OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

That happens when the cache in your browser gets corrupted. You can fix it by clearing the cache, closing the browser, and then launching it again.

I had that happen to me once and thought I was having a 60's flashback, lol.

That is just too easy. :surf:
I 'm slipping again. :grinjoint: Senior moments are coming faster. Help:clap:
Girls are looking wonderful, great job and love the description of the vap. Might have to look into that for sure. Great job again
thanks for checking greenblood. I just used another browser that allowed me to access the site like visitor without signing in, and was able to see all photos normally. The browser I normally use is recognized by the site, and does an auto log in on my user name.

This goes deeper than just viewing photos, I can't reply to individual posts, just quick reply only, and I can't view ratings. I'll try playing around with it until I hear from the admin folks.
I've also had problems responding to posts and i just blew it off like wow,' maybe i'm just to new !! Ha !!
Great looking girls. You must be a proud papa. Tad sure is a tasty looking morsel! :yummy:

:nicethread: :goodjob:


Just can't call you rat, sounds like I'm calling you bad things,:smokin:
Yep, Tad is my favorite too. Thanks.:grinjoint:
Don't feel bad OMM, when it happened to me it was at about midnight after I had smoked some sativa, and I thought the black helicopters were closing in ;).

Seriously, it freaked me out, lol. The whole episode is preserved somewhere in my "greenhouse" journal if you want a good laugh.

I don't remember it, but I will look in the greenhouse for it. Hard to pass up a good laugh. :surf::surf:
Girls are looking wonderful, great job and love the description of the vap. Might have to look into that for sure. Great job again

Hey thanks Buddy, Heading over you way to see how you're doing. :grinjoint:
Sitting here in the snow, thinking of the beach and waves.

Wondering how the weather in Paradise is today?


Hey SF I remember the snow. Beautiful to look at for a while. Use to dig my car out, then the snow plow would come by and cover it up again.:smokin:

It's bright and sunny 83 degrees, Sorry!:grinjoint:
Here' the vape test I've been promising. :surf::surf:

Here' a picture of it by my keyboard so you can tell it's size.


Here's a link to it.

How does it perform?

OMM gives it 5 Stars:cheer:

Fired it up and used it for the first time (not too complicated) and was easy to dial in first time. There might have been a taste but I don't taste much anyway. No visible smoke. Feels like you are just breathing air, not even warm air. Takes a couple minutes, then you realize you are blasted. I didn't know my weed was this good.:rofl:

Other things. Well made. Bigger than it looks. Sounds like a hair dryer. On high speed fan is noisy. On medium and low much better. I used it on low.
Comes with everything you need. You should have grinder that really grinds the weed very fine.

The unit gets really hot and you do have to watch where you touch it.
It takes 2 to 5 minutes to cool down. Which is fine because your blasted by then. Every control is easy to use. You can leave it at your presets and the second time you use it is just plain easy. Have a place to put the weed holder in, if you want to refill it, it is very hot and has to cool before reloading. It is not potable.

Like I said it is a good vape and I think it will last for years. :surf:

Day 67 of Bloom

Well here's an update of the girls :surf:

Family shot first.:hug::hug::hug:


Joanne by herself :surf:


As you can see Joanne is behind the others. She's larger than the other girls and will probably finish after the other two. I can wait for her.:clap::cheesygrinsmiley::clap:

A Bud from Joanne. :surf:


Tad by herself.::yummy:


Tad's big cola :yummy:

More Tad :yummy:


Rose and Mary by them selves:ganjamon:


Rose and Mary:ganjamon:


Another of Rose and Mary :ganjamon:


So Whatcha think?

I think it sounds great! Tad a Sativa? I'm sorry if my small brain missed that part.'
looking good thus far my man
Looking good OMM! Nice vape report. I been wanting a Vape Bros. Gotta get it!

Thanks. I try to be in formative about things like that :surf:

A Vape Bros was my very close second choice. Ms Chump really likes hers. :slide:

I know you will like it too. Sure helps the old lungs. And mind.:cheer:
sorry, OMM I get confuzed sometimes. The girls are looking great though and those leaves would have made me think sativa for sure, Tad sure could pass as one if I could say so. Thanks for putting me in my place:smokin:

Hey Buddy,
Not putting you in your place by any means. Your too young to have Senior Moments like I do, I just think it's good weed.:surf::surf:
No problem Bro. :peace:
Colors on Tad are beautiful! Love those red hairs!

My problem yesterday completely hosed my Mozilla access, guess I'll have to blow it away and re load it one of these day. Using IE now, and it's all good.

Looks like your ladies are getting close buddy, when do your think you might be taking Tad?

After reading your testamonial on the vape, I'm going to follow the link to see exactly how this thing works. The only time I saw a vape in action was in the documentary 'Super High Me', where the vaporized smoke filled a plastic bag you hit off of, assuming yours works the same way.

I'll ignore your comment about being 83, and sunny.....sunny here to, low twenties, but no snow.....yet.
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