt in losing so many buddies on both ships. Thanks for those shots.
Just heard from my bud, guess the VOG is back. Has to suck.

Just saw the pic's you submitted of Hula Land. Shot of the Arizona Memorial with the Mo in the background made me think of my uncle. He'd served on both ships, the Arizona from '36 till '40, and the Mo after the Indy was sunk. He'd gotten off the Indy in Guam with Admiral Spruance after they delivered the bomb on Tinian, not more than a day before she was torpedoed. I don't think he ever got over the loss, and feelings of survivors guilt in losing so many buddies on both ships. Thanks for those shots.

Yeah. I feel for him and I actually know the feeling. Bunch of us were in Saigon one night taking in a movie and we ran out of "Old Crow". A buddy and I were chosen to go get some more because we were the youngest. We got almost a block away and the whole thing went up in a ball of flame.
We ran back, but there wasn't much left. I still feel funny about that. Why me? Visited the other guy years later at his ranch in Texas and he still wonders too. We actually did not know them well, we had just met them in the package store. They were Navy guys and we were Air Force. Karma? Luck? I still don't know. I remember staying on the base from then on expect
to fly up to some fire bases to draw Tent Frame buildings and Out Houses.
I lucked through some other stuff too. I did two tours.
No explaining it. Whether in war, or sliding your motorcycle into an open lane at a signal, only to have the car you were stopped behind get rear ended seconds after you moved over is purely a matter of chance.

I was all set to join up in '65, Warrant Officer training to fly Huey's, but a close friend, a Marine, came back home shot to shit, he made it, but it certainly made me think about my infant daughter, and the good possibility of her not ever knowing her father.

Suppose to rain this weekend? Maybe the VOG will hitch hike out on the Trades again. Hope so.

Hope your girls are green, fat, and happy.
No explaining it. Whether in war, or sliding your motorcycle into an open lane at a signal, only to have the car you were stopped behind get rear ended seconds after you moved over is purely a matter of chance.

I was all set to join up in '65, Warrant Officer training to fly Huey's, but a close friend, a Marine, came back home shot to shit, he made it, but it certainly made me think about my infant daughter, and the good possibility of her not ever knowing her father.

Suppose to rain this weekend? Maybe the VOG will hitch hike out on the Trades again. Hope so.

Hope your girls are green, fat, and happy.

Steely Dan had a song with these words in it "luckless pedestrian". Always trip when I hear it. That kinda sez it all.
Yeah. I was going to be real smart. They gave me a choice between "Air traffic Controller" and "Design and Construction Draftsmen". I picked draftsmen because I figured they would never go into a combat zone. lol
I grew up quick there and really saw what was going unknown to the public.
When I got out I went Berkley and protested the war. Not against our country, but the war. I went back in the Army 12 years later. Smartest thing I ever did. I was medically discharged at 100% with a fairly good retirement at the time. But the medical care forever was the best part. I couldn't even imagine how deep I would me in debt. Sometimes bad things turn out to be good things.:ganjamon:
Hella story OldMedMan, I missed the draft by a couple months. They stopped drafting at the right time for me.. Wasn't looking foward to veitnam... Plants are lookin good..
Highest respects to all who have served in our military.

Aloha ((((OMM)))) Just :nomo: and lookin' at yer ladies again and they look MIGHTY FINE!!! It will be a GREAT Christmas for both of us!!! :xmas: I gotta go back and look at when you went to flower cuz I think you were a few weeks ahead of me... brb... ok, on the 9th you said you were in your second week of flowering, so this would be your third week... shoot - yer gonna have a great Thanksgiving too!! :slide:

From what I've read, you should be about done stretching soon... so ya might just have the perfect amount of room! They look to me like they are just gonna mainly get FAT and FULL with bud now. :popcorn: Time to sit back and watch the best part of the show!

Sorry to put this here, but does OldSkoool have a journal anywhere? I'd sure love to visit it if he does!!

(((((Granny hugs!!!)))))
Hella story OldMedMan, I missed the draft by a couple months. They stopped drafting at the right time for me.. Wasn't looking foward to veitnam... Plants are lookin good..

Hey Man. Good to see you:welcome:
I'm glad you dug your way out of all that trim.;)
Something tells me your just takin a break. Wish I had that problem.:goodjob:
Glad you missed the draft. I knew I was going to be sooner or later so I joined up. As you read I thought I'd be smart.lol I didn't want to hide in Canada. I just thought that was wrong. I accidentally got a Purple Heart, but that's another story.:grinjoint: :peace:
Highest respects to all who have served in our military.

Aloha ((((OMM)))) Just :nomo: and lookin' at yer ladies again and they look MIGHTY FINE!!! It will be a GREAT Christmas for both of us!!! :xmas: I gotta go back and look at when you went to flower cuz I think you were a few weeks ahead of me... brb... ok, on the 9th you said you were in your second week of flowering, so this would be your third week... shoot - yer gonna have a great Thanksgiving too!! :slide:

From what I've read, you should be about done stretching soon... so ya might just have the perfect amount of room! They look to me like they are just gonna mainly get FAT and FULL with bud now. :popcorn: Time to sit back and watch the best part of the show!

Sorry to put this here, but does OldSkoool have a journal anywhere? I'd sure love to visit it if he does!!

(((((Granny hugs!!!)))))

Hi granny :welcome:
Yep in the third week. Lot of what I would call bud sites, but no white hairs yet. They will be there soon. Just waiting. :popcorn:
I was going to change the lights in the little box, but thought better of it. I think I would run out of space if they took off. Same with them, showing bud sites. I wanted short fat fannies anyway.:slide::slide:
To to me sittin here waiting is the hard part.:grinjoint:

You can find that old scoundrel here:
Foam Board Light Canopy
It's kinda like a grow. The man has great ideas for small grows.:cheer:
Happy to ya granny :peace:
I think most of us woke up to the insanity of that war, and protested against it my friend. I hope we don't get sucked into Afghanistan in the same manner.

Ummm, 14 plus days of 12/12 and no hairs beginning to peek.

I gotta ask, when your girls are in the dark, is your cab completely light proof, still maintaining air circulation? If so, ignore my question, but I thought I'd toss it out there.

My son called while I was on the keys, he just got off his ship (Aegis missile cruiser) in Everett, WA. looking for the bus routes and schedules to get down and see old friends in Redmond. Within 5 minutes I had the all the info he needed sitting here 2000 miles away. After 40 years of working in the Information Systems field, I'm still amazed at the informational power resting under our finger tips.
I think most of us woke up to the insanity of that war, and protested against it my friend. I hope we don't get sucked into Afghanistan in the same manner.

Ummm, 14 plus days of 12/12 and no hairs beginning to peek.

I gotta ask, when your girls are in the dark, is your cab completely light proof, still maintaining air circulation? If so, ignore my question, but I thought I'd toss it out there.

My son called while I was on the keys, he just got off his ship (Aegis missile cruiser) in Everett, WA. looking for the bus routes and schedules to get down and see old friends in Redmond. Within 5 minutes I had the all the info he needed sitting here 2000 miles away. After 40 years of working in the Information Systems field, I'm still amazed at the informational power resting under our finger tips.

Ok, I will ignore that part. My lights are up in the extra space I created and the girls are still climbing up. Should stop soon or they will be bent some more. I might have seen some hair today, but I want to make sure.

One of my sons retired from the Navy up around around Everett. He's back in school around there somewhere too. He bought a Harley and I haven't heard from him much since then. LOL

I know what you mean about the power we have at our finger tips. Seems like we could figure out that war is stupid act that just kills all our young.
More on that later, got to take the real Joanne to the doctor's today. :peace:
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