OldMedMan's First Grow Couchlock 2009

Hi AmGrowR;)
Hey it's a start. Believe me it will change with time.
You will keep on thinking new things to do and pretty soon you will be cooking.
Not only do the plants grow, so will your area in which to grow and you will grow right along with them.
Bet you already love that plant like crazy. It gets worse.
I hardly think of anything else now.:ganjamon:
Hi AmGrowR;)
Hey it's a start. Believe me it will change with time.
You will keep on thinking new things to do and pretty soon you will be cooking.
Not only do the plants grow, so will your area in which to grow and you will grow right along with them.
Bet you already love that plant like crazy. It gets worse.
I hardly think of anything else now.:ganjamon:

I'd love her a little more if she wasn't a he but I can't lie, I love him just because he's the first cannabis plant I've ever grown. They are so beautiful! I have two seeds from some danks so I'll germ them pretty soon and hopefully have a female to take care of and stare at obsessively! :grinjoint:
I'd love her a little more if she wasn't a he but I can't lie, I love him just because he's the first cannabis plant I've ever grown. They are so beautiful! I have two seeds from some danks so I'll germ them pretty soon and hopefully have a female to take care of and stare at obsessively! :grinjoint:

Cool. I'm Looking forward to that.:cheer:
Sorry you had a male. Beautiful anyway.
You are probably thinking how you will grow those 2 seeds already:grinjoint:
If your like me and have to spend as little as possible on your grow, I am really happy about how good the CFLs are. I used flat white paint because it was cheap and it really reflects light well. Fox Farms Ocean Forest is a great mix for growing and doesn't cost much either. My grow box is an old stereo cabinet that was just sitting around.
What ever you do Good Luck. I'll be looking for you.:peace:
i love the harware store
(i like to ride the flat carts though lowes)
you can also get hps/mh lights there
i got a 70w hps streetlight for $35
modifed it for remote ballast^_^

Beautiful plants MedMan
when are we going to 12/12?
i love the harware store
(i like to ride the flat carts though lowes)
you can also get hps/mh lights there
i got a 70w hps streetlight for $35
modifed it for remote ballast^_^

Beautiful plants MedMan
when are we going to 12/12?

I love hardware stores too. I could spend a fortune in no time:surf:
I went to Lowe's a couple of days ago looking for pH stuff and so on.
I think I'll start ridding the flats carts too. :yummy:
I can walk about half a city block then I have to stop to let my circulation catch up for a few moments. Riding would help:ganjamon:
Great buy! Now your getting big time. Cool on making the ballast remote.
My largest plant is now 8" tall, when they hit 10" I will make the swicth to 12/12. If they double or triple in size I will have enough space. Decieded not to make my grow box mod. I'll do that before my next grow. It the plants do spring up in flowering I'm going to try to lst them to get more bud sites. Right now they are so short and bushy i'm sure i would break a stem.
Looks like we are both heading in the right direction. :surf:
Your ladies are looking mighty fine, young man. ;) What an interesting variety of textures in the leaves! I love it! Reps for the beautiful photos. You have quite an eye.

Well you have made a friend for life......Young man. lol:grinjoint:
Yea I like photography, but really this is the cheapest Nikon I could find.lol.
I have two bags full of Nikon camers and lenses, but they all 35mm film.
To lazy to do that anymore.:grinjoint:

These planets have been a surprise to me too. They are beauty full.
I love color too.

I also really like your Avatar. It is beautifull too.
Drop by anytime. :peace:
Gorgeous ladys ya ave there OldMedMan ya can realy see the indica dominance in your girls, good da see ya got your PH and Nute problems sorted, im in :popcorn:
Take it easy m8 :peace:

Thanks for lookin in:ganjamon:
Very glad to have you along.:thanks:
Hi All:welcome:
This is day1 of the 6th week.

Tad is about 8" now.

Rose and Mary continue to fight for space.

Little Vicky is 2 weeks younger than the others, but is catching up fast.

Joanne is 9" tall now. I think Ill just let her lean a little. Self LST.;)
All of them are so bushy you can't see all the happenings under there.
When they reach 10" I'll put them in 12/12 and we'll see what happens.:ganjamon: :peace:
Hey Bro,
Bid you ever get the chance to that get those Ph Liquids and flush those babies ?

Yes, I finally did it. Man have they taken off since then.:cheer:
Thanks again for the help:peace:
nice little girls. ever think about trimming and veging a little more? they seem soooo dense with leaves and those leaves are crazy looking. wow reps oldmedman

Hi BubbaKush:welcome:
No see long time. Howzit?
Ya I have thought about trimin lettin them veg a bit more, but if these girls double or triple in size I will have have a mess. From the botton of the pots to the top of my Grow Box is only 37". I will do my best to lst em to let all those sites that are hidden get a little light.The growth under all that bush is wonderous.:yummy:
Gotta admit I'm nervous all ready. After all, I never grow before:Rasta:
Thanks for the reps :peace:
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