Here' the vape test I've been promising.
Here' a picture of it by my keyboard so you can tell it's size.
Here's a link to it.
How does it perform?
OMM gives it 5 Stars
Fired it up and used it for the first time (not too complicated) and was easy to dial in first time. There might have been a taste but I don't taste much anyway. No visible smoke. Feels like you are just breathing air, not even warm air. Takes a couple minutes, then you realize you are blasted. I didn't know my weed was this good.
Other things. Well made. Bigger than it looks. Sounds like a hair dryer. On high speed fan is noisy. On medium and low much better. I used it on low.
Comes with everything you need. You should have grinder that really grinds the weed very fine.
The unit gets really hot and you do have to watch where you touch it.
It takes 2 to 5 minutes to cool down. Which is fine because your blasted by then. Every control is easy to use. You can leave it at your presets and the second time you use it is just plain easy. Have a place to put the weed holder in, if you want to refill it, it is very hot and has to cool before reloading. It is not potable.
Like I said it is a good vape and I think it will last for years.