OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Colors on Tad are beautiful! Love those red hairs!

My problem yesterday completely hosed my Mozilla access, guess I'll have to blow it away and re load it one of these day. Using IE now, and it's all good.

Looks like your ladies are getting close buddy, when do your think you might be taking Tad?

After reading your testamonial on the vape, I'm going to follow the link to see exactly how this thing works. The only time I saw a vape in action was in the documentary 'Super High Me', where the vaporized smoke filled a plastic bag you hit off of, assuming yours works the same way.

I'll ignore your comment about being 83, and sunny.....sunny here to, low twenties, but no snow.....yet.

Yes my girl Tad is beautiful , red hair and all.:hippy:

You might like Opera browser. Once I got used to it, I really like it.

Personally I think Tad is maybe two weeks away. I maybe wrong, but I will
defiantly chop her (Oh the cruelty of it) when she gets 40% plus red. Right now they are all still clear. :popcorn:

This vape comes with 5 bags, I just haven't tried that part yet. Probably won't try it until I dry and cure. It really gets me you can't see any smoke. :grinjoint:

Bundle up Buddy :surf::surf::surf::surf:
Snow here, but not much, being the first of the season. Melting already on the roads. 28 degrees.
You watch NFL games at 8 am on Sundays? seems oddly decadent!

It is decadent :surf:

I went from Cali to NJ and everything seemed so strange, NFL games on after midnight? No way! Then to here and I love it. Late afternoons you can still get things done. :clap::clap::clap:
I didn't mean it like that OMM, I know you going to have some decent material. :slide:

The short term memory is so gone, I constantly need to remind myself to breath:smokin:

Damn my long term memory is gone. At least that's what Joanne tells me. We don't seem too remember things alike. She's aways telling me I'm wrong.:smokin::smokin::smokin:

Later Buddy :ganjamon:
:hug::hug::hug:OMM:hug::hug::hug: Just checkin in to see how the ex's are doin'... they sure are lookin' REAL GOOD!!!! Love the sugar shots and YUMMY PORN!!! The twins look like they are packin' on some nice colas! Excellent job, sweetie! :slide::popcorn:

Where'd Pinky go?

LOVE YOU HONEY!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:
:hug::hug::hug:OMM:hug::hug::hug: Just checkin in to see how the ex's are doin'... they sure are lookin' REAL GOOD!!!! Love the sugar shots and YUMMY PORN!!! The twins look like they are packin' on some nice colas! Excellent job, sweetie! :slide::popcorn:

Where'd Pinky go?

LOVE YOU HONEY!!! :kiss::kiss::kiss:

Hey Granny Thanks :thanks:

Yeah, the twins are doing me proud:clap::cheesygrinsmiley::clap:

Would you believe Joanne and Tad are the same strains??
Both are Blackjack and they don't even look at all alike?


Pnky has jumped ship.:smokin:No where to be found. I think she got stoned and wandered off. It was nice while it lasted :clown::hippy::clown:

Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to visit! :clap::clap::surf::surf::clap::clap:
Just check'in in, see what's new. Wife, and I thought the vape was a pretty good idea after we went over the info. Thanks for the link. Think I'll ask Santa for one:cheesygrinsmiley:

Hope you have a great Monday bud.
Hi OMM, pardon my late response, had a few days of blue screen comp issues. Fixed now, I think,lol. I might scrap Vista soon and upgrade to 7.

Great bud porn pics, OMM, things are frosting up nicely. Gonna be some great meds.

Thanks for the vape report, interesting unit. I've had that model on my list for a while. I might just buy myself an early Christmas present. Sounds like it's quality contsruction.

The girls are looking great as expected. You're doing a fine job with them.:goodjob:
Just check'in in, see what's new. Wife, and I thought the vape was a pretty good idea after we went over the info. Thanks for the link. Think I'll ask Santa for one:cheesygrinsmiley:

Hope you have a great Monday bud.

I've had a strange Monday to say the least.

Xmas present sounds good:surf:

Fill you and everyone on my Sunday night soon:smokin:
Schweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet O'ahu Buds OldManMed. Keep up the great growing over there, we could use ya at the Capitol Meetings for support.

Hey Buddy,
Thanks, you should smell them :yummy:

I need to find out when to go to the capital.

Got a list or schedule. Really behind the times. TNX
checkin in bro.DAmn Ijmiss so much..those last picts are tastey. Tad is getting some trichs. Luv'n htat first shot of her main cola.

Thanks Butcher, I know!!!! Can't wait :surf:
Hi OMM, pardon my late response, had a few days of blue screen comp issues. Fixed now, I think,lol. I might scrap Vista soon and upgrade to 7.

Great bud porn pics, OMM, things are frosting up nicely. Gonna be some great meds.

Thanks for the vape report, interesting unit. I've had that model on my list for a while. I might just buy myself an early Christmas present. Sounds like it's quality contsruction.

The girls are looking great as expected. You're doing a fine job with them.:goodjob:

Hey Buddy I know what you mean. My ahhhh Download computer went down on Sunday night. New MB in now and stetting it up now.
I ditched Vista long ago. Still running XP. Will probably go to Win7 soon as service pack 1 comes out. First bugs will worked out my then. Tried the Beta and loved it.

Yes, the vape is well made, main thing for me is it works:Rasta:

The girls or still looking good. Thanks:peace:
ok bro have we thought whats going to be next?what is it there 4 plant's...hmm ?

Hi Dain

Not sure yet. Have some things I could do, but waiting for a couple of things to get here. Slow mail.:ganjamon:

I'll check in with you a little later. :surf:
Know if you can make the jump to Win 7 directly from XP?

Hi Bud

Never do that anyway. I always start fresh with a new operating system.
Been building my own computers since 1981. The one I'm using now is over a year old and to me it needs to be replaced. Actually I think this is the longest that I've used a computer without upgrading. That has now become my old hobby. You know what my new one is. MJ. :ganjamon:

OK. Let me tell you about last night/early this morning. It was about 2 am and I'm watching the the NFL games I had taped. Heard a bump over by the door. I looked over the there's this 20 something kid looking in the door. My back door! I jump up and find my baseball bat and say, "Who the f*ck are you?" He ses let me in. I say get the hell out of my yard. He tells me "I need a drink of water". By now I have realized he was really wasted. Wobbling around almost falling down. He asks "Don't you know me? "I don't know you and get out of my yard". He start staggering over to the side of the house and mumbles. I go to the front of the house and don't see him. Back to back door, there he is again. "I want water". I say "I'm calling the cops get out of my yard". Waving my bat. Off he goes, stumbling and I hear a crash. I looked out the front window and there he goes stumbling into the street.

By then I was shaking and went and sit down. Joanne has slept through the whole thing.:smokin:

In my younger days I would have helped him off my property, big time face first. Now I couldn't even handle a drunk. Shame:smokin:

In all the years I've lived here that's never happened before. Can't lie, it shook me up. This morning at sunrise I went out and looked at things and the SOB destroyed my gate to the back yard. Shit.

Tonight Joanne has all the outside lights on. Floods and all. :hmmmm:

When the guy was standing by the back door he was maybe 3 feet from the girls. He never even noticed them. Thank heaven. What a night! :smokin:
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