OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

what do you think is causing you leaves to curl under like that?

Glad to see you :cheer:

According to Horable I have either Heat and pH levels or watering, or a combo of all three, maybe even a salt buildup from those Super-Intravenous Chlorosified leaves.

I flushed them again and they looked better. Their pH level is 6.3
As you know when you helped me dial this thing in. I have a very limited number of things that I can do about it. The last few days have been really humid and I think thats one of the problems. I watered three of them today with RO water. Their pots were light as feathers. So even with the high H they are drinking water like never before. We shall see..:peace:
do you think you could post a pict the ladies right after the lights go out? i'd like to see the natural color.

Hi Butcher. I will try to post some tomorrow. I tried it once before and they were too dark to see. Even under normal conditions I only have one little light by my computers. It's long story, but I have electrical problems in the room. Very old house. Will try it again. :peace:
I read somewhere that over feeding them will do that:peace:
BTW Old Med, Great journal, the girls look great!

Hi Sgt White. Thanks for looking in.:welcome:
Here' what told canolution.

According to Horable I have either Heat and pH levels or watering, or a combo of all three, maybe even a salt buildup from those Super-Intravenous Chlorosified leaves.

I flushed them again and they looked better. Their pH level is 6.3
As you know when you helped me dial this thing in. I have a very limited number of things that I can do about it. The last few days have been really humid and I think thats one of the problems. I watered three of them today with RO water. Their pots were light as feathers. So even with the high H they are drinking water like never before.

In other words 'Damned if I know'.:peace:
First time I have been here oldmedman.. Very impressive grow.. A++ and reps if i can. Thanks for the compliments in my journal also...

Great I was able to do reps.. You deserve for sure,...

Thanks for the +Reps. That coming from you is an honor.:cheer:
Glad you visited me. See you soon.:peace:
These are for you Butcher and of course everyone else.:grinjoint:
These were taken in total darkness and I could not see what I shooting. I give em darkness from 4 pm until 4 am. Fits my sleep patterns most of the time.







I guess there is some yellowing, but they do look better and I don't think I will panic yet.lol Famous last words.:ganjamon:
thanx i was kinda worried a second then when i saw the picts that went away, i think its just the lighting that made them look more yellow then they are.There nice and green, you can tell they are taking in the h2o and nutes. their coming along nicely.Great job once again!
Hi Guys:surf:
Well, I usually don't do this, I like to answer everyone individually, but my ribs are killing me today, must have lifted something I shouldn't have yesterday and I think I'm gonna medicate and lay down soon. :hmmmm:

The Butcher
Kaptein Wow the Norwegian Sea's
Thank you all for your comments :cheer:
Hi All:surf:

I am having One of those Days.:smokin:
I did take a nap for a couple of hours and felt better until I checked on my girls. The circuit beaker had kicked and the girls were in the dark. First time in months that it has happened. Got to figure out why it did it.

I did not turn on the lights again. So they will just be asleep for an extra 2 hours. 14 hours instead of 12. Will this hurt or confuse them?
Of course the lights might not have been off that long since I don't know when it kicked off. 2 hours is just worse case.

Having a grow is sure an adventure:Rasta:

I have just learned this:
We have a tsunami warning here right now. The poor people of Samoa have had an 8.5 earthquake this morning and things are mess there. There are thousands of Samoans here in the islands and I know they are worried about their families.
Guess Survivor will have some footage of the quake. This one's a real survivor.
I think that we have already felt all we are going to here in Hawaii. There has been waves and the water level has risen up to 3 feet in some places.
I live at sea level and about half a mile from the beach, so I take tsunamis very seriously.
Would you believe the tourists on the beaches here won't leave the beaches after being warned of the tsunami. If we see it then we'll leave they said. DuH!

My concern over my little grow seems kind of insignificant at the moment.
Peace boys and girls.
I saw that on the news, The problem with tsunamis is when they first show themselves, it's just about to late. I prey all remains well there old man, Keep us informed OK?:peace:

side note> At best I dare to call myself an amateur at growing, I would say tho that 2 hours shouldn't make that much of a difference. :roorrip:
I saw that on the news, The problem with tsunamis is when they first show themselves, it's just about to late. I prey all remains well there old man, Keep us informed OK?:peace:

side note> At best I dare to call myself an amateur at growing, I would say tho that 2 hours shouldn't make that much of a difference. :roorrip:

You are so right. It's usually too late when the warning comes. We have a tsunamis emergency center here with all kind of early warning electronics that do help.

And thanks for your opinion on the lights being off. I'm thinking the same way.:grinjoint:
Hey OMM, I think you need to do some seriouse elec. eval. since a little trip like that can make a big diff. It can be easily fixed, I am no elect. but I did put my closet together by running a dedicated line from my breaker box. I would rather be safe than sorry. Best of luck with the situations at hand.:smokin:
Hey OMM, I think you need to do some seriouse elec. eval. since a little trip like that can make a big diff. It can be easily fixed, I am no elect. but I did put my closet together by running a dedicated line from my breaker box. I would rather be safe than sorry. Best of luck with the situations at hand.:smokin:

Would you believe I had an electrician out here a moth before I started and he "fixed" everything except this room before he disappeared. I gave him a job to help him out. He has a long history of drinking and I thought I would help. He keeps promising to come back and finish. Soon I'll call his father and he will finish it. (The Father). Guess he hasn't had enough insanity yet.
Out here in the Islands we kinda are like family.

Thanks for your concern my friend.
Looking good dude. Dont mind my stupid ?'s because they never taught me to read in Arkansas. But your flowering now as I speed read rite? Can I ask whats the humitity? and the nert's your using? I think I seen foxfarm rite? Damn wish I could rememeber my cousins phone hook up back there. He grows puna butter year after year. I smoked some pollen hash that knocked my dick in the dirt. I'd love to get some seed stock. I'm going to try, if I can I'll send ya acouple, seeing they are use to the weathers back there. He lives on Molika? I think I spelled that rite for a hola' and I must have misspelled that too. GL with your grow.
Looking good dude. Dont mind my stupid ?'s because they never taught me to read in Arkansas. But your flowering now as I speed read rite? Can I ask whats the humitity? and the nert's your using? I think I seen foxfarm rite? Damn wish I could rememeber my cousins phone hook up back there. He grows puna butter year after year. I smoked some pollen hash that knocked my dick in the dirt. I'd love to get some seed stock. I'm going to try, if I can I'll send ya acouple, seeing they are use to the weathers back there. He lives on Molika? I think I spelled that rite for a hola' and I must have misspelled that too. GL with your grow.

The spellings close enough.lol
Yep, they are sleeping right now.
I use Fox Farm Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. I have never used but half of what I should. To afraid I'll mess em up if I give em full strength. I want to make sure they can handle it. Hell if my nerves can handle it. So far all the local seeds I've tried have been to old to germ. Hard to get a hold of.

I think I have found the reason we get along so well: I'm originally from Little Rock. LOL and I can't spell worth a shit either. I use a spell checker most of the time :grinjoint:
lol southern bass terds........ ;)

hope all is well out there on volcano rock friend!.. cant say ive ever had a "tsunami" warning jeezzz

n im with them, that 2 hours wont make much a diff, specially if youre flowering now, but a funky breaker could mean trouble down the line im sure.. at least you arent hydro!
lol southern bass terds........ ;)

hope all is well out there on volcano rock friend!.. cant say ive ever had a "tsunami" warning jeezzz

n im with them, that 2 hours wont make much a diff, specially if youre flowering now, but a funky breaker could mean trouble down the line im sure.. at least you arent hydro!

Thanks man. It didn't hurt them at all they grew another inch over night.
As for the breaker it was my fault, as usual lol. I had pugged something in that circuit and forgot about it.
Thanks for the visit:Rasta:
Man I wish I could move back to Hawaii! I miss it so much! A big part of my life was spent there and I would love to return there and the weather there is perfect for growing! lol...

Nice grow btw OMM. I like what ya got its awesome! Good Luck with all your future grows now too.. Im am now subscribed!:popcorn:

Hey great:surf:
Glad your here. You are welcome always. I know what you mean, once you live here its hard to leave. My two sons talk about coming back all the time.
I warned them not to leave.lol I'm gonna find some place someday that I can do an outdoor grow. You are so right, it is perfect here.:cheer:
See you soon:grinjoint:
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